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Ann Arbor Markets

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The following prioes were p:iid yt-steiday lv dealers in this city : Applea, grceD., per bu. $ l.25Ll. ip Apples, dried, per Ib, 6ííj;7e. Beun, perbu., $1.50. Butter, per Ib., 16ií 17e. Cbeese, per lb., 13c. Egga, per doz., He. Hay, per ton, $HJ@1S.OO. Lard.perlb., 7ft8c. Foultry, ehickens, 7(j 8c tuikev.s ! a Inc. Beef, per Ib., 5 ie Pork, per cwt,, $3,9Oi?4,00. Clovor seed, per bu., $4.25 Corn, per bu., 23c. Potatoes, per bu., 303üc. Wlieat, ber bu., $ Wood, per ourd, $4.00@G.0O. Flour rtjtfiÜB at $2. SS per cwt. DETROIT MABKhT. The Detroit Free Press in iU regular weekly eviow oL the Detroit markets, um'.er data of ''eb. 13, saya : No special activity iu trade hns marked the week juBt closod. Business has perhaps hown a little more animation, owing doubtO33 to the short run of sleighiug enjoyed, but mercliants are not confi lont that the improvomout is laating. The agitation of the tariff uestion, witli lts contemplated clianges, tothor witli the silver iiuestion, still uiisottled, ïave uudoubtodly had a depressing eifect and tendoncy to produce au uneaay and dissatfíed tone. Dry goods havo ruled qniet aml prices eady, oxcept in a cortaiu line ot prints, which have been marked dDwn l-2c. Drus nd Chemicals have met with a light order rade, and value3 on the whole are unchanged. f oils, keroseno bus declined 1c por gallon. ïost lines of hardware goods exhibit considerble strengtli, but the movement is light. 'rado in groceries has been moJeratuly largo ; eas continue iirm ; raisina, dried fruit aud anncd goods il uil, with values unchanged. ;Lts, caps, furs, boots anti shoes, owing to tho nseasonable weather, are dull tock. The reeeipts of flour and grain fnr tlie week mier review were as follows : flour, 4,342 bis; wheat, 113,670 bu; corn, 3,001 bu ; oats, 807 bu ; barley, 2, 197 cont:ils ; ryp, 207 bu. 'h shipmcnts weie : Flour, 1,707 bbls ; heat, 70,839 bu; corn, 3,708 bu ; oats, 1,511 i ; liiirloy, 1,698 centiils. The following table shows the opening and osing pricos paid for extra and No. I white, ash, and No. 1 February and Maroh wheat at ie noon sussiuii of the Board, ol Tiade each ay of the past week: WHEAT, CASH PJLJCBS. Extra Wbite. No. 1 White. Oen'd Cltwed opt-ned I Clased "-d:iy. i tg% $12fi4 SI 21; 8121U ednewU, 125% 1 2ñk t 21 J 'ny. lursday, i a;k 127k 1 21 iti',. 'i'la.v, 1271 127ÍÍ 1 22V, 122 iturday, i i 27', v.'.v t 1 g2Ö vn "'"'"y. I 1 Mg -iV.._ 1 ■.'.: f'UTVIlKS. Sa 1 Wliii.-. hm Xi,. 1 February Üiwned ('losed Oiened Closed u-sday, $1 -ly. S! 21% SI ■, SI 23 ednonay, i 2"'. I ■i4 i 22Í4 122 mnday, 1 23 124% riday, ' 1 22 1 22 1 24 1 23 aturday, 1 22 1 22 I 28K 1 22K onday, 1 22} 1 22}L 1 23 1 23' , From the tables ït will bo seen that values have fluctuateil considembly and the market dnring the week bas ruled imsettled. Both cash and future values show au atlvauco from the opening of the week. Flour has ruled dull and prices are somewhat lowet. Choice country brunds, white winter whoat, are iree offorings at $" (6 a b 7ö per bbl ; city, do, ?6 a 6 10 per bbl. liuckwlioat flour is dull and lower, and freo buyers at $3 50 n f 3 Gf por bbl could not bO found ; orders ai'e beiDg tilled at f3 80 a 3 ÖÜ per bbl. Corn dull and tho market lifelera. No. 1 mixed quotable at 37 a 38c per bu. Oats are quiet, No.l whito ut 28 1-2 a 28 3-4c per bu : No 1 mixed, spot, 27 1 l-2c bid and 27 0-8c asked. Barley is dull and I lower, No. 1 State, nominal nt$l 60 per cental. Nb. 2 State, $1 12 a l 14 per cental ; No. 3 State, $1101 03 per oental, liye is quiet and nominal at 65 a 5(i per bu. The general produce business lias "puraued the even tenor of it8 way," uumarked by any sigus of miprovemeut, aud üívjuk no piomise of any favorable chance in the immediate future. Trade bas been dull. Applus are more tirmSv hüld ; food to choice fruit ín fair local demaud at f3 ! a i 2;j; selections of tancy stock are held at Ï4 óo per bbl. Boans are dull and lower, city hand picked stock, freo offering8( (1 60 a 1 65 ; iair to choice unpicked lots, 7í)c a $1 16 per bu. " üiltedge " qnality butter is very Bcarce, and when found, quickly tuken at 18c por Ib ; oí lower quahty stock the supply is large and demand vory liííht, selections bem mado at 16 a 17c per Ib; groase lots, G a 6 l-2c per Ib. Clovor seed lower and dull, at ?1 36 a 4 10 por bu. Dnring the groater part of the week dressed hofjs were in good demand at a range of $-1 20 a 4 35 per cwt. Cheese 8 stoady at 13 a Vi l-2o for selections. Fieh, hay, ludes, leathur, onioiis, potatoos, salt and tallow aro quiot and unchanged from last week. E'ss have been in light demand and stendy at 14c per doz for crate lots and 13 a 13 l-2c for barreled stock. Poultry has met with a slow sale. Monday chickons woro in fair demand at 7 1-2 a 8c por Ib; turkeys, dull at 10c per lb; geese, tlull at 6 a 7c per lb; ducks, scarce at 10c per lb. Sugars are strong aud steadv at 9 1-2 a 9 5-8 for standurd A's : off A's, 9 a 9 1-4 per lb; granulated, 10c per lb; powdered, 10 l-4c per lb; crushed, 10 l-8c per lb; yellow, 7 a 1-2 a 8 l-2c per lb.


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