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The regular meeting of the Council was held oa Homl-iy cvenins, Alil-rmen Cute, Kyer, McDonald, Hogers, Page, aiul Recorder Seyler being absent, and the following business was transacted : I'KTIl'IOJfS AND CÜMMUXICATIOXS. Of E. W. Snell and otlicrs, jr erection ot streot lamp on Aim sheet, miilway between State and División stieets. To General Fund (Jommittee. Of II. Kittridpje, Lunis Krfxittiiliau Kiiapp, T. Kiloy, Kosey McCourt, and J. H. Case, for pennisaioti to removo their names from petition for sidewalk ftloug the west side ot Mam Street, between C.itliarine and Cliubl) streets. Orautsd. Of J. 1'. Littlo anti otliors, for sidewallc 01: west siilo of Uhurcli street and soutli sicle o) Wushtenaw avonuo, botween W. Ilicks' lol and Kist Umversity avenue. Tu Sidewalk Cuinniittcc. 1'ltO.M CITÏ OFFICKBS. The monthly statement oï the T ron ure r shows the followlng coiulition oí the treasury : Funis on hand at date of last report, ïl,381.-")8 Keceipts irom Oct. 1 to Xot. ), 4J.7ó 14,431.33 tiipouuiturea irom Oct. 1, IÍ18.00 Balance ín troasury at date, t4,ü13',33 Tho Marshal rejiorted that niue arrcsts had been made by the pólice during the month of October: assault and battery, 1; iHsoiderly conduct, 1 ; drunk and disorderly, 1; vagrancy, 1 ; breach of peace, 2. Ho also reported liaving disbursed $74.09 amoüg the city poot during the month of October, dividei amoug the sevaral wards as follows : First ward, Í13 51 ; Secoml ward, 93. 13 ; Third ward, Y9.88 ; Foui th ward, ?29 8Ó; Fifth ward, Í1Ü27; Hixth ward, Í7.42. Kecorders montlily statement shows the total amount oí Warrant! drawn on the several iunds, tor the present fiscal year, to be: General street iunJ, f1,991.24; First ward, Ï274.9t; Second ward, $606.03 ; Third ward, $830.03; Fourth ward, Ï782.2Ó ; Fifth ward, Í271.27 ; Sixth ward, $311.81 ; City Cemetery. f8.88; Firemcn, Y480.00; üonimgeut, 13,849.66 ; General, f 1,519.99. BEF0BT8 OF C0MMITÏHE3. Finalice -Aid. Gott reported a list oí bilis, recommending tlieir allowance. Report accepted and warrants ordered drawn on the the scverul fuiids for the followlug amounts : General futid, I662.63; Contingent, $.319.71 ; First ward, fó.3.17 ; Secoud ward, 7óc ; Third ward, Í63.00 ; Fourth ward, füt.88. Sidewalks-ln favor oí rebUildil'g of sidewalk on west side of Fifth street, between Detroit and l'ontiac stress. Walk ordered robuilt. Also, that the order heretotore maje by the Council for the rebuüding of sidewulks, had not been complied with by L. U. James, cor. ot Fourtli and Washington stieets ; S. Benham, on Bioiuhvny ; nul E. W. Morgan, on liroadway ana on Wall stroets. Keierrud to City Attorney with instruchons to tako tlie necessary steps to compel a compliauce of the order. Also, againat pt-tition for ?idewalk on east siile of Uaynanl street, between Liberty and Willium streets, for want of requisito i iber of signatures. Adoptad. Also, in favor ot granting petition for sidewalk on wost sitie of Main street, botwcen Catliarine and Clmbb streets. lteport not adoptad. Special '-Tu wliom was ïefanod thu claim of John Fnuik, lor injuries received by reison of a defectiva sidewaik, reportad that in their opinión the city is not liabla for damages. Reiiort acoepteci and oommittee disoh4.r"ed. MISCELLAXKOUSBy Alil. Schinidt, the folio w Mg rosohition, which was adopted : Resolved, Tliat, in tho opinión of thu Cotnmon Council of the city oí Ann Arbor, the ciroalatiou of n certain paper called The Growler in the hmits of the city is a nuisaiice, and mjurioiis to the goud order of tho city; and tliat the Marshal )e iuatrueted to arrust all persous circulating tho same, and brin; tliein before n Justice of tito l'oace to be dealt with accprdtns; to hnv. JJy Aid. OrUmn, Aid. Bawer bu uthorized to tike ene of tlio street Umpa belonging tu the city anj eroct the saaie oil the corner of Fuuntam and Cherry streets, without expense to the city. Agrued to, and on fuither niotion liko authority s given Aid. Woodruff to erect a lamp on corner of Monroe and Eist Univulsity tr t. Atter some discussion the Miushal was mslruced, by general consent without action, not to disburae :mv ot the poor fuiul to persons owniiig property. By Aid. Woodruff, that the chaiiman ot the Street Committee be directed to report at the next meeting of the (Jouncil thn total cost of the bridge over Alleu's creek, on West Huron street. Ayreed to. Adoiirned to Mouday evening, JTov. 19.


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