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Courting Under Difficulties

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Thoy were courting uudor difiioulties. It -wan in a room through -which the members of the family were continnally passing to nnd f ro. "J)ear Alice," lio niid, "I eanuot longer labor onder tbc fhk (The okl ma;i npp ars ) " - pension of bauks is duo to the unwise poliey - " (Old gent passos ou.) "I was going tt) say, my ciear girl, that I hopo you will promiso to bc mine, and name an early day for the boiids - " (Oid woman happens in.) " - should never be paid in gold alone." (Exit old girl.) "Name the happy day when I may cnll you my own, for I cannot believn that yon wnl think if pre - " (Old man slides iu again. ) " - snmplion cannot bc hu soon accomplished." (The intruder retiros.) "I say I eau't believe you are entirely indifferent to mi, but j-on will 6oou graut me the privilege of calling yon w " (Old lady on deck ) " - ife, giving the financial question much study. " (O)d lady slides off) " If you love me just nod your head. You aud - Ob, oue sweet kiss to seal it - one sweet - oh, " (Prospoctive fatlier-in-law. ) - "aecording to eminent divines, is a mytb, a superstition." (They wcre again left alone.) The old follis ncnclnde thnt Alica is safe enough in the company oí a yoiing man who eau tlk nothing but ünance aud theology, and 80 relax their vigilance.


Old News
Michigan Argus