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RAIt-ROADS, MIC11HJAN CENTRAL lUlUou.' xov. ii, is-r. TATIOK. S! K Itr81 ?&! s -?a .-: i PI . m. a. m y. m. i.rr Tr - Jeiruit.leave, - ou ;i :; . i ;:, ■'. ,,; ;"■. O. T.Junelion. T IJ - W'uyile Jmictiim 7 40 '10 11 i 31 SM - ',,' l0 lt Vpsiluuti, SIO'10 86 0 00 4 11 '-''."': U-üdcs, 8 15 0 15 1_ _l_í " H Ann Arbor, s .n In ;.; 6 30 i ■, .,,,: - D.-xtcr, 8 M - .; SS .-, ra „ - ■ Ohelaea, 9 I! 7 08 6 14 4! ürasn Lake, 9 51 7 Jj 5 j ( - - Jackson, lü 20 Vi 18 S 00 c 20 o j. Albiou, 11 04 12 53 ji) o ,,' Marshal), 11 50 1 35 ; Jj ijl Í Battle Creek, 12 21 1 is!? 8 18 11 ,- GHleburg. 12 55 g ': ! 5 - ' A. M. , ' Kalainazoo, 1 15 2 40 4 00 9 15 w,. Lawtou, 1 6li 4 40 , S 8 i Decutur, 2 IS (00 1 ÏS - ■ p Dowagiac, 2 41 5 26 2 - - Niles, 3 11 4 07 6 10 i ,f - - Buchanan, 3 23 1 6 25 1 ?2 ili Three Oaks , 3 52 1 7 021 3 J! "- - New Buffalo, 4 US 4 57 7 20 !5 - Michigan City, 4 40 5 20 7 60 ! ï f? T Lake, 5 23 6 02 8 40: ï 1" Kensington, 6 03 G 30 J IV í !i OMoago.arrlve, II Si 7 40:10 so! I OOINO KAST. i y$u . ■ ca 5 a.m. x.H. v.m. r"Tr Chicago, leave, 7 (K) 9 00 3 45 j il ."■ Kensington, 7 50 9 50 4 35 ,; ,'■ ' Lake, 4u 10 28 6 23 6ní Michigan City. U 28 1 1 10 6 23 New Buffalo, 9 481126 648 _ Three Oaks, 10 03 7 03 __p Buchauan, 10 33 7 40 iil Nilts, 10 45 12 15 8 14 9 os 7 Dowaginc, 1115 8 42 Decutur, 11 3 : 9 08, ï Lawton, 11 57; 9 24 a. m.i 1_ K:il;imanu, V 35 04 10 00' 7 00 10% t,. UaleaburB, 12 55 . 7 jj [J Battle Creek, 1 32: 2 17 m m g 03 n m Marshall, 2 25' 3 00 J 8 4011 j: Albion, I 2 52Í 3 21 aThT: 9 10 ljffi 11 Jacknon, :) 45 4 05 5 20 lü ir, ) u ' : OraBS Iake, 4 08 5 48 10 38 - Chelse.i, 4 40 . 6 15 11 00 Dexter, 5 00 6 30 11 15 . Delhi, 5 10 : 6 43 Ann Arbor, 6 20 5 7 co 1) 35 9 10 in Geddes, 5 28 7 05 Ypsilanti. 5 38 5 24 7 15 11 r,5 J ; , Wayne June, 6 02 6 46 ï 4(1 12 15 2 48 ]; O. ï. June, 6 33 G 16 8 25 12 45 Sí) '!' Detroit, Ar., , (i 45 6 30. 8 40 1 00 3 SS ig ♦Sundaya exeepted. ISaturday and Sundií a eepted. tlluily. H.B. LEDYAB.D, üen'l Supt., Deüat H. C. Wkntwobth, Gen. l'ass. Agt., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWKSTERX EAILKOAD. To take effect Nov. 11, 1877. OOINfl WEST. 0013(9 lui. STATION8. Müii. Exp. 6TATION8. J(p Siü A. M. V. M. Ypfiilantl.... 8:10 C:Or "■l.t, Buline U:05 0:43 Banken 605 Bridgewater.. 9:26 6:68 Hillsdale.... 6: ín Manchester. 10:05 7:20 Manchester.. IO:C5 í[ p. M. Bridgewatr 10:30 (j Hillsdale 12:65 a:í5 Saline 11:11 tX Banken 1:07 9:35 I Ypsilnnti.... n:ti jin Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER. Sup't, Ypiitai. &LÜW COUGH, COLD. fjpffTO j 0r Sore Tbroat irty ISÍMEDIATEATTEXIIOS A contliiuanoc 1 r any lcngth ol II mr. Cliuscs irrilatiun of the Illllji. or sonie chronic Xuroat affectioo. Xeglect .oftentiraes resulta in some incurable Lni diaense. Broyrn's Ilroucliinl Trocbei have provRd their efiicacy, by :i test of many jan, and will almost invariably give immedUte kM. Obtain only Brown'i 'Ilroucliinl Troelle) and do not take any of the worr.hless imitations that muy be offered. 1HSB4 Tío Talnalle Honses Fon SALE, Tlic property belonjlng to the WELLES FETIATE, situatcü ou DIVISIÓN STEEET at Du '; ANS STREET, and the property lïtely owaed ui now occupied by A. WTDENMANN, wlll be ti at a VERY LOW PBICE, AND ON LONG TÍME rP DIEED. Api)ly to S. H. OUGLAS. LE BARON & E0., DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, AND ALL K1.N1' ÖP Country Produce, salüvi;, uien. CALL UEFOKE Bl'YI.NCJ Olí SKLLIMÍ T)EICF OF LIME EEDUCED. Ohio lime will liereafter be old ui whalusakal my lime room, in thiscity, at ;i" ívíiIs, :iiiíI Mumroe lime at 30 cents per bushei . Also for SíiK a lare stock of Grand Hapids Piaster, At prkes to Muit the limos. Ann Aibor, February 20, M78. J. VOIJ.VM. Kstato of Thomas Cullinane. STATE OP MICilIGAN", Counly o! niiw ss. At 11 session of the Probate Oourt ■ the County of Wiishtenuw, holden at the PidW OHice in the city of Ann Arbor, on ThuredJ," tweuty-eighih d;iy of Pebroary, in the yer thousand eijjht bundred and seventy-eight. Present, William D. Harrinian.JudireofPrPM-' In the matter of the estáte ot Thomas lw nane, dece:lsed. ,a , On readiog and üling the petition, duif nú''of l'eter Xuite, pruyins that a cerUm in' ment now on lile in tliis court, ijunK)rtin? to w the last will and testament of said decejwea, . hu adinittcd to probate, and that he m!' W pointed exoeulor lliereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thW tv-lifth dny ot Maich next, ut ten o'clo the torenoon, be aaaigned lor the hcKiinf '" said petition, and that the deviiees, I'S"'! and heirtj at laff of said deceased, mu ftll ötIIÉ, persons interested m aaid estáte, are reqoiw to appear at u eession of said Court, the W holden at the Probate otüce in the city of A Arbor, and show cause, if any there ue, W Jf prayer of the petitioner should not be graol; And it is luriher ordered that said petitioner p notice to tho persons interested in s;iiJ eslaK the= pendeucy of said petition und the bwn thereof, by causing a copy ot this order to Itfj '. lished in the Mkhiijan Anjus, n newspaper P"0! and circulated in said county, three sucre' weeks previous to said dav of hearing. WII.LIAM D. HAKEWAH, (A true copy.) Judge of Proba Wm. O. 1otï, Trobato Iiegistcr, '6;6M Corumissioners' Kotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWwhtwWiJ The uudersigned haring been upiwiniM "■ the Probate Court tor Bald connty, coinmlBJ'E to receive, examine and adjast all fhitins wv manda of all peisona against the estáte of C W' rripp, late of saidcouuty deceased, hcrehy s've ï tice (hal si months fromdate are allowai.oy. ui" iaid Probate Court, for ereditors to liri'-t'"V,ksi i-Iaiins against the estáte of said deceased, ai" l". b.v 11 meet at the store of Bacb .t Ab-1, 111 1 city of Ann Arbor, in said county. uu SatUTWi v lsili dav of May and on Monday, the !9t" W J iigiiNt 111x1. at ten oviock a.'.m. 1 eacfc "' '" htv.-., tn n'ciMVf, examine and adjust Bald ctt"""1 Dated, l'ebruarv y, A. I. I878. pui ui' ach. J. W. KSIOBT. ir,7J i.iiii.iissiocrsCommissiouers' Notice. OTATE (JK MICHIGAN, County of u110"1,' 3 s& Tbeondenlg I baTlngbeen :ii' ": lm Probate Court for said oouniy, """""tSj to recelve_exinlne andadjusi all claims "",„;, nands of all persons Etgaitiat the Mtaftöi Grentlïïe, late of said county deoeaaeOf, lu'rel'Ybf ïotlce that alx raonlha from date are allovrw, irdet "i said Probate Court, for credltot '",. ent thcir claims agalnst the ostate of said oeowjïï md that the; will meel at Lhe office of liU1";,ï' Morris, 1d the city of Ann Arbor, in suiil wu"; 011 Monday, the alh day of May, and 01) D"Y he l'Jthtday of Augnst üext, :it ten o'c-lMk , tí each of said dárs to receive, examine anfl W) aid claims. Datad, February 19, A. V. IN JOHN M. WHEELEB, BENJAMIN BBOW 1G75 Coroniissioner Univcrslty Letter aiifl Note Heals. ' i.,,l irithont Ciits, in Iloiltle i's Patent Bl lag l'iul Covpi-s- IOO und ïao sliees ■" book- for sale at the ARGIIS Offlce_ FINK JOH l'RINTINCJ aoe al AKGUS UPf'IOK.


Old News
Michigan Argus