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Ann Arbor Markets

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The following priees were paid yesterday by dealers in this city : Apples, sren.per bu $1.24. AppleB, dried, per lb, 6@7c. BeanB, per bu., $1.56. Butter, perlb., 16@17o. Cheese, per lb., 13c. Kggs, per doz., 14c. Hay, per ton, $11.0013.00. Lard, per lb., 7(S'8c. Poultry, chickens, 7(5 :8c tuikeys, 9@10c. Beef, perlb., 5JÍC Pork, per cwt., $3,90(i4,00. dover eed, por bu., $4.25 Corn, perbu., 25c. Potatoe, per bu.,30@36c. Wheat, ber bu., $1.12Síl.l6. Wood, per oord, $4.00@C.OO. i'lour retails at $i.HS per cwt. DKTROIT MAKKET, Tbe Detroit Free Press in its regular weeklj reviow of the Detroit mnrkets, uiuler date o Feb. S, siiys : Affairs in business nnd banking circles con tinue quiot, showing im particular change frorn laat week. The dry goods market lias been rather inactive, and values are nominally un changed. Drugs and chemicaU have enjoyec a fnir o' der trade at steady figures. Oils hav been in lair demand, with no chanco in price except kerosene, which on Monday advance to 30c per gallon, at which figure the marke was exrñteii and showins an npward (endene; The Inathor and hile trade is dull and price steady. Coal and wood are meeting witli better demand. Provisions are quiet an( easier, mess pork boing held at til 25 a 11 L per l)bl ; lard, in tierces, 7 1-2 a 7 3-4c por 1) 'Jroceries have been ín fair seasonable requos Teas are finn, coffaes weak and sugars stron at 9 1-2 a 9 ö-8c per Ib for standard A's; o A's, 9 a 9 l-4c per 11) ; gramilated, 10c per lb powdered, 10 l-4c per lb; CTUhed, 10 1-2 por lb. The receipts of flour and grain for a woe undor review were as follows : Flour, 4,0ó bbls: wheat, 93,184 bu ; corn, 7,510 bu. Th is a trido less than the receipts for the wee provious. The sliipments were : Flour, 1,81 hbls ; wheat, 7ó,G2:i bu ; corn, 9,331 bu ; oat U IW7 1,. , , - .. grain to and from Detroit during the month o Januury, during the last four years, are show in the following tables : RFXEIPTS. 1876. 1876. I 1877. 1878 Klour, bbls:, 22,771 23,:9' M.'O:)1 27,39') Wheat, bu., 128,333,144,107 150,015 649,y CVirn liii Qft .iA.l 'Í7 fili inf.UfUk -Vtll, lu., -.'i'. MI .JÍ,U.) 1UU.911U i'iíi Oats, bu., 68 849 5S,O6fl 103,258 .13 so Harlov. 100 ll.., 22.SS4 113,318 56,389 37,07 ByVo!i 867 WBi 42.029 10,70 SHIPMENTS. ; 1875. 1876. "l877 1878 Flour, bbls., ' 18,61f H.3O5 1".,5G7 11,09 Wheat, bu., 51,717 87,791. 51, :I67 568,47 Coru, bu., I &4,Ofi2 82,002 105,868 38,60 O:its, bu., 9l,&"3 27,202 "0,938 84,28 Barley, 100 lbs., 4,797 14,716 25,400 12,82 Rye. lm., __ 100 4,388, 1,97 From the above it will be seen that the re ceipts of flour tor the month as compar. (i witt previoua years, is larger. Ín wheat, however tlie üiih is more atriking, the recnipts being over íour times larger thaa ín auy previou moath) ftHil tho dlupmenta considerably over ftve times largor thap forwardod in any pre vious year. ín the movenieut of corn, oats barley and ryo a t.iliin off ia ahown. ThO tollowiii tubie shows tho opening aiu clusiiig prices paid lor extra and No. 1 whito cush añil No. 1 February and March wheatn a ttuï bood sossion of the Board ot trade ene! day of the pust week : WIIF.AT, CASH PUICES. lixtra White. No. 1 White, Opencd I Closed Opened Closet Tueaday, $1 27-V $127:K H T.i SI 23 Wodnesday, i 27'4 l ae-jj i 2214 1 22J riiureaay, i 27 127 l 23 123 Kridiiy, 1 2lfli 126' 1 22V, 1 22V Satiirday, I 127 127 122% 1 22i Monday, 1 26 lgfij 1 22 121?; FOTÜKES. Ho. 1 White Jan No. 1 February Opeued Closed Opened Closcc Cueadajr, tl 39 tlSSk SI 2.V, Í125U Wedoesoay, 1 2:i4 122J 1 2S:K 125 Churiday, 1 i( 1 '23 1 v% 125H Prlday, ' 1 22U 1 32% 1 24% 1 24fi Seturday, i 2242 122$ 1 24V 124; Monday, 1 21JÍ 1 2lVá 1 23% 1 2314 The upparent settlement of Easteru ditference haa had a temlency to wenken values and pnces havo declined and favored buyers. Jorn is ilull and prinos lower. No. 1 mixed, ïew, Ireely offered at 38 l-2c per bu. New tigh mixurf, held at 39c. Oats are tl uil. n 1 white, wi;tk at 29c. No. 1 mixed, spot, ïdd at '11 :j-4c with 27 l-2c bid. The barley matket is dull and depreased. No. 1 State, lominal at f 1 óó per een tal. No. 2 State, SI ló hifi and 1 17 aked. No. 3 Otate, $1 02 i-4 aitked and $1 bid. Rye is nominal at 5ö a 7c por bu. Thu jieneral proiluce market shows no imjrov-Tneiit aiiii sales have bben almost eutirely o the hom trade. Apple.s are quiet and steidy at $3 V a l ió por bbl for choiee fruit. temía ar dnll and luwor, city hand-picked stouk beiiifi held at ?1 65 a 1 70 per bu ; tair to dioico, unpiokedi 70o a $1 2ó por hu. The mtter market is il-'pres.snd. "Gilt edge " lots ïnd a rtíaily mnrket at 18c, but the (?reat mu on tv of receipts fa II short ot this standard, nul lor such thero is httle or no demand, btist ots boing iruely offered at 16 a 17c per lb. declium grades ure neglecled and grease stock n tair request at tí a (i l-2c per lb. Cheese is tulet and steady at l.'l a 13 l-2c for selections ; lover seed steady at $4 bh a 4 60 per bu. )roased hogs huve met with a uniform good aio aud values have buon comparatively .nteady at a range of $4 2Í a 4 $6 por cwt, most sales eing at % 30 a 4 35 per cwt. Dried fruits ro dull. Thü supply of eLts fully e]tials tho cniiiiKl, which is but moderate at 13c p-r doz or barreled lots and 14c for era tes. Poultry iü fair rnquest the fore part of the week nd prices ruled higher. Ou Monday, however, he supply exceedod tho (Iemand and the marcet was lowes and duit at 8 1-2 a 9 l-2c for hickens, and turkeys 10 1-2 n ll-2c perlb.


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