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The winter weather has been capital foi , full week. „ConHnissíoner Whitraan lias commeuced the accounting in tliat Iaboratory suit. - Both Dexter and Ypsilanti sent delegatione tohear Iiigersoll ou Tuesday evening. - A special meeting of the fire departmeut vl be held at Firemen's Hall this evening. ■-The books and papers in the Farmers' tore at Ypsilanti came safely tlirough the recent tire. -The public schools opened on Monday and Tuesdsy with iull rooms, and now hard study is in order. -The several departments opeued on Tues(j„yl with most of the boys home from their wr upon turkoy. Company A t'ailed to complete its election „f officers last Monday evening, and will try jjngaiu next Monday evening. -The thaw of yesterday just about whip„ed the hard run of aleighiug inaugurated by tlie snow-storm of Friday night. _-A meeting of the Ann Arbor Scientiflc Associa'101 will be held in the geological lectare room to-morrow evening. - Frof. Z. Truesdel, of this city, has been puinted Superintendent of the Poutiac ÜC scnoois, vjce mvuerg, lösigueu. - C. H. Millen & Sou's " Coat Sale" now i] progresa is the center oí attraction for chea] eoods buyers. They are bnuncl to make trade ively. _At the request of Justice McMahon, act ia in an official capacity, Lewis Rhodes con ■buted i-J to the public fuuiis on Mond&y jsiolt ou Louis Vogel. -Prof. Wilsey, teacher of vocal musís in te public schools of this city, has resigned . md for the present Miss Eugeuie erkins wili (ake the music in charge. -At the aunual electiou of the Detroit Fireand Marine Insurauce Company, held on faesday, Fhillip Bach, of this city, was reelected one of the directora. - There will be a social gathering of the Ladies' Library AasoDiation on Tuesday eveBng nest at the residence of Heury W. Bogm on Hurou street. All are invited. - This county has but one case on the Supremo Court calendar for the present term : pililo Fowler, plaintiff in error, va. Orriu T. i;!bert,- tliat old Saline slander suit. ..."Aboiit the Uth, and after, snow or rain i rms prevaleiit." So says the weather editor jl "John T. Morton and Co's. Western Par;-ier' Almnac," a Louisville, Ky., annual. -The new Odd Fellowa Lodge has leased ie third story ot P. Bach's building, corner : Main and Washington streets, and have one ji the most pleasant Lodge rooms in the city. -The !aw studente have an honorable itch;ng to celebi-ate Washingtou's birthday, and willtry toget either Gren. Ben. Butler, Gen. Benj. H. Hill, or Gen. Garfleld to "orate" to . thetQ. -The Post and Tribune of yesterday had 1 thia : "Dr. J. B. Augell's lectures in Umcinnati are very warmly praised by the press of that city. They are said to be mcreasing in popuiarlty." - Couuty Superintendente of the Poor, Duffy and Wilsey, have beeu in attendance npon the fitth auuaal convention of Supennteiideoís, which commenced at Grand RapidÊ ouTuesday evening. -Washtenaw Lodge oí Odd Fellows, of this i.iy, atiis meeting last Friday evening was visited by tlie members ot the lodge of YpsiIsnti. Atter the meeting the visitors were furahhed an oyster supper at Hangsterfer's. - H. Kittredge has taken the contract te finish the gradiug of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Jiaiiroad through this city, and also to extail tlie roadbed northward the M. C. track. The work oí laying iron has boen commanced Ú DuDdee. -The Ypsilauti correspondent of the Post ad Tribune says tliat the school board, unable lofiodsufficient acommodations for the High School, is cousidering a propositiou to put up i tempjiary wooden building on Gongress itreet. -Johnnie Croinwell, a four-year-old son of 'Vm. Crooiwell, of Scio, was burned to deatli I ioToesday morning last, his clothes catchiug i Srefrom the stove. His inother had her hands aüd arms badly burned in attempting to put :attlie fire. -In answer to a Sixth ward Republiean aacus, Theodore Taylor has bsen elected (by taCommon Couucil) ALderman for that ward, lies Page resigned. A good euough selection; hl has the Council power to flll a vacaney at íhis tima ? -As the " Contingent Fund " is made up of uttsuch items as the Council, and not the tharter, prescribes, why would it not ■ ie well to transfer Ï1.000 from suoh fund to b'Qoneral Fund," and then allow and pay uw of the bilis iiov held over? lf not ■legal, justice to city ersditors eertaiuly favors Uch traiisfor -A Teachers' Instituto is anuo unced to be Wat Manchester, to-morrow, Janiiary 12, Kmmenciüg at 10 o'cluck a. m. The proramme marks out work for Mr. George Van ïinkle, Miss Anna E. Shekell, Prof. Weudell, t Clinton; and Prof. G-umaer, of Saline. ; "f. Olney, of tuis city, will deliver an address ! stbeevening. - As aa "early riser " the sun has not impïoredbut a minute since the yoar opened. Whon bilied him (In the "Michigan Almanac") J taoe' up at "t'l January 1, aud yesterday I d to-day 7;28 is his time. But, to-day he ligo down 11 minutes later than on Janu1 "? 1, a net incroase of 12 minutes of sunshine, -■rovided the clouds are propitious. -At the anuual meeting of the Forest Hill etery Compauy held on Tuesday afternoon, ■" 'ollowing oflicers were elected for the engyear: President; J. Austin Scott, Clerk, 'H.Poud ; Treasurer, Emanuel Manu ; Truai 's, William Waguer and William W. Wines, j tl9 Iota were representad. Our citizens ■Midently not enthusiastic in thatdirectiou. -The annual statement of the Southern i ' itenaw Farmars' Mutual Fire Insurance anpauy for the year 1877, shows an expendi'"Huriugtheyearof Í84.48: 56 for salary leetary and treasurer , Í23.48 for printiug, !tatiouery, and postage ; and Y5 for the only o! the year ; income, Í229 ; amount of ïn'rance risk of Compauy, $418,750; number 01 iMmbers, 176. -Those oíd favoritos Duprez & Benedict's 'trels are bilied for a performance at the I House to-morrow evening. The Philaphla Public Ledger says : " Tilia troupe is 'ttrongand thoroughly organized company," J tQe Chioage Times : " They do not con"their efforts to negro mmstrelsy, but reuder r artistic bailad siugiug and music in a "J' attractive furm." See card in auother ran. "The animal eleotion oí the First National t tlns city was held od ïuesday, result8 lu Mie oloutiuu oi the following directors: 4mWe"8 P' Bach' D' Henuing' Hiram " ". C. H. Milieu, James Clemente, Charles Henley, and J. W. Kuight. ïhe board (or the saine oíd oue) organizad by 'ing as officers: President, Ebenezer ': Vwe-Presidaut, Philip Baoh; Cashier, Kuight. Cw"3 mUths iu advance of its becoming f'JOnn Deubel' ol tllis C1'y. has Paid off the tk, V mort2aSe tha-t was on the mili pur. me th hÍm at YP3ikuti' of Ward, ii.lo ' Kt y6ttrS ag' payiuS the wbole in a it imtalliaeut, and also paymg a bonus for "vilege. Thl3 i3 probably the ,argest hmT d'ScharSe(i In thia county on a single e h aUd Mr' Deubel's ability to meet it in na h 'me3 'S au evi3ence of business ability nard work. - The Mayor lias received a letter from Mayor Barnes, of Ypailauti, thankiug hira and the fire department for their prompt action on the night of the Ypsilanti fire, and expressing the hope that Ypsilanti may always be able to telegraph a secoud time, "not wante-i." If Mayor Barnes had only known how quick Mayor C'ramer rollod over in bed and bogan to Bnore after giving perniission to policeman Maroney to send the engine to Ypsilanti, he might have left that official without thanks. Mayor C. (like mauy other citizens) likea his bed too well to be an enthusiastic flrenian.


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