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._ November opons mild. - P' your debts and fooi tho burglars. _ Tho Common Council will meet in regu Ujsession next Monday evening. _ There is a young Pope in our city, bu lie l'rotestants needu't bo alarmed. The walls of the basement storj' ot the Iielr Court House ure nearly complete. _ In tho Suprema Court on Tuesday a stay jj proceedings waf? ordered in the case of Bujlioz vs. I'ray. Atnong tho latest pateuts issucd to Michjjn iuventors is ono to O. F. Webster, of v, for " Bridles." _ Good apples are soarce in this markct," ■liat the IiMising Rcpubliam is moved to „mark. And "so say we all." _ At lust we aro to havo some new side(jlk on the east side of Fourth street, beliveen Hurón and Aun streots. _ A. J. Aldrich, of the Coldwator Hepubli,: irafl in this city on Weduesday : bidding „, the University printinff, we guess. „Twelve deaths and five births occurreil at ihecouuty poor house duriug the fiscal year j;tclosoil. Total uumber of inmatcs, 012. _ A Monroe Commercial item saya ; " Miss jjuresa Cassidy, ot Chelsoa, took the veil at I 'je chapet ol St. Mary's Academy last week." „H.W. Bogara, Esq., returned on Wed. .ay trom Boston, where he has boen lor -jvoral weeks attouding the Episcopal Geuer,i conference. -Vio made a sliglit mistake in saymg that i ttvtlü Düffy liad been ulected SuperintenI' linloï the l'oor for a third term. It was for ,fourth term. jliss Maria Vail, last yoar 11 teacher in the fiitli wni'd school of this city, was married at [ireeley, Colorado, üct. 20, to F. J. Aniris, foroery of tlus city. _Th Board ot Supervisors adjourned sine 4on WeduesUay afternoon. We commence Hjjiieck the publication of the proceedings ,„ supplement form. - 'f lioso Bunyau Tablea jx at the Opera House, advertised in the Aeous to open Nov S are ulready on exhibitiou. The advertise„jnt ilioulii have read üctober 30. -TheDexter Leader ia moved to make tlis poiated but rather ungallant remark : ■Deltei ia getting uoted for her louil-mouthed ina boisterous youug lathes. Be careful, 'A Pdodname is botter (had great riches.' " I - There are a number of business men, MiehaDts, mannfactúrers, mechanics, etc, ! „do ougbt to advertiso in the Aitorjs : and we .arpóse that even the most radical doalsr is 4iJ to scH to a good Djmooratic customer. '-ÜuSaturday last Misses Maggie Dounel;. Francés Uevany, Agnes Galick, and EmsSallivan went to Monroe, to enter as pullthe Convent of the Immaculate Heart. jlievwere accompanied by Sister Verónica. -An attenipt to cuange me Court House Bailiimg Coinmitteo ivas made in the Baard j; Supervisors on Tue3d:iy, hut without snegg, i!ii3 uiajority of tho lueinbois iudorscd LiDWhi's motto, " It aint best to swup liorses rtilo croosing a stream." - W'a fear that a luige number of our subscribcre tailed to read oue very important item ntho ABQCSof Ootober 19. It was: "We milt HOXEY, we do. Who'll take the hint P " We hope that a hnudred or two will at a very Btly duy. Art thou the man ! - It is a great pity that tha pólice could n't manage to lay hands on tho vuudals wlio taka nch rtolight in smashing tho gas Uunps in rarioBS parta of the city, breaking aiike globes and frames. Severe puuishment ought to ba mensural out to uah petty scamp3. - Od Tufsdny evening next Prof. Adnms iviH give his sc-coud lecture on "American CcJonial IJistory," ouder the auspicês oï the ..!,.,. ; a.i-iiy Association, in the parion of Slrs. Hwiriques, corner of. División ana liowcry itreets. Admission '2Ö cent?, lecture lo tommenco at S o'c'.ock promptiy. -We are indebted to Kon. E] win Wiltits, 11. C. for this district, for a copy of tho " lleaorial Addresses on tho Life and Ch.ira.cter of Micliael Crawforil Kerr," delivered in the House, Djceinbor 16, 1876, and ia thu Saaata, Fekuary 27, 1877. Atso to the Department oí Agricultura tor the biiou il report for 1871). -Byauthority of the Boud of Supervisors i!,i Building Connuittoe haf advertised tor preposaU for filHiig up and öjdmg tho Uourt ..a-o sifuar-i : to be received up to November iitlOo'cloek a. in. Tha comwitfee should leetoitthit gravel ia nat iél Matead of arth,- at least withiii a teot 4 tiu: surfaco. -S. Sondhetm h'ia iwld out his stock of reidy made olothiu au i iurnislnn.; yoodá to i.L, Noble, M. Fleming, ml Juns IVjnovan, nul lias estabüslte i himselt as merchnnt tailor at the " Conibinatiou Store" on the west side ti Main stieet, where hg will take ple.isure in ipplving the tapo ti. hls otd oustom én. New Olies not refused. -Again has Supervisor Sïiurtietï been tutigated by iho Couriér.' Mleetioueei-in in livor of Dutty tot Superintendent of tlrPoorand engineering to get hu ndorsement uf Jmlge 1-Iuntiiiftton. Stand up Bro. ShurtleS,pkaü guilty (whether or no), and reeeive enteiice of excomiuiniiciition or lmnging. It Jon'tniake a bit oí difïerence whioh, you ■ t. -After mach tr.bulation- the pjremptory cliillenge of 14 jurors by the people and 16 by tbe defendant, and tho rejeotiön of a lnrgo iiumber by Ihe Oourt - a jury was jiually obtaffied in the Cooif-Batey murder case yesterJiy forenoon and tho trial eommenced. Frosetutiug Attorney BaVljüt is assisted by B. E. Frazer, Eiq., nm! A. .J. Sawyer and ex-OovBlair deiend. - We are of the optniou tbat Judgo LawIWCfl made a grave mistake on the corneritouc-layiiig day, ín recommending that evpry tree on the square be cut down. The trees long the outor edge slinuhl bo protected and preserveü, and other shapely and thrifty trees tot standing too near the building, so near as loobstruct the light and air, should also be M'eil, Or at least such is our decidcd opininn -Duriiig Friday night last Mrs. Thos Martyn, living on State street, was wakened by the haid breathing of her husband, epoke tohiin, recoivec! 110 answer, called her daugh'ere, and staited one immediately to a iicightor, but before any aid arrived tlie hmband and father was dead. Mr. Martyn was as teil üs usual when he retired the iiight before, nd his suddeu death is charged to disease oí U haart. Xö deceased was boru in Engliniland cmiic to this city f rom Canada about Wen jrs ugo. He was 04 yjurs old last -Marcli. Vhat They are ("Ar. The taxos apportioned by the Boari oL Su. faraón ou Weduesday and ordered spread !"Ji tlie soveral rolls, were : State taxea (including $3.40 surplus), $S2,G88 t'ounty taxes exclusive oï any surplus), 42,650 Tota!, 895,338 Tlie county tnx waa classitied by coraraittee ■li follows : 'ii' expenses at I'oor House, $15,00C " Uourt House building fund, 8, 00C '' Civil claims allowed, 6f00C " Criminal elairns allowed, i,50C " Contingent iund, 3,001 " Insane at Kalamazoo, ''9 " Salaries of County offiears, 3,850 " House of Correction, '" Jurors and witness fees, 'J00 " Stenographer (Circuit Court), 400 " Buildings and repairs, "00 " Insurance, 'ar " Heporter (copying proceedings), J Last year the Stato tax was $31,327.37, and "e county tax 125,000. Excess this year, '25,010.63. We uaderstand that of the inrease, $6,000 is properly chargcable to deficiënt aPpropriation3 made last year.


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