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_ The weather has been mized for a week, _ Aun Albor lias a daily paper : tho Times. __jjach & Abel will havo a holiday ad. next ■eek_ If you want 11 thriviag holiday trade ad" v6rtise iu the Akous. Alderman Cate, of the First ward, has been coiilined to hia house about three months. _ Vn Riper reported KiO inmates of the noot house December 1. Neiirly all the rooms taken." _ Aldermaii l'afje, of the Sixtb ward, has [esigned. Cause : the repeal of the saloon license ordinance. _D. L. Grates, of the Fifth ward, has contracted to do the neoessary fitling inside the Couri House walls tor 2i)ó. Xne cinüi ui punce was uiscovorea oi ffednesday makmg himself useful : cleaniuj (lis mud from the street crossings. _ The High School has opened so full thi present term that a división of classes aud a aew teacher, on full time, is found necessary. A ' glorious " pioneer meeting iaj reporteJ ut Saline on Wednesday, but the pro mdjogs catne to lniud after our columna werc B.,re thau full. _Loren Mills hus rcturiiod trom an absence [ jeveral months iu Minnesota, Missouri, anti Kliushs, and iooks hale mul hearty for a mau „t his years _ City ïreasurer Terry is uow gathering jlhe taxes tor 1S77- State, oounty, city, and school. Those wlio pay before January 1 will get a discount of one per cent. _0f the V4 studeuts iu the Agricultural L'ollege for the year just closed, but one was cntalogued as trom Wnshtenaw County, George jl. Davison, Ann Arbor, a "special." _The Commercial says that the Tpsilant' Home a twenty years old chariulile institution- spent ÍÓ44.Ü1 in relieviug the poor during its riscal year just closed. - By order oí the Comrnou Council, Mayor Crimer has offered ?25 reward for evideuce vrJiich will convict tlie malicious night pr owleI8who engage in smashiug, and otherwise interfenug with, the Street lam pa. -OuTliauksgiving day fire damaged a house in the Sixth ward, on Ingalls street, oirned by Miss F. Rogers, to the extent of ome $40. It originated in a wood box in a studeiit's room. A narrow escape. _ Lavina Boath, aged "0 years, a maiden ladj residing in this city during the past torty Tears, died on Weduesduj' eveuing. A f il service will be helit in the lectuie room ol He Cougregutioual Church this (Friday) foreuooii iit 11 o'clook. -"East Saginaw has a tobáceo chesving jog," aya an exchange itemizer. What of it '( Aun Arbor has a heap of smail boys, - very small boys,- any one of whom can liberally Jiscouüt auy Saginaw " tobáceo chewing dog," md tben beat the animal in the match. - Messrs. Hamiltou and Waldrou, of the Esecutive Coinmittee of the Toledo aud Auu Arbor Bailroad Corupany, are engaged in taking notes iii paymeut of those railroad aid lubscriptious. They are inade payable thiriy dsya aïter the cars shall commeuco rumjing btteen Toledo aui this city. - Inspector G-eneral Heath inspected Comwny A on ïuesday eveuing, and we are told .-■c.fflplinieuted the Compauy iu warm terms, iayiuj that ït atood second to no compauy in :ne State, anJ thit anus, uniforma, etc., were in the best coudition he ever suw arms and uniforma wliich had beeu usod so long. Whereit the Captain and all the boya are happy. - The article ou " Schools aud Educatiou " is ïrom a uuw edition ot a work ou " American Chivernment " by our fellow Citizen E. C. Seimaa, We are contideut that every reader will uilorse the writer's sentiments about the eiects of Ux f aniily discipline, even though riiey way dissent t'rom his ideas about educa::n stim ulating crime, -as we'certainly do. - Pfoi. Adams gave his fourth lecture on 'Colonial History," on Tuesday eveuing at the rv.ience of Jud;;e Cooley, specially oonaider■I what waa done by the colonies - not ooioiiirs-iu the way of promoting higher educaiiun aud establishiug colleges -deducing thre_ f:am the right and iuty of the State to-day to km institutions lor advanced education. lie fifth lecture will be given next Tuesda siening at the resulence ot Mrs. J. W. Maymrd, on División street. 'l'nese lectures are 'yi the benefit of the Ludies' Library Associa'.:n. - VVitness the economy practiced by tioth mt county and city legislators : Oakland Coiintypiys ea'h of tho Pontiac papers 35 cents a tolio for publishing the proceedings of me Dutiru oí oupei visors, at wnich rate the 1B8ÜS woutd have received over $200 for pubJiliing the proceedings of tho Board for the enrrent year. It got 125. Lapeer Oounty paid ri to each of the L:ipeer papers for the same smce, and the proceedinga did uot fill a quarirof thespace required to publich the proolings of our Board. The city of Lape er publishes the proceediugs of its Council in tvvo pswrs, iumishiiig the copy and payiug each ■') cents a folio. Here the publisliers are pernitted to procure their own copy and pubhsh [rsceedings for nothing. There is not a city :he State which pays as little for lts print-? 8 Aira Arbor, or a county so economical ntkeuse of printer's ink as Washtenaw.


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