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Agricultural And Domestic

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Arouiul the Farm. Baising a Mothekless Colt. - The best thing for a motherless colt is cow's milk diluted with about twenty-iïve per centuin of water and -with a little sugar adde.1. The milk, if possible, should be frorn a newly-nalved cow. In addition, the coltmight have ihin gruel made of oatnif-al aiid linseed meal eqttal paits, the linseed being reduced or increased accordiDg as it is found that the bowels are relaxed or constipated. The addition of a fe-w raw eggs to the gruel will improve it. - Toronto Globe. Watek-Pboof Finish tor Baw-Hide. As raw hide containa a large amount of gelatine, or glue.-whioh is very soluble in water, it will certainly be softencd by ■wet weather. One of the best raaterials 4. wvmirrt rroio+ín inRoliiVtlft is taTiTiin. henee the tanning of leather, which makes hide water-proof ; however, it spoils the finish of raw-hiüe. We would therofore suggest the use of a saturated hot Bolution of bichromate of potash. Hide oovered repeatedly with this and exposed to the suiilight (which is an essential eondition to make it effecüve) will have itó gelatine made insoluble without injuring its fraished appearance, and wet weather will not affect it much. - Manufacturer and Builder. Packing Eoqs for Shipment.- It is only through careless packing that eggs get spoiled forhatching during carriage. They must be packed so that the re will be no jariing. A good way is to have a box made of half or three-quarter inch pine, of such a size thatthe eggs can be packed, leaving at least an inch space around them. Then wrap up the egg in soft paper, leaving a good-sized bunch of paper at the end. Pack the egg in oat chaff or some substance that will uot shift and let the egg touch the side of the box. Bran is frequently recommended, but it has the objection that it shifts, and the egg is thus jarred and killed. Fine, unent hay is a good thing for packing. The top of the box should be screwid, not nailed, on.- Toronto Globe. Exposikg manure to air, eitber in the farm-yard, or, still worse, in sinnll hcaps in the open field, cauees the loss of a considerable amount of its beneficial properties, owing to the evaporation or escape of some of its fertilizing gases into the surrounding air. By sowing a bushei ortwo of gypsum over the surf ace of these heaps, however, and then superimpoBing a layer of loam, the deterioration, unless the weather be very wet, will be extremely slight. This, as it readily absorbs the volatile gases that are ever striving to escape into the atmosphere, will itself become rich, and may be advantageously applied to crops requinng animal or vegetable manure. The gypsum also airests the ammonia which freely escapes from animal excrement, and retains it for the sustenance of the crops to which it may be applied. RüLES FOB THE CaBB OF ShEEP. - 1. Keep sheep dry under foot with clean litter. This is more neceseary than roofing them. Never let them stand or lie in rnud or snow. 2. If a ewe loses her lamb, milk her daily for a few days and mix a little alum with her salt. 3. Never frighten sheep if possible to avoid it. 4. Separate all weak, thm or sick sheep in the fall from those that are strong, and give them special care. 5. If any eheep is hurt, catch it at once and wasñ tüe wounü wim n umg j.iuu. I a leg is broken, bind it with splinters tightly, loosening as the lirnb swells. G.'lt a sheepis lame, examine its foot, clean out between the hoofs if unsound, and apply tobáceo, with blue vitriol boiled in a little water. 7. Shear at once any sheep commencing to shed its wool, luiless the weather is too severe. 8. Keep none but the best and see that they are properly attended to. - Exchange. The best time to sell, as a rule, is a soon as the farmer can obtain a fair proñt on the amount of time and rnoney expended in raising nis crops. Expcrience everywhere has proved conclusively that it seldom pays the producer to become a speculator. By selling eaily tho mind is relitved from anxiety, and can turn the more e'arnestly to the season's legitímate dutics; shrinkage and loss from vermin and other causes are avoided ; the money in hand of ten pr vents the necessity lor running into debt, for which a heavy interest is always charged eithr under its proper name, or in an increaseof priceon the goodspurchased; the farmer has the means for buying manures, stock, implements and machinery at the be3t time and figures, and of pushing necessary work, and making imDrovemcnta on bis land or homestead. Calcúlate, therefore, what your prodiicts have cost you in money and its equivalent, time, add a moderate profit, and sell promptly so soon as you can realize the total, taking, of course, asmuchmore as you can get, and leaving to othersthe anxieties and risks of speculation. About the House. Washtko Bbown Prints.- In answer to the inquiry, "What will prevent a brown print from fading in washing, I send the following: Get 3 cente' worth of sugar of lead and dissolve in as much ■water as will wet the dress. I)o this before Üie dress is washed, and it will set the color. - Correspondent. Bolled Jelly Cake.- One cupiul sugar, one cupful flonr, four eggs, whites and yelks beaten separately, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in a dripping-pan ; when done, turn the cake out upside down on a towel. Spread with jelly or icing, and roU up carefully. It -will nót break. Pea Soup.- Soak ene quart of split peas over niglit; boil tender pst enough water to prevent scorchmg; when tender pass through a wiie sieve and add two quarta of good stock; add pepper, alt, and a little parsley; simmeï gently for one-half honr, and just bef ore serving etir in a table-spoonful of butter, in whioh has been rubbed a teaspoonfnl of corn-starch. Making Bisocn Without Soda.- One quart of flour, two tenspoonfuls yeast powder, one h.-aping teaspooniul ïard, and one level teaspoonful ot salt; milk and water mixed, half each, about two-thirds of a pint; mix the flour and yeast powder together, then rub the lard well in until no partióles of lard can be seen; add the milk and water, mixmg all together with a spoon, turn out ami kieid until smooth, the dough shoula be as soft as it can convemently be rollea out. Eoll out about an inch thick cut with a round, smooth cutter, then fold over in the center lake a turnover, haviog tirst dampened the upper _ side to make the folds stick together Allow p emy of room in the pan so they wül not nin together. Bngmbh Plüm Pudding.- üue pound of raisins, stoned and mmet'd fine; two pouuds of uraate, well dned; one pound of brown sugar, half pound ot citrón, cut fine; three nutmegs one table-spoonful oinnamon, half tabiegpoonf ui ground cloves, one smail teaspoonful allspioe, one small teaspoonfnl mace, one large teacuptwl molapses; put Hieie ingredients in a crock rnb wrll together, mix the spices all together, then add gradually to the fruit, pour the molasses over the top of the imxture also a teacupful of good Madeira, a pint of strong brandy; cover with the lid ot the crock and let it stand twen tour bouw; add, the merning when youmake the pudding, one pound of beef suet chopped very tinely, one P"0' flour.weU dried; one pound of grated bread crumbs, and the jreU only of eight eggs, put in your pudding muid añil bolf BteRdüyfor flve hourB pour brandy over the pudding plenümlly before taking to table, ana set üie to ü. Pard sauce,


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