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A Massachusetts Democrat On "fraud."

A Massachusetts Democrat On "fraud." image
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By the votes of the people Sanmcl J. Tilden was elected President of the United States. And yet to-day nnother oecupics that office. It is needless to disCU88 the means by whieh thiu great défeat of the popular will lias been aecomplisliod - it is all written in our country's history. There it will stand forever, teaching its sad lesson, souuding its solemn warnmg. i will not revivo issues upon -which, for anxious weeks of discussion and distress, and altérnate hopes and i'ears, üie peace of the country and the perpetuityof her institutions seemed to hang. Those issues have been decided; they concern us now only as they bear upon and shape our present duties. By a tribunal abnormnl, springing froni tli o terrible exigency of fche moment and sanctioned by the people, Mr. Hayes bas beon declared President. He has been in due form inaugurated. Howover Bharply we niay ciúticisc the procoedings of the Electoral Cominiasion, however deeply we inay deplore and abhor the palpable aud disgusting fraude whieh Diado that coniBiission necessary, it seenis to me that its action must be regarded fis final and conclusive. Mr! JÉiaycs is and must be accepted as President. Failing so to recognize him, the Democnicy aa o, party would lose that patriotic and grand postition, rarely surpassed in history, which its past action b as secured . AVhose heart has not s wollen with just pride and deep emotion as ho has contemplatcd our country emerging out of tlds Presidenüal contioversy without revolution, without civil war, without anarchy, disorder, or confusión - without even derangement of administration - and with linrdly more of extcrnal excitement thau attends any hotlycontested eleetion ? And to whom is the country indebted for thi6 result ? To tlio Democrntio, party. - Hon. Charle T. Kusscll, President of the Masxachusctts Democratie Convehtioft.


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