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Charles IT. Wouthkn, lato an cinploye of the firni of Field, Leiter & Co., of Chicago, has recovered a vordíct in tho Massachusetts Kupreme Court of 818.300, against tho Grand Trnnk railway. for tho joss of a lep. Tuk lOOth amiiversary of tho lonender of the British Gen. Burgoyne as celebrated at Sclmylorville, N. Y., on tho 17th inst. About 40,000 people woro present John tí. HIorton, tho late Premdent of tho West l'hiladelphia Passenger ltailway Compaiiy. lias been held in 85,000 for f mi lier hearing on a charge of perjnry in connection with the nnancial condition of the road . . . . Invostigation of the aifairs of the coUapscil Union Bank Company, of Baltimore, showe tho available assets about $4,000, of whiohthere Is $15 ia cash. Liabilitios, $5S,000 Fliot & Co., banken, 31 Broadway, New York, have failcd. Liabiliües, $115,000. WiLLiAM 8. Taylob, a produce commission merehant of Albany, N. Y., has been detccted in a series of forgeries amounting to 540,000 or -50,000 Samuel Humphrics and Edmund Smitb, who pleaded guilty to burning the Lebauon valley bridge duringthc strike riots, have each been peutenced at jReading, Pa., to imprisonment for five years and a fino of 1,000. The cases of thirty-sevcn riotcrs.voro put over, otring to the discharge of the jury in eonsequonco of a manifested bias of two of thcm. THE WFST. James Behry, the Pacific railroad robber captured in Callaway county, Ho., haa dicd of tho wounda inllictcd by tho Sheriff whilo arrestiu" liim. He made a confession to the effect Uut Collins, who wís lulled in Kansas, plamicd tho robbcry : that the names of the othcr men svere correct is now knowo by the Express Oompany, and that they all traveled 200 miles together, and then "separate! in aquads of two. Bcrry's partner wentto Chicago. The Prefident of a natiunal bnnk inWichita, Kou., has beeu fonnd guilty of embezzlement in appropriatinp; the bank's fuuda to bis mm use, and sentenced to five years' imprisonment to the penitentiary A. most gigautic swindle has been bronght to liirht at Kansas City, Mo., by the arrest of J. R. Ham, Edward I,. Stevens and George Miller, on a requisition of Gov. Hubbard, of Texas, on a charge of forgins land titlen and issuing deeda for largo tracta of land in Texas. An immense amount of land has been couveyed by them ander ninny .aliases and to many different partios. Tiue favorite comedian, John T. Raymond, is playing to a fine business at McVickcr's Theater, Chicago, in hia unequaled rolos of " Col. Muiberry Scllers" and "Ponnington Perabroke." Persona visiting Chicago hould not fail to go and aeo Eaymond and enjoy a hoarty laugh. Gen. O. O. Howaiu), in his official report of the campaign against tho Ncz Porcea Indiana, says 179 Soldiere havo been killed and 68 citi'ns murdered sinco the beginning of hostilities. GENERAL. A telegram froni tho Chicago Times' correspondent ivith the Sitting Buil Commission brings iuformation that the fugitive chieftain has consented (o raeot and treat with thc comíuissioii at Fort Waltih. Sittiug Bul! lias with bim fifty Nez Perees warriors, who eseapcd fiom tho Bear's Paw fight, and their caso may ]ssibly complícate tlie duties of the coiumission soniewhat. A delégate has been sent in from the Black Huls district to Washington, to request a Territorial Government for the ncw gold región. It 18 proposed to form a new Territory which shall be taken from Wyoming, Dakota and Montana Territorios Tho number of business failures in Ihis country tlms far this year shows a largo decrease, as compared with thoee for the corresponding time last year. Last yeai tbere were 7,050 failures, with $156,272",800 liabilities ; this year thore have been 6,565 failmoi, with $141,952,250 liabilities. Faii.f.d : The Etna Savings Bank, of Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Nathaniel Cheney, manufacturer of agricultural machinery, New York, liabilities 2OO,O0O ; I'ikc Bros. & Co., bankers, New Orlcans. Thk raüway managers have advanccd ratee on west-bonnd freight from New Yoik to the following figures : ! ran. íá. :. MI, Cleveland C2 r'l 4i 'jo Oiucinnati 92 Ki 70 41 J imlmiaoolis ,p 'jfj t& 71 43 LoutavUlo .us 1.02 en 55 I'Onis 128 1.16 07 SI Toledo 77 69 r8 3, Chicago l.oo 9J ja u MUwankee I.Wi . 90 7.-, 4.-, Detroit 70 03 53 32 Portland, a fmburb of St. John, N. B., has been devastated by fire. Two hundrcd and thhty buildings were burned. iuvolving a loss of 300,000 The departure of the Woodruft ücientific expedíBon around the world kun been postponed mitil May 15, 1878. The United States Commission sent out by the Government to find and treat for pcace and good will with tho Sioux Chief Sitting Bnll, has 8uccceded in coming face to face with the redoubtablc Iridian chieftain, and have lailcd to bring him to aro terms. In short, the Commission has mot Sitting Bnll, and Sittiii" Bul] hjae dimÍBsed it abmptly and diídc.infullv Uie expedition has failed in ita purpose, aiid the Sioux question is as far from a satisfaotorv solutioji afl when Gen. Terry and bis brother Commi.i.sioners first net out on their lon and tedious journey to tbe Northwest. Thk Agricultura] Bureau at Washington announces that thia year's wheat erop is the largest ever produced in this country. It i also worthy of note that the exports of American produce this year bid fair largely to exccedthoseof any previoua year in Jnr commeroalhistory....Tho board to examine the Washington Monument at Washington will report that the monument may eafely be completedif acertainaddition is madeto secure the foundation. ■WASHINGTON. Senator Hamlin, of Maine, has been made Chairman of the Cominittee on Fore'gn Affiiirs, and Jlr. Ferry, of Michigan, BUOCeeds Mr. ITamlin as Chrirman of the Cominittee on ro.stolliees aind l_-t Jioads. Tm: Pi-osldcnt bas decided to appoint John Baxter, of Knoxville, Tenn., Judge of the United States Circuit Court of the Sixth Circuit, in place of tho Jate Judgo F.mmoup, deceased, of Detroit. This circuit iuclude.s Ohio Michigan, Kentuclty and Xeoneasee Pinchpack lias renewed hi.s claims to the Senatorshin from Louisiana. Ouders have been iagned to etop the coinago of trado dollars at the United Status mints for private dopositors. Director Linderman is of the opinión that tho proflt of this coinage, if it be contiuued, shcuid go into the treasnry, and not mto the pocket s of private porsons. , Tiie estimatcd amouut for carrying the in!.::.('. mails during the coming fiscal year is f20,889,970, an iucrease over tho cstimates of the current year of $2,030,297 Onr Government has received official confhnmtion of the press diapatch announcing that tho Mexioan local authorities at Matamoras had feleased the four remaiuing raiders from the Rio Grande jai!. Official reporta statu that this action was taken unon the plea that tho prisonOT6 are Mcxican subjücts, and, therefore hable to extradition. 1'OI.ITICAl,. Official vote of Ohio for Governor : Bishop, Democrat, 261,2:16; West, Bepublioan, 239,317 ; Bond, Workingman, 12,430 ; Johnsod, Oreenback, 16,893 ; Thompson, Trohibition, 4,868. The Cincinnati Jbujuirer classitics the Ohio Icgislature as follows : Senate- Demócrata, 25 ; Iíepublic.ins, 10. Houiie - Demócrata, 71 Kepublicans, 86; Iudoppndents, 2. Demporatie majonty on joint ballot, 58. THK TURKO-Kl'SSIAN WAK. A msPATCH from Moscow, datcd Oct. 17, says private telegrama received tlieic state that on Monday the Kussians attacked Mukhtar Pasha's new positions. The Caucarían grenadiers stovmed Alwias hill, forming tlie key to the Turkish position. A two hour.i' eugagemcnti'n.-uod, rcKiilting in thu fllght of Mukhtar Pasba in the diroouón of Kan or Erzeronm The Kussians pursued. The Turk.f lost maoy prisoners. cannon, and rifles, and a quantity of provisión?. Tu i reported dcfoat of the Turks in Asia is fully conlnmed. A London dispalch furniahes tho follosving particulars of the baftlo : " Sunday, tho 14th. the Buseian división turned Jlulihta right, and on Monday Gen. Heymonn, wifh 10.000 infantry, carried Olva Tepe, the kcyof tl, Turkish posiiion, lv a'snanit, cnttdng the Turkish army in two. 'Tho center arid left wing, onder Mukhfar himself, retreated upou Kars, pnrsued by Gen. Heymann, and liarassed in Hank by Gen. Lazareff, bnt Bnooeeded in gaining the cover of tin; tortifloatious afttra fuKrful rout, diiriiiir wbiph tl! Turks loht a great number in ldiled i'nd wounded. several thousaud prisoiicrs and four guna. Thrte divisions constitutins: tho Tuihi-h right had, meaniime, heen surroundrd ovA attacked, and driven from their fortifiod camp with great loss. Finally, at 8 o'clock, Monday niglit, a renimnt of thiR )rtion of Mnkhtart áimV ■orrondered witli thirty-tvo gttnn ano auantity oí material. Anwug tb persoöR eaptured are sevun Pahan. Mukhtar Pasba is in Kars. Tle ltuasiMi loases are stated to be tetar ively slight As AWiiTioNAi, particiilal-8 are recwivcdof Ule recent liattlo iü Arfa, tiro llagiitudo of the Ruspian victory asiil the disaatroVU extent of tbo TurUinh dofcat become appaient. It la DOW csíimated tbat tho Iíiisfiians OAptorod tbii1ty-two battalions of infantry, four brigade ef a'rtilliry, 100 oflicers and 2,000 horsCs, besides an onoímous quantitv of military stoten and provisión. The Turkish loas from all soiirces ís Htatcd at 16,000 men. conxerjuencc of Mukhtar Pasha's disaster, all the troopa in Constantinople are being sent hustilv to Tn'bi.ond. Achmet Eyovib 1'aKha will go immodiately to tr.ite command at Erzerouni A London dispatch say "the Kusñane have before Kan 70,000 men. Mukhtar l'abha's army at the time of the battlo did not comprimo mure t-han 40,000 men. The Grand Dnke Michael can eafely leave 40.000 men in rotit of Aars, and witli the remaimler preax rornard towardErzercum." Thoro was tome ightiiig at Pierna on the lOth and 20tU of October. ïho Itoumanian assaulted and captured the lecond Gravitza redoubt, but the Turks rei'aptuied it af ter .1 sanguinaiy contest. A coKREsvoNDENT i'i rievna tclegraphs tliat tho ïuvks are actively constructing a Lew iutcrior line of formidable defense.s. Casos of ftickness aro oomparativcly rare. Provipions li.'.ve ncver failed, but it is imposfiblo to provide foildor for thousands of oxen and horses. Osman Pasha has ordered all Circasisian irregular, Bulgarians and non-combatant "Mo hammedans to quit Plevua. . . . ltussia ysfjl a once begin tho construction of an extensivo ruilway üystera in Bulgaria, to aid in the forwnrding of troops and supplics Eighteei thon-and men ana forty cannon wero 'capturet by tho Russiaus in their recent victory over ilukhtar Pasha, in Asia. GEfïEKAT. FOKEIGN NEWS. A repoet comes from San Domingo, to lbo effect that a revolution is in f uil progross agiust the Baca Government. Sewous riots ia Pjland are repoited by St. Pctersbnrgh dispatehes. One of them appears to have re-mlted in something like a battle, for the killed and wounded among the insurgents numbered a Uundred and forty. The fauious nionolith known as Cluopatra's ueedlo was abandoned off the coast of Spain bj' the steamer having it in tow, dm-ing a treaiendoud galc. T'io crew on tho craftwhich contained tho obelisk were tranferred to tlie Olga, but not luitil the Olga had lost her second mate and üvo hands in her endeavor to re.cue them. The lost neodlo was snbsequontly discovered by another steamer and again ist&rted ou its voyage to England. Tuiiim were 7,793,000 votes polled in France at the lite election. This in the largost number known since 1848, when 7,893,000 voted. The Löft polled 43,000 votes lees than in 1876, whilo the ïiight gained ÍW0, 000 f rom the ranks of thoae who in 187(3 remaiued neutral A Paris dispatch savs : "Tho political situation is unchanged. Tho Cabinet has resolved to remain in oilice, and preside over the elections for Councila-General." A Iiussian journal reporto 49,434 Bussian troops killed and wounded to Oot, 11. The Berlin baiiker, Henckel & Lange, with a cajjital oí 7,000.000 marks, havo been forced into liquidation ik consequenco of the failure of tho Ritters Chaftlicho Bank. Cable dispatches make brief mention of a terrible mine explosión near Glasgow, Scotland, by which 300 or 400 men lost their lives. Advices fiom Cape Ton, i-'outh África, state that war has begun in Trausei bctweon the Galekas and the British aud their nativo alueK. ïhere has been some Reveré fighting. . . . .The principal buildings for the Paris ixhibition of 1878 have been compietcd.


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Michigan Argus