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- Thi3 is Washington'a birthday. -A continuous rain yesterday finished up the already dilapidatod sloighing. -Look out for a new advertisement f rom jjach & Abel next week. They meau business. -Thomas Coudon was tried Wednesday on tbat charge of assnult aud battery and ac(uilted. -The second reception of the Drum Corps of Oompany A is to be held next Friday evening, March 1, at the Arraory. _ We are indebted to Senator Christiancy for a copy of his speech on the Silver bill. The Senator isu't a Bland bill man. _- In the Circuit Court last week Emily L. Hen was divorced from Ira Allen, and Eudora A. Williams from Edward W. Williams. -The uext regular meeting oí the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society will be held at ypsilanti on Wednesday, March 6, at 10 d'clock a. m - Major Craraer, Courad Krapf, Jonathan Sprague, Frocl. Sorg, and Chas. Gardner, bsve gono to Urand Rápida thia week. Odd Fellows gatheringa. - Miss Rogers has at her al udiu au excellent portrait of the little daughter of Prof. Du Pont, recently fiuished. It is a very beautiiul picture and tinely executed. - Mrs. Lucretia Rockwell, witó of Bryant T. Rockwell, living on North Main Street, au,l a resident of this city for twenty one years, didl on the lóth inst, aged Ü2 years. - Mr. Alfred E. Bennett, tor some months asuucessl'ul teacher in the High School, doses his Isbors to-day : to accept a more lucrativa poeitioD in the Military Academy at Oichard j Lake. -Thomas Cullinane, a resident of Scio for j about 40 years, died on Wednesday, February 20, aged i years. The deceased was the ather of 13 children, 11 of whom are now living- Ex-Vice-President Colfax will teil an inn Arbor audience at the Opera House next Jloiulay eveniug what he knows about Abraham Lincoln. The lecture is for the benefit of the Mission Suuday School. - About Ypsilanti's newest license ordinance the Sentinel saya : " The city treasury is to be swellod by the liceDse fees of one bootblack and tliree newsboys, forty cents. We hope it won't lead the aldermeu into ex; travagance." -The barn of Charles Zahn, in Scio, was ! bunied at an early hour on Tuesday morning ntli a large lot of hay. Loss from L300 to ï-100. ffm. Henderson, a colored mat, with no residence, was discovered on the premisos, and arruigned beiore J ustice Beahan, andvplead not guilty. Examination set down for to-morrow. -The graad Mikado, backed by a body guard of the " Independent Six," mug up ei-Sheriff Fleramg at a very early hour of Suuday, 8aid " good morning " to Mm, and went to their several hom&s while the disturbed ei-offieial went back to his bed and to dream ot night prowler, etc. The jokers had been supping with Davidson at the depot. - This is Bro. Woodruff's idea of one of the late legislativo acts of our cityfathers: "Iu Aan Arbor it takes an ordinauce about twenty folios long, costing fourteen dollars to publish, to fix the license of half a dozen newsboys, atteu ceuts each. Sixty cents less the cost of badges. What a big thig thing a little city is, to be sure!" Only a six folio ordinauce, ueighbor. Don't rnake so big a folly of it. -This is the latest big story told by the Manchester Enterprise : " We learu that Mr. L. D. Watkins has lately purchased with Mrs. iïenry Goodyear a ranche of 323 square miles, extending for six miles along the Loop river, in Nebraska. It is on the lOOth meridian, and 19 saïd to be the finest country for stock in the wbole west. It will be síocked with 5.Ü00 slieep in the spring." Thai ranche contains 16,72O acres, and at the lowest governnient price cost $2i8,400. A big iuvestment to furnUh a range lor ,000 sheep.