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Common Council

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'Die regular meeting of the Council wa8 held on Monday evening, Aldrmen Schmidt and Kyer being absent, and the following business wa3 transacted : PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From Clnef Engineer, asking the purchase of twenty feet of auction hose ior Vigilant tire engine. To General Fund üommittee. FEOM CITY OFFICKRS. The City Attorney aubmitted the draft of two urdinances, one relative to bootblacks and newsboys, the other prohibiting the sale of immoral publications -both ordinances are published in another column of the Aroixs. The ordinauces were enoh read the second timo and adoptod. The Marehal's report for past two months shows that nine arresta were made by the police, of which tour were lor vagrancy and five were driink and disorderly. He also reported that $103.54 had been disbursed among the city poor, divided amoug the several wards as follows : First ward, $15.29 ; Second, f 7.02 ; Third, $10.38; Fourth, J51.75 ; Fifth, Í18.31 ; Sixtii, 7'J ets. Becorder's monthly statement shows the following unexponded balances belonging to the several funds General lund, f7.88; General street, $3.55; First ward, $60.37 ; Secoud ward, $384.43; Third ward, $113.97; Fourth ward, Ï112.70; I'ifth ward, $218.68; Sixth ward, 1123.31 ; City Cemetery, $8.88 ; Uontiugent, $2,156.54. The Treasurer's monthly statement for December shows the following condition of the several funds : General iund - warrants paid, $2,482.88; balance on hand, $3,872.14; General street- warrants paid, $1,753.11 ; balance on hand, $797.16; First ward- warrants paid, $20759; balance on hand, $180.89; Second ward- warrants paid, $268.42 ; balance on hand, $816.55 ; Third ward- warrants paid, $194.55 ; balance on hand, $810.57 ; Fourth ward- warrants paid, $466.08; balance on hand, $489.17 ; Fiith ward- warrauts paid, $284.89; balance on hand, $255.11; Sixth ward- warrants paid, $337.70 ; balance on hand, $233.60; Firemon's- warrants paid, $215 ; balance on hand, $255 ; City Cenotery - balance on hand, $13.38; Contingent- receivei, $33.00; warrants paid, $303.47; balance on hand, $2,159.50 ; City Boud- on hand, $928. The report of Justice Clark, for the quarter ending Dec. 31, showing the disposition of city cases brought bef ore him, was received and placed 011 hle. KEPOBT8 OF COMMITTEE3. Finance- Aid. Qott reported a list of bill recommending their allowance. Report ac cepted and warrants ordered drawn ou th the several funda for the following amounts First ward, $9.71; Second ward, 80c; Thir ward, 4.Ó0; Fourth ward, $11.70; Fift ward, $17.01 ; Sixth ward, $13.17; Contingent 1263.29. General Fund -Ín favor of granting petition for street lamp ou Weat Hurón atreet, nea llaiui streot. Adopted. Streets- Submitting the following resolu tion, which was adopted: Resolved, Tliat it is hereby ordered that th resolution passed by the Common Counoi Aug. 21, 1876, to lay out, open, and establish a Street known as the extensión east of Monroa street from the present termiuus to Waahte naw avenue, be resoiuded and revoked, aud that no further actiou be taken for opening said street. Special- To whora' was referred the matter of the condition of the Traver mili race at the crossing of Mili street, in Fifth ward, reported that thoy found the same in a dilapidated anc dangerous coudition, that it is an unlawful tiespass upon the street, aud recommendec that the owners of said race bo directed to cause tne same to De put in proper condition íuimediately, in default of which the Aldermen of the FLfth ward be authorized to have it filled up. Adopted. MISCELL ANEOTJS . By the Recorder, the following reaolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the bonds of W. H. Mclntyre, Andrew Ffeifle, Albrecht Gwinner, Geo. Ardner, aud Bdward V. Voight, dealers in spiritous or malt Hquors, are, in the opinión of the Cominon Counoil, sufficient and are hereby approved, and the Recorder is hereby instructed to certity tlie approval of the Council upon said bonds. By Aid. Gott, that the time for the collection of the tax-roll for building sidewalk on west side of Nurth Fourth street be extended 30 days. Agreed to. By Aid. Woodruff, that the stieet-lamplighters' bilis for past mouth be paid irom coutiugent tund. The motion brought out a general discussion of the condition of the city's finances, participated in by the Mayor, Aldermen Gott, McDonald, Woodruff, Besimer, and Sprague. The motion of Aid. Woodruff was Jost. By Aid. Bower, that all traveling show3, excapt circuses and tent exhibitions, visiting the city and charging an aümisniou fee, be required to pay into the city treasury a sum of at least $5 for each exhibition before receiving a license. Agreed to. A d. Woodruff stated that a public meeting of the citizens ot the Sixth ward had been held for the purpose of designating a person to be appointed Alderman, vice P. L. Page, resigned, and that Theodore Taylor had beeii selected for said office. By Aid. Cate, that Theodore Taylor be declared elected Alderman of the Sixth ward for the unexpired term of P. L. Page, resigned. Agreed to. By Aid. Rogera, that General Fund Committee be authorized to remove the street lamp now located on North Fourth street, rear of Agricultural Hall, to sorue point further north on aaid Btreet. Agreed to. Ad jourued.


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