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Atlantic Monthly FOl 1878. 'l'liü ni;in;iK'i 'í tlio Atj-antic, wlillo kauiu this magazine flrsl lu Americaii periódica] (Itera ture, a regard lie ipinliiy of lts contributions aml tlie distinction of its wrlters, wln especially aiiuduviiiR tbc coming year tu treat Qukstion of Publio Intkkkst, as llicy irise, n a thorougl aud iitipartial nianiR'r. Il is not Ollly tbdr pur póselo make (he Atiaktic acceptable to lovers o telles lettre, bul i" make II indispensable toa] who valuó the best thouglit in ibe country on Fi nance, inatters of Qovernirienl Refbrhi, ;ti'I :i] Social Probletus. ín tbc bigbest cláSB of lii lioa It wiii be partieuUrly fnll, and wüleoutnln scri al story (" Detinold ; A Honiuncc ") in iive parta hy iVili'Hin II. KifcUop; aiiotherCThe Eq repeana.") in four parí-, by lloury Jamo Jr.; anda Hiinl, iufiveor lx parts, (y . I Hundís. Sliort .N(oríK WiU be contribirt-ed by T. M. Aldiitl), ltoe Tcrry C'ookc, Cnustancc iciiimorc Woolsuu, II. Ei S luider, .1. w. I.- Forost and other oíd and new writera for tlu Aii,antu . iucludiflg thc author oL " TUaJJhlld o Ibc St-.itc." Skfti lus :tixl libáis. liy Mabk Tiv.iin aud ( ilAKi.r. ) i ■ i . j ; v V.i; Nv.ii wül consfcantly tipjtear. Dcscrlptt.onft of Vorci(n Ufe aud Travel v v. xv. Story (" Stnidiee of Artlstlo and Socia Life iu Jíoiiiu,") T. li. At.dukmí, (" Froiu Ponkaa, ii Peath."). and Charles E. "Norton ("Essays oí Italian ('nth'idri]s") are promised. Studies from Freich, Germán, and English liooks. Not eosHv aeceaslble ío Ihc senei'al reader, umi rli;itai-('i-in eaöh by siinii' peculiar claim opon lii- Interest, wül be atiseftil and picasant feature for ihc new ycar, T. S. }'kiíuv, Jl. E. BOUDEER, ITenky James, Jr., Richard (rant Wjiitk, W. p. líOWEI.f.S, IlARItlKT W. PKKSTON, ÍUld OtllCTS, WÍll contribute bhesfi atad tes. lnterestíng contributions may aiso bo oxpected f rom Edmund C. Stedman, Baraji O. Jewktt (íiuthor of " Deepliaven sketches "), aud otbers, Inchidíng orno curious " Keininiscenücs of BrooK Farm," By a memberöï tlie Asociatioii. Matters of Art'tstic and Musical Interest. Will bo treatod in frequent articles, and the literary criticlams will be as ever, full, varied, and ttnpartial. The Contrtímtors' Club. l'o which so man y readers airead y turn tbs flrst thiufí, will be enlarged anl rond e red Gonstaíitly more a t trac ti ve. Im Voetnj J'he Atlantic wiJl conÜDue to oxecl. T)ie plder t'üniril)uto)'.s, identitied for twenty ycars witii its uue and prosperlfcy, - Mr. Loncfkixow, 1r. O. W. Holmes, Mr. Viiittikr, Mr. Lowei.l, and otbers, - wül aftpear aa heretofove,and thc Atlantic, which bas int rodiiced to the iublie the best imonLouv younor writers, will be the avenue of proinisiug and characteriatie in ïcw titlent. To The Atlantic Portraits Oí BBYANT aiut LCfNGFEIíLOW, remarkahle l'or their fidelity as portnüfs and théir rare artistic ex, cellfiH.'C, thc Publisfréra lia imw added ;t oew tiffe sisse portrait of New England's favorito ioet, tTohn Oreenleaf Whittier, Th eso por traite are carefully wrapped on rollers, aiil uan be mn.% tu auy part oí tho cmiüry ly nutii without iiijury. Tkkms ok tiie Atlantic- Single or specimen nutiihi-rs, 3 5 cents. Yearly subscrlption, #4.00, postaqe f'ree, witli litc-size portralt ofWhittier, Ery:int, or Longfellow, $5.00; witli two povtraits, $6.OO; wíth all tli ree poïtralts, $7.0O. SPCCIAIj The N.ivrmhor aml Dcreiiiber ]imnl)ers oi' thc Atlantii', containing jiüoiiLS Jy Whittier and Longíelluw, aod th: coniinenceiuenl of 51 r. BIshop's new serial ;i ory, "Detniold," wíU be inatled íVee to all new snbecribera to the AtííAntu fór 1878 wbo remit their sobseri)tious to the publisúers beforo December 15,' jnail shmüil he sent by a inoncyorder, drai't on Now York or Boston, or reistered letter, to H. O. HoumToy fe-Co., UíveryldQ PreBfe, Cauihi'klgc, Mass. l(iGH. O. HOÜHIITOX & (JO,, liostou ; 1ILUÜ & HOUOHTON, Me York. Thi.i is the fin est Liniment in the worhl, ibiJ U'M positivdy cure in almost every case. Frico $1.00 par bottle. JOHHSQÍÍ, HOLLOWAT & CO , S PECIA L A GESTS, 2 ilaclelpfttot 77ii$ is pruhiinhi ic tfronge&t, pvrent and best r paraiioii of Iron ínoini. Oic riel 'vnll convince. Pricr -, $1.00 per boilte. ÍOmiRTONj flOLLOWAY k, 00. Special A gentSi Lhilat!cTphia. I DTSFEPSIA I rennancntly cured te every instancc by tho - EAGLE DISPEPSIA TROCHES, They will immcdiately correct a sour stomach.chcck vorniting and hcartbum; cure 8ickuess or.'pain m thc stomach, costiveness, liver. coinplaint, headachc, etc. Being pleasant, safe nnd harmlcss, are asure cure for Iní'auts sufterlng l'rom weak stomach. vsafPrice, Thirty-Five Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDER. At all times safe, rcliable, strictly vcrctable and tasteless, used by oíd and young with perfect safety.cvcn whcuworms are not present. Rcquires but onc doso to efl'ect a cure. " Pricc, ÍS Cents per Paeftagc. í-old by all Druggists, or sent by Muil, on reccipt of Price. NEBEKEli & CO., Próp% 12th ai SOxvküí Btg., ïiihdelphli, Pa. ' TRICE, 35 CEBTT3. Joíinston, Holloway & Co., Spocial Aee&tB, Jfhi.lad'a. Sewing Machines The beat ttock ef Miichines in tbc State, anl 1 willscll you a 3SETTEU MACHINK for the money tbau you can buy tuiywhere els;. I have the MOST BEAUTIFUr, MACHINES that you ever saw, and sell theni for the pnce eharged genernlly for cheap nommon machines, líemeinber I have boupfht fuul sold more machines than any other ten men in the coimty, and can fio botter by you than any lïttlc one-horse con ent. Machines Doliverert F ree of Churre TO ANY PEACE WITFIIN ÏK'.VKTY SÍILÉ8. No more windin" bobbhis for S1NGER MACHINES YOU CAN BUY YOUB [1IREAO EEADY KOR T SHUTTLE At the Singer Oii . PLAITERS FOR DRESS-M AKING Three kinds lor from $1.50 to $2.00. Keédles and Paris lor N cari y all 1 chines. I. L. CRINNELL. 'irvgory Sllork, Scr.oiiil door cast of Post Office, Aun Arbor. ITIicli. (1Ö5G) Tvo fflil Houses FOE SALE, rho property bclonging to the WELLES ESTÁTE, ttuated on DIVISIÓN STREET, at tlio liead of ANN STREET, and the property lately owned :uid now occupied by A. WIDENMANN, will be sold it a VERY LOW PHICK, AND ON LONG TIME IF DESIIiEO. Applv tö S. H. DOUGLAS. TOR EENT. Two Stores, LawOrBcos, and upper Ildllintbe iIcMahon Block. For term3 apply to Koot & Vücoxson.'otfice in the same building-, 1615 JERUSHA P. NOBLE NNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Gtereaan Farmers Fire Insurance CompaDy of Washtenaw County willbe held at the School House, opposite the Oorman Lutheran Church in Scio, on Monday, December 3d, 187Í, at 10 o'eloek a. m., for the purpose of electingoUicers,and for the transaction of ueh other business as may legally come before aid meeting, A general iittonuancc of the memjers is expected. Scio. Xov. 21, 1ST7. W.I. F. BU88, Secretary. lCVjtd Commissionors' Notica. 3TAIE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. The undersined having been appointedby he Probate Court for said eounty, commissioners 0 receive, examine and adjust all claims and enands of all persons agiüust the estáte of Chrisopher Heizcr, late of said counly deceased, hereby ivc noticc that six months from date are allowcd, by rdcr of said Probate Court, for creditors to present lieir claims against the estáte of said deceased, and bat thoy will meet, at the late resident of said deeascd, in the towhsblp ofSylvaH, in said county, d Tuesday, the f.'th day ofïebruary, and ou Monlay, tho litth day of May next, at ten o'eluck . m. of each of said days, to receive, e;iiniii" nd adjnst said claims. Datcd, Xovcmbcr 13, A. 1). 1H77. o RUIN TIIATCIIEB, CHUIHT1AN WEAVEB, löfii C'ununissioncJ"s. Cuiiitiiissionors' Nolico. JTATE OF MICIIHIAN, County of Wtenaw, J ss. The uiiuer.signed haviug been apioint.ed by he I'robato Court for said County, cotnmlssioners I" eceive, examine and adjiisl all claims and demanda f all persona against the estale of John Byruc, ate "f said couiity dcccuácd, uereby give uootice thatelx months Pröin late are allowcd, by nier of said Probtitü Court, for ereditors to preent thcir claims agaiust the estáte of said deeasod, an Hint Ttlicy will meet at tlie store of Álwaid Dully, in the ,-ity "I Ann Arbor, in aid county, on Frlday.the Stlidavof l'Vbruary, and n Wudnesdny, tho 8th day óf May next, al lm Vloek a. M. of each of sai'l days, to receive, exiiiinc and adjut said ctaime. Dntod, Suvitiibcr 8, A. D. ISTT. EDWAIil) DUl'TY, SIL.'.s II. BOUGLA8, tGOJ VI I CoiiMiiissi'iners. Estatq üf Cliiirlotte Neumaun. WTATE OF MICI1K1AN, County of Wasbtcnaw J ss. At a session of the Prolialo Court for the 'ounty of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office, n tbe city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twentleth ay of November, in the ycar one thousand eight lundred and seventy-scveri. Present, WIUItUH ö. Httrriumn, Judge ..f Probate. In 1 li o matter of tlio est ato oí Charlotte Xcutann, deceased. On reading and Illtng the petition, duly vcrifted, f Frodericli Pistorius, executsr, praying for the ssignmeutof the residucof theestate of said dceased ti the devisces. Thereupon t is ordered, that Wednesdy,the nineeouth day of I)ccemb('r next, at ten o'elock in the orenoon, be assigucd for tbe hearingof said petition ihI tlmt fhodi'visces, legatees, and hei at li of aid deeeasod, and all other persons Interestd m said estáte, are r.equlred to appear at scssion of said court, then to be holden t the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any the re lic why he prayer of the petitioner should not be ranted: And it is fort her oriered, that said letitioner give notice to the persons intêrestêd 1 said estáte, oftbe pendencyot said petition and he hearing thereof, hy cansina; i copy of this rder to be pubHshed in the Michigan Anus, a ewspaperprinted and circulsted in said coonty bree successive reeka prevlous to said day of heai■ WILLIAM 1). HARRIMAN, lAtrnecopy.l Jirfge „t Probate. V.M. G. Poxy, Probate Register. ltiü'td Estato of Moses C. Edwards. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O sa. At a session of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, Ín the city of Ann Arbur, on Wodncsday, the tw-enty-flrst day of November, in the ycar one thousa nd elgbt haindred mul yrvent y-seven. Present, William D. J larri man, Judge of Pobïe. ftln tbe matter of the est ato of Mosch ('. Kdvaid-. deoeased. Ou reading and Bliug the petótíon, du] y yf&i&ed, of Hartes ('. ivlward -, admin.strator, pntyiiiL thaï lic may be líeensed to sel! the real estáte wheroof said deecased dáed seizcd. Tliorcnpüii it is ordered, th al Sat urda y , Ihc2-d day of lecember next, at ten o'elock in the tbrenoon, bc assigned for the lieai ing of said petition.aud that tin.? heirs atlaw ofsaidleee;ised,and all othcr person - intcceatedin satdestttte. are roquiied to appear ah a scsMon of said conrt, then to bc holden at the Probate office in the city oí' Aun Arbor, luid .show, if any there bc, why tho prayer of the petitioner should not bu graulcd: And it is further ordered, thal said pefcitioaergive noticc to t ho perrons interestod }u said catate, of tbe peudency of said pctitioD and the hearing thereof, by causïag a copy of thls order to be published in the Michigan Arguá, a aewspapèif-prinfeea and circulatcd in said county, four saocessive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. WILLIAM 1. HAIMUMAN, (A true copy.) Judgo of Probate. Wm. G. Dotv, Probate Register. 16G2 Edtate of Erucst Iliues. STATE OF MICIIKJAN, County of Waahteaaw ss. At a scs=ion of í lie Probate Court for the County of Waahienaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tlie twrntieth day of Novcmbcr.iü tbe yearone thous; and eiglit hundrèd and seventy-sevcu. Present, Willmm 1), Mamman, Jud-e of Probate. In tbe mattler of the estáte of Knie-t Hl nes, deceased. Jlenry lilaos, administ rator of said eState, comes into court and represonts that be is now prepared to render bis iiual accouut as sueh adinini.strator. Thereupön it is ordered, that Wednesaay, the nineteenth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the foreiioon, be assigned for examining and allowini? sucli account, and that the hcirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in saíd estáte, are required to appear at a ses.sion of said court, then to be holden at tbc Probate Offtce in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allo wed. Aüd it is further ordered that said adnünistrator give noüee to the persons interested in said estáte ot the pendeney of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Micldffttn Argtu,a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three suceessïve weeks previous to said day of' hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, f A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G.Dütv, Probate Register. lG62td Estáte of Georgo Vetter. 8TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wwbtenaw, sa. At a session of tbc Vrobate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oiüce, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the nineteenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D,Harrfman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of (jeorge Vetter, deceas3d. Catherine D. Vetter, adniinist ratrix: ofsaid estáte, comes into coutt and representa that Mie is now prepared to render her fmalaceountas sutb administratrix. Thereupön it is ordered, that Tuosday, thcl8th day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigncd for examining and allowing sucli account, and tb:tt the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to apnear at a session of said Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Ottice In the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said admini-itratiix givc noüce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of' said account and the hearing tbcreoi, byeausio? a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Ar(.us, a newspaper printed ind circulating In said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. II A lïlïl MAN (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Dotv, JEVobate Jlcgiter. l62td lístate oí' John J. Dowuer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Goivnty of VVashtehaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the nineteeuth day of November, in tlie yeiuone thousand cigbt liuudred and seventy-seven. Present, William 1). Ilarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Johti J. üowner, di'eeasod. Kreemaii T?, Üalptu, adinlulstrator of said eslair, comes into iouit and rapTCSeaU tliat be ia now prepared to ronder bis liual account as micIi administrator. The reu po U it ia ordered, (hut Tucsday, the I8th day of Decenibcr next, at ten o'clock in the fovciiOOD, be asyidned för examining audrallowing such aeoouut, and I the heirs atlaw ufsaiddeceased, and all Other persene iuterested in said estale, are ie'itiri'd to appear ata Bftssfou of Bald court, then to We liolden at the Probate Ottice in the city of Anu Ailior, in said county, and show cause, if any tlie re be, why the said account, should liot bo alfowed : Am! it la further orderid tbal isaid aduiinïutrator give notlce to tbc persons interested in BHid estáte, of the pendeucy of said account, and tlie Uesritig lli'-ieol', by causiiig a copy of this order to lis publisbed in the Michigan Argusf n uewspaper prlted and cireutatiug in said coutity, three tiuccebitive weeks previous to .said dav of hearing. WILLIAM V. IIAIMUMAN. (A true COpy.J Judge of l'i'obatc. Wm. (-. Dotv, Probato Register. l'""? Estáte of Elisha Eldtulgo. STATKOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa. At; u session of the Probato Court for the eounty of Washtennw, holden nt tlie Prolmte Office in tlie city oí Ann Artyr, on Friday, the sixteenth dny of November, in the year one ihousand cight hundred and eyenty-Beven. Presentí William D.Harniuan, Judge of Probate. In the mutlerof the eslate oí Elisha Eldndge, deceasfid. On rcading and tiling Ibepetition, duly rcrifled, of Phincaa L. Page, praying that aeertnin instrument now 00 Üle in this court, pnrporting to bc the lust will and testament of said deceased) may be ulmitted to probate, and that be may bc nppomted executor thereof. Thereupön it is ordered, that Monday, the seveuteenth dn y of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petttion, and that tbe deviseea, légateos, und heirs ut law ot said deceased, and all other person.1- intereuted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of suid Cour),, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionur should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said pelitionor give noticc to the persona iuterested iu said etate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hoaring thereof, ly cuudin a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed und civculated in said county, three sucecsaive weeks previoua to said duy of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.j Judffe of Probate. Wai. U. Üoïy, Probate Liegiater. 16G2td Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN", County pf WftüihteO lüiw, ss. In the matter of thc estáte of tsidoie 1L Kiedon, minor : Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order grantcd to tho undersigned, guardinn oí' the estiïte of sa id minor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-uinth doy of October, A. D. 1877, there will be Bold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Haturday, the üftecnth day of December, A. D. 1S77, ;tt ten o'clock inthe forenoon of that day (subject to all encuiubrancea by mortgage or otherwise existint; ut. the time oí thc sale), the t'ollowing deacribed real estnteto-wit: All the right, title, and interest cf said Isïdore M. lïisdon in and to the following deHcribed real estáte to wit : Lot number eiijht (S) and east half {}. of lot number scveu(7)in block number one(l) norlh of Hu ron street, in nnu six (6) cast, in the city of Ann Arüor, County of "Washtenaw nnd Ötato of Michigan, nccordiug to the recoi'ded pint of the villaje, imw city oí Ann Arbor. Dtaed, Óetöber 20, 1877. 1059 LEVVIS C. 1USDON, Guardian. Estáte of Thomas Martyn. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, ss. At a sessiun of thc Probate Court for the Couuly oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oükr in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, thc twentieth day of November, in the yearonc thousand eight hiftdred and scyventy-sevcri. Present, Williani 1). Ilaniman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas MaLrt#d, deceased. On r'ea&lng a ml iiütig the pelition, duly vmtii.'d, ofMary Maiiyn, prayiug that aeertam Instrument now on Jile i:i tuis court, purporting to bc the lust will and testahienj of said decèaseu, may bo adiniih'il to probate, and ihut John s. tío win ml may te appoiaied administra tor fvhhh wiM aivnxed of sttw estáte. Ther'.üijion t is ordered, that Monday, tlu1 sevon í !■+■ m t h d;iy of I 'uceiuber next, at ten o'clock in the foienoon, be assïgucd for thc hearing ot' saM petition, and lh;tt tlie ddvisces, 1 and lieirs al law of s;iM Öeèénscd, ;uut all otiwif persons totordsted In saii estáte, mé re([tiired to appear at a seeafón öfsali couri, then to lie holden at the 1'robatc OtSc ia tlie city of Ann Aibur, and t-lnnv cause, if auy there be, uhy thc pruyet' of tho pct.itioiier sliould not le grautetl: And it Is furthër ordurod tliatsaidpetitioiicr giv'e nöticé to the persoSs intcrested in :-aid eslale, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by cartsrag a copy of this order to bc published in the Michigan Argua, a newspaper printed and circulated in saidcouniy, threo successivê weeks previoas to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A truc copy) Judge of Probate. Wil. G. Doty, Probate Register. 166L6d Estáte of Peter Becker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, sá. Atasession of the Probate Court for the County of Wuslitenaw, holden at the Probate Otiiceiij thc City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesduy, the i'ourteenth day of November, in the year one thousn ad eight liundred and seventy-seven. Present, Williani I). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of retor Becker, deoÊased Mar y Becker, admïnistratrix of said estáte, comes into court and represents that she is now prepared to ronder her final account as sucli aduiiiátratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that l'uesday, the eleventh day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be Kssigued for examining and allowing sucli account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased. and all other persons intereated in aaid estáte, are required to appenr at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, whythe said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said administratiix give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argttit, a newspaper printed and circulating in said coniïty, three succe.ssive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judge of Probate . Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. ' 16G1 Estáte of John S. Coy. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Orlice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday. the thiiteenth day of November, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Pr ' ate. In the matter of the estáte of John S. Coy, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Thomas Coy, prayingthat George C. Page, or 8ome other ?uitnble person, may be appointed administrator of the estáte oí' Baíd deceased. Tbereuponitis ordered, that Monday, the tenth day ol December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, beassigcidfor the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all othei persons intereatod in said estáte, are required to appear ut a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why tlie prayer of the petitioner Bhouldnot begranted : A.nd it ia iurther ordered that said ietitioner give notice to the perrons intcrested in satd estate, of the pendency ot said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tliia order to be published in the Michigan Argus a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, threc aucecssive wcelts previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM. D. lIARUpiAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probato Register. . 1601td Estáte of Joab Carpcutcr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteiaw, 9. At a seasion of tho Probate Court for the county Washlenaw, holden at the Probate Ofh'ce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the Ktthday of November, in the year oncihousand eiffht ban tred and scvtnty-BCven. Prssent, Williani D. Harriman, Jude of Probate. In he matter oi the estáte of Joab Carpenter, deeeased. Ou reading and iiliu thc petition, duly vvrifted, of Horaco Carjtenter, executor, prayin that the residuo of the OHtate of said deoëfléed m;iy bc asi sifjnod to tlie de viscos and k-atces in tlie will oí said deceased. Thereupon it is or-k-red, that Saturday, tlie first dny of December next, at len o'cloek in Lhe forenonn, bo asnigned tbr the hearing of said petitiou.aud that tlie devisen, k'siileot, and heixs ;it law ot' said deceased, and all other persons interedted in an'wX eetftttt, aru required to ajtpear al a sossiou of .sitid court, then to bo holden at tbe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show ettuse, it' iny there be, v!iy the priyer of the p;titionpr slioul'l nol bc Kiimted: And it is furtlier ordered, tliat said petitinner jive notice to the persoria intereated in said estáte, o!" the pendeutiy of said potitiou and the hearing thereif, by cftusins ftOOpy ol this order tube pnblislied in the Michi'j"i Argmt, a ucvsi':i]cr pïiiliod tind cireulated in said county, two öiiccesive "veeks previuus to said day of hearing1. VVlliLIAM D.HAUÏITM.VN, [A truo copy.1) Judge of Probate. Wm. Cr. DaTï,Prüb;ite l&ogister. LWÍ1W Estáte of William Vord. STATK OF MJCHIGAir. C'ounly of Washienaw, s.i. At n BQtjeion ut' tlir Probate CoUrtTor tlie County of 'ashlenaw, holden at tlu1 Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor, ou l-'iiilav, Uie oecond day of November, in Uw y-ar une thousand eiffht huiHln'd and svrnly-.scven. Present, Willia:nH. Harriniau, Judfre of Pwrt#,tc. In the matter of tlie osta( of Wüliam l-'i-nl, deceased. Edwin I''ok1, t-MMutor of ttir ];ist wiH aud téstame nl of sai d ddeeasedeoiuw ÏBfco eonrt and represents that he is now jirepared to reinier liis tina] ;u-coiintas such executor. Tli e ren [ion it ia ordered, tliat Saturday, the day oí' EteoeuibftX next, at ten o'eloek in lhe forenoon, le assincd lor exaaintog and illowin such account, and that the devisoe-;, teaa lees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all ofoer persons interested in suid estáte, are required to appearat a session of said couri, then to be holden ;il the Probate Orlice in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show causo if any there be, why the said account should not be allöwed : And ii is further ordered that said executorgiv.e notice to the persons intcreïted in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy ol this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a uewspaper printed :uul circuIfttlng in said county, thrce succosstVp weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HAUPJMAN, (A truo copy.) Jndge of Probale. Wm. (i. Dott, Probate Register. I6ft0 Estáte of Gcorge VVhitney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa?htenaw ss. Ata session ot' the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdea fit the IJrobate 01fiee in the city of Anu .Arbor, on Tuesday, tne thirtieth day of October, iu the ycar one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, WilliamB.Hiirrimún, Judge of Probate?, In the matter ot the estáte of Oeorge Whitney, deceased. On reading andfüinjj the petition, duly veriÜc-J, of Francis Whitney, one of the executors of said estáte, praying that they muy be licensed to mortgage the real catate whereof said deceased die.) seized. Thereupon it ia ordored, that Saturday, the first day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of eaid petitiou, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs as law of said deceased, and all other persons iuteiested in said estáte, are required to appeur at a session of said Court, then to be hoideu at the Probate office, in the City ot' Aim Arbor, and show cause, if any there, why the praycr of the petitioncr should not be grauted : And it isfurther ordered that said petitioner give not ice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ot said petition, aad the hearing thereof, hy eausin? a copy of this order to be puhlished in the, Michigan Arpus, a new- paper printen1 and circulated in snid eounty, four necwaive weeks preyiovas to said day oi hearing. "WILLIAM 1). HAURÏMAN, (A truecopy.) Ju i go of Probate. Wilt.iam (i. UÓXÏi Probate Register. lC5iUt Mortgago Sale. DÜI-'Al.'LT bas been made in the conditioni oj a certain mortgago, made and executed by Jolui w. Mayaard and Mary J. Maynard, his wiit, to Alfred J. Wood, on the second day of November, A. 1. 1857, whkh mortgage was duly recorded in the oHlee "i the Register of Deeds lor Ihe Couuty of' Wa-htenaw, Stato of Michigan, on the sixtli ri;i y ui' November, A. D. 1SÖ7, in liber 24 of niortgages, page 118, wbicjj said mortgage was, on the Mxtc'nth day of .t;nu!ary,rA. D. 1858, duly assiguod l.y iln;.sai"j AUVeu lï. Wood to the unéersïgned CKarles H. ftlchmond, and said assignment was duh rei ÓTfted in the office of the Register of Deeds lor the County ot' Waslitenaw, Srate of Michigan, on the eïghteenth. day of Januaxy, A. D. 1858, in liber 24 ot mortgages, page 118; and there is now due and unpaid tliemm the suni of two thousanti dpUars and interest from the ninth day oí' May, A. I. 1873 ; and no proeeedings at law íiave been ihgtïtuted tö recover the debt socured ly such mortgage, or any part thereof: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power oí' sale in said raortgage contained, aml of the statutein snob case made and provided, said mortgage wlll be furetlosed by :i sale of the prein lam cuvert-d tbereby, or so uiuch tlierettf as sball be noeessary Eo satisfy the auiouat due on said mortgage a? above set fqrth, and the costs ídhI expenses ofVurli sale, togeflu-i' willi a reasonablo charge for altor ney's or solicitor's services a provided in sai.t mortgage, at public anction, to the highest bidder, on J-'iiijjaY, TUK Kir.lITir DAY OF PliEBUAEY, A. D. 1878, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the the iüulh door of the Court House, in the "city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State óf Michigan (said Court House being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said county). Said praalses airsituated in said city of Ann Arbor, and are descaib-d as follows, to wit : Commencing one hundred and sixtecn feet and a half north trom the southeast corner of block d amber one norih in range th ree cast ; thence west 102 ieei ; thence north iifteen ajid one half feet to ihe south line oí lot hümber eight, in said lilock ; thence west thirty leer to the west line of said lot , tlienee north nine and one half feet; thenee easi alon# Ihe souih line of Charles Thayer's land and along the south line of Charles .tore, ín Mumlv'.s blacV, to Mam street ; thence south to the place of begin - nihg; to-etluT witb the righi and privliege and OSe of the north WAlï of' Jamos T. Allen's store l: buildinioor upon, aod also the ribt and privilege of u-ing and building agaiust and oining into the south watt of Charlea Thayer's store In a evitable, and workmanlike manncr", not bo asto occasion any da.mage or injin y to said wall ur building, exeepting aml reserving so much of said as ia covered by JaniesT. Allen's brii-k store, foeÍHg about two ieet fiveinehes wide and Ihe lengih of said Allen'.- store, and also the piece of land deeded by Agnea P. Farsons and Hoswei! Paxsonato Thomas Cluiic. The saïd land hereby infended to bedeseribed being the same land and all the land conveyed lv Charles Thayer and wife and lioswell Parsóns and bis wite and Agnes P, Parsons to Henry W. Hyatt, and by said Hyatt nud wite deeded to John Lockwood, and by John Lockwood and wife to John W. Maynard, tógethcr with all the ftppurtenanees thereto, and all the right, tille, interest, estáte, claim aml dom and of the partles of the first part iu the said mortgage in aml to the promKrs. Dated, November 14, 1877. CHAKJjES H.RICHMOXD, Willta.v II. Wxixi, Assignee of Mort-gagee. Attorney óf Assignec of Hortgagée, 1WI Mortgage Sale. DEFAULThavingbeen made in the ooudition of a certain mortgage, made and executed by Margare t Trehey, of the city of Ann Arbor, County oí Washtenaw aml State of Michigan, to Elixu. beth Geer, of Superior, County ot Washteuaw aforesaid, on the first day of June, in ihe year of ou r Lord one thousand èight hundre-.l and st'ventyfour, and recorded in the office of the, Register of Pceds for the county aforesaid, on the seoond day of June, A. D. IS74, at 4% o'elock p, m. of saui day, in líber 61 of mortgages, page GSü : that there is now claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and the bond ace om pau y ing the same, the sum of six lmndred and ninety-two dollars and Mxty-seven cents; also an attorney's fee of thirtyiive dollars as á reasonable attorncy fee, in additunt to all otber legal costs, should any proceeding be taken to ibreclose the same : Notice ís hereby givcn, that by virtue of the power of sale iu saïd mortgage contained, I sball sell at public auctiou, to the highest bidder, on the twenty-sixtii tay of .Ianuaky next, at two o'clock p. iu. of said day. at the front door of the Court House, in the city ót Anu Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State ul'oresaid ithat being the building in whifb theCircuit Court for said county is held), ihepremises described in said mortgage as beiug lot Ho, ten (10) in Bower's addition to the village of Ann Arbor, County of Washteuaw and State afnresaid, according to á recorded plat thereof. lateil. November 1, 1S7T. KLIZABÜTJI GEKK, JoiIn N. mtt, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee, ïiiöy Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashUn:nv, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Nelson B. Cole, deceased: Notice is hereby given, that in pursuanoe of an order granted to the uuöersigned, executrix of tlic estáte of said deeeaRed, by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the County ol Washtentvw, en the 23a day of October, A. 1. IS77, there vill br sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door ol the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Couuty of Watshteaaw, in said State, on Saturduy, tho eighth duy of December, A. 1). 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all enrumbrunces by mortgage or otherwise existsiig fit the time of the; dcath of said deceasatl), the fotloTHiff described real estáte, to-wit : The north half ot' the soiHh twenty-five acres of the eaat lialf of Ihe uortheast qunrter of section five in town tbr cc south of range six oast, being in the town hip of Pittsfield in the County of Washtennw and State of Michigan. Dated, October ':J, 1877. 1636 EL1ZABETHH. COLB, Kxyeutrix. Real Estato for Sale. STATIC OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlenuw, ss. Iu the matter of the estáte of Rupert M. anct Alfred H. (llcnn, minors: Notieeis hereby given, that in infrsuance of an order granted to the uudersigned, guardián of said minors, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, uu the sixth day of Oetober, A. IX 1877, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at ihe rf'suleiuT on the premises of which the laiul hereinafter described was originally a part, in the township of Dexter, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the 27th day of November, A. D. 1877, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day (.subject tú all eneumbrances by mortgago or otherwise exleting at the time ol' the sale) the following described real estáte, (.o-irtt: All th right, title and interest ol' said Alfred H. (leun in and to all that certa In tract or paree! of laml known and deaeribed asfollows, viz: Comiaeneiii, at the west quarter post of section sereatweD, town one soth range Ibur east; thenee east on the nu ar ter line uf said sociioa sé venteen, nineteen chalDS and for'ty links toa post : thencu north elght cbains and tilty-three links to a state; thenee QQirtb eighty dejrmea rest nineteen rhains and sevenly lk to the seotion line; thence south twelve chiiins and iil'Ly-iivc links to the place of begiuniug.ali (Kmiained ou the nmthwest quarter ot' secuon seventeen, in the township of Dexter, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan . Datèd, October 8, l77. 1556tt WILLIAM vlTS, Guardlau.


Old News
Michigan Argus