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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS New Goods grand oi;rvirv(; -OF- SPRII GLOTHII! - AT Wm. Wagner's. SPRING STYLES (MIPKÜS I-. t'.;U[lil'illliU AM) in lic rtiïlde to order at 21 South Main Street, Estáte Of S.unuel V. Dexter. STATE OF MIOHHi.YN. Opunty oí' Washtenaw, ss. At .t session of the Probate Círart fot theí'oun; y JATaab teñan, hoMen at the Ërobate Office in the city of Ann Avbov, on Tuedny, the mnet.iirti dny of March, in the yeur one thousand t-iijlit hun -red and sevi nty-eiLrlit. Vx rsent, Wllliuni I. Iluriiiuan, Judge of l'robtite. In the intii f ur ol Ui ■ eatfite of Samuel ! i.?tor, deceased. Onreiiiiinfï and fiUog tlu; petltion, riiily verified, ot u. li. JL'Vi!n y, pruying Umt puitition of the real estáte whereof siud duccased died sefzed. may be made umong theheii ut lawof said deceaacd. Theveupon it is orriered, that Wed ñenday, the seveutueiith day of April next, ut tejio'cloek in the forenoon, btj ussig)fid forthe hearing of said petition, uud that the heirn at law of snid deceascd, and uil uiher peisous mteiested ín said estute, are ïequïred to appoar at n session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of A un Albor, anti BhOW eau e, ir a:iy tlièif be, why the pr.tyer of the petitloner rtliould Dol be yiunhid: And it ia further orderedx that said vetitioner give notice to the penons intcrested iu aaul estáte, of the pandency ofsuid potition and the hearltfg thereof, by causiiiL' i copy of tliis order tü be publislied in the Michigan Argus, ft new'paper printcd and eirculated in said county, tliroe succofÜTe weeka pre vioua to said dny of nearfng. ' WII.T-IAM l. HA1UUMAN, W true copy. ■ Judse of Probate. Wm. ff. Botv. Probate Register. I679td Mortgdgu 8ale. WIIi-JliKAS dctauU has been made in É&eeonditiojoaofa cerUiu mortgage, made und iecuted by Martin Kyun and Caiharine Ityan to Hannati A. Wllkïófton, and dattnl the eignth day of Maroh, A. 1. i::i, and reooMed in the office bf the Register of Deedaoi Washi-onaw (.."uunty, State oi' M ici. i",:iM, in Iiber49 of mortgagea ai page 36#, and wherefts thére ís now Öne and unpaid on said nmrtgage nul boad acoomiiaiiying Che sume, the uni of two hundred :unl iiity-tlnve dollars, and to buoome duo hereafter the Btiin of twelve humlred U'j]lnr, with aiitiuul interest 9.Í the rato of ten per cent., aldo an uttumc) '.s fee of Öfty dollars proveed 0r in said mortfage, :iml whoreas do proceediiigs at liTff or inéquiiy have been taken to ollecï toé same ojr any part thsrOjOf: Nnw, tlierefore, notice N hereby giren that by vlrttie ot" tlie power of sale in said mortgage contalned and of the statuto in such case mnd! and pvovidedi on Satikiay, tuk PIPTKENTB DAYOP.J UNK, A. 1 . 1878, at 11 oYlock A. m. óf said thiy, :it the south doof "t' llïfl Court House in tlt' city of Ann JStrbojr (that botog the plaoeand building wliere tii&Circvll Court forthe connty of NVashtenaV is held) the undersigned will geil &1 public auption to the highetf bidder, the pretplsee ds(ïribed ín said inortnge or so much thereof us shali bo neceary t-q s;itiiy said amount wiih interest rhereon togetnét with said iittoruey's fee, also the eosts and expenses of sata allowed by aw -. Said pcemlflos beiog desertbect In said mortgage aa belng tho southeast quarterof tho northqüartèv of peet Ion slxteen, township one smith ranga Blxonst ín the state of Michigan, excepting :ni'l raservlng fropi tne conveynce the Ufe estáte to aniíndivitled half of all the marsh land sitimtt-d on the BOUthwOSi corner oL Bstd land, which s reserved t Thomas pohey. Dated. March }. rsTÏ 1). ORAUltB, HAXXAIÏ A. WII.KINSON". AtL'y iui SiortgagC6i 1679 Mortgugee. Bstato of Gottlieb Breisch. S" TATK OV MICHIGAN, County of Washtenajr as. Notice la herobv given that by an order of (hePfobatoCouii ror the Couots oí Waiitenaw, mude Ou the lSth day OÍ Murth, A. I. 1878, si itutntlis trom t lint datta veré állówed for creditüiti present thoiv edaiiijas againsü the estáte uf UsttlieU isiríM-ii, (ate 'i' said connty, deceased. and that all creaitora öf Bata doceased are requirca to present the ir olatms to suid Probate Court, at the Probato CM$ce In the city of Ann Aibpr, for exaiu nal im and ftllówance, on or before the ISth day of September next, and that such claims will be heard beton s:tl Court, on Tuesday, tïie ISth day of June, and on Wedncsday, the 18th day of September next, at ten o'clock in the fbronoon of euch of said days Piktod, Ana Atbor, Miiivh is, A. D. 1878. WILLIAM B. HARHIMAX, I070w4 Judge of Probate. Keal Estíito for Sale. STATE OF HICH1Q-AN, ('ountyof Wa&btenbwj -. In the matter of tho os t ate of Mosea C i'Mwmds, diBceased. Nptioe is hereby gtvec, that in punraánofi of au oidor grantéd to the undersigned, ndministrator of the eatate of said deoeiuied, by the Hou. Judgfi of Vrobute lor the (Duntyof Tf ashtei:aw. on tíie twenty-eighth duy of Jiumary, A. ü. 1S7H, tiiere ivill be sold at public rencluA, to the hiheutbiddei', at the late residence of said dectiased, on tlie nremise to be sold, in the township of York, in the County of Waahtenaw, ftasaid State, on ETussda?. tuk ninktkfnth dat oí .Makch, A. D. 1Ö7S, at ten o'clock in tlio forenoon ol that day {subject to all encumbrunces by mortffagè or othcrwise exitiing at the time of the deuth of saitl decoased), the following described real estáte, to wit; Thecertuin pieces or pareéis of land sitúate in the towimhip of "V ork, in tho county of "Washtenaw and State of Michigtin, known and described as iollows, towit: Tlie southwest quarter (a. w. qr.) of the nortbeast quarter (n. e. qr.) and the west lialf (w. )i.) of thoaoutheast qmirter (a. e. qp.) oí section number thirty-üve (35j, in township tour (4) watt!, ranee avx (fï) costt exceptingfour parecis of about nve(&) aerea in all, deedod t.) Hirom U. Bmlthi Elijah Kllit, D. A. Wuodard find ,1. K. Marvin; and also exoeptingmil rea tvÍm a paxoel ï land htretofoie decded to Thomas BruyiiiüN, off west end of nbove ftirm,contaiuiug thirLy-wi ['M') acres ; nUo exceptmg tíiosc pareéis of lund included Ín the plat of Jane F. Kdwnrdu, to the villagO of Milan, Monroe County, State of Miohiijan, being1 a part of the wesl hnli of the aouthea-it quarter oí soctiou tbirty-flve (35) in the township of York, Washteïuiw Connty, State of Michigan, said plat beiug reeorded iu the otlice of the Register of J)eeds for Washtenaw County, iu Uber (O, on poffo406 alto excepting the piece or parcol of bind deeded by ÜoseeC. Iv.lwurds to Levill. lieynolds, nnd reeorded in the oüicu of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, in líber 71, Olí page$18 alO exceptin the picee r paveel Of land deeded by Mosets 'Edwards to iiheldon B. Throop. and recorded in the bffioeoi tho Begiflter ot leeds for Washtenaw County, in Uber 73, on page GOO; ulao excepting' tlie piei-u or pnrcel of land deeded by Moaea C. Edwrd to QeoftCUirk, and reeorded iu tïi'j oflice of the Refrister of Deeds for Vnihtenaw County, va Hoer 77 of deeds, on page 420: also exceptinji the piece or parcel ol laud deeded by Moses C. üdwards to Klizabeth Kpley, and reeorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw (,'ounty, in 1Ut 77, on pape 099 ; ulso excopting Lhe piece OT pftrea) of land deeded by Moflea C. Edwaidri to Addisoii E. (ardner, and itcorded in tie offleeoi Registerde Deeda for Waehteiuiw County, iu Uber 77, on page 548. Duted.Jnuuary 28, A. D. 1877. 10T2 BAItLES C. KUWAUDS, Admiuistrator. Tfao nbore saïe is adjoarned toth,c seeond dny of April u one Onlock r. k., at the same jduee. Dftted, Miiich 11). IS78. SABLES C. EDWARDS, Admlnlstrator. Creiim l.aid T.otter and Packet Note Heiulsuiul I.iat'ii Fibre Xoto lli-:uls (Packet and Conerresn) j imt reccivod. tíive i your orders


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Michigan Argus