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Proceedings Of Congress

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Tttirdat, Nov. 6.- Senate.- A large number of pctitionB were prescnted by various Senators f rom fciualOB throitghout tho country setting forth that tlir-y aro taxpayers, addsg Unit thcfr disabilitles be removed, and that they lw allowed to exerciso the right of citizens at the ballot-box.... A bilí was introduced by M Pluinb to furtner define the rijrhts of persons with respect to homestoad entries on the public domain ; also to próvido for tho payment of the clerical and other expenses of ihc land office; aleo to declare certain lands BUbjeot to taxation Mr. Maxey Bubniittcd a joint roHolutiou iiuthoriziug the appointment of a OAmmisalOD to confer with Bnch comniiBtuon a may bo appointed by Mexico, and oscertain pon uitat tcniiH a reciprocal treaty of eoinnierce can le arronged Mr. Watlace Bubmittcd bpv - eral auiendnients to the biJl introduced by him on lbo 2íd uit. to authorize a long bond for the in vect inent of savings. The aniendxnents provide that the bondfl shall bear 4 per centiiiH per anmnu interest, instead of 3.65, originaliy proponed, and that the Secretary of the Treasury bh all keep tbem for Pale at the money depositories au veli as at the different ub-treatuirieB. . . .The House l'ill to authorize free coinage of tho, standard zilver dollar and restore it legal-tender character, wan reai by title and referred to the Conimittco on Finauce Adjourned till Thnreday, 8th. IIousk.- ïïille introduccd : By Mr. Willetta, grant ing pensions to the fainily of tho lato Gen. Clister ; by Mr. Gidding, to establinh mail-stcamnhip service between the United States and Brazil ; by Mr. OUvcr, to limit the Bale of agrie uit ural lands to settlers uudor the Homcstead and Pre-emption lawö ; aleo, to abolit-h capital punishment ; alo, amending the conëtilution in regard to the election of the President, Vice President, and United States SenatorB ; by Mr. Stewart, extending tlie time for the coinpletion of the Northern Hacific railroad : ly Mr., to extend the provisiona of the act for the relief of settlers on railroad land ; by Mr. Weloh.tO catabliBh the Territory of Lincoln; by Mr. House, to amend the constitutie m so u's to limit the Presidential term to eix years. ... Mr. Breutano offered a resolntion declaring it to be in the interest of tho civil Bcrs-ice that all Government officials receiving a salary of $2,500 and upward t-hall dr their whole timo to thelr official duties, and shall not bc permittcd to carry on ttny other business. .. .Tho House took up tbc bill repealing the third section of the Rftmmption act, anda number of amendmcntB were offeren". Wednesday, Nov. 7.- Senate.- Not in session. Hotjse.- The House devoted the most of tbc day to the discueaion of the bill repealing the Reauuiption act. Mr. Price, of lowa, made a lengthy Bpeech apaiust the bill. Mr. Cox, of New York, swpported his plan of gradual resuniption Rev. Dr. Parsol, Chaplain of tho Honse, tendered ni rcflignation Mr. Blount, from the Coiuuiittee on Appropriations, reported tho Naval Deücieucy bül, Thürsday, Nov. 8- Senate.- The resolution SUbmltted by Mr. Maxey, on Tuesday, cnlling upon the President for mfomiatiou in regard to the rescue of prisontra from the Stark connty (Tex.) jail by outlaw from Mexico, ín August laat, was taken up and agreed to ; also, a resoïution Bubmittcd by Mr. Mitcbcll cnlliiifi upon thf Kecretary of the Iuterior for Information as tnthc iiumber of mileti of Northern Pacific railroad constructen, what chango has been made in the line, etc, . . . Mr. Matthcws íntrodneed a bill supplementary to the act cntitled 1; An act to provide for the resumption of specie payruents," approved Jan. 14, 1876. Hoüsk.- Tho House, in commlttce of the whole. devoted the entire session to the diacuBRion of the Army Appropriation bill, the Republicana favoring the niaiutenance of the fighling force at 25,000 men, while moBt ot the Democrats Ihought that 15,000 or 20,000 would eumce for all the ueccïsities of the service, Fbiday, Nov. 9.- Sekate.- Among the bilis introduccd were the following : By Mi. Beek, to auihorizc the payment of all custoraa duties in legaï-tcnder notes; by Mr. Dawes, in relation to the jorladioUoD of the District Court of the Trrritory of Utah in niattera Of divorce The Vice President appointed Mr. Kirkwood a nicmbcr oí thfl Committce on Foreign Relations, Mr. Ingalls a utember ef the Oommittee on Prilegrn and ï'Jt-ctiona and Mr. Saunders a member of the Comnittoe on Itailroade, to ftll tha vacanciea on these committees occasioned by the death of Senator Morton Mr. Mitchell (Oregcn) submilted a resolutiou declaring Mr. Wadlcigh (New Iïainpshirr-) the Chairman of th Committee on Privilege and I'.lfitions. vlce Mr. Morton, deceased, and it was agreed to The S? nate, in executive ession, conlinucd the nomination of John Welsh to be Minister to Euglaml. HOUSE. - The Army Appropriation bill occupicd the attention of the House the greatcr portion of thü day. An aiuendment was adopted in committoe of tlie whole increasing the army to 25,000 men, the Texas delegation votiog solidly for it. The vote stood 122 to 114 Rev. R. I. Harrieou was eiected Chaplain of the Hourc Mr Swan, the Chairruau of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, presented coiumunicatiomi from the Secretiny of ötntc, with reference to the l'aris Kxpoeition. Thcy efitimate Ihe expense of American representation at $-21,000 Mr. Atkins, the Chairmau of the Appropriatiou Coinmittfe, reported a !ill for tbc utUeznant of the accounts of the workingmen for an cxccöb of eight houra' labor. Satcjiday, Noy. 10.- Senate.- Not in Bession. House. - The Army Appropriation bill occupied the excinnivc attention of the Houne, in committee of the whole. Mr. Culberson offeredan amendment that the four cavalry regimenté be recruiUid to 100 men to each company, which foice shall le employed in tho defonse of 'm Mexleao and Indian frontier of Texas. Adopted - 114 to 112 -af ter beiog aniended on motion of Mr. Clymcr thus : ' That the reoruitlng of enlistad men t-hall be limitcd to 'J0,000( oí which foor full regiuient of cavalry shail be kept upon toe Mexiain frontier." An amendment offered by Mr. Hooker prohibiting the use of troops to snppreHs insurrections or preserve order in auy State, except on the demand of the Lcgitilature or the Exeotntvè, gave rise to an animated ditícubnion, Mr. Garneld leading the oppoëition, and pointing out the danger of having uch a law on the statute book as would have, in 1861, tied thehaud of the President and wroughtthedeatruction of tho Governinent. Mr. HookcrV amendmeiit wae rejected- 137 to 08. Mr. Atkins then offered an amendment, as au atlditionai section, providi gthat the otficers asigncd to staff duty shail not bc cntitled to additional rank or pay. Agreed to, Moniay( Nov. 12.- Senate.- Mr. Conkling made a peisonal explanation touching an alJeed interview with him printed in tüo New York Heratd of the th. He stated that the report contaiued many statements which he never uttered, even in private converation, and exprestíions of thouxht and langnage that never came from him Billa were introduced by Mr. Wjudoni to entablish a Oepartment of Commerce, and by Mr. MatthewB for the enforcemeut ofjudgmentM and decreea in States other than those where renderedormade Mr. Maxey submitted a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inqnirc into the expodieucy of constructing defenbive workR on the Rio Grande frontier Mr. Booth was appoiuted Chairman of ihc ('ominittoe on PtenU, in place of Mr. Wadleigh, who was rcoently appöinnad Chairman of the Committee on Privi:egeu and Kk-ctions Mr. Voorhees waB sworn in as a member of the Senate from Indiana The Senate, in executive Msinn, confirmed the appointment of Julm M. Btevena, of Maine, as Minister to Norway and Sweden ; John Defroon, of Indiana, uw Public Printer at Washington ; Kenneth Kayncr as Solicitor of the Treasury ; and Robort H. Chittenden, United States Attorney for lowa. Hovkk. - The CljTuer amendment to the Army bill, Hmiting tlie niimlxsr to 20,000 men, but providing for Btaüonlüg four full cavalry regiment on the Intoxican border, watt concurred in by the House on a cali of the yeas and nayn, by vote of KW to 127. The amendment providing that otRcer, when ushigned to staff duty, t?hall receive no higher rank or jay than their lineal rank or pay, wm defeated. The bill was then passed without división A larjje number of bilis were then introduced and referred, iucludiiig a bill to an:cnd the laws in relation to mailable matter of tbc tho third class ; the existing banking lawt ; deaignating Uie time for the meeting of Congress on the flrst Monday in January; to reduce the number of military cadets; for payment of all cotton sefzed aftor the 39th of May, ltJ7f ; also, to ref und the tax on raw cotton collected froui 1863 to 1808; to prohibit by constitutional amendment the payment of claims ariöing out of the late rebel Hou ; for tho payment of import dutie in legal-Utnder not#s as Hoon as they are quoted at par with Ugaltender coin of the United States.


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