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Uasb, the lTeeident of the collapsed Security Lifo Insuranoo Company, of New York, who was lately convictod of perjury iu making affidavits to false statements of the company's business, has been eutenced to fivo years' imprisonment in the peuitentiary The 8tamer C. H. Northam, plying between New York and New Haven, was burned at her dook, at New York, last week. Three oolored men perished. Loas, $175,000 : insurancc, $120,000. A bad casualty occurred at Pittsburgh last week. A frail oraf t upon which a party of emigrants, deetined for Arkansas, wliere they were going to found a colony, was capsized in the Ohio river, and five of the nnfortunate peoplewere drowned Matthew Davenport, of Northampton, Masa., fatally stabbed bis wife aud one Pratt, her alleged ],aramoxu Abel T. Fifiöld, late Water Eepister of Cambridge, Masx., has been found guilty of embezzlement upon nine countB. . . .Evans, Dalzall á Co., heavy iron dealers in Pittsburgli have failed. Liabilities about $700,000. THE WEST. Information comes from the West that,while moving the Biqux from the Eed Clond Agency to tho Missouri river, 1,700 of them broko away, and are now on tho war-path. Gon. Terry ha ordered the cavalry to preparo for a ■winter campaign. Thoso who thus deserted are operating in the Deadwood country, and havo already sittacked trains and caused general consternatiou. Frank Rande, the St. Elmo murderor, was takon from St. Louis, on tho 28th ult., to Galesbnrg, BL, and safel.v lodged in jail. Contrary to general expectation uo attempt was mado to lynch the desperado. Bande glories in his crimes, but is artful euough to evade aU remarüs which might flx any sp'ecial offense upon him. He chatters incessantly, and not always coherently, and there aro rumora that his lawyers will offer a plea of insannV Tne gr&veat doubtH exist as to the pOHsibility or obtaming a verdict of ninrder in the first degree. Chares T. Mayo, Cashier of tho Second National Bank of Lafayette, Ind., has stolen about $60,000 of the institution's funds, cansing it to raspend business. The cred.tors, it is eaid, will bo paid iu f all. The notoriou8 outliw. Frank Rando, was oace an mmato of the Indiana penitontiary, at Michigan City, from which he emerged last spring, af ter serving a sentence of five rears He wa ono ot tho bardest snd most unrulv characters that ever entored that inxtitution' Hu real name is Charles Arthur Van Zindt Kande bemg one of tho many aliases adopted by the desperado. A horrible tragedy was enacted near Binningham, Mich. A young man named Blackman, during tho abseuce from home o) his fat her, shot and killed his mother aud sister, and then set fire to the house and barn Numeroux Inriiau depr dation are repnrted in the Biack Hills. . . .The officers of o late Protecciou Life Insuranee Companv, of Chicieo have been indirted for perjury "in swearing tó falne statements of the condiHon of the company L. P. Hilliard and A.W. Edwards, two ven prominent citizenR of Chicago, are amone thü indicted. The Grand Jury has also rotiirnud ïndictments against Henry Greenebaum, George W. Stanford and Eben F. Iïunvan ex' membora of the park boards, for consp"iraoy to defraudtbo city.... A -hocking tngedv Vas enacfed in Cleveland, Ohio, last week. A man named McGill became euraped at his wife because she refuaed to live with him, and aluiot hterally shot her to pieces, puttiog tiino pistol baila into her body. e-m Feank Rande, the outlaw, has at last revealed his uame, whioh is Charles C. Seott He saya hi residenee is at Fairtield, Iowa wherehe emigrated with his parents in 1859 when 12 ycars old, frem Washington conntv r&. lle says his flrst crime was that of burglary, committed at Ottumwa, Iowa, iu 1871. THE SOUTH. Samuel Barth, F. A. Saving, Charles Harvey and W. H. Stranus, late directors of tho Union Banking Compauy, of Baltimore, havo been indicted by th 3 Grand Jurv on a charge erf conraring to defrand. . . .Thé bcdies of Antonio Nicroei and Miss Aurelia Sharp were fomid ma cemetery at Montgomerv. Ala., a pistol-ball holo in each head. A note from Nnrosi mdicatos that they were willing to di, ír M rther. It is supposed NiCro,i shot her aud then killed himeeIf....At Norfolk Va.. Benjamin Godfrey, aged 19, shot and instantly Ki led Miss Mollie E. WÍningder, aged ll wOrey Tthe,U 8hot him'f, andlrill probably die. Jep.lousy. GENEBAI,. The blame for the loss of the ill-fated steamer Huron, in the opinión of naval officere, rest upou the commander- first. in putting to sea in the face of an impending 8tinn oi which they had twen warnod bv the daugerflags of the signal ervice ; and, eecond, bv the display of bad ►eamanship in running the ve-el in close to shoro mstead of putting diroetly out to " , Af"Paf:h frin Norfolk 8avs : " Twentvone dead bodie.H can bc seen from the chor'e lahed to the mam and mizzeu rigging of Uie Business faüures : White, Laigstaff A Co., hardware, Memphis, Tenn., liabiUties $140,i!.:,.Wood dry goods, Montreal, Can habHities $120,000, assets S2'5,000 ; Maxwefl fíy Thurston, iron, Indianapolis, I.;d liabihties 60,000, assets $35.000 ; Duncañ k illackmorp, commimion, Indianapolis liabilitoes 20,000; thelial.iiitiesof Conrad Pappenhausen the lng Wand railway magnate, ■nho.-e faüure was recentiy announoed, aré Hok. John Welsii. tho new Minister to England, has sailed for London . . . . 8ix of the Pitteburgh riotera havo been sentenced to the penitentiary for terms varjing from one veat n? V nT a"d a fillt üf '5'000 to a"fio of $500 and a tírm of six months. WASHINGTOJf. El-ConaBB8SMAH J. B. Hawuïy, of Illinois, ha been appoiuted Assietant Secretaxy of State, vico J. R. McCormick, resigned. The Conimittce on Appropriations in the lower House of Congress refuses to provide money to pay the expenses of the commiesion to investígate the New York Custom House, on the ground that thé President h&d no right to order sueh a commisnion ; that the law makes it the diity of certain officeis of the treasurv to perform Rich servico, and thev should havo been employed instead of outsiders. Tue following is the Btatcmeut of the operations by Üie National Bank Itedemption Agency for the month of November. National-bauk notes flt for clraüation aseortcd and returned tobanks of W6UC.$12,!Í22,7CO NatiJDal-bank nota uuflt ior circulation aíBOrtcd anddeUvered to Comutrolicr of cunwncy for destruction and replaceNotes of failed, liquidattagaüd'r'cdMuis 3'U6'8a0 National-b3nks deposited In the treasUry 737,300 ToM $16,375800 The public debt, according to the last moüthly statement of the ünitod States Treasurer, was reduced Ul,32S,63i during November. A larok number of the President's nominations failed of coufirmation at the extra session of tho Senate, and Attorney General Devens has given it as his opinión that the failure to coi.finn the new officers appoiuted in place of oíd oficié vmually rti.states for the ,X "ng, ar,'d nIltil lhe itnre tt, i v.,tho aPPoinng power.... cratsfortóe confirmation of Fitzdmmons as anri fttf ? ÏFL Were Conov'-. Patterson and btanley Matthews. POI.ITICAI,. The official vote of Nebraska at the recont election shows that Lake, for Chief Justice, has 1,669 votes; Ilowe, 15,639. For RegeDts- Holmes, 29,698; Persinger, 28,937; Grims. 6.915 ; Cass, 6,330. Total vote, 45,868. A Washington telegram of the 30th uit. says : "The Senate Committce on Commerce this morning decided to report all threc of tho New York Custom House nominations, with the recommendation that they bo not coiifirmed The five Kepublican members of the committee weie present, but fonr Democrats were Absent. Ine vote by which the adverse report was ordered npon eich of thfcue nominations isunderRtood to have been as follows : Against confirmatiou- Conkling, Spencer, Patterson and McMillan. In favor- Burnside." Tiieke are fonr coiored members in tho new Legislatura of Missisoippi. threo of whom aro Democrats and ono Kepublican. There is only ono Ucpublican in the Senate, whilo iu the Home there are ten. Ex-Gov. William Allen is ont in a letter declining the use of his name in connecüon with the Senatorship from Ohio. THE TURKO-RUSSIAJÍ WAR. A Belorade correspondent states that a Servian battalion recentiy crosecd the frontier near Vratarnitza to protect some Bulgarian womeu and cbildren. The Turks drove the Serviansbaok.and many were killed and wounded on both sidos. A commission left Belgrado to investígate the matter. Various Consuls have been informad of tho affair. Foub BlisriBEn Turks haye snrrendered to heRusaiansin Schipka Pass Sonio severo flghüiig, roBulting íd the defeat of the Turka, a reported near Biela The Geshoffs have )een unconditionally rcleased A great storm with biiow has heen prevailing in the Balkans. A l)Ki.tii!AiK dinpatch 8ays thero is a rumor current that the Porto has offered, through the mediation of England, ti cedo oíd Servia to Servia and Epirus to Greece, if they will remain neutral A Constantinoplo dispatch says great excitement prevails in tho city on account of the ruiling out of the reserves, and disturhances aro expected. All servants of the pakce have been armed with revolvers. Thcro are great differences of opinión among the Minifiters as to the expediency of making propotal for pcaco, but at present tho war party prevails. Details of tho loases in tho fighting at Mitchka show that the Baseians collected 2,500 Turkish dead Osman Pasha, beleaguared in Plovna, is said by deserters from his cump to contemplato a sortie of dosperatiou if not relieved within a fortnight. GENKKAL. FOREIGN NEWS. A Paris dinpatch announccs th:it the Cabinct seloctcd by Presidont MacMahon has been rejected by the House of Deputies, and the obstinate MacMahon rofuses to ai poiut another Gen. Grant has been diniiig with Kmilo do üirardin, tho dUtinguighed French repnblican stateeman. Oambotta, Grevy and other uotcd republican leadera wero present. Sevesteen political, military, and priostly leaders of the recent conspiracy in the Central American repubh'c of Guatemala to ascassinate its President aud ovorturn tho Government by violenoo have been arrosted, condemned, and executed. Advicks from Mexico report that Lerdo has proposed to forero all claims to the Presidency of the republic if he is given Lower California, Chihuahua, Durango aud Sonora, leaving the other provinces to Díaz A Paris diapatch says "the various groups of the Left look upon M. Dufaure as tho future President of the republic." There iö much discontent among the cotton operatives of England, and strikes are the order of the day Soveral hundred women, mffering in consequence of the stoppage of tho irou works in the Foret of Dean district, which belonga to tho Crown, have petitioned the Queen for assistanco. A Pahis dispatch says that at a meeting of 120 members of the republican Left it was docided to refuse to vote any part of the budget until the Government returned to parhainentary com-Kes MM. Laisant aud Do la Rochettc, members of the Chamber of Duputies, fought a duel, the other day. M. De la Kochette was wouuded in the thiyli.


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