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Gov. Tilden's Plan

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pvaemngion uor, mcao inouue.j It may not bc without interest to state rhat tlie real programme of the Tilden aen was at the timo when the policy of he present administration was not ;nown, and wheu Tilden still eherished he hope that there might bo legal means o mako the entry iuto the White House. Chis information is derived from the ïighest possiblo Democratie authority; n fact, írom those who were activo in he events described. The story, which, :or convenience, is put in the flrst peron, is in substanco this: "When Jie defection of tho anti-filibusters deitroyed the prospecta of Tilden on March 1, the hopes of nis friends vrere placed an an extra session, which most of them thought was inevitable. The failure of the Axmy bill, if it was nc t Jefsatcd for that purpose, would, it was believed, have the effect to compel the oalling of an extra session. In tho meantimo the friends of Tilden met in counsel frequently to devise the best rneans of accomplisliing their jiurpose. There was a large dinner party in New ïork city, at wídch David Dudley Field and most of the strong supporters of Tilden were present, including a great many lawyers and Ongressmen. At that conference the best plans were diseussed. Tildcn's quo-warianto bill was considered, and it was generally, except possibly by Field himself, believed to be radically defective in that it provided no meaus of coming tho delay whieh could scarceiy be . avoided, whether the case should be originally brought in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia or in any of the United States Courts. In the course of the evening a plan was suggested which, it'was believed, would avoid thifl difficulty and rcsult in bringing the matter to au early decisión in the United States Supreme Court, one whifth would preclude the possibility of a final determination of the question during the present administraron. That plan was deünitely agreed upon in ontline, and.if thero had been an extra sessiou, and the troops had not been withdrawn from South Garolina and Louisiima, and the present adniinistration had foJlowed in the ways of former adminislrations, that bill would certainly have beenpresented as the delibérate policy of the majority of the Democratie party. Neilhcr the details of that plan nor any hiut of its real purpose have ever been published. It was in snbstauee this : The great difficulty had been to find some measure which wouhl aVoid the deíayp indicated. Such a plan, it was believed, was found in the draft of a bill based upon Sec. 3, Art. 3, of tho coustitution ol the Unitei States. That seetion gives original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court of the United States in this laiiguage : " In all cases affecting Ambas?adors. other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a Stute sluill be n party, the Supremo Court shall have original jurisdiction." That clause would give the Supreme Court undoubtedly iraniediate jurisdiction of the Presidential controversy. The two houses of Cougress could have, and probably would have passed a bilí empoworing any State which feit that it had been robbed of its electoral vote, and rnisrepresented by the intervention of strangersin its Electoral College, who had fraudulently cast the vote of that State contrary to the popular will, to appear before the bar of the United States Supreme Court andapply fur a quo warrant. It was believed that suoh a bill would pass, and that once p. ssed the President could not have declined to have signed it if presented to him by the representatives of the pcople. Such a deelaration would have raised so strong a presumption of eonsciousness of a defective title that it was not lor a moment believed that the Executive would have declined to approve the bill. Once passed, the case would have been bronght before the Supreme Court, without the intervention of any intermedíate United States or District Oourts, and without the possibility of any material delay. The difficulty of securiug a jury to consider the questions of tact was considered, and it was suggested that a jury conld be obtaiued fromanio'ig the Chief Justices of the State Supreme Courts. So far, continued this informant, did the deliberations go, but no extra session was called. The troops were withdrawn, and the President oarried out what wemaintaiuwerc Democratie principáis, and I, f or one, and I think I speak for many Demócrata, am opposed to distarbing the public pease by any attempts to renew the agitotion of last winter, or to reopen the Presidential question. We feel that the Demócrata will como iuto power in 1880, and will cometostay, and that any attempt to distnrb the present status would uot only result in our present defeat, but possibly a defeat for future generatlons. This is the statement and opinión of one of the most truflted ■ leaders of the Democratie party. A Dejected Wliitewasher. " I want to see de head boss ob all ob yon's" dropped suddenly from a pair of heavy lips, in a voice that swmed to come through a tin tube, as i woolly head and a poiished ebony face, upheld by a stalwart pair of rouad shoulders, emerged above the top of the staircase. " You do, eh?" said the foreman. "Yes, sah; de hend boss - de boss ob all de udder bosses." " Well, he's not herc now. Wou't I do jnst as well ?" " I'se af raid not, boss. You sec I want to see him nbout ome 'ticlar business. Kain't I sot down on dis huh box, an' wait till he comes in ? No hurry, you see." "Certainly," said the foreman; "you can wait if you want to. " The darkey accorciingly humped hiinself down on the box withhischin in his hand, and feasted his eyes on the dreary walls. " Dat needs whitewash mighty bad," he said, shaking his head like they always do when they mean an emphatic yes; "mighty bad, boss; now don't it?" " It does, indeed," returnedthe foreI man. " Don't de head boss sny nuffln 'bout ( habiu' de job done i " " Yes; he was talking something about it just before he went out. Internis to put somebody at work on it when he gets back, I believe." " Is de job gib out?" "No, 1 believe not ?" ' Golly, dat's good. I's jis in Jttok , dis day, I is, an' lmh I stay till he comes. Dat long Jako don't git do sta't o' me dis time." And the sanguine whitewasher : chuckied and rubbed his hands, and ' then set about flguring up on bis fingers liow much the job would come to. The I time rolled Iwowly by, thongh, without ! bringing the man he was so anxious t) ! see. Noon-time at length arrived, and, as the foreman and the men put on their ; coats to go to dinner, he inquhoil : " Does de gnv'ner stay out a good whilo sometimes?" "Yes, sometimes he does," was the nonchalant reply. Then he went out and waited around the corners, keeping a close cyo on the establishment uutil the men returned, when he again went in and pèrched himself on the box, and wsiied patiently until near closing-up iime. He was now quite üdgety and uueasy, and con cluded to get a littlo more information. "Does you s'pose de head boss will git around dis ebemn' ?" " No, I thiuk not." " Whon kin I see him, den ?" "Next spring," replied the foreman, wiMi unoouc( rn. Wuahishe?" " Gone to Florida for liis health, to spend the winter." " Good lor', man ! Howlong's do ole man been goue?" "Three weeks." "Oh, Mosos ! Den wliy didn't you :ole me so befo' ?" " Becnuso yon didn't ask me." The lower jaw of the rïarkey dropped on his breast, and with a lsok of reproach that troubled the foreman iu his dreama that night, he shufflnd down the


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