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Health And Disease

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To Cure Chilblains. - To ono ounce of kerosene-oil add one grain of morphine; good also for burns. Dyspepsia. - A simple and eífectual remedy for dyspepsia is to ahstain from drinking immcdiately before and duriug meals, and for an liour afterwarde. Also, uso no milk in either tea or coffee. Oubb for Mh-k-Crtist. - Fresh mutton tallow melted and applied very thick, once or twice a day; wash once a week or of tener with white Castile soap; apply fresh tallow af ter washing; it will allay the burning and itching: no medicine is needed. Sulphttr Mixture for the Blood. - Five teaspoonfuls powdcred sulphur to one of cream tartar; mix with molassee; take one teaspoonful three suocessive mornings, then omit three, and go on until it has been taken nine times. Excellent ia the spring. - Western Rural. ",j , Bleeding at the Nose. - The best remedy for bleedicg at the nose, as given by Dr. Gleason in one of his lectures, is the vigorous motion of the jaws, as if in the act of mastication. In the case of a child, a wad of paper should be placed in its mouth, and the child should be instructed to chew it hard. It is the motion of the jaws that stops the flow of the blood. This remedy is so very simple that many will feel inclined to langh at it, but it has never been known to fail in a single instance, even in very severe cases. - Scientiftc American, Palpitation of the He art. - Dr. Lardies, in V Union Medícale, describes a method by wliioh palpitation of the heart not due to organio lesions may be arrested at once. The patiënt is directed to bend the body head down, with the arms hanging so as momentarily to cause congestión of the upper part of the body. In all cases of nervous or aniemic palpitations tbe heart quickly resumes ita normal funetions. If respiration be arrested for a few seconds while the patiënt is in the above position, the relief is still more speedy. Unhealthy. Gums. - Unhealthy gums are very common. A lotion made from the following recipe will be found valuable in restoring them to a healthy condition: Carbolic acid, twenty drops; spirits of wine, two lirams; distilled water, bix ounces. Use flrst a soft toothbrush with water, af ter which pour on a second toothbrush, slightiy damped, a little of the above lotion. After using this for a short timo the gums become less tender, and the impurity of the breath, which is eommonly caused by bad teeth, will be removed. - New York Times. Rheitmatism. -This disease is a standing " conundrum " to medical men, but Dr. Julius Pollock thinks that he has at least clearcd the subject of somo confusión that surroundod it. He says tlie term rheumatiem is applied to several differtmót, althougu thcy have certam teatures in common. The two chief forms are articular and muscular rheumatism. The former is a disease of early adult lif e, more or less acute in character. with a tendency to get well in about six weeks. Articular rheumatism, when at all severe, is called rheumatic fever. It attacks the synovial membranes and also the similar serous membranes, especially of the heart. There is a distinct predisposition to this disense in certam persons, which is sometimes inherited. The immediate exciting cause is exposure to cold or "taking a chili." It never attacks the muscles. Muscular rheumatism is a disease of middle and advanced life, is eommonly clironic, and will continue indeflnitely if not treated. It attacks, not the muscles themselves, but the tendons and other parts of the muscle which have a Bimilar anatomical structure. Muscular rheumatism does not attack the heart, and is rarely fatal.


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