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On Tuesday, Without A Division, The

On Tuesday, Without A Division, The image
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HpuSe pásped a bilí abolishing the itoncladoath; also i bilí removing the disqualifiuations of ex-rebels is jurors. JmooB lIUMrmiKYs refu&es to gsnd Patterson homo for trial. 11.; voti-d for the adtniseion of Kellogg, and tas Republican oolleagaea in tlie Sna,te may wanf l'uvtbi-r votes. Now thüt Kt.'lli)g(; has been soated by thevotèT)ï Pattersoñ ill Benator Eduiunds tilíi' early occasioh to offer anew that ,1 ot nyetigation? Or did that vote oondone all qfiei llar 3i sajón on Monduy at 12 ni., and thePresideut's message was reoeived and read in bot li Seriate and llouso, aftel wiiich the Sonate adjuuinud until Thürsday. The lluusö has held daily si sions. Tse Presideut declares in favor of a Nntioiuil Univereity to bo located at Washington. In which evc:iit Conemen ought to ba tequired to niatricula.te aud take a full course bet'ore entering npon dntj' at the oapitol. TkÈ Senate didn't reftch a vote on U,.. Baxter, of Tenutssee, noiuinated to gupbeed the late Judge Eiunions of tiiis oirtfuit, and ho raust run the gaunt the regular session : anless the President símil send i" another name. FlTzsiMMONS, fiominated to bo iiarsháll of Georgia, was oqnrfiruied by a voii! of -'■ to 19. But three Kepnblicsm Senators- Conover, Mattliews, and Pai, voted in bis favor. He rer.ivcil thi unanimous vota of the Indepeudout party (judge Davis). At the last Gen. Harían was cpnfirnji tice of the Su;e Court,- the iimtioii to reconsider of oonfirmation having diod witli trhe Bëasioa. It is éxpeoted that he will tulco hisseat on the bench on AI ml tv 11 'xt. "(iAKFUH.i), . ividently holds :l r, iint the President, beie'of officer'a faüttre to secure nis election as Speaker,- the promised ; i "l fcr getting out of the way of brotli .T-in-hiw Miitthevvs in that senaiuriul i;untist,- and 80 he oalled upon tho Republicaus of the House to vote down a resolution oommending him (the Munt) for taking the troops away trom the of thepeople of Louisiitu- iud South Carolina. . LLLÏ we dou't iiiiuw Controller Qu-fi ild, of Detroit, and tberey agaiuat him Ney el it our duty to say thit tho consi.lcration and genorosity . ■. ■, ■'■; 1 at the hands ol the Dotroit authoritiea can be aothing loss ih ui a reward olfortid for embezileinont; in I ithercities. Is comproiúislng fvn u:it - esppcially c óomplaint and tn-ivst- any less oom i ' ay tlï m " set with a burglar or petty thièf and tumiaghiin 1 lomm mity to ply 'oa. in other neig'iborhoi i ing tht ;rhi " Til docision has i broader application I h i:. ' Ï-C..1 It meaua that the Pakard government was the lawfuj : i .it its overi v W:is vi irocéedings whii'h consurumated wxoog. how.;;i- 1 !l'(,ini', wpfe nol jastifiable; and rernment which exista to-day has not a rightfnl title.' If our coteinporaiy is correct the adinis: y mearía a rebuke to tht 1 for removing the troops from the - capitol, eausing the im,,, . oif tho P.ickard govevnni tt; 5 I ! aly Muttuewa votec l.jr the ailniibdion ot Koliogg. Wbat wdd't jlaltlu-.vs do? i sunual ius8ago ui Frñsident e will be found in this A.BOUS. li sh'} likea bythe radical Republioans whosee power ivmi the control of tb ping frona theii fuicifioatioo of th( v tha olil party 1 radera win imagine dhftt they ■■ tl ■ ind thi nd have b:.lh thèright to natni B inn direct tiitúr niüvuuients; nor by t li,; ariti-reaumptionists, green era, silvr bulhon nabobs, or genera] advoottèes of tli! " che ip money" delusion, e incline to approve it. Fower words would liava given oleara s ime parftgrph8 and added streugth to otliers; but tben one mustn't expeci . -ything, - eBpepialy from an 8 by 7 wo political friuiiils('r) arfbarking athisevery utterance havst political igniflcance.


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