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Proceedings Of Congress

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TOSSDAY, Nov. 13.- Sknate.- The following ills were introduced: By Mr. McDonald, in relaïon to aiBtilling and rectifying spirits. By Mr. Sarland, to authorizo the electiou of a Delogato to 3ongreis from the Indian Tcrritory. By Mr. Oamron (AVíh.), to aid the Winuebago Indiana of WisiniKin to obUin subnisteuco by agrieuHnral ptlruits, snd to promote theircivilizatiou Mr. Cbafce called up the resolution submitted by him last vitk in regard to tho mfllKigfimfHTt of tbfl Pacific raiload, and poke at length in regard to the subject. . . . Iho Army Appropriation bill was read by ita title ud rí-ferred The Senate adoptod a resolntion, ffered by Mr. Bootb, of California, calling upon ho President for inf ormation as to the cause of the Sez PercoH war, its oost, thf number of Indiana and oldicrs engaged therein, the number of lïves lost, nd the dispoRition made of Chief Joseph and the ndlftM whosurrendered with him. House.- Tho Hoïisc further debated the Keumption act. Mr. Cbittcnden, of New York, madr i pronounced hard-money epeet-h. He dcuounced Jio proposed repeal of tho Kesumptlon act as ractical ropudiation. He attacked the Siler bill with cqual bitternesw ïhe House msscd tlio Navy DeÜciency bill The foluwing billR were introduccd : By Mr. Banks, to ■ixtend, facilita and cheapen land and water MUEUportatloii of freight aud passengers, and to aromóte industry and labor without further ajprrciation of the public debt ; by Mr. Townenend (III.), ï regolution instructing the Committee on Banking Eind ÜUirenoy to inquirc into the expediency of wiudinji up national bankn, withdrawiug their cirDUlatlon, and sulmtitutlDgin lieuthereof greonbacks and other Bimilar currency. Wëdkesday, Nov. 14.- Senate.- The Army )ill was reporied to the Senate, with the lhnitation nf 20,000 men, and the mandatory provisiou for four full rngiments of cavalry on tho Texas frontier striokeu out. Instead of thlf, the Senate commune nserted a clanae providiug that cavalry regimonts nuy bp rncruitod to a liuudred men in each couiiany, " and a sufftcient forco of cavalry shall be emloyed iu thedefeoseof tbo Meilcau and ludían 'routiers of Texas.". ...A conimunication was receivtd from ilc President, covering a detailed statement of recent outragea on the Kio Clrande and of the proceedings taken by this Government in consequente. Rfferrini to the proposr-d uegotiaion of a new treaty, the President exyressedadoubt whether it would be most expedient to commence DCgotiations inimediatcly or walt until cirmmetances juntificd the recogDitloti of lie Díaz Government. Mr. Ingalls, from hc ■■ ■ liv on Indian Affaire, rported, with imendmcnte, the Senate bill to enable the Indiana to becomc citizens of the United Statf b. Placed on he calendar Thu Více Pretddent was authorizod o fitl the vacancy on the Committee on Pensions )cca8ioned by the reeignation of Mr. Davis, and on he Committee on Tran snor tat ion Routes to the Seaboard, occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Sauuirs. ïle thereupon appointed Mr. Voorhees to ñil both vaaincies. House. - Mr. Townsend offered a reeolution instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire iüto ;he factfl of the imprisonment of Robert Sinalla ;colorcd), a member of the Houeo from South Caroina, and to report whether such imprisonment is or is not a violation of the constituí ion al privileges of the House The House devoted the day to discussing the Resumption Repeal bill. Thürsday, Nov. 15.- Senate.- The Senate passed the Army Appropriation bill as it carne from the House, with the exerption of an atcendment flxing the army at 25,000 ïnstea of 20.0C0 The Defieiency bill was alpo paesed without amendment and without diBcussion. ...Mr. Dawcs prest-nted the remonstrance of the forty-flve national banks of Boston afrainst the passage of the biü for the reruonetization of siiver. The petitioners set forih that they are required by law to hold many millions of United States bondp, and arn apprehenyive that the pafleage of the biil witl greatly de]Ji'ieiate thoir valuo and have a bad effect on the business of the country Mr. Eaton introduced a joint resoluüon proposing an amendment to the constitution providing for a tribunal by States for the decifion of all contested issuen arising in the choic of electora for Prcsidont and Vice President. House. - The fouowmg bilis were iniroduced and referred : By Mr. Ua?keJl, providing for the payment of duties on importa in gold, sil ver and legal-tender notes ; by Mr. Schleicfcer, providiug lor chcap traueportation botweon tidc-water on the Atlantic and the Ohio and MiBeissippi valleys ; by Mr. Sapp, for the construotion of a railway from Xow York to Council Bluffn, lowa Mr. Cobb, from tlit1 Oommittoe oü Mileage, reported back adverseïy the bill allowlng mcaibers niileage for attendance on the extra gession, Laid on the table. The House indulged in another loDg debate on the ftnances. Fuiuaï, Nov. 16.- Senatk.- Mr. Davis, of Weet Virginia, occnpíed almost the enlire time of the Senate ia delivering a speech ou the subject of alleged discrepanciea in the Treaaury Department. Mr. Iugalls introduced a bill repealin'g tho act authorizing the coiuage of the 20-cent eilvor piece. Mr. Camcron, of Wisconsm. iutroduced i bill Üxiug thft salaries of Judgea of the District Courto of the United Staten. HotTSK.- Mr. Swrmn reported a bilí relativo to the Paris Exposition. It acctpta the iuritation from France to take part in the Exposition. andappropriates $130,000. Mr. Cox. of New York, offered a eubBütnte appropriating $50, (00. lïoth wore referred. Mr. Singleton reported a defleiency bill. The total appropriations ankert for foot wp $l,56D,6':i. Tho principal items are: Postofüco nalarien, $1181, (Hl ; ireaaury Department, $125,000 ; library of Cougrofifl, $'22,500. ...The Houee had a lengthy debate, extendiug far into the rverung, on tho biibjert of repealing tho Resumptiou law. The speeches wcre deliveretl by MeaerH. Garfleld and Howitt in upposïtion to the repeal. Satubday, Nov. 17.- Senate.- Not in sesslon. House. - Mr. Atkins reported back the Army Appropriation biil wiih the Senate amendmente, rcconimending concurrerice in gome of the amendments and non-concurrence ín others. Mr. Atkins txplained that the Seoate amendmenta were rnainly immatcriül, the L-hief poiut of difference between the two housee beiug the clauses limiting the army to 20,000 men and limiting it to 25,000 men. The House theu proceeded to vote upon the amendment. The Senate amendment rcducing the appropriation for the expeuscB of thn Comtnundiug (ücneral's office from 3(000 to $'2,500 was conenrred iu. The next ameudment was one Btrikiug out the clauae providing ihüt four fnll cavalry régimen ts nhaïl kept np on the Texas frontier, i-ui iusertiug, ïubtead of it, a proviso that cavairy reiüientfl may be recruited to 1,000 men, and that a euffleient force of cavalry shail be t-niployed in tke defonsc of the Texas frontier. The recommendation of the Committe on Appropriatious was to nou-concur, but Mr. Fostor moved to coucur. Agreed to- yeas, 140; nays, 120. ....L. S. Metcalf o was sworn iu as Kepresentntive from the Tliird Diwtrict of Missouri, talíing the irou-clad oath. ...Mr. Stephena introduced a bilí for the llnanclal relief of the couutry, and to facilítate the return to specie payment without injurioiiBly affecting the commercial busínesB and general industries of the peoplc. Monday, Nov. 19. - Sknate. - The rcaolution of Mr. Davie, of Weat Virginia, for tbe appoüituient of a committee to inquire into alleged discrepanclfs in the bonks of the Treasury Department, was pasised in Ihe Senate The Senate reoeded. from its amentiments to tlio Army bill which were nou-concurred in by the House, and passed the bill The Senate, in executive pcesion, contirmed several nominatiouB, includingthat of Filley to be PoBtmaster at St. Loufs. House. - The Paris Exposition Appropriatiou bill was iniii' r conideration in the Houpe. Sunset Cox made a vcry humorous speech on Mr. Hewitfe proposition to makc an exhibít of tho American method of cooking hoe cake and corn dodger.


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