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Detroit Market

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The Detroit Free Press in ita regular weokly review ot the Detroit nxarksts under date of Murcli 20, suys : Tho jobbiti trado of Dutroit (turipg the week umler review shows a slight nnprovemeut uvei that of the week precoding. lu dry goods there has been a fair oidor trade for spring slaples. Dress fabrics oí popular miko liave been in good request and fancv and xhirting prints and calicóes have been orderod freely. Price.s havo rulcd low and steady. Notions fancy goods, millinery, hats and caps havo received i fair share of attentiou while orders for spring cluthmg have been quito liberal. Groceries have been fauly active. Colïeon, teas and syrups are steady and linnly held. Tho deuiand for oranges and lemons has improvod und pricos advanced, th(; tonner buing held at 4 60 a ' per box ; lemons, $-1 a 4 60 por bos. Sugars are Arm, with standard A's at 9 1-2 a 9 ó-Sc per lb ■ off A's, 9 1-4 a 9 3-8c per lb; yollows, 8 1-8 a 8 5-8c per lb. Dried truit and canned guods are dull. Hardware, cutlory iron and nails are recei ving nioro attentiou and aro firnily held, while lor agricultnral implemento there is considerable nouiry. Thorecoipte ot Uour and grain tor tho week wero as folluws: Fluur, 4,807 bbls ; wluai, LH,903 bu; corn, ö.OOS bu ; oats, 4, OH bu ; barley, 698G bu. Sbipmonta: Flour, 6.3S2, bbls ; wheat, lGü,17S) bu ; corn, :,(i.'4 bu ; oats 4,226 bu ; barley, 1,385 bu. Tho following table shows lbo opening amt closing priesa paid tor extra white and No. 1 white, casli, and No. 1 March and April wheat at the noon sessiou of the liuard of Trado eacli day of tho past week : WHK.IT, CASH l'ltlCKS. I Extra White. I Ña 1 Whlto. Opeued Closeil Opened I CtMed Tuegday. i Jl 27% S127i il 23 I SI 25 Wedm-sday, 1 ;r 1 27ifeí 1 -r, 1 ■:% Frlday, 1 -T " VIVÍ 125 ' L 25 Bturdy, i i 2S 1 -s'-i I 126 VÁ Monday, 1 29 129 lifi l} FUTUBES. No. 1 White Jan Nu. 1 Kcbruary Opened I Clused Opened I Closed 'liiy, i :i:'.i ?1 .'-.'.. WcdnoMiuy, l U% l-'i.',; 1 24$ 1-;., Thursduy. 1 24% 124% Frlday, i U.% 1 25ï Saturday, 1 24% 12.-)% I y. 1 26] Mouday', 1 25 1 26J4 1 2(% 1 2U The Board pi Trade markets duriug the week past have been ï'uirly active, but have ii ot boeu iMrni' i with i mach excitamêiil as ob&ractoriz d fcbeni il uring the late Etaropean troubles. Cash vrbeat has heen in ood domand. Speculative salea have been light. The movemoiit in corn has been very liht and prices have niet with no important changes ËCigb mixed -lfic bl. Xo 1 mixed, nominal at (6c per bu. Xo '2 mixed, 4 t ; rejertod í' 1-2 n 10c por bu. O.its luive been mcuitu md under :i jiood de mand priors have arïvmiced. No 1 white, Ölc per bu. No l mixod, 'i') ciMits i'jr bu. lïarley lias ruled iiuiel au I unchaued, No f State, iiuiniiiiil al ?l l" a 1 ■"?() por contal. No 2 State, Y1 18 a I '.O. N-, 3 State, ïl 05 a 1 07 per ceutttl. Smnfm Iota, -?1 u I 10 per contal. Ryo (juut ui ai 66 u l7c per lm. The moveinent oï prnturc has licen lihtaml valaea oeTally steatly. App'es ure lirmiy held ;it ?'") 60 ii 6 por bbl. Deaiiü ure itull and iii-prpsiïd, city hand-pioked atnok rrpwly oifared at Í1 55a 1 Ai): country do f 1 2o u 1 30 per bu. Clioicu tablf botter ouitmii-js BCarce and i ii deinand at 20 a 21j ; otbor qualitiea dull and dopreesft). pjovi aeed uuict ;it H-i 10 a per bu. Tioiuihy 9o6tl('quiol a-nd lirtu at $1 40 a 1 50 por bu. .Stookt ut' üti$ ai e Lorgfl and mui U;L. i'u'.iiiinalitxl ; cinto lots otïertd at 10 10 1-22 per iLiz Potatüöa dull. Karly reSfl 27 a 'M)c per bu. IVovisioits quict ut $10 25 per bbi tor mess pork : lard, 7 II t 7 1-20 per lb.


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