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- li-morrow eveinug : Murdoch. - A portion of the Calendar copy is in the hands of the printer. - The júniora are arrangiug to burn or otherwiso maltreat Mechanics. - Bigelow, oí Detroit, has captured the contract tor photographing the seniors. - l'rof. Morris returned f rom Baltimore on Friday last and resumed his lïbors on Monday. - The discourse in University Hall next Sunday afternoon (3 o'elock) will be given by Prof. Olney. - The Oracle - the annual dropping3 of sophomorical wisdom -has been contracted for at the Courier office. - Dr. E. S. Dunster is one of the editors of the Michigan Medical Xeivs, a semi-nionthly publication recently started in Detroit. - On Friday evemng last Prof. J. B. Steere lectured on " The Amazon " before the Ladies' Society of the First Congregatioual Church of Jaekson. - ïieither Ben. Hill, nor Ben. Butler, nor (iaiiield will orate for the " hmbs " on Wash1ngton's birtiiday. The coming man is yet labeled " Unknown." - This evemng Prof. Adams will give the fitst of a course of six historical lectures at Ypsilanti, for the beuent of the Normal Lyceum and Ladies' Library Association. - The seniors mdorsa the abolitiou of Commencement speeches, but don't relish the reniinder that the class-history must be respectt ui to the faculty and worthy the clftss. -The leader of the Chróriicld would naturally tliink that there can be class-history not compounded of disgraceful thrusts at members of the faculty and enlarged accounts of the deviltry of stuilents,- deviltry botter forgotten thau imm&rtalized in history. Is such the noble ambition of the average class historian ? - The Michigan Medical News says: " Prof. Donald Maclean of Arm Arbor has withm the past fuw months performed the operation of ovariotomy six times. Several ot these cases wore vory complicated, requiring the removal of both ovaries, etc. The result has been, four cases of complete recovery, one case at present uuder treatment with every prospect of recovery, and one death. In the latter case the tumor was of over twenty years' grovvth and weighed upwards of one hundred pouuds. These cuses show a mortality of but 16 2-3 per cent. which is the best result yet obtained in the Northwest." Dr. M. Í9 doing good work in the lecture and clinic room, in the hospital, and in outside practice, and almost daily reports come to our hearing of his skillful and wonderful operations. And Mus is one w:vy in which the State and its citizens are getting return for the aid extended to the University and lts Hospital. Handsome Pictures Fbee.- The publishers of Leisure Hours, a mammoth 1G page literary and family paper, full of choice stories, sketches, poetry, etc , written by the ablest writers, desiring that every one should see th:ir paper, will take three monthe' subscriptions, commencing with the paper containing the opening chaiters of a splendid story eutitled " Holden VVitii the Cords," by the author of "Shiloh," " My Winter in Cuba," etc, for the small sum of fifteen cents (or postage stamps), and will send each subscriber free a pair of elegant 6x8 chromos, suitable for framïng and adorning any home. They will return the money to any one not satistied that they get twice lts value. 3fl,5OU in prizes is giveu free to agenta.


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