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- Cherry blossoms were opeuiug yesterday. -At Ypsilanti fl,00ll saloou liccusu is (alked ot. - An ex-Mayor writes from Washington: . "The postoffice ia still in obeyance," (ïnd to heur it. -Recorder Clark ia toestablish bis office in the room over Watts' jewelvy atore, with lawyer Wade. - Joe ï. Jacote i g3ÍQg to pat ti pluta glaas front in iiisi aoutli store on the east side of Maiu street. - MoaeB SeaboU has purchasod the ruaidence of Itev. Dr. Williams, on Fifth treet, paying $3,000. - D. Cramer has Iteeu iuvited to act as orator at the colebiation ol Oild Kellowship at Homer on the 26th inst. -Mr. Pray ia rapidly uucumulating the material tor nis Comity Directory, aml proposes to make it a ñrst clasa volume. - The Ladies' Liljrnry Associalion at Ypsilanti ha.3 125 meinbera and 2,11(4 volumes. Receipts for last year, t37o.8(. - Ou Saturilay afternoon last tho Hlgb School boya played foot-ball on the campus,- the seniora beatiii; the jiuiiois. - Fnincis Blood, who reaided ui this city as long ago as in 1824„died in Highlaud, Oaklaod County, on the UStli uit., aged 80 yeara. - Postmaster Clark'a commission expired on Weduesday, aud, like a man of three score and ten, he is now running on borrowed time. - K. W. Ellis, formerly of this city but late in business at San Francisco, has eugaged in the drug and medicine business in Loa Angeles, Ca!. - The new iieight house at Ypailanti is to be located south of that.ack ia the rea r of the Follett House, and will be 30 by 180 feet, with a cupola. - The track-layer8 were at the church near Druae'a, on Tuesday, and will nearly reach the north line of York to-moimw ; perhaps cross into Pittstield. -During the ruuaway of Dr. Macleau's horse on Saturday last he capsized Supervisor Foster andaou, daniaging theii' carriage to the eitent ol about f 20. - Ex-Mayor Kinne was registered at the St, James, Washington, on Suuday last. Looking after the postoflice : or so saya a "special" to the Free Presé. - Thomas H. Geer has sold his farm on the Ypsilanti road, to Lewia North and Mrs. H. H. Howe for $12,000, taking the Howe residence on Washington street at $4,500. - The jubilaiit eitizens of Milan gave the ofticers and employés of the Toledo and Aim Albor Eail roa d a diniier on Fridaylast: in relebration of the srrival of the engine. - The suit of üeorge Sutton, assiffnee of the Ann Arbor Trading Association, ts. George W. Hays, Rice A. Bea!, aud Jacob A. Polhemus, carne on for trial before a jurj' in tlie Superior Court, Detroit, on Wednesday. -Prof. Laugley will give a lecture upou Porcelain aud its Manufacture, for the benefit ot the Ladies' Library, at the reeidence oí Mis. Jaycox, Huron street, on Tuesday eveniüg, at 8 o'clock. Admission ten cents. All are cordially invitad. -The house of Mrs. W'iIIiam Watts, on Cross street, Ypsilanti, was buined between 3 and 4 o'elock on Saturday morning last. Cause, a defective fiue. Gontents nearly all saved. $1,000 iusuronce on house and $ (00 on furniture, in the Michigan State, of Adrinu. - Ou Saturday afteruoon laat while Dr. Maclean's horse aud buggy stood in 'front of Richard Glozier's -dowu the river- tli8 horae turnod suildeuly round, tipiied over the bugsy, throwiug out James Boyd, and made off tur huma witli the thills which wete iletached trom the carriage as it went over. - A special school district meeting has heen calleJ to be held at Ypsilanti this eveuiug: to autho'ize the school board to huiid a new school houte on the site of the oue roceutly, burned, and alo to authorize the purciiase of a site for a schoal house in the Fouith ward, and appropnate moneys for a school house thereon. - During Friday night last a man named Watson, who had been ut work for James M. Hill, in Scio, near this city, vamoosed the ranche, and with him went $40, uu overcoat aud suit of clothes, a silver watch and gold ehain, etc. He took the 2 o'clock a. m. train (Saturday) at the slation in this city, aud is supposed to be breathing the iree air of Canada. -During the present week 13 valuable sheep have been killed, by dogs, on the farm of Jamea J. Parshall just east of tuis city, oue of them a $75 ewe recently puvchaseit. As the owners ot the dog aio knowu, aud also their utter irresponsibility, Mr. Parshall will make a claim against the dog f und of Atin Arbor towu, to be oollected under Act No. 198 of the session laws of 1877. Mr. Parshall says that the dog are kept shut up in the day time and allowed to run at large nights. - A runaway with nearly fatal resulta occurred on Huron street on Friday morning laat. isix persons had just started for a visit to the University, wlieu some portions of the harneas gave way, the team became frightened, ran a short distante, tipped over the carriage, and threw the occupants all out. Mr. Itobert Squires was injured about the'head and face; Mrs. Squires had an aukle dislocated ; Mr. J. C. Gullen had a rib broken aud received other injuries : Andrew Hobart was seriously bruised, and Mrs. Hobart had her left arm broken. Grant Squirea, a lad ten years old, escaped with slight bruises. A number of the party reside in lngham Couuty.


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Michigan Argus