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Elections were held in twolvo States of Iho Union on Tuesday, Nov. 6, uamely : Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, IVnnsylvauis, Maryland, Virginia, Missiesippi, WlsconsiD, Minneitöta, Kansas and Nebraska. Tbo election in MassachiisettR was for Stalo ofticers, Executive Councillors, State Senators, RepresentaUvea and county ofheers. The following State oflicersj all Rcpublicans, wero elected by pluralities ranging from 15,000 to 17,000 : Governor. Alcxauder II. Rice : Lieutenant Governor, Horatio G. Knight ; Secretary, Henry B. Pierce ; Treasurer, Charles Endicott ; Auditor, Jnlius L. Clarke ; Attorney General, Charles R. Train. The Souators clect stand 35 Republicana to 5 Detnocrats. The lower bouse is also largely Republican. New York voted for minor State officers and members of tlio Ijfgislature. Allen C. Beach, Doniocrfctic candidato for Sccretary of State, is elected by abont 15.000 majority. The Ropublicans secured a working majority in the LeRislature. Conneeticnt voted for State Senators, members of tlie Houso of Representatives, and couiity officers. The vote was very light, not exceedinp 80,000. The Republicans' suooteded in neeuriiig about the samo majority in the Legislatura as last year. In New Jersey the Dcmocrate elected Gen. Goorge B. McClellan Govomor by 12,000 majority, and also scenred a majority in botL branches of the Legisl ature. The election in Peunsylvania was for minor State officers. The Democratie candidates- John Trunkoy for Supremo Judge, W. P. Schell for Auditor General, and Amos C. Noyes for TreaBurer - wero chosen by Eiajoritics approximating 10,000. A .Statu Comptroller anil members of the Legislatura wero voted for in Maryland. Thomas J. Keating, Democrat, was elected Comptroller by a large majority, and tho Lcglabtnre is Uemocratic by i.he usual majority. Virginia voted for State officers and membere of tho Legislatme. Tho Demociatic candidates, head;d by F. W. M. Halliday for Governor, had no oppoeition, and the ilupublicans made few nominationa for the Legixlaturp, concequpntly that 1 ody is overwhelmiagly Democratie in both branches. In Mississippi, also. tho DemocratH had things their own way, the Republicana declining to make any nommations. Tho vote was exfaremejy light, "Thenamesof the State offieera elect are a follows : Govornor, John M. Stone; J.ii uti'i nut Governor, Williani H. Sims; Secretary, Kinloch Falconer; Treasurer, Win. L. Homingway; Auditor, Sylvester Gwinn; Attoruey Genera), T. C. Catchings; Snperintendont of Public In-traction, Jamos Argyle Smith. Tho people of Wisconsin electtd State officer and merobers of the Lcgislature. Tho eutire K,nbliean State ticket was elected by about 5,000 majority. The Legislature is Republican by a small majority. The uames of the State oflicers elected are: Governor, Wm. E. 8mith; Lieatenant Governor, Jame 31. Biugham: Secretary, Hans B. Warner; Treasurer, Richard flnonther: Attorney General, Alexander WilmSuperintendent of Public Instrucción, W. C. Wliitford. The election in Minnesota was for State ofticent and members of the Legislature, and romlted in the choice of the entire Tiepublicau ticket by 10,000 to 12.000 majority. The Repnblicans also secure a gd workiiig majority m both branches of the Legislature. Tho names of the suecessfnl candidates aro as follows : Governor, John 8. Pillsbury ; Lieutennt Governor, James B. Wakefield"; Tresurcr, V m. Pfiender ; Attorney General, Georgo P. M'ilson : Railroad Commisüioner, William R. Marshall. Kansaa elecíed a Lieutonant Govenior and ('liicf Justiee of the Kupreme Court. The Republican candidates, L. W. Humphrey and Albert H. Horton, were choson by a tiee majority. A Chief Justiee of the Supreme Court and two Regents of tho State Umversity werc electad in Xebraska. Georgo B. Lake, H. R. PersiDger and Charles A. Holmes were chosen bv 10,009 majority. In Illinois there was an election for couuty oflicers. Little interest was taken in tho olection, and a very light vote was polled. In Cook cointy Cembracing Chicago) the Ropublicans elected their candidates by majorities ranging between 4,000 and 7,000. THE EAST. Fob a long time a fierce feud has existed between the Protestant and Catholic minerg in the Dque8ne (Pa.) coal mines, andja numberof incendiary firej have resulted as a conse■ lui.ncfi. bas at last been secured gaiwt some of the fire-bngs, and sixteen of tnsta are now under arrest. TnE fight over the estáte of the late Commodore Vandcrbilt has openeJ in earuest in the Surrogato's Court of New York. A marriod daughter of the dead hundred-millionaire, Mis. Le Bau, who was ent off with a pittancé of $500,000, nnw comes forward to assort her claim to an equal división of the enornious os tate. the bulk of whichwas bequeathed to Wm. II. Yatiderbilt. The lady has for her counsel Scott Lord and Jere Black. The careloss dmggist is abroad in Rhode IslanJ. A l'rovidcncc dispatch chrouiclos the dcath of Deacon W. B. Spooncr, of Bristol, for wknn the wrong medicine was put up. Inaac H. Wadleigh. of East Greenwich. methis death in a similar marnier Mrs. Evelyn Stuart. tho wife of Robert Stuart, a wealthy New Yorkor, living oh Filth avenue, comaiittèd suicido the other day on account of the intemperate habits of her husband. About the same hour Heni Hansman, a poor man living on Christie street, while laburing under a. fit of despondtncy cuu e.l by the inteai])erancc of hi8 wife, shot his three ehildren and tlien took his own lifo. THE WEST. ïhebe was a spiritod rtiooting-bee in the atrcets of Dodge City, Kan., the ofher day. Deputy Man-hal Edward Masterson, in attempting to disarm Henry Shaw and Texas Dick, two desperadoeR, was shot by Stiaw in the right shoulder. MasUírson, after falling, raised himself to a sitting position, shootiug Hhaw in the thigh,breast, and head. and Texas Dick iu tho arm, and a man named Moiiroe iu the groin. All aro still alive. Monroe coünty, II]., was recently the pcene cf a doublé murder of anparalli led brutality, supplemented by the hanging of tne guilty wretch by an ir.ceused mob. The victima were a ycung faimernamed Gcotz and his wife, both Germans. A neiglibor of Goetz called to sec him on business, and was horritied to 6nd tue dead body of Mrs. Goetz, ttrriblv niutilated by blows from an ax, the houso stnpp&i of ita furniture, and the wagon and horses of Gottz missing. Evideuces were :ilso fouud that not ouly tho wife, but the husband hunaelf had been murdeied and his bodv dragged off to the woodn. The alarm was at once givou, and oflicer started iu pursuit of Cari 'ral)), alias .Toe Engler, upon whom finspicion had settled as the author of the foul deed. He was found in St. Louis, and when arn-Hted was trying to eell a team of nuiles and a wagon that liad belonged to his victimo. A tiunk containing a nnmber of small artioles, consisting in part of a 1-reastpm, a parasol, and shawl, wan identified as the property of the murdered woman. When enarged with tho murder Strahl refuscd to make any stateniont whatever, but cousented to return tc Illinois without a warrant. He was immcd atciy taken back to Columbia, Monroe couuty. The news of the arrest of tho murderer was not long in spreading, and shortly after the return of the ofticers with the prisoner the litllo viliago was filled with pcople from the nrronndiug country. A small party took the pnsoner and started" toward the Goetz farm, for the purpo.-e of forciug him to roveal wliere he had niddtn tho body of Goeta, he üavmnuallyadmittodthokillÍDK. Abouthalf amile from tho farm and two miles from the town, Mnilil led the party to a thicket, where he sMd he had hid GocU's body. After L,a ii rKarch tbe rcmaint werc fouud bidden under eayesand brush. Goetz had been strook on the lioadwith the ax, and killed innraoh to name inuimtr as l,i„ wife. The bodv had i ii 'e pkci! a wtk ail(1 as beooming badly dco ...nposed. The sight seemed to strengthen the det-nminatkn of those who o .nnseled summary justice. 'ihe party started toward the town, but. before half tlio distancc was made a sdf-appointed committeo of six took tbc pnsonor, and, tolling tho oihers th v had Fomcthifig to ay to him, Lade them not follow. The committee and tne prisoner went in to tho wood.-. The former returned in half an hour and said Slrahl had hung himsoif. Ihe ciiwd went into the woods, and, alter a íimb ÍO :Ud Htrah1'3 body dangling fiom a Tbe late Renator Morton, iu his last will and totament, bequeathed his entirc estáte, valué.; at $50,000 to his inmediato family. apAliiSKBniio, eX'United States Marehal of Colorado, who wan eonvicted of etealing Í40.000 from the Gov rnment, and eenteDcod, a bhort time ago, to the Kansas penitent iarv for the Urm of two years, has been pardonedby Preaidoiit Hayes. thb bouth. The Governor of Tennessee has called an extra session of tho Iogislaturo of that State to conbider the pioposition of the New York arbiters to adjust the State debí. A i'abtï of Mexican soldiers recently crosed the lüo Grande into Texas and attackod a l.aud of Indians who had been diprtdating in Mex00, kOling reveral, and recovoiing sixtv-eicht hcad of stock that they had run out of Mexico. A bkpoet comes by way of Galveston that "Litut. Bullis, with a unall party of Roouts, eroa-td the Rio Grande near ihp mouth of the SS?t i'iv8r' Md " Httsekad by body of 800 jDdjariü tnH oomgtjj to rfifrpnt. Uw not statod. Col. Youpg bas left Fort Clark with 200 cavalry to reinforce Bullic. " Advices from Texas Btato that Maj. Jones, of the Texas battalion, at El Paso, lias tolographed the Qovernor that immediato troulle i apprehonded, and tho Oovcrnor has been solicitad by a number of persons, especially military oflicers, to precipítate the conflict with Mexico, if the Federal Government will not. GENERAL. Burnkd : Crawford, Cotfmau .t Co. 's last and peg factory, Dayton, Ohio, losa $30,000 ; Gilmore, Waltor & Co.'sllouring mili, Allegbcny City, Pn., loss $lfi 000 ; the Kcith paper mili, Turner's Falls, Mass., ons $300,000 ; tho Ame Manufactnring Oompauy's pocketbook factory, Northampton, MaFS., losa Í30.000 ; D. Powers t Son' oilcloth irorks, at Newburg, N. Y., lona $15,000 The Captain and a crew of five perrons of the ■chooner Edward Tillery weie drowned while ittempting to l&nd during tlie galo at Port St. Peters, Quebec, a few nights ago. Business failnros : Corydon Weed, an oxtensive dealer in Illinois farm mortgagee. Rloomington, 111., liabilities il, 800,000, aHseta ono auit of clothes ; F. K. Phcenix, proprietor of the extensive nurcerics at Bloomington and Normal, II!., liabilities $120,000 : Mnlholland & Uaker, Olie of tho oldest hardware hoosea in Moni real, Canada, liabilities heavy ; Fordham ■t Jeniiings, Bh'p chandlers, San Francisco, Cal., liabilitics ê90,000. WASHINGTON. ArroiNTMENTS by tho President: John Q. Smith, of Ohio, to be Consul Goueral at Montreal, Can. ; D. N. Cooley, of Tonnessee, to bo Consul General at Spezzia, Italy : Alexander M. Stern, to bo Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Cincinnati. Hon. HenryS. Saxdfohd has been nonn'nated by the Presidont to be Minister to Belgium. There has boen a thorough investigation of all charges made against Public Printer Defrees. The charges were mado by a diseharged employé, snd, af ter completo examination, the Committee on Printiug fully exonerates Dofrees. Mr. Saxdford, who has just been tendercd the üelgian miasion, was rejected as Minister to that coiirt in 18G7, and also as Minister to Spain in 1869 Col. W. C. Goodloe, of Kentncky, has been named by the President as Minister to the Netherlands". The Prehident has urged upon the heade of departments a reduction of their estirnates of appropriations for the nexi tiscal yoar, and tho War Department has set a good example by reducing its figures as onginally prepared $10,000,000 The Secretary of War bas ordered Maj. Benvaurd to remove the raft in tlio lied river above Shreveport, and keep the river open. A Government Testcel will be placed at the disposai of tho city of New Orleans for the improvement of the harbor there. Judoe Thomas A. Spence, Assistant Superintendent of tho Railway Mail Service, is dcad. An order has been issued by the War Department directing that, unlil further orders, the namos of battle-fields shall not bo printed in the army register at the head of the regiments which took part in them. POLÍTICAS. John Morriüseï was elee cd to the Stato Sonate from the Soventh District of New York, over Augustus Schel], Taminany candidato. A secret caucus of Bopublijan members of the Sonate, at wbich thore was a very full attendauce, was held on the lOth inst. An Associated Press report of the caucus says tho "topics disenssed were the so-called 'Southern policy' and ' civil-service r-olicy' of the adminintration, with ppecial reforence to the Louisiana contest and sundry nominations bcfore tho committees. Opinions were freelv interchanged by uearly all the Senators, showing that the majonty were not in accord with the views and actions of the President on the subjects discuased, and that less than a majority are disposed to irakc any formal issue with liim. Such a courte was nol deemed expedient in a party sense, nor calleiï for by public interest nnder the present circumstance.s." At a caucus of the Democratie Senators, it was agreed to mpportall tho nominations of the President unless it fhould be ascertained in any case that the ptrfon nonunated was unfit. THE Tl!RKO-KU.SSIAN WAK. A CcmSTANTTNOPLE dispalch announces that tho Russians have oecupied Erzeroum. Tiie Russiaö losses from the commencemènt of hostihties to the lst inst. were 4,801 men. ....Four hundred of the principal inbabitaote of Bulgaria, including the Gesboffs and their families, have been uentenced to exile in Asia Minor The Porte has demandfcd tho withdrawal of the Servían corps of observation now occupying the frontier, and threatens vigorous military measures if the durnand is not complied with A very strong, unitcd effort is beinj madu to Ktir up a war feeling in Eugland. It is argued that every town in Ind:a will be unfavorably affected by the Turkish downfall in Asia, and that the rei-ult will be most dangerous to tho English h ld on the Indian population. Accobdino to Turkiüh reports, tho Kcssians attacked the fortified positions in front of Erzeroum on tho inoining of the 9th iust., and after several hours' severe fighting were repulted. The Turks pursmed them for ome distauce, capturiug a largo quantity of crnn and ammuuit'on and souie prisoncra Several of Mukhtar Pasba's oflicers have been hentenced to be chot f or cowardice in the battle of the 5th The reporttd occupation of Erzeroum, in Asia, by the llussians, pro vos false. The Turks acknowledgo a los of 2,500 killed, wounded and prisoners, and nearly all their artillery, ia tho battle of Deve-Boyun A Berlín dispatch says that the Porte has conBdcntially conmnurcated to ome of the powera a draft of the programme for the conclusión of poace Constantinople dinpatches furuiiih the followiug : "There are dissonsions in the Turkish Cabinet on the subject of peace or war, but the peace party fear' being accused of secret dealings with Bogaia, Forty of ex-Sultan Murad's servants are reported to have been strangled because of a conspiracy to reinstate Murad. The excitemeut increased by a rumor that the Prophct bas appeared to the Sultan, orderiog him to cmclude peace. Tho Russians have recommeuced a vigorous bombardment of Batoum. All the officers in Kars down to Major unanimoufly voted to reject tbc summons to Rurronder made by the Uusfians. and resolved to defend tbe city to the last extremity." Cable dispatcbes state that " Osman Pasha's lóseos are estimatcd at 200 to 310 men daily from tbe concentrated lire of tbc Russiau artillery. O-inian Pasha is bnsily coustnicting frexh fortifieations, which seem to point to his ho'd ug outas long aspos.-ible rathor tban to attempt a nortie. Prisoners an-1 deserters stato that the Turks have six weeks' provisions." GENERAL FOKE1GN NEWÍS. A Constantisople dispatch says many prominent dignitaries have been arrested by order of the Grand Vizier. It is uaid that a conspiracy on tbe part of the party of ex-Sultan Murad has been discovered A Londou telegram says that, owing to tho improved condition of the famino districts of India, tne M insion Houso relief fund bas been closed. The subscription amouut to .f2,230, C00. Lord Derby has notified the Chineeo Government Uiat the destmetion of the Woc-Sung railroad would bo regardod by Great Britain as an unfriondly act.... The French Legislatnre convenod at Versailles on the 7th int. M. Grevy, Repnblican, was chosen Provisional President of the House of Deputies by a vote of 290 agaiiiKt 170. Pret.idenfMacMabon, m receivïng ihe dolegation of Deputies of tbe Right, guve them a very categorical aoswér, implying that he would not resigo .... The Offirial Journal announces that the De Broghe Ministry, at President MacMahon's reqnest, have witiidrawn their roHigiiations. Thoy, however, insist it shall l-o fully understood that, while contiruuug to di.-charge their functions, this stiaJl in nowife prejudice the President'a sub soquent decisión. Tuk TOocesflor of Sir Edward Thornton, as British Miniter to Washington, bas been relectod in the person o( Hon. Lionel SackvilleWest, brother and heir i resumptivo of Lord Sackvillc, now British Minister to Baenoe Ayren TheSpanisb Cortes is to be convoked forJanuary, toapprmoof KingAlphonBo's marnsgo to the PrinceHs Maria Mercedes, daughter of the Diic de Montpensier. which is to take place on the 231 of thatmontli. Tiieiie is troublo in the Samoan island", in the Pacific ocean, bctweeu tbe American, E-iglish and Germán Consul. Charges and coiuiter-charges an made in the respectivj intereati, and the feeling has run so high that a committee of safety bas been orgdnized to preserve tho Doaco A Calcutta dispatch ïepörU that tho Mussulmans of India are much ex ited at the news of Turkish defeats. It is annouuccd in a dispatch from Rome that tbc Pope i.s lying near dentb's door, the pby. ician), after a careful examinaüoi), having givenunall hope of hw recovcry Advicei from Qoeenstown, Holyhead, I'lvmouth and niany otbor pointa on the coasts of the British ixlands, anuounce the prevaleuoo of a general and tremendous gale, Thei-o was grest deittruction ol' property oh laúd and, sea. A ouút dj.patch stotes tha,t gtunley, tlse Afrioau wplorfr taf 130 fullimev. b?" brought to the Cape of Good Hope in Her Majestj's toreship Industry, which airo takes them fo Zanzíbar. . ..Tho Argentino torpedo Hhip Fulminato recently explodod in the harbor of BncnoR Ayre, killing eleven persona.


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