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Mortgagc Sale. Wil KKK A ti, Michael Wolch and Edmund Welcli, oí the towuship ol' Northiield, Couuty oï Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the four tcentli day of lebruury, in the year of our l.ord one thousand eight hundicnl and 'neveuty-Bix, exe cuted a mortgage to Jolm N. (iott, of the city oí Ann Arbor, county aforeaaid, to secure the payment of certaiu principal and interest ïnoucy thereln nientioned, whieh niortgage was reeorded in the ofíiteoí the Ktisttr oi Decda of the couuly of Washtenaw, on the iourteenth day of February, A. D. 1876, at 'ó% o'clock p. m., ín liber 51 of mortgngen, on page 60f ; which Maid niorttie van duly aacned on the said lourteenth day of Februaiy, A 1. l7i, to Luther Janiea. of the townehip oi Lima, county aforesaid, which said aasignmeut was reeorded in the office of the Register ol beeda of snid county on the eighth day of February, A. D. 187B, at 4 o'clock p. m. of aaid day, in liber 5 of anBigument of mortgaKs, on putje 31, and whereas default has been made iu the payineut of the interest upon said moitgac, tliat there is now claimeü to be tor ïutereyt the sum of two huTidred und tlfty two dollars, hIbo fifi y dollars as a reasonable uulicitor or attorm-y's fee in addition to all other legal costa, alao other puymentb to become due upon said niortgage foi principal, and nu auit or proceedings haviug been instituted eitiier in luw or equity io recover the ame or any part thereof : Notice is hereby j;iven, that on iSaTUBDAY, THE El.EVKNTH (II til) DAY OF M.AY, 1H78, at 2 o'clock P. M. oi said day, at the south door of tïie Court Houe in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which the Circuit Cotirt tor said county U held), and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said niortguge, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest biddeï, tlie premise described in tsuid mortgage to satisfy the mteitst due with tho attorney's fee of íiíty dollniá and charge of sale, subject to the buijub to become dus: AJ] thost; ctirtain piecea or parccl-s ol lai.d sitúate and being in the township oí Northneld, couutj of Washtenaw, aud State oï Michigan, and deHCTlbed as followH, to wit: Ifeing the west half oí the northeust quarter and the wot half of the south ast quarter of section mimbcr thiity-two (82), also the southwest quaTter oí the nortbe&at qusrtrr oí sectioEi number twenty-uine (20), in township number oDe south of ranre number ix (ii), containing two hundred acres ot lund more oi leas. Dated, February 15; 1H78. UTTHKK JAMKH, John N. Gott, Aasignee of MortgMce. Iti74 Att'y tor Atwignee ot Murtgugee. Morfgage Sale. DÉJFÁULThBvIngbeen made in ttíe condftlon of a eeiiain niorigage nmd.' mul ezecutèd by Vineeut S. Taylor and Abinail Taylor, bia wiie, oí thtí VflXüge o f Saline, uouiiiy of Warfhtenaw and State of MicMgao, to Comstocï F. HUI, of Lodi, counly o!' Waliicnaw afores id, OD tenth dav of April, ín the year of our L&eé ene thouand eigh't hunored and seveuty-two, and recorded in the office, of the Regtst&r of Deeds for the eounty aforesaiij, on the tweutidth day of April, A. l. 1872, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, in liber 40 of CQOiingea, page &tö; tfafttthera now claimed to be öue nml uupuid on said mortgage, and the Dote ccomp&nyipg the Mime, the suni of oue hundred and throe dollars and tii'ty cents ($108.50), also an attorney's fee o i ' twentyfi ve dollar as a reu sonable attorney fee, in addition to all other logal cost.s, should any proceedings bfi taken to the B&me, and no proceeding at law or in equity haviug been loatftuted to recover the aaine or any pan thereof: Nutiee Is hereby given, that by virlut' oí th power of sale in said mortgage eontaiued, aud of Matute ín such case made and provided, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the Üixteenth day of April, A. D. 1878, at two o'elock p. ni. oí.saidday, at the door of the Court House in the eity ot'Ann Arbor, in the eounty oí" Washtenaw aud State atbresaid (that being the building in whicli the Circuit Court for said eounty i.s held), the premises describ'ed in said mortgage as being loU No. 48 aüd 49 in Ben nol t 's addition to the village of Saline, eounly oí' Wg&Ute - naw and Stat' afoiesaid, according to a record ed plat thereof. Jated, .lanuary lö, 1878. 1670td COMSTÜOK F. HILL, Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. UniliREAS default. haviug been made in the " conditions oí two certain mortgages, oue made and cxtcuted by JöhD Crawford and Catharine Crawford to Charles S. Gregory, and dated September the filth, A. D. 1871, and recorded in the ofliie of' the Register of Deeds of Washtenaw ('onnly, In liber 43 of mortgages, on page 627, which said mortgage. was assigneu by said Charles 8. (ïregory to Frederiek Laubengayer by deed of assignmeut, recorded fn liber five of assignmeut of mortgaiies,' on page 578, and the other of said inortgages betne made and executed by F. H. Kraus to John f. Crawford, and dated November the ninth, A. D. 1872, and recorded in said Register ornee, in liber 44 of mortgages at page 24-1, which last said mortgage was assigned by said John .1 Crawford to Charles 8. Gregory by deed of assigmuent, recorded in said Register's ottice, in liber fqur of aasigninent of ruortgages, on paffe 447, and by said Charles S. (iregory to Frederiek Ijaubengayèr by deed of assignment, recorded in said Eegister's office, in liber Jour of assignment of mortgages, .u page 448, and whereas there is now due and unpaid on said tirst mortguge tlie sum of Seventeeu hund red and eighty-oue 19-100 dollars ($1,781.19; aud to beconie due the sum of üve hundred dollars witli interest at the rate of ten per cent. trom this date aceurding to the terms of said niortgage and the bond accoinpanying the same, au attorney's fee of thirty dollars, provided for in saiil mortgage, and whereas, there is now due and nu paid on said second ruortgage the sum of thirteen bunilred and fourteen 57-100 dollars, together with au attorney's fee of thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and whereas, no proceedings have been taken heretofore in law or e.quity to recover the debt secured by said mortgages or any part thereof: Now, thereiore, uotice is hereby given tliat by virtue of the power of sale in eaeh of said raortgages contained, and by virtue of the statu Ie in such cases uiade and provided, on SatijRjDav 11 a. m. of said day, at the south doir of the CÓurl House, iu the city of Ann Arlxtr (thatbeing the place and building where the Circuit Court for the eounty of Washtenaw Ls held) the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the preuiises desoribed in each of said mortgages lit being the same description in each) or so niuili thereof as shall be uecessary to satisfy the said debts with interest thereon, together with said attoiney fees, also the costs and expenses of sale allowed by law, said preniises being described in said mortgages as being the soul h part of the northwest fractional quarter of seetiou number four, in township mimber two south, range number five east, in the township of Soio, eounty of Waslitenaw and ölateof Michigau,ooutaining eighty acres of land, more or less. Afin Alltor, .lanuary 28, 1878. FBEDEBICK LAUniONCAA'ER, D. Cramku, Assignee of Mortgages. Attorney for Aasignee. ni72 Mortgage Hale. DEFAUI.T having been madu ia the conditio n of u certaiii purchase money inortgae, eiöcuted bj Lorenzo Dnvis to Zacharias Schaai, hearing dato Januaiy tirst. A. 1. 1871, and recordedla the office oí the Register oí Deeds tor Waahtenaw county. Stateoí Michigan, on January seventeenth, A. D. 1871, at 10:25 o'clock a. m., in liber 46 of mortgagea, on page 62, whieh said morlgage afterwards, towit: on Mare h fourth, A. D. 1871, duly assigned by deed of assignment, by the said Zachariaa Shaad to Sarah J, Winner, which dted of assignm&nt was recorded ia said Reister's office on January l'ourteenth, A. D. 1877, at ii:10 o'clock p. m., in liber flve of iissignineut of morteages, oa page 002, by which default tb e power of tsale there in contaiired has become opera tive, and uo yroceedings at law or iu t-quity haviiig been iustituted tu recover the debt aecured by eaid mortpage or any part thereof, and the sum of tourteen hundí ed and eighty six dollars being iiow elanned to be due upoa said mortgage, íor principal and intereat, besides the coste and expenses oí thia íoreclosure: ineluding an attorney fee of twenty-Üve dolíais , Notice is therefore, hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a Sitie of the premisea deacribed in said mortgage, at publi; vendue, to the highcBt bidder, on jíphil thihtf.enth, A. D. 1S78, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State ot Michigan (that being the building in which the Citcuit Court for Waslitenuw is heldj. The landsand premisos described in said mortgage, and which will be sold at yaid time and place, are deacribed as follows, to wit: All that pieee of land beginning al the HOUtheast corner of the southwest cjuurter ui section number thirty-four, in township number two soutli and range uumber tix eaal, being in the county of VVashtenaw, and State of Michigan, and running thence west on the eection line ao far tbat the boundaries hercinafter mentioned will inclu. e fifteen acres of land, thenee uorth parallel to tb east line oí said quarter section to the center of the Ann Arbor artd Ypsilanti road, thence bouth erly along the center ot said road to the east line of said qiiiirier aectiou, and thence south ou said quarttr aeciiun line to the plaue ol beginniay. Dated, January 15, 1878, SARAH J.WINXEH, Assignee. Henhy Wade Rogehs, Att'y for Assiguee. 670 Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, John Mythe and Joaona Blythe, of the townsh pof Manchester, Mich igan , on the tenth day ofJune, A. D. ons thousiinil eight hundred and seventy-four, executed a mortgnge to Wataon Geer, of he township of Superior, county of Washtenaw, and State oí Michigan, to secure the paymeet of certain piincipal and interest monéy therein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in the office oi the Kegiater of Deeds of Washtenaw couuty aud State of Michigan, on the seventeenth day of June, A. 1). 1874, at flve and one-half o'clock p. ni oí said day, in liber nfty-one. of moitgages, on ijuge 38Ö : aud whereas deíault has been inade more than thirty days in the payment of an installment of said interest luouey which becamt due on the tenth day oí June, A. D. 187.'), by reason whereoí andpursuant to the ternis ol said mortgae, said mortgagee eleets that so mucli of said principal as rernains unpaid, with all arreantes of interest tbereon, shall become due and payable iinmediately, and whereas tliere ia claimed to be due and unpaid at the dale of thia nolioe the eiiia of eighteen huudred mui niin-ty dollars and eightysix cents lor principal and interest, also tifty dol tars u a reasonuble solicitor's or attorney's fee, in addition to all other legal costs, should any proceedings be taken to ioreclose said mortgage ; and no suitorproceedingB having been instituted fit her in law or euity to recover the sflme or auy part tliereof : Noticc is hbreby given that on HaturSay, the thirteenth day of Apiil next, at two o'clook in the afteruoon ut aaid day, at the suuth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the buildinti in wliich the Circuit Court fot saia county is held), and by virtue of Ihe power oí sale contamed in said mortgage, I hall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premies described in said mortgage, to satisfy the amounl ol principal aud interet-t cliiiiut-d to be due, with the attorne,i 's fee of flfty dollars and charges if 9ale, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the township of Mauchi'nter, in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, aud dOEcribed as follows : lieiug lot " B " on middla subdivisión of the northwest fraetional quarter of section, nuraber seven (7), township number (4j south of range nunibei thrce (') east, containlu eighty-one and tifty-tive hundredths of an erT, except all lying north of the highway, suppoaed to be three acres, more or less. January 18, 1878. John N. Gott, WATSON OEKK, Att'y lor Mortgagee. 1070 Mortgaee, BSTRACTS OP T1TLES. The underaigniid, Hegislci ulDeedn, will prumpt ly and carel'ully uuiktj Absti-nctii ui' titles, Fr om tüe Original Records, For Attorneyt, Atfents, Ownera, or Purchimera No puiub wil! bt) spured to k ive a eoiuplettj chaiu of title, aud shuw alt oDcumbrunces. Chax'gea reatsouablti. ' CHA8.H. MANLY. Anu Arbor, January 1U, 1877. 161".


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