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„The weathor has been mflgriificent during the week. Ño taotory could turn out a bettor ,1-ticle„(j deg. above zero Mond y nioruing last; iHabovö Tuesday morning, witli milder weath„XI16 annual ui isquorade ball of the Aun irlwrTuru Vure'u ls 3e'' J"'" ÍM ext ÏJiursM ,feñi „jlore snow came last Friday night aud ,ain Suiubiy ■ sino: iiich good sleighing lias e„ the order. 34 trumps: that is the number Van Biper, lunJlord at the couuty poor house, ontertained oMr last Sowhiy. „.I'rotoction ilose and líuine (Joiapivuy ., 1 advertise a raud ball tor noxt Thursday ifeninS. February 21. „Alittle graudchild of Jeff Davis, jauitor [ the Court House, fel] over a chair on Mou. .rening and broke an arm. _Saniuel Cu;Lm:m, ei IShaion, has been r(1fii as a petit juror for the Mavch term of e CTaited States Courts, Detroit. „Schafts rag house it Yitsilanti was burned 'l'bursday eveninj of laat wiek. Tliere ■ utUrge sluei; oï rags in store. JÚ. EJwia States h-is resigned the oflice of juperviscr ot Sharun, " iuiJ J. J. Robioön has iftn ap[ioiucoit tu nu tue vaoniicy; -We Ti' ticed a load of ice o:i tho stieet a Uortwo ago - just harveatod. About four !iR-s oï deur ioe aod Beveral Lachea of uiushy .,.iU'. Xn. leooulance with Gul. Witliington's ;, Order Xo. l, Cumpany A wiU parade uitorm uext Pridy-rWasluugtoa's birth_A liberal subscription is being male for . benefit and support of the widow aiul j of Thomas U'Grady, reoently killed at [tot by the negro Moraud'. Itok Keegau is nowdomiciled ia jjiil on a 1 1 sentenco, tor that assiuilt and battery idinn Pfeifle. His " pard " - Thomas „jiu- is to be tried next Monday. -Abiel Hawkins, one ot' the olilest residents ; ïpsilanti, and for niany j-ears proprietor ai keeper of the Hawkins House, died on i. He was the father of Walter H. and Fred W. Hawkins. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oepue, of l'iftsfleld, - ;;veJ a visit last Friday eyeiln l'rom the i tííiool in tlieir district aiul ïts patrons. They - -ht their own refreshmtiuts and tiie KÖing p.meil uñ' vei'v' pleasintlv, and too i please the little lulks. -Last Friday mormiïg Dr. Cocker was ■edorei into the ditch ou the south front Htlie Giegory House, but held on to one .. an-1 mí Jrawn witli lus cutter across the Mt. It was a lively circus for a minute, but jftiraatöly the Dr. was not hurt. -Major Otis and wife are eujoying greatly week's reunión of all their childreu and niidcliilüien trom Illinois and Wisconsm. Major hints very mildly that donations of : vbions trom h's friends, for a few days, 3ivpo3Sibly avert a threatened famine at his ,' -We are pleased to know that J. V. Bab■:, once treasurer of this county, but tor ijyearsa clerk in the Second Comptroll:. ■ office of the 'J'reasury Department, has m promoted toa better clerkship in t]ie 3 urne office : a promotion to which he w;is :itit!ed otig ao. -Ve incite attention to the prospectus of IVlroit Eveninff News, in the management ..huil fhere has been considerable improvet(d late, but without making its columns . y. Multum in parvo miglit well bo its I ie News is delivered to subscribers it tlie news depot and on the streets I n enly hour every eveuing. í -Un MOllÜaT ovotiititr. T-iU-..oi-y .y iM r hinco with previous announcement, I aVice President Schuyler Colfax, will de:!:i.- lectare on "Abraham Lincoln,'1 at the I Open House ín this city, for the benefit of the ■ :vMlssion Sunday School. This lacture lias I wjil received wherevüi' dt;livere(J, and i jih speaker and c:iuse viil corabine to draw JB aildieUCe. i -This is what tli Daudee Reporter says : k is progresiug finely on the bridge ■ the Kiisin tor tlie Toledo and Aun ArrEiilröidi and will soon be readv to lay mk aeross it. It is sxpected that as soou ■ lrr:lge is completed track-layins will be !h as fast 'is possible to Anu Arbor. : by the lirst oï April t step on the I ;in of the Toledo nnd Aun Arbor rond and I ioïo Ann Arbor."' -Vigiüant Fire Corupany Na. 2 held its . ii on Tuesday eveuing lastï with the iin result : President, 'George B. irfirub; Secretary, J. A. Uraí; Treasurer, i teenhans ; ForemaD, Albert Sorg ; lst lïst&nt, G. Weitbrecht; 2d Asst. Fred. ICirn ; WKpeman, Eraanuel Zeigler ; 2d Pipeman, lehardt; :J Pipeman, Paul Scball; ir, .f. A. Criaf ; 2d Engiueer, Henry Ubengayer. ; -At the aiinual meeting of the State Pior Society held at Lansing lust week, (Jé. '■■ A read a paper on "Eirly Michigan Bankf whicli was full of interest, especially to íiold iiihabitants ivho remeraber all about "craze" 118 dosoribsd, X. B. 'Jones, Esq., of ujsing, read a paper written by Maishie Suiib, danghter oí llon. L. U. Norris, of tand Rápida, giving oxoeedingly iuteresting aiaiscauces oL her graudmotlier, the late 'l'i K. B. Norris, of Ypailanti. -EJivard P. Anderson and Emory Town"') were riyals for the company of a Dixboro íiool-raistress, with preference giveu to tlia snn. The dmppointed Tovvnsead met tlie 'wredoaa on his vvay to ke6p an engagement lcommitted auassault upon him, whereupou áswasimrited to appear before Justice Mclla■ 3 answer to a claim for damages. Au 'JiWrarusiit was taken from last until next H!'Jay, lint on Wednesdiy a -mutual friend' "min, settle.l the score, aiul had the suit 'ilulrawn. 11iepipor ,ead by lVoi. lir.iiisli on Tues"J wening, at the residence of Juigo Cooley, 11 "How to tliink of and liow to jadge works '(fwasboth intero3tin0r and instructiva. W-B. diacussed the elementa o'a pain ting, "X drawing, oompoiitioaj harmtj, colorí'etc., audillustratedwhat Ue imant, by the ''iWtioii oí a large and very fine copy of a b'ated painting by one of tho old Spanish ", "ïhe Adoration of the Magi." The ie8 of the Library Association and Prof. j4h are entitlad to tho thanks of the ""Wd hearere of tho paper.