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SPECIAL ANNOÜNCEMENT ! Cost! Cost! Cost! OUR GKEA.T ANNÜAL COST SALE! $23,000 Wortli of Kicli Dry Goods AT AOÏ'UAL COST! Great sale to coinmence Wednesday morning, Jan. 2, '78, and continue ?0 days. No Goods Sold exoept for cash. Black Silks at cost. Blaok Cnshmeres at cost. Black Alpacas at coat. 500 yds. Snowflako Dresa Goods at cost. All Dress Goods at cost. Corsets at coat. Soamless Kid Gloves at $1.25. Hosiery at cost. Ribbons at cost. Flannels t cost. Paisley Shawls at cost. Wool Shawls at cost. Velvets at cost. Lace and Silk Ties at cost. Feit Skirts at cost. Table Linens at cost. All Kid Gloves at coat. Cloths at cost. Sheetings at cost. Everytliing at cost- for cash only. For over ten yiars it hfts been our custom to give the public the bem'flt ol our profits duriDg the iiioutb of Jaiiuuiy every year. üur renson tor doingso , as a general thing Jnnuary is the dulleat i ith of the yer, nd if we tried to make pronta they would Imnllv pay expenses, also, we have muuy winter kooíIü on hand that we do not wieh to slimmer avet, and on the flrstof February we tak iiurannnnl Inventory and wish to have our stock niluciid u low as pquible, so by offering our eoods at cost our Bales ore four times larger than they wiiu'ul be otherwiaa and thereby turn our stock into cash.which we fitm use in nmkingour spring parchases thereby swing a líiriji! pT:ouUje. 23F3 Eemembcr this sale will contiiiue for thirty days only, and all goods will be sold for cash. C, H .MILLEN & SON CASH DRY GOODS HOTJ0B. .Estáte of Thomas Kennedy. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WaBhtenaw O sa. At a aeeaion of the Probate Court for the Couutyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the second day of Kebruary, ín the year one thousand eiifht hundred and Hoventy-eight. Present, WiUiam D. Hurriman, Judpe of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Thomas Kennedy, deceaaed. On readingand HIídr the petition . duly verifled, of Ann M. Kennedy, prayintr that she or soine otner suitable pcrson muy be appointed adminiatratrix of the estáte of suid deceased. Thereupon it is oidertd, that Monday,the fourth day of Mnrch next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing oí said petition, and that the tn-irs at liw of said deceaaeu and uil other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at ft pession of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and .-how cause, if any there be, why the prayer ol' the petitioner ahould not be granted: And it is turther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in uaíd estáte, of the pendency of aaid petition and the heaiing theroof, by cauriing a c-py of this order to be pubiiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in tmid county, three tiuccesMive weeka previoua to ettid day of hearing. WILLIAAiD. HARRIMA, ÍA true eopy). Judge oí Probate. Wm. Ö. Doty, Probate Register. 1673td Estato of FredericK Miller. JTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, o as. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, hulden at the Probate Office, in tliu city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the seeond day of February, in the year one thousand eight hu na red and seventy-eight. Present, WUliam D. Harrinian, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estato of Frcdmck Miller, deceased. Ou readïng and filingthe petition, duly verified, of George Miller, executor, praying that ho iiKiy bo Uoensed to sell the real estáte whereof saul deeeased ilietl M'i.ixi. Thereupon it. is ordered, that Saturday, the ninth day of March next, at ten o'clóck in the forenoon, be a.signed for the hearing of said petition. and that the lerisees( légateos, and heirs at luw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reouired to appear at a session of aiiid court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thero be, why the prayer of the potitioncr shouiil DOt be granUKl : And it is further ordere!, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thercof, by causing a copy of this order to bc published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and clrculated in said countv, four t-uccessive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. WILUAM O. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. W.h. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1673 Estáte of James B. Palmer. rjTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, S ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the ixth day of February, in the year one thousaud eiht hundred and eventy-eigbt. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the mal tur of the eatate of James B. Palmer, eceiiHed. h. M. PftlmOT, administrator of snid estáte, omes into courl and represente that he iu now irepared to render liis final account as auch admÜBtrator. Thereupon it ís ordered, that Saturday. the bpcnï day of March next, at ten o'elock in the oreuoon, be assigned for examining and allowing uch account, and that the heire at law of said eceabed. and all other perons intereated in said state, are required to appear at a sesmon of said )ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in be City of Ann Arbor in said county, and show ause, if any there be, why the snid account should ot be allowcd : And it ia further ordered, that aid administrator give notice to the persons intersted in aid estáte, of the pendenoy of suid acount and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of :us order to be published in the Michigan Argits, newspuper printed and circuliitingin said county, iree successive weeks previous to said day of ïeaiing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judge of Probate. Vm. G, Doty, Prolmto Register. 1673 Estáte of John Schneeberger. TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte5 ruw, ss. Notice is hereby given, Miat by an ] er of the Probate Court for the County of . rtw, made on the twenty-sixth day oí January, A. , ). 1S7S, six months Erom tlt;it dute were allowed or creditors to piescnt their claims agaiost the , Htate ot John Schneeberger, late of eaid county, cceased, and that all creditors of said deceased ' re required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate office in the city of HU Arbor, for exitminution anti allowance, on or efore the twenty-sixth day of July next, and ■ hat such olftlmi will be heurd before aaid Court, u the twenty-sixth day of April, and on the , y-sixth day'of Ju)y, next, at ten o'clock in the ( orenoon of each oí enid daya. Dattid, Ann Arbor, January 26, A. I. 1878 WILLIAM D, HARRIMAN, I673w4 Judge of Probate. LE BARON & CO., DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, AND ALL KIND OF '( Country Produce,, mui. i ALL BEFORE BIIÏIJiG OR SELLISG. ! #COUGH, COLD, BBQUHHB8 IMMEDIATK ATTKN i lo: A continuance for any lentli o time, cauües irritatioai oL tlie Luniri or som e cbrontc 'l'iiro;it affectloii Neglect ;oftntimea resulta in sonie incurable Lun diseaee Brown's Kroncliittl Trocbei have proved their etftoiicy, by a. t6at of many yeare and wiU almoet iuvariftbiy giveira medíate reliel Obtain. only Bruivii 'liroinliinl Tro ches, and do not takeanyof the worthles imi tatious that muy be offered. IGGñín STafiiliises FOB. SALE, The property belonging to the WELLES ESTÁTE situated on DIVISIÓN STREET, at the head o: ANN STKIÍET, aud the property latcly owned anci now oceupied by A. WIDENMÁNN, 'will be solii at a VERY LOW PRICE, AND ON LONQ TIME IF DESIEEI). Apply to S. H. DOUGL.VS. TJRICF OP LIME EEDUCED. Ohio lime will hereafter be Bold at wholcsale at my lime room, in this city, at 35 cents, and Mmiroe lime at 30cent8 per bushel. Arm Arbor, October 30, 1877. Wood "Tantod ! IN EXCHANOE FOR Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Robes, Blankets, etc. J. VOLLAND. A BSTRACTS OF TITLES. The undersiftned, Regisier of Deed, will prompt ly and caretully make Abstracts of titles, Fr om the Original Records, For Attorneyv, Agente, Ownors, or Purchaners. No pains will be spared to a complete chain of title, and show all encumbrances. Churrea reti8onablo. CHAS. H. MAN1.Y. Ann Arbor. Jinuary 10, 1877. 1617. Estáte of Aaron B. Vanatta. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw - 88. Notice is hereby jiven that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, made on the 4th day of February, A. T. 178, six months froni that date were itllo'wed for crtditors to present their claims apainst the estáte of Aaron B. Vanatta, late of said coiinty, deoeued, and that all creditorsof said deceastitl aro required to present thcir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for exunination aud allowance, on or before the fifth day of August next, and that such chunis will be heard hefore said Court, on Saturdny, thefourthday of May next and ou Monday, the üfth day of August next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of each ot said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Pebru&ry 5, A. D. 1878. WILLIAM D. HAURIMAN, 167w4 Judge of Probut. Coinmiasioaers' Notice. STATE OF MICHIHAN', County of Washtenaw, SB. The umlersigned havinjü beon appointed by the Probate C-jurt for said county, commissioners to reoeive, examine and ndjust all claims and demande of all persons ugainst tho eatate of Fiilelus Sekinger, late of said county, deeeased, hereby give notice that six months from date are nllowèd, by order of said Probate Court, for creditor to pietent their claims agniust the ratnte of said deceased, and that they will meet ut the residence of liernhardt Koebbe, in the townehip of Frtedom, in aaiil county, on Monday, the sixth day ot May. and on Tuesday, the sixth day of August next, at ten o'clock a. h. of each of said days, to reeeive, examine and adjust aaid claims. Dated, February 0, A. D. 1878. BERNHARDT KOEIlrlE, 167S (JEOUÖE SCIINKK1NU, Commifisioners. D. CRAMER, Atforney and Coutuelor at luw. Will attend to cotlections and seUlements of Bstutes. Makes it a specinlty to keep pustvl on t)l buüiness mutters. Will borrow or Ioud money it any time or buy ffood paper. Office opposite Sregory House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1067 Cm Several tuindred ArgiiM Hiibscribers have ! not yet paUl for 1878- and many are yet In arreara for 1877. Prompt payment will neceBsary to save that 50 oentri, i A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR KARÑED ! s' ■ NEW GOODS ! Aud piiciM l.dVv'DI; TIIAN KVKK. I have purehaseil in New York, for cnsli, and B I am no daily KOAiving one of the Isigest and . most select stock oí Uroueiiea in WashUuaw County, consistiría of a full and wel] seleoted i LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - iacluding (iiiuiiowders, Imperial-.. Young llysoiis, 51) son, JaiKins, (li) Kormos lis, L'oMgoiiN, SouctioiiffK, aml Tnaiik)!, I Together with a íull line ofCOFFEES, conxistlng of the íiilIoH'iii:; branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKA0A1Ü0, LAUUAYItE.dANTOSandlílO, buih roasteil and jround ; u full and weU Beiected Htock tA SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line ( f Pure Spieos.Canned fruita. and Vegetables. We have a ful] and complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hiraiery. Alao, a cholee aasoi tinent of I. ,-li.w' andOentlenieu'a Underwear Cali aud examine tíooda and Pricea and we will iUNUrcaatisfaetion. .EDWAKD DUFFY. ' Muyni'.uIV liIH!k, " cor. Jlaiu and Anu streets Aun Arbor, Mich. ■rirlTiirhfst oash price paid for all farm produce. a INSLRE YOUK PROPEttTï witii THE n.i Insurance Agency C. ft. M1LLEN. [lome liisiirmice ('o. of Assets. Ji. Y., X(i,(M)O,OO Continental lus. ., N. Y., 3,000,000 Niágara Pire Ins. Co., i ,400,000 Glranl, r Hiiln., 1,000,000 Oriënt, ol Hartford, 700,000 Rutea as low as any reüable Inmirance Coupony. Loaaew prntuptly and honorabl; adjusled. 1C6C MANHOOD: How Losl, How Restored! . ,1. Joat pubHhl, n new edition of Dr. ' ïCS' -C-iili er wol l% ('t'li'brulett ïssa anUpon the radical cure (without medicine) uf mtr Kpkmatorh(Ka or Bemlim] Wenknea, t LiiVüluntaiy Seniin;il Lomoa, Imimitkscy, Mental ' and PhjMCttl [noapáoity, Impedmu-nti; tt Marritge, etc: nlno. ('ine-mi'tion, BPILXPST nd Fits, induet-d by ííelf-indulBence or sexual extruvagunce, eto. 33T Pric in a soaled fnvelope, im! six cents. The M'lebrated author, in (ia admirahle Essay, clearly demonftTatéé, frora a thirty years' siuvessful pnictice that the ,il;iiiiin,: conaequences of " atílf-abufiu muy hv nuliculiy OU na without tlie dan(íerous use ni Interna! medicine or the application : o! thekitife; pointinpr out mode ot cure at once . Himple, and orltctual, by DMoaa of which every üufftror,uo matter wliut his condif ion mtty be, may cure hímselt cheaply, privately, and radicaUy. ' x Séyniis Tjecture shotild be in the handt of evt-ry ;1 youth and evnry min in the land. t 8ent iindor neal, in k pl.iin envelóle, to any nd Lires, }ntt-)Hiidt on röoeipt of aix cents or twj ■' postage stampa. 8 THE CULVEBWELL MEDICAL CU., l i 1 A nu ■., . V.; Puct Office Box, I ,,m;, J PAILROADS. MKIUGAN CEMltAI. HUi.KOAK. SOV. 11, 1SÏ7. OOINO WIST. I J c a] STATIOHB. ' Í L d dlS Lí_feMP A. M. A.M P.M. p. M. t.l. r Detroit, leave, 7 00 1SS 4 45 ;í jo 6 2n J . T. Junction, 7 15 9 55 fl 00 3 23 e SS in , WayneJuncüon 7 48 10 17 5 32 :i r,2 ) lij i '" pailantl, 8 10 10 35 6 00, 4 15 7 3C , ?' A.nn Arbor, 8 30 10 53 6 30 4 31 8 10 TiTI Delhi, 8 44, 6 43 J" 2' Dexter, 8 66 - 6 ■":; 8 00 3l' Chelsen, 9 17 7( 5 14 i; ' Giiii l.k', 'J 51 7 33 534 9 Ij r. M ' ackon, 10 2()12 15; 8 00, 6 20 i 9 40 ",: Albion, 11 04 12 53 1 7 12 10 1? i" S larshal), 11 60 1 35 7 40 11 03 1 v. M. M g Buttle Creek, 12 21 1 58 ♦ 8 15 11 55 ,, „ Oalfcüburg. l'J 55 ! j 8 52 12 0; M. A.H KalamniOO, 1 15 2 40 4 00 9 15 12 25 -, Lawton, 1 56 4 40 1 08 Decatur, ' 2 15 , 5 00 1 2, - Dow!i({iuc, 2 41 - ■ - 5 26 1 5j Nile, 3 11 4 07 6 10 2 37 Buchanan, 3 23 , t 28 SM Thre Oaka . 3 52 7 02 : 3 ' New üulfalo, 4 08 4 57 7 20 ' í 4J Michigan Cily, 4 40 5 20 7 'M i 4 16 TT Lake, 5 23 602 8 40; 504,1; KeosiDgton, 1 6 03' 6 50 9 tOi u .: Chicago, arrive, I 6 65 7 40 10 to r, a ! OOINO EA8T. i ■ Ti i % ■áJlj sÁ I 9 p_ JPltóR A.M. A. M. V. M. P.K, ? Chicago, leve, ; 7 O 9 00 3 45 5 15 i; Keumngton, 7 SO 9 50 4 35 6 05)3 Lake, 8 40 10 28 5 23 ti M Michignn City, a S 11 10 6 ; :: ' . New Buifalo, a 48 11 26 0 48 a Three Oaks, 1 03 Tu; - " Buohanan, 10 3 ! 7 40; Niles, 10 4512 15 8 14 Ï j ij, Duwagiac, 11 16 8 42 la Deosluí, U 39 9 os - Lawton, 111 57 U 24 a. M. . Kalnmazoo, ! 12 35 1 04 Id 00 7 00 10 26 j - Ualeoburg, 12 M . 7 23 Battlc Creek, . 1 32 2 1T m M 8 03 11 08 i Marshall, 2 20 S 00 p 8 40 U s; " Albion, 2 62 8 21 a.m. 9 10 12 ( Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 20 10 15 1: Gras Lakc, 4 08 5 48 10 38 Chelscn, 4 40 ,'6 15 1100 Üexter, ' 5 0o! 6 30 1115 Delhi, i 5 10. 0 43 __ Aun Arbor, 5 2" 5 10 7 ('0 11 35. S 10 11 Geddes, 5 28 7 05 Ypsilanti. I 5 38 5 24 7 15 11 55 2 2! (g Wayne June, ti 02 5 46 7 40 12 15 2 4 ;il G.T. June, li 33 6 15 8 Vi 12 45 3 20 ; (i Detroit, Ar., 645 0:M 8 40 1OOS35IK öundays excpted. iSaturday and bundir. cepted. t Daily. H.B. LEDYARD, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntworth, Oen. Pasa. Ag., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWE8TERN RAILROAD., 1617. UOINO WKST. OOI0 EilT. 8TATION8. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. ..lp lii A. M. P. M. Yjisilantl.... 8:10 0:08 ' '' Suline .9:05 B:43 Bankers B:05 ! Hridewatcr. . 11:26 8:68 HillsJale ... i: i tu Manchester. 10:05 7:20 Manchester.. KH5 ti: P. M. . Bridgewittfcr 10:30 ti Hilladale 12:55 Ü:'5 Saline 11:10 1:.Bankers 1:07 9:35 Ypsilanti.... IMS Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER. Sup't, Ypsilui FURNITURE! J.KECK&C0., ínANUFACTURERS OF FU RMT UUi: 0 F ALL DESCMPTIúXS, Aro now OlIViriiis (Jreat [adutpmeni lo I'iirohiisei-s. BUYKKS W1LL SAVE MONEY BY BUYINÜ TIIEIR FURNITURE Direct of tite Manufacturera. Manufactory, eorner of Williain aiul West Fourtti Streets. Salesrooms, ."2 South Main and á West Liberty Stireefe, Aun Axbor, Mich. m OTIIGIACHIE BUY THE SINCER The bost and most popular muchins u tlie world- 300,-éOÜ aold in single yenr, after being on tho markit over twonty-five years. Beware of Imitations! Tonaure the genuine buy of 1. L. GrinneiM authoiixed ageul ior Washlenaw County. H ! only u quesüon of time, and not muclx tioae xi"?,! whpn the raajority of the wild cat maebiuw Yl J not be built, then the warrant of eut-tr.roat twm era will be of little avnil. To buy asecoudcü machino on .a third clas warrant for flve JW 9 piior policy when auch a machine aa the Singer be had at fl reisunable piice. -i I kt'p xenuine parts for tho öingi-r, beW' Needlettt Pïaitera for dress ma 7 tu Í'- ■ I.incoln'ñ friniring machine, and have a largepno berut' Recond-hund macliinee. 8ao0odhand Singer, $20 to J30. Seconrt-hand llowe, $12 to $16. Secoud-hand American, (irover & liaktr, W'o'' CC & Wilton, and ottioi, $1 to $10. $W Sewing Machines repaired anu carefully ad j usted. I. L. CRINNELL NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, (1056) Opposite Fir-I atiunul Baal-' VEW TEA STORE. Japan 'I'oa at 3Uf, 40c, 60c nnd M" per 1 1 . tu il !!■ lx si iiii'url at 7Oc per 1 1. LriiiipowtlL-r T-:i :t( BOC :tnl K: c-i II., :tnii tlie erJ Importad ;ii $1,00 pouud. Voting Hyson at -lik', 50e aud W)c, and the ''sl "' ported at 8Üt; peí li. )ulmiK Tea ui :üc, fiOf, 60, and 70c per 1b. Empeña] Toa al 80c, -i'u-, and öOc j)er lb. l'u y 'LVa at '20c, 'Jóc, and 80c per lb. COFPEES A.D SPICES, qwh roastiag llm.i gzindiag, al freallf1 lllft'tl pliris. .: lis :t (all umi be ( 'on m '"''■ .1. V. HANGSTEKFEK & ('O.. IO4c 3-JSuutIi Uaiu M., Au Arhot, l6S9n6 m jkbb a (n-nti-lumce to nmko inooey. J' TllT Tl '■" o1 eei ici.i y"" '""l' TwJUli'--'--"lck8. We need lrs"" in every lown to take abscnij ions for tlie latVMt, cheapest and l'st illu11 amllf imblicatiou in tho world. Anj one c ' "" ome a -u s-: nl ii'i-nt. The most elejcnt v0 t nrt (,-iveu free to subscribers. The pnoe ■ " w ilrnt alniasi evoiybotly subucribea. ,e , nt opona m;ikÍH_' over $iru in a week. A Uuy P sport tukiug over 400 suliucribei iu teu , ",;. . 11 who engage make money fast. You cun iU" II your tune to tbc burinoM, or only y' Kj, iine. You neel not bo awüv from home üVt'rnlT.9' 'ou cun do it as well as ot'hcra. Full partw' "' "' irrctioiiH and telms tree. Elegant and XP011 UJ utflt free. If you wunt proütable work ". ,i,e at once ït coutH notbing to irent uainess. No one wbo engaoaa fuil to ma,kl',r.i,d ay. Addioss, " riie fooplj's Jourual," F' "z laino.


Old News
Michigan Argus