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Detroit Has Contracted For The State

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Fair for two years. Perhaps ! Tuk Republicana carried New Hampshire on Tuesday Inst by a majority considerably redueud frota tbat of last year. It wii.l coat the city of Detroit soveral tbousand dollars to hold an election April 1, just to receive a few scattering votes on the constitutional amendmentá. The lirst three silver dollars coined iimlur the niiw law wetc reoeived at Washington on Wednesday, nd ono deliverel to the Président, one to tho Seeretary of Uik Tieasury, and the other to the director of tho Mint. A. kxcüanok says: "General Butler fears that he is losing the sight of his only ablo-bodied eyo." Having already lost all his other seuse(s) what will Gen. Butler come to riten thut other eye is "agoner':'" His physioal blindness will most certainly bó typieal of his political unsoundness. The " Nationals " 01 greeubackers at Lansing have organized on the Toledo platform and propose to run a ticket at the coming charter election. Instead of the old campaign song " Uuch? Sam is rich euough to buy us all a furm," their rallyingcry will he. " Uncle Suiu ia green enough to stuff ua all with raga." The Kalamazoo Ga:ett congratúlate the Democracy on the announcement made by Hou. Henry Chamberlain, of Three Oaks, that he had left the Democratie party, and then makes haste to mount the greenback platform and atrike hands with this saine Chamberlain, in opposition to every sound principie of finance. This is the pertinent way the Ypsilanti Sentí nel puts it : " The Hayes papers claim that the couviotion ofAndersou don't cast a shadow on Hayos' title. If somebody should give un a horse, and in a few days he should be sent to State-prison for stealing it, we rather think it would oast a shadow on our title." Jesso. It was understoood tbat Stanley Jlatthews was made Senator to gratify President Hayes, and uow pig iron Kelley " vises to remark " that Mr. Hayes, while a civil service reform candidate for President, interfered in Pennsylvania politics in order to securo his reuomination and election. Well, has uot poor Mr. Hayes been already sufficiently punished by the conduct of both Matthews and Kelley f Twitting hira of aiding them seems to bo a retf nement of cruelty. The Senate put Hon. William A. Howard out of misery on Tuesday, by confirming the appointnient which banishes him to the wilds of Dakota. If Howard had been a " visiting statesuian," a member of a Eeturning Board, or even an attorney before the Electoral Commission, instead of the man who nominated Hayes by carrying the solid Michigan delegation over to him just at the"ickof time " (inspiration you know), bis roward migbt have been a fírst class foreign mission, if not a Cabinot position. We suggest to the House Coinmittee on Education and Labor, wbich it is said has agreed to report a bilí making eigbt hours the limit of a day's labor for all Government umployes, tho propriety of providing that eigbt hours shall be tho extent of a day's labor for all employers and employés - both private and public, - and that if any man or woman can't oarn enough for the support of his or her family in eight hours the necessary balance shall be paid out of tho public treasury. What's the use of half-way work, or of special legislation in the interest of ofnce-holders or liborers on Government works 'i Isn't demagogism about run to seed at Washington ' It is TIïE boast of all Englishmen that a Bank of England note is good anywhere in the world, and in fact worth a premium in gold in all money or commercial centers. But Gen. Butler has no such aspirations for the American greenback. He wants the greenback dollar, his ideal unit of value to be made of " some convenient and cheap material of the least possible and intrinsic value," never to be redeemed, unredeemable, and " non-oxportable." What do tho Democratie greenbackers think of such utter nonsense ? Are n't they proud of rallying under such a leader 'Í The New York Worhl of Mouday contained a full list of United States exhibitors at tho coming Paris Exposition, whose goods and wares have boen accepted, taken charge of by Commissioner McCormick, and dispatched by Government vessels. The total number of exhibitors is 577, New York having 242, Pennsylvania 108, and Massachuaetts, 44. The Michigan exhibitors number G, as follows : Uale Manufacturiug Conipany, Albiou, l'low und hay rake. Bigelow, Lyman (}., Uetroit, jAotogrnphs. Richardson, D. M., Detroit, wlieat poiilUng machine. Clough & Warren Uinn Coinpany, Dotroit, cabinet orguux. Warren, John, Detroit, spring motors. Withington Á Cooloy Manuiacturing Conil'iiny, Jackson, garden and (arniing tuols. The Jackson Citizen says " it seems minently proper that tho beadejuartors of the Yellowstone River should be reservod as a grand national park," and thereforo bopes that (ongress will appropriate the $15,000 asked by Seeretary Sehurz for the care of the same. Now as we see no more reasou for converting thu " headquarters " (or headwaters ) of the Yellowstone into a " grand national park," at tho nation's expenso, than the " headquarters " of the Penobscot, .the Connecticut, the Hudsou, the ühio, the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado, tho Uoluinbia, or the Huron, we hope that Seeretary Sehurz will enlargo his visión and aak Congress to serve the " headquarters " of all these noble streams alike.


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