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Mortgdgo Salo. ' VVHí'ut'jA-sdefl!Ult:liashee!1 madft inthecondi' vv tiona of a certain mortgage, niado and exeI cuteil liy tfartip Byan md Catharine Kyan to ! llannah A. Wilkinson, and dalnl the elghth day of March, A. D. 1873, and record ed in the office ot the Register of Deeds oí Wasbten&w County State i uf Michigan, Inllber49of mortgages at page 3C7, and 1 whereas there is now due and unpaid on said mort: gage and bond acconipanying ihe samo, llie sum of two hundred and fiíty-t bree dollars, and to become due hereafter the sam of twelve hundreU i dollars, with annual intereí-l at the rute of ten per '■ cent-, also an attorney's fee of fifi y dollars provided for in said niortgage, and whfireaa no proceediugá at law or in equity have been taken to collect the i ame or any part thereof: Now, therefore, notíce ; is hereby given that by virtne of the power oí sale in said mortgage contained and of the statute ín . such case made and provided, on Saturday, the FIFTEKNTII DAYOF JuSE, A. D. 1878,81 11 O'clock A. i M. of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ano Arbor (that balng Ihe place and building where the Circuit Court lor the county of Washt-naw Is heldj the uudertigned will sell at public auctiou to tbe highest bidder, the premises described in said mortage or so ïnuch thereof as shall be neeessary to satisiy said amount with interest thereon togotlier with said attorney's fee, also the costs and expensas of safe allowed by law: Said premises bei ng described in said mort gage as bei ng the guarter of the northwest quarter oí secttOD sfxteen, tovnshlp one south range six east. in the State of Michigan, excepting and reserving front the oonveyance the Ufe estáte to an undivi'led half of all the riurrsh land situated on the southwest ceruer of iti.i land, ■whieh is reserved to Thomas Fohey. Dated, March 22, 1878. D. Cramf.b, HANNAH A. WILKINKON. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1679 .V Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condltion of a certain mortgage made ui '. bj John Keegan and Catharine Kee city 01' Aan Arbor, county of Washti i -it.; of Michigan, to William H. Parker, of Lowell chusetts.on the twenty-fourth diy iuMm., thousand eiuht bandred and glxty-ivfne, ard r corded ui th office of the Register of Deeds lor the county afbrësaid on the twentyrfiftfj daj ot' June A. D. 1869, at lijf o'clock . M.'of aaid day, ín ui-, r 42 of mortgagea, oh page 'i,,. Tbere U ciainud to be due. on the note nul mi BIB of nftotn hundred and sixty-iive dollars iiiM i.iry-two cents, also an attoruey's oí forty dollars" should any proceediDgs be taken to foi do tid mortgage, and no' proceeipgs having been taken ín law or eijiiity to recover 9aid Bttin Df money or any part thereof: Nottee is hereby given, t iiat, by virtue of the power of sale in Bftfd in.rtgage contained, I shall sell at public auetirm to the highest bidder oii the EliiHTEK.NTIl IIAY OF Maï SÏAI, ilt 2 o'clock i . m. of said day, at the Cropt door ot tin I in the city of Aan Arbor, in the county ol tenaw and 3tate aforesaid (that beiug the building fn whieh the Circuit Cou n foi ild purity Is heldj, the premises de-seribed in süi.l mortgage as being all that certain pteoe or pareel ot land eituated in the city of Alm Arbor, county o nav." and Stateof Michigan, kuowu, bouudfíd and '■ as folio wa, to wit ; Beingthe eastljall pi the half .of the north_west quartej : ■ ;tio.p r twenty, in Eöwnship nuinber run (S) soul li o!' ranye number six (fi) east, contaln-ing forty ucres e.f land February 21, 1S78 WILLIAM H. PARKER, Mortg John N. Gott, Ati'y for Murtgagee. Mortgage Salu. WHERE A 8, Michael Weloh and Edmund Wekh, ot the township of Kortbñeld, County of Washtenaw, and Stateof Michigan, on the fourteenthdayof February, in ihe yer of our Lord one thousund eight hundred and teveuty-feix. e.xe cuted a mertgage to John K. (.vott, of tne city ot Ann Arbor, county aforeaaid, to m cure tlie payment of oertain principal and ureivst money therein meutioned, whieh mortgage wae recorded in the office ol the Register of Deeds of the county of Washtenaw, on the fourttenili : , ary, A. D. 1876, ai %xá o'clock t. M., in líber 51 or' morígages, on page ít)6; v.liifh said nidiiu; duly asaigneu on the said tourteemh oí i ary, A 1;. ÍSTK, to Juther Jumes, of the township ot Lima, eouiity aforesaid, wb&h said ■■■ - .u i.menl was recorded in the office of' tic of aaid county on the eigrhth day uf February, A. D. 1878, at 4 oVlock p. li. of s:inl day, in hberö ot' asignments of mortgages, on page 621, and whereas defiiult has been made in the pnyment ot the mtertst upon said mortgage, that there is now claimed to be due for mierest the sum of two hundred ;.nd flfty two dollars, also flftj dollars as a rnasonable soliciior or attomeyfs fee in additiou to all other lejial costs, filso othei paj ment& to become due upou said mortgage íor principal, and no suit or proceedings JiHv'ing been instituted either in law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof : Xolice is htreb iiiveu, that on Satuuday, the Eleventh (lllhj dat of My, 1878, at 2 o'clock p. m. 01 said diiy, at thi door of the Court House in the cicy of Aun Arbor (that being the building in whieh the Ciieuit Court tor said couuty is held), and by virtue of the power of eale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction, to the hiehest bidder, the premises deseribed in said moitgage tosatisiythe jit't-i'r.'. due with the attorneys fee of fifty dollnis and charges of saie, subject to the sums to become due: All those eertain pieces or pareéis of lar.d sitúate aud beingin the township ot Northüeld, county of Washtenaw, and ístate ol' Michigan, and described as follows, to wit: Being the went half of the northeast quarter and the west half of tbe south east quarter of section number fchirtytwo 182), also the southwest quarter ot the norttleast quarter of seetioD number twenty nine (29 j, in township num ber one south of raige number nx (6) enst, con taining two hundred acres of land more or leas. Dated, February 15, 1878. JLUTHER JAMES, John N. Gott, Assignee of Mortgage. 1674 Att'y lor Assiguee ot Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having heen made in the coiKlition of a certain mortgage rnade aud executed Wy Vineent S. ïaylor and Abigail Taylor, his wlte, ol the ïillage of Saline, county of Waahtenaw ana State of Michigan, to Comstock F. Hill, of Lodi county of Washtenaw aforesaid, on the tenth day' of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand elgh't mndred and seventy-two, and recorded ín the ofice of the Register of Deeds for the county aforesaid, on the twentieth day of April, a D. 1872. at one o'clock p. m. ol' said day, in líber 46 of mort' rages, page 380; that there is now claimed to be lue and unpaid on said mortgage, and the note acompanylng the bame, the sum of oue hundred nnd hree dollars and fifty cents 13103.50), alio s.n attorïey's fee oí twenty-five dollars ss a reaaonable atorney fee, in addition to all other legal costs. hould any proceedlngs be taken to foreclose tli ame, and no proceediugs at law or in equity ha%'ng been instituted to recover the saine or any part hereof: Notice is hereby given, thathyvlnue of he power of sale n said mortgage contained, and of the statute in such case made and provided, I hall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on he SlXTESHTB day of April, A. D. 1S7S. al two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of tl e Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in tiie ounty of Washtenaw and State afore.-aid (that heng the building in whieh the Circuit Court for sald ounty is held;, the premises described in 3aid mortgage as being Iota No. 48 and 49 in Bennen s iddition to the village of Saline, county of Was'. tenaw and State aforeïoid, according to a recordeá plat thernof. Dated, January 15, 1878. 1670td COMSÏOCK F. HILL, Mortgngee Mortgago ale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain purchase money mortgage. exeuted by Lorenzo Davis to Zacharias Schaa 1, bearng date Januaiy first. A. D. 1871. and recurdid in he office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw ouuty. State of Michigan, on January ae venteen th, A. D. 1S71, at 10:20 o'clock a. in., in lioer 45 ot mortgages, on page 52, whieh said mortgage afterwards, to wit : on March fourth, A. D. 1871, dulv assigned by deed of assignment, hy the said Zacharias Shaad to Sarah J, Winner, whieh deed of asignmeut was recorded in said Re;ïister's oliice on anuary fourteenth, A. D. 1877, at 5:0 o'clock p n., in liber five of assignment of mort&tges, on age 02, by whieh delauit tbe power of sale there n contained has become operative, and no proeedings at law or iu equity having beeu instituted o recover the debt secured by said niortL' any part thereof. and the sum of iourteen hundred and eighty six dollars beiny now claimed to be due ipon said morlgage', for principal and interest, esides the eosts and expenses ot this ioreclosure. ncluding an attorney fee of twenty-tíve dolhus, lotice ib therefore, hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Ihe premi.-. - iescribed in said mortgage, at public veudue, to he highest bidder, on April, A. D 878, at ten o'clock a. in. of said day, at tbe' south ront door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State ot Michigan (that being the building in whieh the Circuit "ourt for Washtenaw is held). The landsand pri-uises described in eaid mortgage, and whieh will be lold at said time and place, are described as lui OW8, towit: All that pieee of land beginuintï at he southeast. corner of the aouthwest quurter ui ection number thirty-four, in towuship nuraber wo south and range uumber six east, being iu the county of Washtenaw, and State of Mtahigan, and unning thence west on the section line so tar that he boundarics hereinaftir ïncntioutd will ir.cim , fteen acres of land, thence nortb parallel to the ast line of said quarter section to center ot he Aun Arbor and Ypsihiuti road, thenoe feoutL rly along the center ut said rood to the eaf ii;i, f said quarter section, and thpiioe soutli on saij uarttr section line to the pluee ui beginnina Dated, January 15, 1878. SARAH J. WINNER, Assisnce Henky Wade Eoqeus, Att'y íor Asaiguee. i670 Mortgage Sale. lirHERKAS, John Blythe and .Toanna lilythe, t T of the lowuship of Miinchester.Mieliigau, on the enth day of June, A. D. one thousand elgbl hundred nd seventy-four, executed a mortgage to W atson Jeer, of the township of Superior, county of Wash. enaw, and State ot Jlichigan, to secure the pavmeet of ceitain p.incipal and interest monêy tierein mentioned, whicli mortgage wus recorded n the office ol the Register of Deeds of Washlenaw couuty aud State oí Michigan, on the seveneenth day of June, A. D. 1874, at and Qae-half 'clock p. m. oi said day, in liber flfty-ono of mortgages, on page 389 : and whereus deiault bus beeu made more than Ihirty days in the paymentJof an nstallment of said interest money whieh bèeanie due on the tenth day of June, A. D. 1876, by'reason whereof and pursuant to Ihe terius ol said mortgage, said mortgagee elects that so much of aai 1 nincipal as remains unpaid, with all airearaties of nterest thereon, shall become due und payable mmediately, aud whereas ihere is ebiiiued to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum of eighteen hundred undnincty dollars aud eightyix cents torprinoipal and interest, abo lifty dol ars as a reasouable solicitor's or attorney's fee, in addition to all other legal costs, should' any dioceedings be taken to foreclose said mortgajre ; and no suitorproceedings having been inntdtuted rithtr n law or e.juity to recover the ss me or any part. hereof : Notice is htreby given that on Sa'uidav, he thirteenth day of Ap:il next, at two o'clock ín ,he afternoon of said day, at the soath door oï the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (tbat being he buildine iu whieh tha Circuit (Jourt foi county is held), and by virtue of the power t tal ontained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public aucion, to the highest bidder, the pi emises deseribed in aid mortgage, to satisiy the timonel ol puncipni ind interen claimed to be due, with the attorney's ee of flfty dollars and charges of 8nle, to wit: All nat certaiu piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the townahip of Manchester, iu the ounty of Washteuaw, and State oí Mwhigab. and escribed as follows: Heiui? lot "B" on' middle ubdivision of the northwest fraetional quarter ol eotion. number seveu (7), township number (4) outh of range number three fö) east, coulaiuing ie;hty-one and fifty-tive hundred thi ot an ore, xcept all lying north ol' the highway, suuposed' o be three aores, more or less. January 18, 1878. ohn N. Gott, WATSON GEER, Att'y for Mortgagee. 1!,".j llortgajca


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Michigan Argus