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- Judge Coülcy gave Uio closing lectuve i tlie Law Department ycsterday. - The 28th animal Conmioiujmt'nt of th Departttitiot of Medicine and tíurgeiy will tuk place WediHsiluy next, Match -7, at 11) n'cluc a. 111 Tho addresa to the gmduating cías will be yivuu by Dr. Moise Stowurt, ot Detroit - The HHh aiinu;il Coiiiineuccment of th Law Department will occur next W'cdnesdny March 27, at '2'clock p. m. Addicts to th graduatcs by .luilge Murston, of the Huprcm Court. - The secoud annual Commenceinont of the Homeop itliic Medical College will take plací Weduesday eveuiiig next, Mnrch 27. Dr Hellraouth, of Xow York City, will givo the address of the occasion. - - The third annual Commenccment of the College of Dental Burgery will be held nex Wednesday forenoou, in connection with the Commencement exerciaes of the Medical De partrneut. --There are 41,000 specimens in the üeological Cabiuet, 110,000 in the Zoological Cabmet, and 70,000 in the Botifiical Cabinet. - In the Princeton Review tor JMurch, Judge Cooloy has a 3Í) page nrticle on " The Limita to State Control of Private Bu9iuess," which those legislatois and other people who would have the State assume to control ahnost every private business and relatiou would do wel to carefully road. Even the political goguo who laughs in bis sleeve while hls followers quake at his shout of " monopoly " would have ' less power for mischief if the aforesaid followers would study the constitutional and legal principies so clearly laid down in the urticle. - The Clitonicle Association can't get a quorum (100) together for the election of ao editor to fill a vacancy. Cause: the poor, timid siihscribers are ftightened at tho presumption ot a senior laily who permits her friends to make her a cnndidate. P. S. ïhe agony is ovor. 127 raembers wrestled with the matter for au hour or two on Wedneaday aitcruoon, and Miss Cora A. Beuneson waí elected by eigüt majority. Woman ahead ! F. S. No. 2. More agony ! Two of the editors, Augur and Raymond, fearl'ul af their laurels, or sometliing else, have resigned. Such ia Hfo. - The anniversary exercises of the Law Alumni Assoeiation will be held next Tueaday evening in the law lecture room. Au address will be giveu by Hou E. 1'. Allen, of Ypsilunti, olass of 1867 ; an oration by Honry M. Campbell, of Detroit, class of 1878 ; and a poem by Herbert 'K. Reed, of l'arkville, class of 1878. Aftor these exercises tho animal banquet will e sorvod at Hangsteifer's, to be followed by ;oast3 and respouses. - Up to April 8 the Michigan Central sells ïckets to studeiits at $ó to Buffalo, and at corespondingly low figures to New York, Boston, nd Philadelphia. - In the last number oí tlie Chromclt; a correspondent " sat down " on the " Araerican (Jirl " in a very ungallant style. - Dr. Eliza Shaw, Medical cLisí of '75, is President of the MuLean Couuty (I11-) Medici 1 öooiety. - "There was a sound of revelry by uighf' (last JFriday): and report siys 'twas made by the gay and festivo freshmen serenading (?) au aasistant proiossor. Makmg honorable class history. - At the meeting ui llio American Social Science Association to be held at Ciuuiuntiti commenciug Alay 18, Judge Cooley is to delivcr nu address on " Toxalioii." No other Michigan name appettia on the programme. - During the pending examinations of the senior medios, issistants Yaughan, Stowell, Xortli, Ayies, anti Kjag are trying tlieir hand ;it lectuiing" to the janioH : koeping the bovs out of misch ief. -The Hegenls ttfét t on Tu.m.Ii y next at 10 oYlock a. m. -l!y special iuvitaUon of the senior law Btmleuts Judie Cooiey gave a lecture on " i'l;e ehangea m the la!ancc ui ].oiver l)L'tveen the Fe.luiul (jovaniment and the States since the adoption of the Constitutiou. " -The animal bam[iietot the Medical Alumni will be held at the 'Iregory House on Tnesday eveuing. - The prtessors an:l .st :nl.;iits of tlu' Literary departmeut are to talte a vacaliuii of a week, - bcginning next evuiiing. - Tho uuiors ereiüated Phyics and .Mechanics last night. --Serenading was in order on Wednesday evening: by departiug law and medical studonts, in honor of professors, sweetheart?, and iniulladies.


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