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THE HOLIDAYS Are agaiu upon vis in their annual visit and we are prepared to reeeive them with an Elegant Stock of Goods wbich have been conaigned to us to be sold by Janunry lst, REGARDLE88 OF COST, and it would surprise you to see the prices at which thoy ure being nnlil, From 25 to 50 per cent less than last year's prices ! Plated Cake Baskets, only $4.00 ! Triple-Plated Butter Dishes, only $3.50 ! Pickle Casters, only $1.10 ! And in PLATED KNIVES we have the larjrest stock ever bi ought toAnnArbor, and nre aelliug them lower than ever ; hIho u large H8rtment of other goods, equally low. By ('all in and tiike a look At the goods wheth er you wUh to buy or not. Repairing at; ubuhI. No. 11 South Msiu Street. C. BLISS & SON, Agenta. FURNITURE! J. KECK & CO., JaANUFAOTURERS OF FURMTURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Are non OllVrlnic Great Iiidiicouients to Piirehasers. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FURNITURE Direct of the Huimfactiirers. Manufactory, corner of William and West Fourth Streets. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1G„, SEflíIE MACHÍES! BUY THE SINCER The best and most popular machine in the world- 300,000 gold in a single year, after being on the market over twenty-five years. Beware of Imitations ! To Becure the genuine buy of I. I. Grinnell, the authorized aent for Washtenaw Couniy. It ia (inly a question of time, and not much time either, when the majority of the wild oat machines will not be built, then the warrant of cut-throat dealerB will be of little avail. To buy a secon] clans machine on a third claes warrant for flve years is poor policy when such a machine as the Singer can be bad at a reasonable price. I keep genuine parta for the Singer, best Oil, Needies, PTaitera for dreas nmken :'■■■ to $1.25, Lincoln's fringing machine, and have u large numberof second-hand machines. Second hand Smeer, $20 to $30. Second-tmnd Howe, $12 to $16. Second-hand Ameiican, Grover & Jïttker, Wheeler & Wilson, and otticin, $1 to $10. l5 Sewing Machines repairod and caret'ully adj usted. I. L. CRINNELL. Grejfory Kloek, Sciuutl door euHt off Post Office, Ann Arbor itlicb. (15fiO Estáte of Daniel Wallacc. STATBOF MICHIGAN County of Washteniiw, a At a aession of the Probate Court for the the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Suturday. the eighth day of December, ia the yem one thousand eight hundred and neventy-seven. Present, William D. Hurriman, Judgeof Pr ate. In the matter of the edtate ol lum--l Wallace, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of Edwin W. Wallace, praying that he may be appointed ad min i t rat or de bonin non, with the will minexed, of the estáte of said decfased. Thereupon it is ordered, thatMonday,tht seventh dayot January next,at teno'clock Ín the forenoon, be assigi: d for the hearing of said peütion, and that the devi-een, légateos and heirs at law of satd deceased, and all othei persons in teres ted in said eatatc are required to nppvar at a seeaíon of tiaid court, then to be hol den at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caubo, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should nol be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons tntereatud in aaid es tut e, of the pendency of aaid petitfon, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thiB order to be publinhed in the Michigan Arguty a newapapcr printed and cïrculnted in said county, three succeamve weeks previous to said day ol hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (A true eopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 16ü5td Eatate of George Whiting. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtonaw h. At ft session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Wednexday, the twelfth day of December, in the yoarone thoutiii'i eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, WilliamU. Harriman, Judge of Probate, In the matter ot the estute of George Whiting, deceaued. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified. of Fruncís Whiting one of the executors of said estáte, praying that they may be licented to mort gage the real estáte whereof sitid deceased died BOIfiffd. Thereupon it is ordered, that Kriduy, the eleventh day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc aasigneo for the hearing of Baid pet itiini, and tht the deviaeeB, legatees, and heirs hs law of said deoeased, and all other persons interested in Baid estáte, are required to nppeur ut a sesBion of paid (Jourl, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show oau&e, if auy there, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intorested in baid estáte, of the pendeucy ot said petition, and the hearing thereof, hy cauBint; a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argns, a newipaper printed and circulated in said cuunty, four succesBive weeks previous to Baid day ot hearing. WILLIAM D HAKKIMAN, (A true copy.) Julge of Probate. Willtam G. Dott, Probate Register. 1665td Tvo íafilFüis FOB. SALE, The proportv bolonülnc to the WELLES ESTÁTE, ■Hurtad on DIVISIÓN STREET, at the hed of ANN STUUKT, añil Hip prupurty latcly owncd and now wcuiiied ly A. WIDKNMANN, will hc wld at a VERY LOW PRICK, AND ON LOKQ TIME IF DBSIBED. Apply to S. H. DOÜGLA S. THE WORLD FOR 1878. Since the change in its proprietorship (wluch took ptuce May 1, 1876) " The Wobld hm become the brightest, sprightliest, most soholarly and popular journal in the metropolis." " I( ia enUTiaiuiii):, intercstint!, bright, decent, fair and truthful." lt iIoob wrong witüngly to no man, no creed, no interest and no party. It treata all subjects of importanee earnently and with reepect. It seeks to make iinelf an agreeable compaiiion. as well as a faithful guido and teacher. Thk Workd regard the recent victorieB of the party with which it by preference acts not as mere partisan triumph8 nined by partisan coiitrivances, but as the unmistakable expression of a deep aud üenuine popular demand for new methods in goveriiment, for a thorough purifleation of the public service and for a rectincation of the aims of our party organizations. Wherever and wlu-never the Dsmocratic pnrty provea itaelf loyal to this popular demand The World will resolutely uphold it ; wherever and wlienever it fallí shorts of or attempt to counteract this popular demaud Thk Wobip will as resolutiely oppose and denounce it. In a word, Trk Wobld believes the party toexist for the i?ood of the public service. It does not believe the pu blic service to .vist for the good of the Denioctatic party. WEERLY WORLD. contains all the news of the week, presented in n concise and attractive manner; the beat of the many exeellent lettere eent by able correspondents from all partB of the world ; biight and entertaining editoriuls on all mattere of interest to the public. Soort stories and stories continued from weck to week. writteu expresuly lor The World by the best authors. Full reports of all the principal markctB of the United States aud foreign countries; a grange department, &c, &c. It is in every ensontial a paper for the family D. D. T. MooltE, Esq , tho founder nod for many years the editor of MOORE'S RURAL IW-ÏÜRKER, will hereafter edlt the Farmers' Page of THE Ullkll tiltil. No paper in the country will have o belter FARMKKS' DBPAHTMtNT than The World. The örauge Department will ulo bo unrter the charge of D. D. T. Moore, Eso,. One year (52 numbers), postage free (lesa than 2 centb per weekj, - 100 XO III II ACENTS-in tra eopy for club of ten, Beparately addressed. The fcknuWeekly Woiu.r for club of twenty, reparately addiesaed. The Daily Wop.i.d tor cluo of flfty, eparately addreased. SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One year (104 numbers), postage free, $2 00 TO CMJB AKNT!i- An extra oopy for club of ten, separately addressed. The Daily World lor club of twenty flve aeparately addreaaed. THE DAILY WORLD. Wilh Sunday edition, 1 year, postage froe, $10.M With Sunday edition, 8 1110., poatage free, 6 m With Sunday edition, 3 mo., postage free, J.7Ï Without Sundny cdition, 1 yr, postage free, 8.00 Without Sunday edition 6 mo, poatage free, 4.M Without Sunday edition, a mo, poatage frte, 2.25 Sunday World, l year, poataee, - i.00 Monday World, conmining Uterary Review! and Ooilege (Jhronlcle, olie year, postage free, - - - ■ ' 50 ' Í1S : Cash in advnnce. Send PoatoiBce money order, bank draft or registered letter. Billa sent by mail will be at riak of sender. Additions to club lista may be made, at any time in the year at the above rotes. We havi no traveling agenta. Specimen copie, poatem, &c, sfnt fre, whereverand wheuever desired. A Fair Field and No Favor. A CHANCE FOR ALL. Cash Premiums ! To the perron from whom The Woblp hall receive) pteviou to Murch SI, 18Ï8. the money ior tho Urgent number of aubscribera for one year to the Wkkklt Woui.d, we will ive a flrat prizo of S'500 l'or the next largest aumber, a Beconil pn of V the two next iargest lists ot aubaenbers, 100 cacll. Kor the two next lurgest list of subscríbela, twoprize of $ 1.) cacll. For the Bix next largest list, bíx prizcs of S;O each. For the eleven next laixm lint, eleven prizesof $25 ■!' All persona desiriou of competing for theso pn. (which are offered in addition to the regular club premiums) will pleaae aigmfy their mtintion of aodoingand send to us for full inatiuctiona. We will not awurd any of these prizes t) any poraonsupplyingTHE WORLD to subscribers at lesa than ragalar pnces, ra : ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Addrens all orders and letterB to "THE WOUI.D,'1 35 I'urk ro-v, N. Y. IV. B.- Thoae subrtoribing bofore Januury 1 will receive the "WEEKLY WORLD" until January I, 1879, for ONE DOI-liAK. 106.1) THE SUN. 1878. NËWYÖRK. Í878. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, TUE SVH would reuiind its friend and well-wishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. ! Ulion its record ior ttc past ten years it relies lor a oontiuuMice of the hearty sympathy and geoerous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it nom evcry quarter of the Uuion. The Daily Suu is n four-paite sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post-puid, 55 cents a month, orB.60 per yenr. The Sunday cdition of Tuk Scs is an cightpage sheet of 56 columns. Wliile giving the P_8W1 ot the day, lt also eonlüins lilrge amount of litorary and iniscel aneous matter apecially prpared lor it. Tuk Susday Sun lias met with gieat succoss. Post pald 1 .20 a year. The Weekly suu. Who doos not know The Weekly Sun ! It circuíales tnroughout the United States, the Canadiis, and bevond. Ninet thousand families greet lln welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counselor and friend. Ita Dews, editor ial a;ricultural and litorary departments make lt eaaeñitall} ■ Journal tor the famüy and the reside. Term: OueDollttra year, post paid. This price, quality eonsidered. makos it the olieap. est newspaper publinhed. For clubs of ten, with 110 caah. we will aenrt nn extrn copy free. Addres PUBLI8HER OF THE BOS, I.5S)w8 New York OHy. JACKSOX TKISS K0D WAGOS Al, New Hlïht.Hand Bun uil I 1 un I 0111 Skollor, at M. K0EBS'. V[EW TEA STOEE. Japan T a at 3Uc, I (r. .'■(. and 6Oc per 1b ,a il the vcry best imponed at 7Oc per lb. (lunpowder Tea at 60c and 80c perlb., and thcvery best importad at 91.00 a pound. Young Hysoii at 40c, 50c and 60c, and the best imported at 80c per lb. Ooluug Tea at 35e, 50c, 60, and 70c per lb. Imperia] Tea at 30ct 40c, and 5Oc per lb. Twankey Tea at 20c, 25e, and 30c per lb. COFFEES AND SPICES, of our own roasting and grinding, at greatly reduced prices. .vi' ui a Cali and be Convinced. .1. W. HANGSTERFER & CO., 3O& 3 2 South n.iin st., Ann Arbor. 1689m6 ABANKRXJP'f STOCK OF HARDWARE ! WILL BK SOI,n Without Regard to Cost At the ol stand of L. C. B.ISDO2T, ?io. SI South Main St., Ann Arbor. XOW IS THE TT ME FOB CASH BUYEE8 To líiy n their Winter aupply of STOVES And Hardware of every Description. AIL THO3E ISTENDING TO BUII.D ANOTHElt YKAR, 0AN NOW BUY TEIEIR DOOK TRIMSIINGS AND OTHER HARDWARE CHEAPI 1652mí TF YOU ARE TTRED OF Big Gas Bills ! QET OXE OP OUH NATIONAL UAS WORKS AND MAKE YOUR OWN GAS FOR 75 ets PER 1,000 ft. lf you havfc use tor a Large Amoiint of Gas, write to us for the particulars of tlic way in wliich you eau have a GAS WORKS FOR NOTHING ! Niitinnnl (as TV'orks Erection Co., Detroit. r ie 58 Batea st. H. KUANK, Siiperinlcuclcnl. NS59 "1E0ROE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark 4 Cropsfy, and A. Kkaknky, late oL Texas, under the nrm name of KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have pslalilisluxl themsclvos at No. 33 Soulb 'I;iln M., Ann Arbor, itnd projwae to do general Crocerv Business Thcy wlll also kei-n TROOKERY, GLASS and WUODEN WARE, anda full line of DOMESTIC and KOREUiN FRL1TÖ. Thcy have nttcd and furnihed A First-class Eating Department, Whert' Meáis can be had at all hor, or board by the week. isii puld tor Iliilirr. Rfrg, and all Country produce. CíoxkIh promptly delivered in .mv part of the city. Remember the place. 33 Sotith TI ui ■ XriTi. KEVRSEY & CHOPS EY Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1S80 ÍBTY SCAVENGERS. The undersigned otTcr their services ns Scavengers. Vaults, ccsspools, etc., cleaned to order at rcasonable priies. Orders may be left at J. H. Nlckcl's meat market Stte St., or made tlirougb the Postoffice. Ann Arbor, nee. B, 18TT. W. ACTION. 1C74W2 OEO. WALKEE. RAILROADS. MICHlUAJi CENTRAL RAILROAI NÜV. 11, 1877. nolfte wkht. x' - ï M g . x . .2 o .TT,OX. = fr I S _L.L!iy_ i. K. A.M r.M. ,,. m.'p.m ■ Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 :i5 4 4.j 310 fi ■., ,;"; G.T.Junotion, 7 15 9 55. S 00 3 - f, 86 u, 3 WayueJunction ; 46 10 17 5 32 355 7 lolin Vpsilanti, 8 10 10 35 6 00 4 IS 7 36 S Oeddes, S 15 6 15 I " W Ann Arbor, 8 30 10 53 6 :!0 4 ;n 8 10 7T Delhi, 8 44 6 43 " " B Dexter, 8 5i 6 .",:! .-. 00 8 31 ' Chelie, 9 1; 7 (8 5 14 84; Ornen I,ake, 'J .",1 7 is .3 34 9 -, ' lp. M "7 Jackson, ld 20' 12 U 8 00 fi 0(1 9 n Albion, 11 04 12 53 á , 7 ij ln sa , ÍÍ Mnrnhnll. 11 60 1 3j 5 7 40 n 03 ! f1 p. m. .3 8 +1 Bttttle Creck. 12 21 1 M ■ ' 8 18 11 35 g (ialeaburg, 12 65 s S2 IS 11; . A.M. a.m KnlHiiiHo, 1 15 2 40 4 00 9 is 12 Lawton, 1 ö(i -- - 4 40 1 08 __ Decatur, 'j Kj 00 1 Jj _ Dowaginc, 2 41 5 25 1 50 Nile8, SU i 7 6 10 :7ï Buchünan, 3 23 6 25 Three Oaka .1 5Ï 7 12 3 oj New Buffnlo, 4 08 4 57 7 20 3 45 ' Micbigan (Jity, 4 40 5 20 7 60 4 15 TT Lake. 5 2S 6 02; h 4" 5 04 t Kensiogton, 6 03 6 ."u 9 10 5 55-2 Ohioago.arrivc, r.5 7 40 10 i. 0 45 s 5 OOIHOKABT. , oes A.M. V. M. V. M. r. M, ."T Chicago, leare, 7 00 0 00 3 44: 5 14 án KeOBiugUra, 7 50. 9 30 4 3: f, 115 „ Lake, '8 o; 10 28 6 -j;i 6 48 10 ' Michigan City, 9%ll III 6 " 35 II u New BuHaln, u 4S II jf i, 48. - i Three Oak, lü 03 ; 07 1 Buchanan, 10 33 7411 ÍJJ; Nilea, 10 4.1 12 16 14 9 MI 11 Dowagiac. U ÍS 8 42 Decatuí, 11 8Ü1 9 081 I! Lawton, ,11 57 i 9 24 a. m. _ Kalamaz'io, V SS 1 04 10 00 7 00 10 26 1 11 (ialesburg, 12 65 . 7 23 - - - g liattle Creek, 1 32 2 17 j M 8 03 H (18 la S w . Marshall, '2 25 3 00 p 8 40 il J7 5 a.m.I Albion, i 5Ï) i 21 a.m. 9 10 12 05 4Ui Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 20 10 10 12 50 4 i. litas Lake, 1 08 5 48 1(1 38 " Chelses, 4 4o 6 lñ 11 00 . Dexter, 5 00 6 30 11 15 Delhi, 5 10 6 43 Ann Arbor, 6 20 5 10 1 ; 00 11 35 1 10 (a Cieddes, 5 28 7 05 , Ypsilanti. 5 38 5 24 7 14 11 55 2 2; 6 I Wayne Juno., 6 02 5 45 7 4fl 12 lf 2 : i. O. T. June, 6 33 6 15 8 25 12 45 S 20 J Detroit, Ar., :64i 630 840 100 3 35SO0 BundnyB excepted. IHaturday and Mundaf ex. oepted. 'Daily. H.B. LKDYAUD, Gen'l Supt., Detwit. H. C. Wentwobth. Cien. Pas. Agt., Chicago. ÜETKOIT, HILLSÜ ALE AND SOUTHWESTERN RA1LEOAD. To take effect Nov. U, 1877. OOIHO WK8T. UOIHO un, STATION!. Mili.. Exp. STATION. ï 1 1 A. M. P. M. Ypflüantl.... 8:10 6:05 i. . P., Saline 9:05 li:43 liunkcrs B:05 Hi Bridgewater.. :25 0:ftH HillBdftle... 0:M 2:11 Manchester. 10:05 7:J0 Manchester. .10:(a tH r. M. Bridguwater H:30 fï Hillsdale 12.55 9:25 Saline 11:1 Bankers 1:07 9:35 Ypüibinti.... 11:45 5:2 Traiiig run by Chioago time. W. F. PAKKEK, Sup't, Ypsilantií THE HEALTH LIFT. A TpOBOUOH QYMNA8TIC SYSTEM FOP. LADIES AND UKNTLKMKN, IX UN MINUTES ONCE A HAY. The Health I.ilt la n Scientinc System OF EXERCISE. Forthe ntttaument and preservjition ot'HesIÜi. It iw tlic bost tut-nu ai PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DE VELOPMENT. IT IS THE SIMPI.EST, SAFRST AND MOST EFFICIËNT MODE Oï TAKIKfl Al.r. NEEDED EZBCI8E. In the brief space of ten miuutos all the muicleB are gradually, thoroughly, and symraetricaliT brought into action. Concentrará exervwP fot the busy and sedentary. AXX' ARBOR OFFICE AN'D PABLO&B, 1 1 Eant Hurón 8 South of Court House A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNK1) ! o NEW GOODS ! AndprfceiLOWEIl THAX ÉBVgB. O I have purehitaed in New York. for oash, i"j I nin now duily rtíceívint; oue of Üit largest Ul1 raoat select atocka of Orooerios in Washt#nt County, connistintr i & lul] mul wel] selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - inoludin;? Ciuupowders, IiuperiutSt Youuff Hf sous, lij sous, Japan, Oolonga, Forinooaa, I oiii;iis, Scnirhiiiiv ui'.'' l'ivankn) s, Togetlier with a full line of COFFEKS, couwting of Ihe following brandH : MOCHA, OI.U OOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYRE,TOS and RIO, botb roasted and ground ; a f"11 and well selccted ntock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinfr in the Une cf ?aTi Spicea.Cunned fruits, and Vegetables. Weliave full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Alao, a choice asaortment of T-nij ndOentlenien's Underwear. Cll and exara'"4 Qoods and Pricea and we will inauresatisfactioD. EDWARD DUFFÏ. " Maynard'B Block,' cor. Main and Aun Wf" Aim Arbor, Mi "Hiüliest cash price paid for all f"1" produce."! BSTRACTS OF T1TLES. The undewigned, Regislcr of Decds, will promp' ly and caret'ully make Abstracttt of titlea, Fr jm the Original Records, For Attcrneyn, Agent, Owners, or Purchas', No pains will be pared to givea ccmplete clin"'" title, and huw ali encumbritncco. Chiirgcs re onable. _ v CHAS. H. MAM-Y _Ann Arbor. January 10, M. ____ií!iLE IJ A RON & CO., DEALERS IN Groceries, ProvisionS) AND ALL KIND OF Country Produce SALINE, 111(11. CALL BEFOBE BFTI.G OR SELLISG.


Old News
Michigan Argus