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The Detroit Free Press in its regular weekly review of the Detroit murket, umter date of Jan. '22, snys : The prevaling feature of the pust week's jobbing trade was the almost uttor lack of demands from the interior, and as loug as the present soit condition of the country roads continúes Detroit merchants will not look for aoy great unpiovemont. Orders for dry gouds have been very hgtit and prices have ruled steady and unchangod trom last week. The hardware trade has preseuted a very quiet aspect ; irou is firin aud nails strong at the recent advance. The drug and Chemical business has not been up to the usual standard. The recent failures of several lurge Kastern bouses, who have dealt heavily in certain patent medicines, temporartly preveuts west■ern hout-es from "stockiug up " on certain kinds, ai the stocks are being held awaitiug a rearrangement of uiïuirs. Prices whish are low, continue at last wek's range. Uf oila, Httmd .au miiniiMii i: jioï i, maktag hw tiiíe and boiled ti7o per tíal, th uew quot&tious ; othcr branda are steady. Uroceries have met with a fair Beanonable trade. Sugars are flrm and ateady at 9 3-4c per Ib for standard A ; off A s, '.) 8-8 a '.I 5-8 o per 1b ; granulated, 10 a 70 3-8 10 1-20 pur In; yellow, 7 3-4 a S 1-4 Tea aro firm and steady. Cofines aro weaker uid dried fruits, oanned good, rasiub and li.-Ii .ire dull. The receipts of ilour and gruiu for tlio week iinrinr the review were as follows : Plour, G,ó7ü Ijbls; wheat, (J3,423 bu ; corn, 10,000 bu ; oacs, 2l,07fi bu ; barley, 9, 145 bu. This is a large gain on all cereals ou the receipta for -lie provious week. The shipmeuts were : Flour, 2,691 bbls; wlieat, 82,224 bu. This is a balling off lrom tho previous week. The following table shows tho opening and closing pnces of extra and No. 1 white, cash, Mld WO, 1 white January and February wheats ut tho noon 3ussion of the Board of Trade each day of tho past week : WHKAÏ, CASH l'KICES. I Extra White, j No. 1 White. Opened Closed j Opened I Closed Tuesday, il 30 $1 29% I $1 26JÍ I SI 26 Wedttssday, 1 28 12S 1 -m'a 124 Chanda;, i 275 128 i 1 23 U. I iwy, Kriday, ' 1 28 1 28% 1 24ÍÍ 1 64' Baturday, i 1 SS i 12. 1 244 1 1 24i Monday, 1 29 12 1 24 1 2.J KUTUBB8. Nu. 1 White .lun No. 1 KtAiniary Opaned I Closed Oponed I Clostd ïuesday, SI 28 $125 SI 27 127 Wednosnav, 124 121 126% 12SM Thureday, 1 23 124 1 24 124 Friday, 1 -'■)., Saturüay, 1 25 1 2fi 128}? Mondiiy, 1 2ö The wheut market the past week has received considerable attention, iind %'aluos havo ruled rather unsettled. Mauy a speculative eye has been turned toward.s the oastern horison, and the diápatcuos trom the cene of .coiit'ict across tho waters have been eagerly scanned and speculated upon. The marlet, which at the opening of the week uuder reTiew ruled easy, has for tho last two düys exhibited more riimness, but uot decided strength. Corn sales have been light and prices itavo decliited ; No. 1 mixed, old, treeiy otitnet at 48c per bu; uew, 41 a 43c per bu ; rejected, 40c per bu. Oats have ruled dull and prices unsettied. Monday No. 1 white waa quotod at 28 1-4 a 28 l-2o ; No. 1 mixed, 27 3-S bid and 27 3-4 asked. Barley taita to meet with its usual di-iuand and the m ut 1 is dull, with No. 1 State quotable at tl 00 a 1 6'á per contal ; No. 2 State, tl 28 bid and 1 30 usked ; No. 3 State, Y1 10 asked. Itye is nominal at óó a 58c per bu. The general produco markot is probably the greatost sufferer through the continued softuess of the weather. For the leadiug products which usually at this time of the year are being shipped m large quantities there is but a Ught local demand. Apples are Belling in a quiet way at $3 0 a 4 per bbl, the outside h'gure being asked tor choiuo ropacked truit. Ueaus are dull stock at $1 80 per bu for city handpicked stock and 90c a 11 40 for fair to cholee handpicked lots. Butter meets wilh no sale, and shipperd and recoivers are discour aged, beiug unablo to diacover auy outiet lor thoir stocks. Frce offorings of best lots are made at lo a 17c per Ib. Chocho i.s quiet and steady at 13 a 13 l-2c per lb lor solootions. Eggs are a drug, and priO68 havu dcclinoil to 14 a lic per doz, ut wlnch ñuro fresh reoeipte meet with a light .sale. Glover seed is duli at ïló0a4óóper bu. l'ou.try has been poor stock in irket benig suppliod with m poor coudition, with Saturday, however, prices rallied somewhat and fresh lots of choice chickeus have beeu in fair request at 7c per lb; tuikeys, 9 a 10c per lb; geese dull ft, í) a Uc pot lb. Provisious are eusy at 1 1 Ó0 a 1 1 r, lard iu tienes, 7 3-4 per lb.


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