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The Postoffice Department

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The report of the operatione of Ue Postoftice Dtpartment for tho last fiücal year show au increaso in tho numbor of postoftioos of 962 ; 1,825 having beon cstabliahed, and 8G3 discoiitinued. Of the Postmasters, 4,800 have resigned, 711 havo been removed, and 397 have died. There are 35,948 ornees witli a salary less thau $1,000, and 1,337 with a largor nalary, tho last being known au Presidential offices. Tho letter-carriers systern has coat $1,893,618.85, paid to 2,265 letter cnrriorB in eightyiive placen having free delivery, at whose pontoffices the receipt for local postago wcro $2,254,957.83. Tho expenditures of the departmeut show a nomiual delioiency of $1,500,000, and a real deficioucy of lesa thau 500,000. David B. Barkor, 8uperïntendent of Spocial AgentH of the Postónico Department, reporta Ui at during the year 543 persons were arrested fcr offenses againt the Postal lawn, being 104 greater than ín the preceding year, thongh during the last year the nuniber of special ageuts had been reduced. Tho porsons am stt'd liad committed every variety of offenso known to the Postal lawa, and 172 of the number vrere transferred to tho State courts to bo tried for burglaries of postoftices, highwav robberies of mails while in trautit, miu-d"or of mail-diivers, etc. Many cases of alleged impropor sales of postage stampa were investigatod, and Postniasteré removed for that cause, The whole numbcr of complaintn of lostregistercd letter during the yoar was 2,289, with a reported aggregate value of $54,410, of whieh 714 letters woro rucoverod, and 210 valued at $10,510 acoounted for by the recovery of their contents from persous who had stolen them, or through whose carelessness they were lost. Tho percentage of actual losses compared with the total number of letters registered during tho year, viz., f'4,348,127, is about ouo-fiftieth of 1 per cent., or oue in everv 5,000 registered letters sent through the mail. Many of tho losscg occurred tnrongh iinavoidablo causes, such as raikoad and steumboat accidenta, firoa, etc.


Old News
Michigan Argus