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The Treasurer of the New York Board of Exciso Corami88ionors has Bkipped out with somo f60.000 of pu'olic funds A numbcr of claims for liot-damages by incendiary lires and ' stealing have been heard by a commission ' raised for the pnrpose by the authoritiea of Allogheny county, I'enn. The amount allowed oü 124 claims is $102,191. A large number of claimautg are vit to bo heard, and the additional allowancu is expected to be lieavy. The Korlh American Réntelo, so long pubúhed in Boston, will hereafter be published iu New York Netter & Co. , prominent New York bankerH, havo f ailed .... Charles E. Johnson, a wealthyyoung man living in lïrooklyn, aüempted to mnrder his young wife the other day, by ehooting her vrith a pistol. Domestic infelicity was the canse. Johnson is a nephew of Henry Ward Beecher. Tuk People'a Savings Bank, of Now York, has closed its doors. Liabilities, $200,000 ; nnniinal asseta, $157,000 Niue of the strikiug minere at Wilkesbarrc, Pa., have boen sontenced to pay fiuus rauging from Í50 to $100 each, and to imprisonment of froiïi one to niue months. As exploEion of fire-darnp iu a mino at Wilkosbarre, Pa., the other day, cansed the death of one or two miners, the wounding of sevftftl more, and the destruction of a considerable amount of property. Lamrest, the swiudling President of the American Popular Life Insurance Company, has been denied a uew trial Scott and Dunlap, the Northampton (Mass.) bauk-robbers, have been each tenteneed to twenty years in the Stato piison. THE WEST. Advices f i om Fort Lincoln report that au expedition is forruiug there, cousistitig of the Seventh Cavalry and Twentieth Infantr-, to procred north and work their way between Sittir.g Buil and the British line, with the view of capturine the wily savage and his band A lai-ye band of hostile savages are raiding thrüugh Uie Black HiDs and adjacent oountry A war witu tbe Bannock Indiana is threatened in Idaho Territory. Kato Noonan, who shot and killed V. II. Sidle, the teller of the First National Bank, of Minneapolis, bas been acquitted on the gronnd of insanity. In the ürst trial the jiirydisagreed, and in the second the session lasted two dsys and three nighta before a verdict was reacbed Advices from California report that tho State has been visitcd by raina heavy enough to insure an abundant erop. The houso of Thomas Terrill, near Blackhawk, Col., waa burned one night last weck. Four persons perished iu the flames - SIrs. Terrill, Johnnie Terrill, Yilliam J. Terrill and liobert Terrill. Akizona dispatclies report the cxtermination of a band of tliieves who had been robbing the mails and preying npon wagon traína in ihat región. A portion of the band were pursued by a detaehment of cavalry, under Lieutenanüs Rueker and Tonf-y. who continued the chase until they (truck a. permanent camp of more than thirty lodges. After a gallop through the villsge the troopa countod fifteen dead brigands, and captured a number of horses and a largo quantity of stolen gooda. The Golden Gate Mining Company , of Deadwood, havo consummated a sale of their four mines - the Father DeSmet, Golden Gato, Justice, and Belcher - to California capitalista for the handsome mm of $400,000. This is the heaviest miriing transaction that has occurred in the Hills. A league has been formed in Cliicago, whose bject is to suppress the salo of liquor to minors. They have alrcady ecurod the arrest of a number of Faloon-keepers for dealing out poi8on to boys, and iroiioso to continue in the goed work unül every saloon-keeper in Chicago is made to realize that it is a crime to eugage in making druukards of the riaing generation. It is said that half the iloonft ui the citv are mainly supported by boys bítwcen 12 and 21 years old, and thatif deprfved of thia patronage at least 1,000 gin-mills would be compelled to closo up. THE SOUTH. A kegiïo attempted to murder a grocer named Dentón, at East Hickman, Ky., bv cleaving his Bkull with an ax, with the evident intenüon of robbiug him. ïhe would-be murderer was caught and summarjly hung by a mnb of citizens AMempbis detective rianied Pride, while half as'.eep, and ím&ginióg a burglar about the premises, fatally shot his wife and child the other night. Tuk extra session of the Tennesaee Legislature, which was called for the purpose of considering a proposition for the settlement of the State debt, bas adjourned without acoomplish" ing anything. KNEBAL. A telegram from Mesilla, New Jlexico, says: "Texas rangers startud from El Paso to recover their arma, taken from them by the invadera. Arriviug at Socorro they mêt au armed body of Mexicans, whereupon a fight commenced. Four of the invade were killed and one Texas rangor wounded. Gen Hatch, who is in the advanco. ha sent back for more troops." Accordiug to Washington dispatcheR tbere is little dauger of an international diffienlty on accoun, of the Rio Grande troubles. It is announced that the Mexiean troopa seut forward by Diaz have promptly co-operated with the United Statos forcea in the preservation of order BusineBs embarrasuments : George Baker, banker, Chesler, Pa., liabilities $159,(100. aasets (on paper) $192,01:0; Riggs Bros., banken, Saybrook, IU. ; the Taunton (Mass.) Savings Batk, liabilitie .$1,353.7G3. seheduled assets $1,404,513; the Dale Manufacturing Company, owners of the largest silk mili in Pattereon, N. J., üabilitiea $400,000, all secnred but $20,000; tlie C. F. Keatly Stocking Company, Kankakee, 111. ; P. J. Richard, a prominent farmer of De Kalb county. 111., liabilities $40,000 ; O. De Blus. tinware "dealer, Montreal, Canada, liabilities Í80.000, assets nil Clement Blunt, one of the oldest and most hunored and trusted officers of the e"gineer corps, is under arrest for malfeasauce. and is to be tried by court-martial. The erop reporta received at the Department of Agrieulture, at Washington, indícate that the wheat erop of this country for 1877 was about 360,000,000, bushelá, or about 50,000,000 bushels greater tban for any previous year. The corn erop, estimated, from tbo same reports, ia 1,300,000,000 bnahelft The cropa of oats and potatoes wero corresimndingly large. Of Whoat, it is estimated that 110,000.000 bushels can be spared for expoit...'. The facts embodied in the rt.port of an oflicer aent to tbe North Carolina coast to investígate the circumstanccs of the wreek of the Hurón, are simply horrible. It appears that a brute named McNeill, living on the coast, witneaaed the wreek, saw and heard the signáis of dmtrens, saiv a boat launched and swamped, and waited patiently until the wave had done their work with the vesscl and lier hapless crew. Then he went to his hovcl and ate his breakfast ; and all tbiu timo he knew that there was a life-saving station only tno milea ank a half away, on a tranquil stretch of water which he could traverso in his beat in half an hour. Many lives might have been s&ved had thi B&vasé actd upon the oommon impulse of humanity. But worse than this remams to bo told. Ninety-one bodies from the wreek have been recovered, and not a single trinket of any kind- not a watch, chain, ring, or shirt-ut'ud was found among them all when the Government people received the remaiusfor internient. Tlio Modocs of the eoast had stolen everything. In some cases the mark vero plainly reen where rings had been torn from the fingers of the dead. Business f ailnres : The Keal Estáte Savings Bank, of St. Louis, Ho. ; John B. Flowerc, boot acd shoe dealer, Ilalifax, N, S., liabilities $160.000, asstts $100.000 ; the Kockland County Bank, Nyack, N. Y. ; tlie Jersey City (N. J.) Savings Bank; J. D. Parker "fc Co., wholesalo dniggists, Cineinnati, Ohio....' Another member of the "fighring family" of McCooks has joined the i'anks of the silent majority. Gen. Georce W. McCock. of Ohio, died the other day in Xew York at the residence of Ansou G. McCook. WASHINGTON. A Washinotox telegram says : "In the attempts of both sides to count np tbs silver and anti-silver vote in the Heuste, botli f-ides admit that their respective connts show au exceedingly close vote. In case of a Piesidential veto, it is claimed by tlie opponents of the bill to have 26 votoe, exactly enough t.i suitaia :i veto, nith Sharon away. Tlie full vc.tu is 75. If Ihere are 25 Senator to sustain a veto tliis wonld malie a tic, and the Vice President could vo'e the name as f the Seuate m equallv diided." The Widow Oliver has abandonod her puit for brcach of promise against Si:non Camoron. It ie expecud in Washington that the present Fesfiou of Congress will be a lengtby one. The Appropriation Commitleo will üoón be ready to rejwrt On the PooMon, Consular, Naval, and Pustofllce bilis, but the coudition of gunera! bnsiuess indiatei that do w progresa will be made. POL1TICAI-. WAsiiinoTox dispatches ay Kecretary Evarls authorizos the ajmounconient to be ïnadu tbat the difft-renne ore about to be bea'ud that have iii.ided the President and the Heiiijb; lioanaiM Congreso, and tíut th reëtoj'stiön oí hsrmony is ntgr at hand, Thk Wjiëi.intf.i) PqM, ti.o new DwiKiorifio organ at the capital, announces in a doubleleaded editorial that hereaftor tho Demooratio Senators will voto to conftrm the PresUent's appmhnents. THK TURKO-RUSSIAN WAR. Telkorams from St. Petersburg say that the Czar will return to Bulgaria in a few week, and that an attempt will then be made to " inarch throuh to Constantinople as the Germana did to Paris." The Turkiah prisoners captured at Plevna wero caught in a terrible snow-storm while en route to the ]ummanian capital, and a number oí thera woro frozen to deatb A dispatch from Constantinople says the Servians attempted t oarry Yatre by aüsanlt, and were repulsed with inimenso loss. They were pureiied by tho garrisou to Yavor, about ftvo miles dietant. To offKst tbis defeat, it is stated that the Servinn troops have taken Akpalanka, on the Sntia road, after eight liours' lightinj; The Sultan bas held a grand review of troops in ConBtantinoplo. Great eñthriaiasm was manifested by everybody . . . . It id stated that Tinkoy is preparing to concede the free passage of the Dardauelles, which meets witli oppofcition frona England. . . .A. cessation of the snov-8torma in Armenia is reported, and il i.- expeeted that the EüBsians wili take advantage of the fine weather to completo the investnipnt and aitempt the capture of Erüeromn Driftir.c ice in tho Damibe has destroved the ian bridge at Ibrail, over wliich the fupplies or Zimmei'man'ü arrny in the Do'uradscka have o bo kaulcd. A coKKESi'oNDKNT, writing from Plevna tatas thftt wheu the Turks made their sortie ■hey left thouaands of sick p.nd woundet -tftrvinp and unattended. Those unfortunato emained in tuin state threedayp, and lnindred f them died. Those killed in the battles wer ïnbnried many daya after the surrender oí tb In short, Plevna is deseribed as on .ast eharnel-house. The bridge across the D.iuu'ue at Xikopoiis uas been swept away by ice Tho weather -cenis to have arrested the Eussian ouward movement, and it begins to look as though tho campaign was over for the year. The railvrayti nre not workincr reulariy, and tho conimissariat have all they can do to keep the troops Buppliod in the camps near Plevna without increasing the difficulty by sending them further inland. . . . A Yienua dispatch 8ays it is stated from sevcral sides that Er)gland, although decHning to medíate, haa confidehtially sounded Ruesia as to the terms on wBioE ihe would bo inclined to make peace, and that the Rucian Cabinet baa been f ar less reserved than might have been anticipated Tho Montenegrius defeattd a body of Tmkd occupying intrenched positions between tho River Bojana and the town of Dulcigno. The Turka lost many prisouer, three flaga, and a nuantity of provisions. . . .It ia reported that Ominan Pasba will be tried by a Russian military court of the highost jurisdiction for the alanchter of tho wounded after the fjreat battle of July 31, the fiyht before the Gravitza redoubt on Sept. 11, and feveral other minor engagements. Tiiere 8eems h'ttle doubt that England has comented to accept the office of peacemaker, and TviU uudertake to briüg about an adjust ment between Russia and Turkey. The announcement iö now made ofiicially in tho London Advertiser that the Britiah Government has acceded to Turkey' request, and wiil try what can be done toward prevailing UDon Ruasia to negotiate terms of peace Reinforcements ordered for the Russian army exceed 250,000 men. ïbo Army of the Baltic, num bering 90,000 men, is also being formed. Russia has bought 200,000 rifles f rom Berlín. A London dispatch of Deo. 29 says: "I am informed, on good authority, that in English military circles war is considered almost inevitable. Arrangemcnts are completed and regiments allotted for an army of 80,000 men, and steps are already taking toward the formation of the nucleus for a reserve army. Profound vmeasiness prevails here, and there is great depression in trad and tinauce." There are no compiaintB of an unseasonable mildness in the weather on the Danube. Snow at the headquartera of the Kussian army near Ru8tchuk is two feet deep ; the roads are no longer passable for "wagons ; slcdges for winter use have not been provided ; the quartormasters declare that they canuot keep íip the supplies for tho eavalry, and gravo fears are entertained that the bridges will be broken by ice, completely interrupting the movement of food for man and beast. Kussian' jouroals are discussing with great arnestness the posi-ibilities of the situation as latterly presented in consequence of England's attitude. Upon one poiut there is but oae exprossion - Ihat modiation is not possible uniese solicited by both parttes, and that Russia. while at all times wüling to receive peaco propcsals from the Porto direct, has not iuvited, and will not favorably receive mediatury offices from any sonrce Yienna advices rénder it certain that Grecce is about to take up arm and unite with the Servían forces operating in Western Bulgaria The Serviaus have begun a regular siege of Widin, which is well provisioned. lts garribon is weak, however. and its capture is expected within two weeks at the farthest. ckKi:al FOKKIGN NKffS. The reconstrnction of the internal administration proceeds apace in Fri.nce, under the auspices of the new Ministry. The reinstatement of all the municipal councile dismissed öince the ltith of May has been ordered : prosecutious for press and publication ofl"eu6es have hefiu dismissed, and the triumphant republicans are gathering the spoils of victory in all direetions. A SERious Indian war is reportad in the Sttite of Sonora, Mexico, "he Sonora troops lately attackcd the hostiles, and were bi'.dly whippec), losing sevon killed and a number wounded The departments of Alsace and Lorraine, since their forced dismemberment fi'ojn Franco, have been treated by the Germans as a conquered people. Thoy have become weary of a military government, and sighfir the retnni of civil and constitutional autliüiity. To fhis end meetings have been held, resulting in the appointment of a Pro; vüicial Committee. This" body met in Strusbourg, the other day, and passed a reaolution reqüeétibg the Emptror t grant to the conqaeTed piröviiicea their own constitiition as a Federal State and a representative in the Federal Council of the empire The Edinburg Cbamber of Commerce has memorializcd tlie Britieh Government to continue its neutrality in the present war. The Panama Star and Hcrald of a late date says : " A rcbellion broke out at Puerta Arenas. The rebels, after cruelly assassinating the Captain of the gairison, eet firo to the j building, inclnding the hospital, with all the patiënte in it, stolo L7,000 from the treaaury and robbed all the commercial houses. In the confusión they were killing each other. 01 the houses composing the colnny only aboul half remain standing. The total number killed is forty, with fourïeen woiinded." Ex-Pkesidekt Grant and family are traveling inltaly The estimates of the Germán Government for the coming year are considerably in excess of the last budget. For nava! purposes alono au increased expenditure to the amuunt of niuc and a half milliun marks is demanded. Bismarck is jealous of Engiand'a maiitime supremacy, and is determined that Germany shall appear in the front rank of naval powers. Mexico news : Geu. Ogazon, Minister of War, has resigued, and Gen. Manuel Gonzalos has been appointed in his stead. Other Cabinot changes are expected. - The newspapers urge a close alliance of the Hispano-Ainerican repiiblies against Northern aggrosKion. - There hivs been a grand military display at Chapnltepco. Five thousand troops were out, well armtd, uniformed, and drilled. - Minister Romero, of the treasury, claims to have made improvements wlnch will augment the ti-eamiry miilions of dollars Several thousand peop'. principally of the lower classes, assembied in ïïafalgar square, Lorulon, on the 291h nlt., in response to a cali for a public demonstration against P.ussia. The meeting was very turbulent, A peace prucession was broken up and its banners torn to picces. There was a large display of Tnrkish tlags, and several were torn up in tho mclee. A heavy polico forco was necessary to prevent a riot. Bitter speeches were made against liussia. ResólntlonB were passed demandüig suchaction by Porliament as will put a stop to Kussian pregress. Despito the efforts of the peace men lo pack the meeting, a vast majority of those in attendauee were furiously anti-liussiau OrliciaJ intelligei;co has been receivcd annomréiug tho ïiiccesi of the Chinese troops in Kashgar. They had fortitied louohtongarer and Ai-ka, twoslroDg strateglcal point. The inhabitants were íieting iu terror into Bussian tt j'ritory.


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