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Josephus Soot the defanlting Treasnror of New Jersey, who has epeut noarly tbroe years in the State prison, has been pardoned out. His torm would hayo expired May next. Owisa to the recent panic among Ravingsbank depositors, the Massachusctts Lcgialature bas enactod a law to prevent depositors from drawiug their money. It is entitled " an act for the bettër proteetion of depositara ia iwingu bank," and an idea of ita provieions may bo obtained from a Boston dispatch, whieh eays " The Brighton Five-Cent Savings Bank promptly availed iteelf of the law, and the 1-ank Coinmisaionera di■ recttd Ihat from March 21 to Sept, 21 not over 10 per cent be paid each depositor ; 10 por cent. additional be paid between Sept. 21 and March 21, 1879. No fnrther additional amount to be paid af ter the latttr date except by order of the Conimisfioners." Tue Firrt National Baikof Tarrytown, N. Y., has collapsed. Abont 100,000 of worthless paper is among its adgetc, which fall hort of the liabilities abont S50,000. Samuel Chambers and George Collins, both eolored, convictd of ontraging a feinale tramp named Kate Smith, alias OToole, were exeented at New Castle, Del., on Friday, March 22. Hon. J. Glaücy Joneb, ex-Momber of Congress, ex-Chairm&n of the Ways and Means Committcc, and Minieter to Australia dnring Bnchaoan's Administration died last week at Ecading, Pa The steamer Magenta exploded a boiler on the HudBonrivcr, near Pongbkeepsie, N. ï., last week. Two men were killed, two fatally tcalded, and oight others seriouBly injurel. Thebe was a triple execution at Bloomsbnrg, Pa., on March 25. Tlirce Mollie Maguires- Patrick Hestcr, Peter McHugh and Patriok Tully- were the victims. Their crime was the murder, in 1876, of Alex. W. Rea, of CoUimbia connty, l'a Philadelphia had a destructivo fire, involving the loss of $1.000,000 of property on Fourth street, near Arch. THE WKST. The building occupied by the Non-Exploslve Lamp Company, at Cleveland, Ohio, has been destroyed by firo. Bepokts that seem to be trast, worthy f rom the región on both sidos of the Dominion line. north and northwest of Fort Benton, leave little room to doubt that the hostile Indiana are preparing for a general war upon the Montana and Dakota eettkments. More than a dozen large bande of Indiana aro roaming about, osteuibly engaged in hunting, out with fcupplies of ammunition so abvndant as to provo their hostile intentions. Scouts who have visited the camps of these savages, jnst across the boundary, estímate the nnmber of warriorj at 6 000 or 6,000. Tue most notable theatric! event of the season in Chicago has been the production of a new French play entitled " A Celebrated Case,' now rnnning at McVicker's Theater. No modern drama has so completely enthralled tho sympathies of an audience. It is emotional to an intense degrco. From the rise of the curtain to the end of the siith act, saya a Chicago paper, " the attention ia kept on the strain to an aljnopt paicful degree, by the sustained interest of the story, the ing'enuity with wlnch the plot is noven, and the all-absorbing Bympathy evoked by the pathetic telo of heroic suffering unfolded in ti development." The Citizens' Saviugs Bank, of Findlay, Ohio, has suspended for f-ixty days. Assot?, $225,000, and liabilities about $200,000. THE SOUTH. Focb maeked men recenüy robbed a Centra raih-ead train, near Hutchins, Texas. The train was rifled, the express matter taken, and the messenger ■nounded. About twenty shotu were exchanged Tho high-naymen were all youug men. A shocking tragedy was enacted near Wheeliug, W. Va., a few days ago. The wife of John Wallace, her infaut child, and a niece 14 years old who was living with ihero, were mnrdered and their bodi-s horribly nmtilatcd. Iho husband and a brother have been arrestcd on suspicion of being the authors of the horrible deed. Seteral heavy finaneial failures are reported from Memphig, Tenn Five men were recent ly drowned below Richmond, Ta., while attempting to cross the James river. n. uuuBU ujj ran-uiui explosión occurred near Bichmond, Va., last woek. Fito persons were killed and seven wonnded, two of theni fatally. GENKRAL. The city of Toronto. Canada, has been the oene af a tumtiltuous riot, caused by the appearaiice there, for the purpose of delivering a lecture, of O'Donovan Eossa, the well-known Fenian. The windows of the hall whcre he Bpoke were riddled with stones. Two taverne frequented by Irish Nationalists were attacked. About 200 shots were exchanged, and twenty men were wonnded by the flying búllete. Nearly 800 persons were wounded by stones and brickbats, which llew thick as hail in all directions. The pólice had preat difficulty in suppressing the emente Visiblo snpply of gram in the States and Canada : Wheat, 8,214.000 bushels ; corn, 5,438 000 bushels ; oats, 2,055,000 bushels ; rye, 584 000 bushels ; barley, 3,343,000 bushels Gen. Sir William O'ürady Haley, commander of the Britibh troops in North America, is dead. The United States steamer Enterprise, now at New Orieaus, has been ordered to proceed to Brazil, and make a survey of the Aniazon river as f ar as navigable. The United States steamer Wyoming, which rccently sailed from New York with a cargo of artieles for the Paris Exposition, was found to be in a leaking condition when about a fourth of the way over. and was compelled to put back John Wallace, suspected of the murder of his wife, child end niece, mention of which bas been heretofore made, was, last week, taken from the jail of Littletoa, W. Va., and hung by a mob of infnriated citizens. The fiend made a full confession, which cleared bis brother of complicity in the crime, but implioated one Geurge "Villiers, who is now in custody. WASHINGTON. Senator Shebman appeared before the Senate Finaneo Committee, the other day, at the reqnest of the committee, and gavo his views regardiug the House bilí to repeal the Specie Kesumpün act. He spoke for nearly two hour, and set before the committee facts and figures bearing upon the subject. He said, in snbstance, that it would bo unwiefc and iujudicious to repeal the act, as remmption could be broiiRht about bv the day fixed without any preat difficulty. The Secretary was questionecl in regard to the effect of the Silver bill on the resumption question. He said he had to admit that the effeut of the bill generally had been good, and would be a deeided advantagc in conucction with resumption The Hun se Judiciarv Committee have authorized Chairman Knott to prepare and report to the House a bilí repealing the Bankrapt law, to ko effect, as to involnntary proceedings, imnicdiately after its passage, ana, as to vo'.uutary proceedings, from and after July 1, 187 A Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune telegraphs as follows : " The best judgmeut that can be formed from opinions expressed by those conneoted with the committees having to do with the tarifl, repeal of resumption and silver bullion certifieates is that no one of these mcasnres can be passed at the present session." noN. John Aixisox, Kegisterof the TreaMiry for the past nino years, died last week. Mr. Allison was a Pennsylvanian, and was 66 vears old. Toe Secretaryof the Tieasuryhasannounecd the appointment of tho following as Government Directora of the Union Pacific lUilroad: Charles F. Adame, Jr., Massachusetts : lialph F. Buckland, Ohio ; G W. Smythe, lowa ; Daniel Chadwick, Connecücut ; "and C. C. House], Nebraeka. POUIICAL. The Democratie State Central Commitfeo of Pennsylvania has decided to hold the next State Convention at Pittsburgh, May 22. ÜETCitNs of )he recent olection in New Harappbire, from all tho towns of the State, foot tip as follóos : rrescott, 39,377 ; McKean, 37,863 : Kendall. 251 ; Flint, 223 ; soattering, 99. Prescott' phirality, 1,514 ; majority, 941. Tho House will stand- Republicana". 205 ; Demócrata, ir,5. .. .The National party of Rhodo Islasd hela a State Convention at Providence, last week, and notninated the followipg ticket For Governor, William Foster ; for Lieu'enant Governor, Jasou I'. Hazard; Secretaryof Stato Henry Appleton ; Treasnrer, A. B. Moore. Tur. lowa Rej)ub!ican Stato Convention has been called to meet at Des Meines June 19. Tho Ilepublican State Convention of Khodo lslaud met at Providence, last week, and nominated all the present State officers for ro-eloction In tho llhode Island House of lleprosentatiyes a bil! granting nnmarried women and widows tbe same privileges as men, in voting upon the tax propositions, has heen dtfeated by 19 to 35.,.. The Senate Postónico Committee, by a voto of 6 to 3, declincd (o indorse the nomination of Alux. líeed to Le Potmaster at Toledo, Ohio. This, says a Washington felegram. "is one of .he most notable cases in the hUtory of this ongress; aud, whiio the uüimnatioii, in view of the recent developments, was not a discreet one, it is probablo that the fact that Reed was k personal friend of the President and Stanley yiatthews did not help hini in conimittee." The Rhodelïland Demccrats held theirState Convention at Providenco last week. J. B. Rarnaby was nominated for Governor, and [naac Lawrenco for Lieuteuant Ctovernor....A Democratie State Convention han boen called o meet in Arkannafi on the 4th of July The Soutli Carolina House of Representatives, by an ovorwhelming vote, has adopted a resolution int6nded to couoiliate the national sentiment of Ihe country. It requesta the Governor, in case he deerns it expedieut, tt instnict an order of nolle prosequi to be eiitered in any of the prosecutious bronght, or whieh may bo brought, by the State, based upon tho f acts found by the joint inveatigating committee on public frauds. AVashingtojj dispatches report a rumor to the cffest that tho President is contemplating a reconstruction of hia Cabinet, and that Messrs. Evarts, Key aud Schurz will retire A Washington correspondent says Montgomery Blair recently asserted that a bilí was being draftod by able lawyciv, and would at an early day be introduced in Congress, proposing to reopen tho Presidential questiou. FORKIGN NEWS. Suleiman Pasiia has arrived at Constantinoplo, in close custody. It is thonght that Oóman Pasha will soon be releastd by the Kussians The Hungaiian Delegation lias unanimounly voted a credit of 60,000,000 ilorins Servia will not recognizo the term of peace nntil they are confirmed by the cougress. . . . A dispatch from Vienna eays the dead-lock bctween Russia and Englaud is complete. Austiia and Germany are aitogether oppo.-ed to Eiigland'u demand. Austria has boen couödeutially iuformed of the conditions of peace, and conniderB theni on the whole moderate, aud susceptible of further modification at the congress. The liritish steamer Astarte has been lost off Castillos, ou tho coast of Sjuth America. Thirty-one lives were lost ... A cabio dixpatch announces tho marriagc, in London, of the Earl of Koseberry to Flannah, only daughter of Baron Jleyer de Kothschild. . . . More men have been lost from typhus and other camp disease by tho Bussians in Armenia since the close of the war than were flain or disabled in all their battles with Mtikhtar's soldiers. Fevers of a very virulent eharacter are Btill raging, and thrce General are reported among tbe latest victüns. A Paris dispatch aunounces that "tho compositors in the several large prmting-houses have strnck work. This, taken in conjunction with the great ttriko of minera at Decazeville, which is ttributed to the instigation of the Internationale, attracts mach attontion." A cable dispatch says tb.9 viDages of Olympus, Repsara, Caria and Sitochori, in Thessaly, have been sacked and burncd by the Turks. Women, children and old men were massacred, except aome who escaped to the mountains Tho iron trade of Suuth Yorkhire, Eng., is reported by cable to be in astagnatjtcondition, and thousands of workmen are oat of employmc-nt A formidable expedition against Nioaragua, to enforce the claims of the Germau Government iu the case of Consul Eitenstuck, has leí t Panama. dispatches of March 23 state that 'Hhe feeling of irritation between the Briüsh ano Russian peoplc is increasing, and the tpiniou ia generally expressed throughout Europe tuat thc prospeots for the meeting of a congress have been largely diminiahed during the past tbree days. Kussia lias sent, or is about to send, a formal request for the withdrawal of the British neet from the Sea oí Marmors." The Rustían troops in Bulgaria and Roumelia are dying of typhus fever at a frightf ui rato .... Daniel O'Leary, of Chicago, beat al! competitors in the great international pedestrian contost at London. He accomplished thc marveloua feat of walking 520 miles in 139 honrs, the best long-dislanco time on rectrd Tho fiitnation in Europe at thia writing wears an exceedirjgly warliUe aspect, lïussia and England are both making preparations on a formidable scale. Both are building largo uumbers oi torpedo boats, and are otherwise adding to thoir capaoity for offensive and defensivo war. The British training-Bhip Eurydice was capsized during a fquall in tho Eogíish channel, a few days eince. Between 3U0 and 400 lives were lost. William Howes, the Engliih pedeatrian. bas challenged O'Leary to a walking match for the cbampion belt and L2,500 0?man Pasha has returned to Constantinople, whero he waR warmlv thaukc d bv the Sultan for nis brave


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