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-HlX YOWAND, M. D., Phyai■ - surgoou. Office at refidence, 44 Auu juttend to all professional calis promptt. -"-TTvCKSON, Dentist. Cilice corner of ' v ' ,mi Washington streetx, over Bach & ' 4nn Arbor, Mick. AneetLelics adminred. t 1V0KBES, 20 South Main Street, I , A-lior MiclJ., wholcsa'.e and retail deal! ïaoods, Cárpete aud Groceries. ï V SCHMID, dealers in Dry Goods, ' ',,s, Crockery, etc., No. 5i South Main u i) VBEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Gro;'rs etc., No. 26 South Main Street, Ann JJVAG'KK, dfaler in Ready-Made Clothf Clotlia, Cassinieres, Vestings, Trunks, ■ iSg! etc ,21 South Main Btreet. ,i H a KlïKKl-E, Teacher of the Piano-forte. nía the desired skill iu piano-playuiitic course of inatruction. For "vat residence, No. 12 W. Liberty street, Kirt Prompt attoution paid to pian o-tuu ing. Tï ELY, Organist at the Presb yterian will give instruction npon the r or in vocal culture and harniony. 'uciven at pupile' residence. Terms, $15 per " ii lessona. Pianos timed and repaired. Middress 15 Bowery street. 1620yl fcjÜJ ROGEKS, Portrait Pointer. Porh tnita painted to order eitherfrom life or phoL iDSt'UOtiona giren in Drawing and Cbyfeesystemnsed in Academies of Detudio, No. 7, cor. División and Aun streetB. IjTha-Rtley, m. d., AND BS.SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D., GERMÁN AND ENGLISH 0ICIANS AND SURCEONS. 'öind residencc, No. 18 Thompson, corner of touoD ld Will'am streete, Ann Arbor, Micb. JpTEirtley wül limit her pi-actice to the treatUi .-o peculiar to Ladies and Children. "ÜssllANTIE M. MILNEE, ■ACHER OF THE PIANO. Lnrfjnn given at the residence of the pupil if 't-rui mqnire at residence, No. 48 South State .; " 1614 EUÖENE K. FRUEAUFF, TTORNEY AT LAW,[ ASD JUSTIOB 03? THE PEACE. Mtaiines promiJy attcndcd to. Office No. 8 street, ttïtney & Sesïjolt's block. Ñ0AH W. CHEEVEB, ilTOR N E Y AT LAW. ha tut Bide of Court House Square, Ann JOHN L. BUELETGH, . orney and Counselor at Law, go, 24 Bank Block, second floor, m ABBOK, - - MICHIGAN. HENBY R. HILL, ITORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real Estáte. I fcHo 3 Odíto Tïmine Block. ANN ARBOR. iíIBYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUGH IS THE i:ss Photographer of Ann Arbor. S gast Hurón Street, up stairs. H. WINSLOW, DEALER IX MURES, FRAMES AND BRACKETS, TIOLINS AND GUITABS. .Stsds of Repairing promptly attended to. No. 30 East Hnron Street. J. H. NICiELS, Dealer m fSESH & SALT MEATS, Hains, SauBages, Ijard, etc, jKti STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST COEXEROF UNIVERStTY CAMPUS. ■■n promptly filled. Farmers having meats pt'Miüd give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ABBOR 3AVINGS BANK Ann Arhor, ZMichlgan. leposits of One Dollar and upwards and JK per cent. intereBt on all deposita j Bagthree months or longer. COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANj UALLY. "iiluj8 and eelle U. 8. Bonds, Gold, Silverand i1 Coupons, aud New York, Detroit and -Elchange. Biüht Draftsn Grest B ritalo, Ireland pwiy, oraDy other part of the European Coil■ Bank is organized under the General Ban ltuw of this State. The stockholders are indi.JT Hable to the araount of their etock, and ('kílíiapltal issecnrity for depositors, weli, Buks of issue the capital is invested for the j 7uity of bill-holclers. ThiB f act makes this In%o a very safe deposit of moneys. "Wed Women can deposit Bubject to their own 'fta only. aey to Loan ou Approved Securitles. i I "'ttraons- R. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. D. Harri Denbel, W. w. Wines, D. Hiscock, W. B. OrriCERS : ', Pres't. W. W. Wisks, Yuu-Pres't C. E. Hiscock. Cashier. EBEEBACH & SON, iftists ai Plmaeists, 12 South Main St., P on hand a large aud well selected stock of LRfGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF8, iISTS' &YAX FLOWER MATERIAL. Toilet Articles, Trusses, Itc. WINES AND UQUORSS s'tnitiuu .ai(i to the A-.ruifhiag of Pby, Si-booli, etc,, witb l'ullüsophlcftl "'1 Aiü'iratus, Bohemiau - Ohcmies) Poroelsiu v.'ava, Pure SaageuM, etc, 'M' t" ■■urriptíous ewfülly pr?pr6di


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Michigan Argus