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MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored! jjuMijte, Just published, a new edition of Dr, : V?'iCiilvervclP Celebratccl Essay fro5Mpon tho radical cure, (without medicine) of "tfil$0r ÖPKiïMATOHitiiai.v or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losjea, Impotenoy, Mental and Phyüical Incapacity , Impedimenta to Marringe, etc.; albo, CoffeUMPTlON, Epilepsy and Fits, induciid by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, etc. ELF Frico in a neajed envelope, only aix cents. The celebrated author, in tliis admirable Enaay, clearly demon trates, f rom a thirty years' successf'ul pructice, tbat the alarming conaequences of self-abuse niay be radically cured without the dangeroua use of internal medicino or the application of the knife ; pointiug out a mode of euro at once simple, and elfectual, by menns of which every aufferer,no matter what hia condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. W3f This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, ín a plain envelope, to any address, post-jmid, on receipt of eíx centn or two postage starnps. TJÏE CÜLYEUWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Aun M., . Y.; Post OÖice Box, 458Ü. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! GRAY'S SPECI1IC MEDICINE TRADE MARK.Ig espccially TRADf?K" l ommended as au ?r "- jk imfuiling cure for mfí, iL ."''fi öeminal aíflra SLJ nitHEA, iMPOTENS@W SSf Before TakingLoís Añer TaMng. RY, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Aoe, and raany other discases that leadto Insanity, ConBumption and a Prematnre Grave, all of which os a rule are ñrst causod by deviatíng irom the path of nature and over indulfíonce. Tlio Speciftc Medicine is the result of a lile study and niany years of oxperience in treating these special diseases. Full particulars iu our pamphlets, whíeh we delire to sond freB by mail to every one. The Speciñc Medicine is sold by all DruggUta at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by uiail on receipt of the money by addressingTHE URAY MEDICINE CO., 1G74 No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. -ÖfüSold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Bon, and by all druggiats everywhere. TTOTICE ! I hereby forbid al! peTSons frota buying any Notos or obltgations me, as tbere s no consideration for the same. Dated, Kcbruury 15,1378. 1615W& CHEISTIAN STIEN.


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Michigan Argus