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utes past 5 o'clock on Thnrsday, Nov. 1. v Ai i ut dood, says a correspondent lipei ilii-{í tho death bcd scene, Mis. Morton and hor nona, by her reqneiit, raro lcft alono witli tlie Senator for about an honr. c What passed between them is not for tu to c inquirí'. Befare 5 o'clock it bocame . evidout lie bad enterad upou bis lasí, ' honr on oarth. Ho had rested tho Creatcr poition of the day in a half-lying aud 1 lislf-Htting position. As he grow weaker, tlie i fmpporting pillows werc withdruwn to that he ' la; prona upon tbo bed. A deep rilenoe now ' pernded tho room, and reraained nnbroken ( vxocpt by an occasional question to tlio dring man. Once, wheu the Senator eiclalmed -I huí dyiug," bis siater-in-law. Mrs. Hollowny, ' nuiied. "Yon sie not afraid to díe, OliverV' He indicated 'no" by Miaking hishead. Sjnn after a similar exclnmation, a question and an ' ] wcr pMsed between hlm and Dr. Thompson. 1 At ten minuto past 5 o'clock he exclaimed "I am dyinp. I ani worn out," and these were bis last words. From thi on it was diflicult ' ' to discover thal Ufe remaiucd. On the l tor's anuouncemeut, "Ho is going." the '■ paao oí the wife and sous became fixedon the faco of the husband and fatlier, with now and then a piteoua look of inqiiiry toward tho doctor, nutil his further annonncement, ' it ia over." Tho widowclasped her sons to her, oxclaming qm'etly, hut in tonen never to be forRotten, "My darling boya." The frionds withdrew, leaving them for a time, wheu tlu-y were [ led tendcrly from the room. BIO0RAPHICAT.. Mr. Murtón wan boni in Wayno county, Ind., on the 4th of August, 1823, and was, thèrefore, a little more than 5-1 yeara oM. He gradúa ted from Miami Univcrsity, at Oxford. Oh o. in 1846. Studied law and Va admitted to the bar at Contervüle. Iud., in 1847. He at once took a prominent position at tho bar, and i lauoched into a Jargo and luorative practiee. In 1852 he was elected Circuit Judge on the Democratie ticket. He was an ardeut Demccrat, but, in 1854, ho, with many others, left that party in consequence of tlie repeal of the Missouri compromis, and was ono of the tlinc delegates sent by Indiana to the l'ittsburjjh Convention of Febnuiry, 186(1, from which tlie Ilepublican party dates its politiesl existenS. ' In the same m ar he was nominated for ; ernor by the Repnblican State Convention bv acclamation, but was Sèfóated by Ashbcl P. ; Willard, the Democratie candidnte. In 1860 he was elected Iiieutenaut Governor by the Kepublieans. Line, the Goveinor-elect, was Rent to the United States Suuate, and Mr. Morton r.smmed tlie gubernatorial chair, which he occupied the ensuing foBr years. and thus aequired the title of "the Great W&r Govenior." His career during that tlrring period is familiar to nearly all newspaper readers, and rtquires no rocapit'.ilation here, even had wo the space to elabórate upon it. In 186 ho was re-elected Governor, and a year later was lirst ut rieken with the diseace (paralysis) which finally carried him olï. In 1867 Mr. Morton w;is tlectod to the United Btfttea Senate. In 1873 he was re-elected to the Senate. During big teo years' Kerviee in the 8ena(e he has filled a largo "space in the current liistory of the country. During i all this time, despite his phyi-ical iiil'nniity. he has been an active and frequent speaker, i ing campaigns in various States, bei-ides partieipaling largely in the debates of the Senate. THE NATIONAL T)KUT. is the public-debt statement fcr October : iper cent. bonde $ 7SS,776,850 ■ Five per cent. Ixmds Wa.iac, BSO Four and a half per cent. bonde. 20fl(XKnMH Foiir per cent. bonds ísioooOOO Total coin bonds .1.717.O43.r(M) ' lawfulmoneydebt .{ H.000,0011 i Matured debt 27 (KW 80 Let!l tenders 86i li5tB4 - Ocrtificates of deposit .] 87;S5oOO fractioual currency 1H ean r"4 Coin ccrtinc&tes "...'." %M8,2N Total without interest $ 414 O7fi,3-I9 Total debt 9öin i -■-.,, Xü intern """""ifcM Cash in treaBiiry-ooin .$ 131.022 813 ! Cash in treasury- currency ls )50 (■ Currenry held fcr redeniiition of frac; : tion:il cnrrrncy 9 -Í-1Í TC9 Sppcia! deposita held for rcdeinption of ceHiflcatee of deposit 37,620.000 Total in trrasury ... . ïoiman,. Less esömated amörmt nÜiiteVy estabUatamrata for which no opiiropria'ions bavc been made 9,800 000 Debt Icsb CHh in trasury. . .-■. ,,- . r.„-.,-. of debt dnring Octobèr S JVcrrase sinco .Time 30. 1871 "" 77iS!n?i BondNisüiicdtn Pacific '1-"IJ uie,intcrCBt payable in lawful mouesprincipal outflandinif M C2TS19 Iotero.1 cerned and not yrt üd . " ' i w j-n Interes patd by the Dnlted States. . : ' ' :, '.r j1,; ■ " lntoret repaid by transportation cf ''"'"-J mails.etc o --r,,.. Balan.-., of interest paU. te'ijnited s'l0bili Statfa 27,OT,2!5 THE RAST. Steveus' Batteky, New York papers report, ' hae been Pold to a foroign Government. Tho j stated. bat the ram is aid to bo small in oomiv".;üecoü ' Oriei"al Ct' Which uas '"-llrTiiruEwfrc sixty-one failuxes in New York ' city during October, the largeet unmber of any , month this year, but the liabilities, which are n round numbers $3,600,000, are not so great as in soine other months. A passexoek and freight trai.i collided near ' Hidgeway, Pa., on the Philadelr.hia and Erie railroad last week. The engineor? and firemen of both trams and (wo trakemen-in all ás persons -wera killed. None of the paenthe -Sftyor of that etty, who depart-Kl so mysterisnriy from his hoinofeveral months ago, and who cxecuted ar, equally n.vstenous second dtóppoaraDce aftór he was nietCTí T Tie' in. London. He de"&tóLge' 'lbOllt '""Hoi.y in ( Jesse I'omkroy, tho boy murderer, serving a Bfe sontonce in Charlestown (Mass.) Penitcndary, atUmpted to escape fio other night bv removing htonoj from the wall of his cell. THE WfST. A few daya ago a unmber of prisoners in tho Oaraon (Nev.) rcnitentiary altempted to break ' out and seized Mathewson, tho demitv tl u Le xr rtnm nriS, nie a rush for „'" Mathewson tlnee times ordercd the wönndin M- The? finally obe-ved' "y wh? n g ?I.atLeweon nd two of the convict, etL Otheri """"tlered. There were no A Cntsn telegram says the Deadwood ! coach was stopped and robbed near that place by to armed men, fuppoted to be Blackburn ' and Wal!, ihu notorious road ageüts. There '■ Wére seTBnjpasaangerB on tho c'oaeh amoi." ! whom wns Dnited S,,tes Marshal Sweèsv T t" ' 0 iil . fcuud-money, jewojry, btonketo, and Inmctmentb havo been found by tho Umted Staies Grand Jnry of Idaho Terr'itory against Um-ly-two Indians, ]r;ncipals and aecessories m murders of white people ín oonnec1 s wIth '" Nez-PÍrco outbreak a han íraneifco dispatch pat: "BvatravlT-,1 ,. ,Bc0oner Leo, frm Alasita, it is . f e, '- thc recetly-roported kffling of : vlT ! .ieen lndiallR at OP Priooe of Wales was by the crew of a Honolulú whaling brjg. nin-ï n " )oarded ie vessel and demanded ere w 'ui,, ?l"S rofl")td. thfy attacked tbc he J', ff i)taine(i ar"" fro.n the cabin and beat off tbeir assailants. Tuk city of Indianspolis never had witbin , her gates tuch an immense number of slrangers as gathered there to do homage to the memory of the late Gov. Morton. The inneral obsequies were the most imposing that ? Ve te" Wltnesfd sirco the death or Abraham Lincoln. Amorg the notable persons prefcnt were memlers of troMdont Hayes' OaMneL Senators and ! liepresenta'ives of Congress. (lovenx -n of Htates, a nnmber of State oliicials, rrpresentativcs of the anny and navy, etc. The funeral ceremonias at the grave were condneted bv tho Odd lellowH, about 8.000 of whom were in the line of procession. THE SOUTH. Dktlw, Hall, Craver and Nichols, memberg ('f Lonisrflle Base-Hall Club, have been gnomlnioualy ezptlled by the directora of the club for solling games, dinobedienco of orders and general misconduet. The State of Texas bas Jut purchascd 1,100 acres of land, with valuablo buildings and imrrovements, nrar Heinpstead, for the State ! Uuiver,-ity forColored Youth?. GENEK.VL. ' OXE HUBIttSD AM1 THIHTY-SETES UOW , mon canverts arrived iu New York last week, j t .gether with twelve missionaris, who make a to'al of 1,500 converts landed at that citv from Enrope during the past year. On the aimounccment of the doath of Senator Morton, IVesjdent Hayos sent the following ' telegram of fiympaüiy to Ooi, W. B, Holloway, ' of Indianapolis ' I d'irc. tliruugi) you tú oCcr tn ov, Mortal!' ) widow ad fütully my wurmoit nyuibtUjr in t grwt WWion, Áüiiu tht KT.smi nJ {ni fi'Htiilii ns rif t-rrrmv ;tt the public loss, of wbich DO uo can bo moro sensible than myself, my lonc fiirndKhip ior Uov.#Morlon makes me wii-h lo r :ounted nraong tiloso who feel in hiH rirath the. grici :f a personal bereavement. K. B. Hwi s. lïrsiNi ss Faiijmucs: Ivés A l'nrter, propriclors of tbr rairs Honae, ladianipolie, lud. T. Ilolbrook, Jr., tobáceo manufacture!", Louisvilli-, Ky.. uabilltiea (63,000; II. Ohandler, provi.-iiiMB, Hontre&l, Canada, lisbilities $65,000. Tut nholo country from (lontreal and Ogdeneburg, and east to tho Atlai.tii', was feriously t-haken up by a;i i artlujnake OD tho niorniug of tho 4tli inst. Eecknt deaths: The Ilev. William H. Wjckoff, SfCretry of tlio American Biblc Union ; Ezra Hall, one of tbo proprietors of Ui',; Hartford Evening Post ; Dr. Paul F. Eve, a distinguished surgeon of Nssbville, Tcun. Thh late Senfttor Morton's physio tl iniirmity was the obstaele that prevented him from becoming Ohiof Justice of tbo United States Supremo Court. Gcu. Orant bas lately said that liad his lualtu beengood hewould havenimed him as tho ituocesBOr of Mr. Chase. Thk eo-callod Dr. Smitb, who so brutaily maltreated and caused tlie dcatli of Miss Alberta Wade, of Castleton, Canada, in attemptiug to procure au abortinn, has boen pentenced to bo hanged the 19th of December next. WASHINGTON. Jonx Welsh, of Philadelph;a, lias "oeca appointed by the President Minister to England. .Mr. Welsh was President of tho Centt unial lïoard of Finance, and in a man of considerable wealth Tho Chicago whisky crooks liave renewed thoir attempts to secure a comprornise with tho Government. .. .President llaves, acoompanied by his family and severa membera of the Cab'inet, visitad Kiehmond. Va., last week. An immense ciowd turned out U) weieome thom, aud the reception wus a most enthueiastic one. Clakkron X. Potteh declines the Chairmanship of the Houee Pacific Bitilroad Committee. on account of his conrn ction with Toni Scolt's rai'.way enterprises. The President istued the folio .ving pro?lamaiion ou the occasion of the dt-ath of Senator Morton : I i.iiKi nf tho pad occastfn which mak08 it luj dnty to teptify the public respect for the etninen i-itii ii aii'l atetlpguiahcd Btatesman whose deal] yesterday nt hi homo in Imliuufiiolia bas beci n:a:!c kuown to ihe piople by tucgraphlo aumnuicenirnt. Tho servn-e- of Olivor P. Bffortoi to the nation iu the difticiilt and reaponsiblc admin [9tratdOB of the affaire of the State of Indiana as its Governor at a critienl jum-tun of vil war caí never be ovrrvalued by hts countrymen. lli loDf eervico in the. feuate Uuh hown hi groat powerfl :is a Icgh lator and as u leader aud chtef eounst lor of a poUticaJ piiïty eliartied with the condnet of tho Gov (' ut duriiiK that period. Ia all things. and a all times, he has been abïe, snd f.iitlifu in the public Bervice, and bis fame with hip couutry uien resti npon a eccuro foundation. The severa execuUve department v, - ï 11 b6 dosed on the day o: his funoral, and appropriate honors shouM be pak to the ïnemory of the. deceased statpnian by the wholc nation. K. B. Hayes. A BILL for the remonetization and freo coin ago of silverhas been agreed upon bytlio House Committee on Banking and Currencj-. It au thorizes the coinage cf the dollar of 18:37 , containing 412a' grains, and makes th( I coin a full legal-tendor for all debta public and private, the payn tnt of whiol ia not otherwiie provided for by l.iw. Kobert T. Lincoln, of (Jhicngo, is said lo have ügaiu deelined the Third Assistant Secretar; ship of State The Sonate Committee ön Patents bas votcd lo recommend an appropria tion if B6,000 for the restoration of huc] models which passed through the üre in th Patent Offioe as can be repaired. The oppo8ition to the confirmation of Jobn Welsli as Minister to Euglaud charg ! that the Philadelphia firm of wlii-1 Mr. Welsh is a member is the owne j in Cuba of a sugar plantatiou and a largo num ber of laves. Tho friends of William Wli make the oxplanation tbat tbe firm inquoutioi bcint; engaged in tbo West India sugar tradt have been compelled to take mortgages upoi piantations as fecurity for advauces to plant ers, and that the slaves. as an indispensab! and inseparable part of tho roajty, have in thi niauner come into tho lirni's pose'ession. POLITICAL. The Supreme Court of Missouri has roníere a decisión in the Congressioual contostod cas of Fro8t vs. Metcalfe from the Third Distric of the State, afBrming the decisión of the Si Louis Court of pptaN, and dfolarüig Met ealfe, liepublican, entitled to the certifícate Froet declares that he will not abide by the de cision of the oourt. but will continue to prosc cute bis claim beoro the Ilouse Committeo o Elections. THK TURKO-KUSSIAN WAK. A ■uiiiiKM'OMjKNT, who was an eyc-witneps telegraphg from Erzeronm : "As Turk t were evacr.ating Ilassan-Kaleh on Tuesáa Dight, the Russlanfl surprised the rear guou taking two batlalions prisonere. The Ruseia loss was insigniticant. Tho enemy'e approae was titlèrlj unexpected. The Ttirks now o( cupy a foimidable position at Dove Boyum Ih last defensivo poailion cast of Erzeroura."' A lirssiAN official dispatch says : ' The tota uumberof piisoners captured at Dubnik anc : Telische was 7,0E0, incltiding two Pashas, 20 ! officers, and an English Colonel iu the Turkis service." EUspaicbïs from tho Turkish headciuarter : at Shumla admit that Silistria 3 throatener ; with isolation aud a úege by tho Ruajians ad vanciDg from the Dobmdscha, The fortressi suppoKtnl to be one of the strongest in Eurori andthe Turks asïeit that it is fully garrisone and thoronghly prepared ior an obstinate d , fonse. If these coudiüons exist Gen Zin merman wil) probably fiml that ho luis a wi lera job bofore him. The beginning of the end of the Turk. lïussian war appeard to be approaching. I , every p.irt of the field of couflict tho Tnrk ! seem to bc losine ground. Mnkhtar P.islia ha not reoovorfd from bis terrible defeat nea Knrs, but is still on the rel.reat towar Kiv.eroum, with tho Grand Duke Michael i swift inrsuit, capturing fresh batialiors a ; most daily. Ho is in a desperate situatioi and, if he is attacked and defeated agaii which must invohe of uecessitv th fall of Lrzeroum, tho war on (he 4fUtlos(d : will be at an ene, and Armenia will bo held 1, , the ItUBSians, to be claimoj iu the iinal settle menr as indemntfy for the expense of the ai In Eiirope, prospecta are but little brigbtei , Ihe Buseiaua are grndnslly closing i.i aroun( Plevna, and tho capture 'of tbnt formidabl positioii is only a question of time. An Erzeroum dispatch of the Gth says : "A eevere attack was made to-day on the Turkis po.-itions. Thero wís tighting along the hol line. After ten hours' SDgasrement tbe Turk i l.ih center was driven in, aud the Turks oom pelled to fall back. Mukhtar Pasha was s i-bt ■ y wonnded. ".... A Turkish forcu numberin ; betwe. n 3,000 and 4.C00 men, from south o i the EuUi.ius, attacked the Kussian forcé a Mafcren, touth of Elena. After three hour flgbuog, the Turks retreated, Isaving 100 deac and many wounded. KNKKAL FOKEIGN NEWS The lnu-iicnne which recontly ewept ove the Island of Curacoa, in tho West Indios caueed a loss of property estimated at $2 000 000. The loss of life wás large in tbo ei; y o ■ Cnraeoa, Many of the most solid stmctüre were ciushed by the wavcs. and many porson were buriei iu tho rums. The people wer made paupers in anhour. Tue price of silver has fallen in London to 54% pence per onnce, at which rato the gok valúe of the is 9-iJ.,' conts Th Bpuiifch Government has adop'ted a militar, bountv land Kjetma for Cuba, somewhat lik' the Honirhtoad luw of tho United States Soldier who havo compltted their terms o s-rv(-c aüdnoUled in the islam! aretobcaMte p porti n of the Governmuit lands, which thei must cocupy aud cuUivate for thrco be foro receiving absolute titles. They will Le ex empt from taxation for five " The amt privileges are promised to homoleaa insurgente ' w-ho surrei:der. A Pahik paper fears tbat, unlobs the politica crisis in France should bc at once terminated ; that cijimtiy will bo plungod into civil war Ihe King of Abygsnia is reportad to have gaioed a great victory over the Egyptians recently, ïnlbcting a loss on the ennn'v of 23,000 in killed and wonnded. As Aleiandria telegram reports that the Kaig of Abyssinia threatens to invade Egypt witli 120,000 men. Tuk funeral obsequies of Ilenry Meiggs wcie the most imposing ever witne.-t.eil in Peru, Late adrices from Havana report that "a doeree jusri.sued declares all estates ruined duriiiK the war, and in tbc way of recousli-uctton, free from contfibutlonn for five years: also, every new estáte, and all now property acquired i'i the Central and Oriental Departmeutfi. AU indnatnes in thosc departmeuts, newlv estnb'ifheil, will be exempt three yeaiv. A'l female cattle, imported with the exclusive ol joct of ïaising s'.ock, will be dnty free two vaars. the United States wa agrend to r. Coke Introduced a bilí uiakirtR un appropriatiou i paj over to Texaa the residue of ihe $5.000,000 d lor tbc c:ti-ifaction of that poriion of tho ubUc debl of tin1 late rt'pubüo of Texas foï wbioh ie dutiea on Importa of puiii repttbtto were espt dial ■ pledged. beiuK the balance rmuinilig alter the aymeiitof snob debt. Hcferred. He also introucí tl a bilí to rcimnm-HO Temd for expenspe inurrotl by repelUng lnvaslons of indiana and tfoxiane. IWi-rred. . . Tbc .-cnatc then went into xeoniive sesaton and oonflnncd the foüowing ominatlons: E. F. Noyes tobe Minister to Franco; ;. W. Stovghton, HUoiater to Bussia; Thomas Os)rni MiniHtfr to the Argcnttiip ltepublio ; James T. CÓmley, Minister to the Sandwich. Islands ; amos Hufpell Lowcll, Minister to Bpaln; Johu K, Lssson, Minister to Austria ; Romanzo Bonn, United latea Ju4ge for the Western District of YNáoousán. nuxuberof othor nominationsof minor Lmportanco ve re con firme d. IlorsK. - Not in sensioii. Wkdnesday, Oct. 31.- Sígnate.- Tho follownj; biUs werc introdneed and referred: By Mr íuruside, to remove uil ffistrlctlohs regarding Üw nilstment of colored eitieufl in the army. . . , Ity Mr. logada, to provide a building for thePostofllcc, (iurtti and other pnhllo offltvs at Topcka, Kaït. . ,A miniKT of untniportant billa were lntrodiiced... The Viee President annoUncod the select ■nmiiiHlee to consider the question of makn tí it chango in th" ïuethoil of counting the 'otefor President and Vice President, asfouows: Meters, Edimmd. Conkling, Howe, McMillan, feller, Davie (of 'Illinois), ttayard, Thirman and Utorgan - five Kepublioans, thrce Demócrata and one Independent Tbc Senate was in execaUve ihsii'ii ever an hour, and contirmed aeveral hunIred Postmasters, but took no actioii on important nominal ions. HorsK. - Mr. Ewing, f rom the Committre ou B&njdrff and Ourrcncy, reperted tbc following bill : " That the third noction of the act cntitled ' An net to pro vide for the resuniption of npccie paytnents,' spproved Jan. 14, 187;, be, aud ihe same is hi eby, repealed.' Mr. Fort premented the viewn of the minority of the cominittee in tho simpe of an aniendincnt to the bul as follows : " A bilí to repeal al] that part ot the aot approved Jan. 14, 1875, ia the EtasnmpUon act, whlch aathorlsed tli Secrc tary of the Treanry to fllitfÖSO of United StütCB bond, and redeom and canecí the greenback curroncy. Bé it enactedj to . Tbatall that port ion of tijc aot wbicb reads as follow (fjuotinp ;is above from the third section), be, and ibe ame is hereby, rt - pAaiea.'1 Mr. Ewíug moved that the bilí be printed and reeommittcd, which was apreed to without división, and he then moved to reconsider that vote, hfsobjeot brillé thiiH to retaiu control of the biïl and be able V cali ït ut at any time. Mr. CoDger moved bo lay the motion to reconaider on the table, which was rejected- yeas,HC; najK 138. Thïrsday, Nov. 1.- Sbnatk.- The desk of Senator Morton was markd by a bouqnet of wbite flowcra. Tho Chaplain alhuled to the il!nentí of the Senator, raying! "We unitc onr prayera to besef ch Thee to give to the dyiug Senator the prospect of a better Jife, to open tr hini a new career and another jonrney beyond the etars." The proceediuKH in the Scnate were hrif f and tin important. Mr. A nn drong prefentrd a memorial the Ranean City doard of Tradefaoring the repeui cf the wpecic-Kohumption aot and the remonetization of t-ilver; also, aresolntion of ihe St. Louis Merchante1 Excbange favoring the repea: ■ f the Bankrupt tow. IIousk. - Mr. Goode, of Virginia, oílcred a resoluïiun iudorsing the Southern policy of Presiden! Hayo. Mr. PhilHpn objeefO'l. Mr. Hntler suggentei lts reference to the ('ommittee on Educa t ion and Labor. The resolution was not reccivcd. . . .Tlifr-. was a fpirittd Qght pvér the inotion to reeonnidfr the vote referriufí the bilí repealing the date for the resumption of ppecie paymfnts. The reanlt wat thai the metsnre wan left Ín the same parlianuntiry I odtion it occupied the previou day. Fkiiay, Nov. 2.- Senate.- Tlie reading of the journal wasdispensed with,and thedeetbof Senator Morton was announeed hy Henator McDonald. A rcsoliition submitted by hini, providing for the appointment of a cominítteo of nix Scuators to altend lbo funeral, was areed to, and tiie Senate (hen, ae a furttaer mark of respect to the Uftftmory of Senator Morton, adjoumed till Tuesday, Nov. t;. House. - In the House Mr. Bwing withdrew his motiou to recommit the bill repeallng a part of the Resumption 'act, secepted Mr. Fort's biU as a snbptituU', snd moved the previous question. Mr. Hale moved tojaythe b01andthe2nendn. ent on tbc table. The motiou was defcated - yea, li'S ; naj-R, 140. The Fort bill was tht-n made the special order for Nov. 13 Mr. Hanna offered the foUowiim rcsolntlon, which was agreed to unanimouply : " Rewtmd, In view tf the f ad intelÜKcnco of the death of Mi ver P. Morton, dtetingntened Seuator in the Congress of the United States from the State of Indiana, tliat the Speaker ot Ui is House, aa a mark of respect for the memory of the man whose death is the nationV loss, appolnt a committee of neven members to repronent thiK House at the funeral obsequies.'. Mr. Atkins, Chairman of the Appropriation Commtttee, reportod tbp Army Appropriation bill, which was referred to the committee of thewhoïe. The bill appropriatce $36,733,000 Mr. Wood uked toare to offer a resolution calling on the Secretar; of the Treasury to furnish the House copie of contract made with certaiu syndicato American and forcign ban'.:er for the negotiation of lhe4-perent. bond of the United States, together with copies of all other papers reluting thereto. Mr. Prideniore objectcd. Satuuday, Nov. 3. -Senate. -Not in seision. SoVABt- Considfration was reeumed of the bill for the repeal of a part of the Iteaumption act. A f ter discnsslon as to the proposed teniis for the management and oonsiderauon of the bill, Mr. Kelley proposed to offer a resolution pulí ing IX the speolaj order for Tueedfty, the oth, and until Thureday, the 15th, when the previouw question should bc ordered, but Mr. Willis objected absolately to the resolution being reoetved, hiasmnch as lic regarded ihe bill aw an assault npon Iho ñátíónal credit The lili fpr the free ooinage i a Btaudard sllver dollar was intro.liued by Mr. Buckner, and was, m motion of Mr. Btephens, after disouBSion, referred to the Committee dn Coinatie, ratlirr tluin to the Banking Coutmittee. .. .Two other bilis werc iutroilncnl for tbc remonetization of silver - one by Mr. Clark and one by Mr. Townscud. ...Mr. Finliy introdnoe t i bill to amend tUo constitution bo as to olect tbc President and Vii-e President by a direct vote of the pcople. -ï)AV. Nov., "3.- Senate.- Tho Senate was not in pcesion. House. - The ellvcr men achieved a gnbetantlai viclory in tho House by suppendlng the rules and passing Mr. Bland's old Silver bill, providing for a Hilver dollar of 412 graiiiK t be legal tender for alt drbts. public aud private, except where othor wise provlded by law, and also providing for free coinage. Mr. Iïland introduced the bill, and moved a puspeosion of tbe ruleH and the paring oi theblU. ThiK was agrerd toby a vote cf 163 to 34. After dlsposing f the Silver bill a resolution was paesed, un Ier b nuapcnsion of tb ruien, makin.'i Bwing's biil repeaUng (he date of the Resnmptïon aot the npeeial order untU Taesday, Nov. 13. The vote wae 143 to47.... Billa were introdnoed ah follovs: Uy Mr. Phillips, to créate a postal eavlngs bank; by Mr. Frye, to amend the ïlaukrupt law - alno, to make persons charged with crimes and offenecs competent witnemes m United States court; by Mr. Vari, authorizlng the Director of national to declare quartorly dividends; by Mr. Uuntcr, for the recomputaiion ( i ih? accounts bet ween tbc United States and severa] 8uttet. rowiug out of moneys expended by (hem in lüy war of 1812; by Mr. Cabell, to reáuce the tax on mauufactured tobáceo ; by Mr. goales, for tbe transfer of ihe OfÜceof Indias A ff airfl from tho Interior to the War D&pa'imeut; by Mr. ShclJey, to appropriate tincotton tax for school purposrs ; Hy Mr. Hooker, autborizbag the elcction of a dtegaie from the Indian r pritory: by Mr. SayJer. lo secarfl the rights of homestead eettlere on public Jauds ; by Mr. Neal, imposing s duty on barley ; by Mr. Banuing, auientliug the act relativo to tbc tax on Oigan : also, removing all restrictiouK now existing in relation to the cuüstmcnt of oolored citizeus in the army ; by Mr. liiddlc, rlirecting the (ransmlfslon of printed matter thrnugh ihe muitfi when the postage h insuffleient ; also for tbc election of Postmasten ; by Mr. JJ and, removing the legal disabl itif: of women (it proideB that, when a women has been admitted to practico in the Superior Court, bc hall he allnwcd to prsctioe in the tjnited Btatee Supreme Court); by Mr. liuckiier, for the repeal of all bankruut Jaws : a'eo for the estebllabment of a National UniverHity for Women in Washington,


Old News
Michigan Argus