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Bargains Extraordinary!

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In all kinds of Dry Groo&s. Just openeri 1 OO Cases of Fall Coods purchased at a tremendous sacrifice FOR CASH ! LADIES IPlease observe a lew oí oxir prices ; 30 pieces low-priced Dress Goods, assorted styles, at 10, 12, and 15c. 15 pioces COLORED SERGES, at 20c, worth 25c. 20 pieces Brocaded Dress Goods, latest styles, all colore, at ■-."■., worth 30c 10 pieces Costume Cloth and Matelasso Debege, at ' 5 and 40c, worth GOe. 10 pioces MOHAIR REPELLANT, two yards wide, AT $1.40, WORTH $2 20 pieces Iixre jLoliaix-s, at 37 antl 5Oc. BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, at 20, 25, 30, and 37c. BLACK CASH M ERES, DOUBLÉ WIDTH, AT 50c. ah other widths o Black Cashmores, in medium and heavy weights, and overy quality from 75c. to $2.00 per yard. Seal Brown, Navy Blue, and Dark Green Cashmeres, at C0, 75, 90, and $1 EÜP" We have taken great pains to procure the best mako oí' BLACE HENUIETTA, for mouming, and now offer a full line of silk warps al $1.00, $1.25, 81-50, and 1.75 yard ; and also Black Tamise, Bombacinos, Empresa, and Australia Crepos, mueh lowor than last season's prices. To our stock of BLACK SILKS we invite particular attention, Millard's, Ponsons, Cashniero Finish, Guiuets, Cheney's American Silks- goods recommended by the bost trad e. Also a fine grade of Black Gros Graan Silks, froni auction, at 75c, $1.00, SI. 25, and 81.50 per yard. Every one who examines the goods are surprised at the prices and quality. GREAT BARGAINs IN SHAWLS ! Black Cashmere Shawls, at $3.00, 83.50, $4.00, and 5.00. Doublé Black Cashmere Shawls, at $7.00, $8.00, $8.50, and $9.00. A full line of Plaid Shawls, new designs for winter, at 84.50 and $5.00. Doul)lc Plaid Shawls, at $6.00, $7.00, and $8.00. Paisley Shawls, at $8.00, $10.00, and $12.00. ÍÜf Examine our " i'E.VRL SHIRT"- tie best in America for ?l.00- made from Wamsutta muslin and 1,800 lin?n. We have the largest stock of all kiads oi' Y":ini in the -i r - . 100 pieces Hamburgh Edgings and Insertings, at '■', 4, 5, (i, 10, 12, 15, 18, and 20c. A full line of Black Silk and Worsted Fringes, very cheap. Our stock of riannols, Woolens, Blankets, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonadps Denims, Towelings, Bed Spreads, Laces, Velvets, Cioakings, Table Linens Napkins, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Hollands, Curtains, White Goods, Notions Prints, and Domestic goods are eheaper thaa atany other house in the city. iS KID GLOÍES, IN ALL COLORS AND PRICES. As wo buy large quantities direetly of iirst hands, wholly for cash, we feel confidont that our facilities for guaranteeing the " LOWEST PHICES ' are unequaled, and whilo offering you the largost stock in the city to selee from, we ask your attention to the sanie, with tlie asèurance that an inspec tion eannot but result to your benefit. Thanking you for past farors, and roquosting a continuance of the same, we remain, Beepectfully yours, BACH & ABEL.


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Michigan Argus