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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BeUte oi Wi Diana SchuitO. STAT SOP MICHIGAN, Couaty oí Wa-thtennn, _ s. At a neuion oí tlie Prolm'f ('omt for the oounty of Wfuhtennw, holden t the JProbute Oifiw in thedltjoi Ann Arbnr, mi Thui-wlny, the tweotyfifih d y o( April, n the voer onn thous;:nl eipht hundrodnnd aeventy-wtohi. Present, WiHiain D. Himiumn, .Tudeof Piobiilc, ïu the naat ter oí the ettateol vviiiinm Schulté, On rewilug and nlhgthtpétitfm, duly rorlfied, of Wilïittin V. Unan, Mteytag that a ortain inHtrument now on tile in thi.-. oourt, purporiin to bo thf lftttt will nnd testament oí Haía (íjchimí. m&y be iu1raitt4id to probñtb, .jl HihI fw mnvlw ppoinu-d exwitor tliercof. Thrreuimn it is nnlertsï that Mondny, the twentifth 'lay oí Hr ncxt, nt ten odoefi tu ihe forenoon, be aMigoed for tbe hearing oí said petMkm, nud that the devüees, Watee, and hcirn ut luw oí said deoeaMdi nn Ml other per eoint interested in said estHte. are ïfuired lo apptur ut u ononioTi oí wti'l Ooort, then to b holden ut Probate 'ne in tho nty f Ann Arbor, and show autH', if any there be, why the prAjftr of ti petitlonei dbould uut begrtfriied: Anl if i further ordered thut nid petitioner give Dotioetothe persona interest. in íhM eataU), pi the ueadanc; ( said petitiou, rul the hearuig tltaroof, bj oaudnga oopy of thi( order to bf publislied in the Mich ■ iffun Argtié, a newapApor printfl nnú i-irculutcfi in HAidcounty,thrie wpvkfl vrt-'v'(1'" to satd Ay óf ÏM'Hnnir. WllJ.lAM U. HAHKIMAN, (A trucopy l ja4fñ DÍ Probate. Vu, u. Doty. Probate Rtimcr. I684td Eatate of Henry Bowers. STATi; OF M1CFIGA.N. Contaftv of Washtcnttw, ?a. At h seeeiun of tha Probnt6 Court for tkeCuiinly Wanhttnaw. holden Bt the Office 10 the ÉÜtj of Auu Arbor, on Haturdar, the (wentit.b dj of April, i the y(ay on thotieiand eifjht hun tred and Hvvtnty-eiht. Pr ent, Wüliuni IJ. IlrtrriiDftii,JidKe of Probate. In tb matter ot eotatt uf ifenry Bowers, JflOÓMlOft Ou reading and Öiing the petition, auly verifld, of Hudaon Bowcih, prayiny thut John S. B'-wcraand Louis 8. Warner uiay be apnointtd ajjmin tvat-or of tbe Btat of said deceaaud. Thereupon it is ordrwi, that Monduy, tbe tTrcntieth day of Majr next, at n?n oVIck in the forenoon, be aMigced for th htiariu of naid petition,Hudthat tho heirs at law oi aid dectfiued, and all other persone interested Ín said estatt are required to nppear at a cesaion of nnid court, thinto lw holden at the Frobate Oölce in the citv of Ann Arbor, and show ouuhc, if any thre be, why the prayer of the petitiouer nliimld net bn gtunted: And tt ia further ordered, tut aaid iwtitioner give notice to th Icr8ons intereaied iti aid estáte, of the pendency ofttMtd pctiUon and the hwariDi? thereof, by cauMinga oopy oí this order tu be punlished in tbe Michigan Argv4, a newapaper printed and oircu Inted in aaid tounty, threO eucoeHÏve wueks pr? Tiüiifc tri suid day oï hearing. WïU.lAM J. HA1UÏIMAN, frueoupr.l Judjfp oí Probate. ; Hv 't. DoTT.Probut HEKi"t-:r. Í694td Kstatfi ot John George Liehuianii. STATF.ovmh EifüAK, County of ffaahtenaw; í. AtactaioD of tbe Probate Court for the Gounty ofWabtenaw, hulden at tbe Probate Office In thecitj of Aud Arbor, on Monda% ibetwenty8;coiid dav oi' Auril, iu the Faaí tbousRiid elfjbt buodred and seveiity-eighl. 1'rcM-m, WlHlam I. HWriuiao, Judof Probate. ín the matter ot tbo State oi Jdhtl (ioorge Jehuiaun, 'loceastd. On reading and tillngthr potltioD, dtilj ?erifiea,oi John i.tforji1 Si'hiimai'her, pr&rtng l-haí a Rertain iutruiueut dow on tile iu thia eourt, porporting to be the last wíl] and testament oi Baidpeo8 may be admltted u probate, and ihnt b aud Fredrick Ari niy bó appointea xecutors thereof. Xbereupon lt laonierêd, iai Mouday, the twantich day of May, nxt., ;it N.-n o'cloek in ! tbe foienoon, be a--.tKí!-fi Uut the. hearing of : w(3 p'-titiou, auil that the deylsees, legattwe, and !.. ir?, at Ihw of said dvoeasod hikI uil other pcraona Interestod Iu wtd otrtit, ;ire rcijuired to-appearat asesalou ofsald oourtthea to bcholdcual tüe Probate Üffififl in the city of Aun Ajrbor, ;iik1 -.Iniu cause, If any (bei he, why the praycr of pètftiouer shculd uot. be gnmtwl: Aii'l it i furthor "i-'.l'Tfd tliateaidpetitiouor give Dotie to the purns uit imii'i Iu Huid efïtjite, of th' pcudepcy of said jiiitiou and the hearing thereorrbyoáiung'a copy of:thle rii-r to be pubUshfffl iu the Michigan Argur, h newrtpaprr prTnted and circulated n said county, tb ren -t !■'■ sÍti wwk1 preVfoua to 6aid day of hoarDtp. WILLIAM HAKKIMAN, trujecocy) Judge of rrobat. Iotv. Probate Register. 1684 td BSTRACTS OF T1T1.E8. ' I " AU partietj who nrp dtwiroun tt HsrtrtniniiiK the coudition of the title t their land, or uartien who wich lo loan xnoney on rel estatü müI do well to ciiïl al th Bgiater8 nfflcö and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Haid bouku re bo fr advaucd tbat tbfi Register 'n furntph oi hort miticc a Perfect Statement as to the Title j ol nny parce! cf land in Wushtnaw County hp shown by the orlgtnal rcooidf. C. H. MANLY, Begieten JOTK-K : Tbeumiua! wicIídk 'i Utocktiolderfl of ih j Tulodo and Auu Arbor Uailroa-l Gotttpauy for tli - t'lection cf Directora of the eoinp&ny, will be helr 'at the office of tho coiupauy, over .the 8aiug ; Hauk, ia the eity of Ann Arbor, Miohigun, at 1 ; o'cloek a. ui,, 00 WeUnesduy, th(' 22d day oi May ! A. D. 1878. The polls will bê kopt open two houn ! The Btocfa tniu.sffir books will xs clOMd on th fbTtutb of May precedí uj;. Alaoibr. the transae Üon of öuch other businesa as nny properly oom h;fore that meeting. JHted, April 16,1878. JAMES M. ASHLKY, President Alkxandkr "W. Hamition, Secretary. niiWw MENS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS SCHOOL STTITS. JOE T. JACOBS APPLE TREES.- A flue tuck of flrat-clM tree - Bwn Davis, Buldwin, Kiug, Ktark Qrimr' Golden, Dominie, Northern Npy, Golden Runet, ltHiubo, Ohio Nonpariel, C'olvert, and othet approved sort, at low rate. Send thrie eeni stamp for deccriptive catalogue. R. Q. HANFOKD & SON, 1677 Columbua Nureery, Columba, Ohio. BOYS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. Tl 0U8E AND LOtItOR SALE. Located in a deairabta part of the city, and in (rood repair. Alno a house to rent on favorable torms. Inquire th Aboup office, er 22 THOMÜON STREKT. Ann Arbor, Maroh 14, 1878. 167Stf. Two ValuaWelonses FOK SALE, The iirupcrty belonoing to tic WELLES E8TATK sitaaUd on Dn'lSION STRKKT, t tbe beadoi AKN STREET, Bod tho property latei) ovnd Hiid bof oooupled hy Ai WUENM ANN, will bt koJd at -i VERY LOW PRIEE, AM' ON l.ONI, TIMi: 11 I'ISIMKD. Apply to 8. II. DOUUIiAK. A FULL LINÏÖF HATS and CAPS, JOE T. JACOBS. LEICF OF LIME REDUCEI). Ohio liiae wil] hereafter bo etold n wholesale ut my lime roomt in thia city, at 35 cent", hdiI Mohro lime t ín oentn por buahul. AIho for shIc a targe rtock of (inmd liapids Piaster, At jTice-s to uit tbfl t imH .. Aun Arbor, Febratry 20, 1878. J. fOLLANP. TAKM l'OR SALE. RARE CHANCE. The underuiirned lm íor sale a farm o 304 acres wt'll ïmproved, and with Bfl aorun of tbe best orchardin tn the county. Located withiu huif 11 mlle of rnUroad depot, with auother depot soon to bc oouted near. Thn tarm caa be eaily divided into one of 186 acre.s and another ol' 1 18 noren, em:b laving buildinn und orchard, A rea son ji blo pnyment down and balance on long time, Ann Arbor, February 7. 1878. 1673 OHAS. H. EIOiïMOND. VTOTICE! 1 herwby forUd 11 Mraons fvoin buyiug auy Notos rr ohligation! a;ainst me, as thoni is uo Contlderaion tor the mtme. Dated, IV'bruHry 15, 1878. 16706 CHKI.STIAN BTIKN. 110 ROSES MA1LED FREE FOR$1 Spb'iidid HiHortment of I'Unis seiit safely b' dxpreas or mail, any ditunce. Hatiafactiou fuuranteed. tíend three cnt stamp lor cata logue. Addreis. R. ti. HANFORD & S() . Columbus Nursery. Columbui, Ohio. New Goods GRAND OPENING -■_ SPRING GL0THIN& ! ATWm. Wagner's. SPRING STYLES INAND WURM to be made tö pMer at 21 South Main Street. COATS aadVESTS FOE LAEGE MEN. JOE T. JACOBS. WÊM COMPAM. Capital, - - ;{,MM,000. A8et Ju 1, 1N7I $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid iu M Yuare, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilitiet., including Re-Ineuranoe KeMerve, $4,735,092.86. iet Surplus over Liabilitie, nchiding i Re-lnsurance aud Capital StoóV, $1,735,092.86. ('. )l V K, A-tfenta Aun Vrhor. D. CKAMEK, Aiioriic) anti Counselor i I,av ! Will attend to collectionn and i-ttlpiuentH of ; ístatos, Make t a specinlty to keoji poatel on '. Il business matter, will borrow or lan uioncy t uny time or buy ood papei . Offli? oppoite Gregory House, Aun Arbor, Iicïi. 1iïfi7 tfin COATS and VESTS POE YOUTHS. JOE T. JACOBS. The OnePr!ce 'lotbiet . i A DOLLAR SAVED i IS A IMILLA K KA11NK ! O- - NEW GOODS í Andprte ■ i.hwi.i; thaN kveü. i I haré purchaeJ in NVw Voik, ttií lab, and , I am now daily receivinií one of the líirjjPHt and i mnt siíli'ct atóelo of örooeriea in 1 r.v : Cminty, consisting f a tul) mui wcll toleoti d LINE OF TEAS, AU of tlit' nw orojt - ileluli]Lr iMiiiun'ilrrt. Iiuperinla, Vonuf II - ■ons, !l suiis. J:i]Hiit. Oolonir, loriiinmtN, ('ouïoiik, Houvlionar, hikI l'willika] s, Tiietlifi wilt n flll óf COl'FEES, consitïng ot Iha lollowmi.' branda: MOf.'UA, OLD (iOVTJAVA.MAUACAIBO, LAHVAVHH.HANI TOSmid RIO, both roascd and l,to.iti. ; full ! imd weü aoleoted stoftk of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Togethél with evürythinsr in the line tr J-ure Spieën, Canned fruits. nod Vegstabiqa. T)ivea i ftill and ootnplet" une of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, GAP8, (iLOVES And llimicrr. Alno, n clioice Haorlment ,.i I,mli(' siuKicntlilinnV UndWWesr Cnll and tXBinini' Ooodsuiid I'iiri' ai.'l we will inNuruHütisfnrtimi. KIÍWARD ÜIFFV. 'MHyuiiurc lilrk, cor.Mnin nucí Aiin Btoef Ann Arbur Midi. IHigh( cneh pvic ptgd tor li trnn FURNITURE! J. KECK&CO., iAXUFACXri:l',l!S OK F U RMT UK E OF ALL DKSCIUPTIO.NS, Ar now (ireat IikIihoim.iUs l I'urehasers. BUYERS WfLI, SAVE MONEY HY BUYING TlHUi; , FUKN1TURE i IMreol f MHniifHCtnrrs i i Mainifaotüry, ooilher of iam jintl West Fourth Streète. ', i Salesrooms, 52 South Maiu Í and 4 West Liberty Streets, l Ann Arbor, Mich. ms RAILROADS. MMHHUxVmïUI. R,v,u SfOV. 11, 1817. :IjUláñ i. . A.MI'.M. T.77Detroit, ! . i 7 Wi )3S 4 r, ■'; ,,; '! '. T.Jlinntion. 7 [5 9 58 5 00 : WayneJiinctiuu J 4 lo i; 5 ! Ifpsilanti, i 8 10 10 Bi 6 'Hi 4 ï í :') Aun Ar!-'i, 9 30 1" 53 G SC . 1, 77' Dexter, 8 56 6 SS -, mTT' lw, "17 7 is ', 1, " :- GraMLuke, 9 1 7 :■:: P.M '- Jackaoi., 10 'JO IS IS 6 ; .,,, , Alljion, 11 04 12 53 - ; S'.!! MnmhRll, 11 S0 1 85 -j '! 7 g'JJ BáttleCrwk, 12 21 1 5S Y Slllh Öalwbarg, 12 65 8 52}Jji Blamazuo, 1 IJ 2 40 -I (m ,, ■. i:Lswtuu, 1 50 1 4., ' "';: ■ Decutur. 2 IS . ;, ot) : .'- Uowoikc. ; i 5 26 : Niks, ;; 1! 1 117 1; n, ijs Hiii'hatian, 8 23 .- o ï ,? I 'l'hrue OBk '! .V.' ; m JU N'-w Bnffulo, 4 uh 4 .",; 7 -ju ';" Michigan City., 4 M S 20 7 61 Lake, 5 Jj e 02 h 4ü ! ' I Kennngton, tl 03 6 50 9 10 Chicago, ni rivi, 6 55' 7 40 10 _OINOBA8T. 1 m i ï ; K 5 I _ _2_ iaa i 1 A.M. A. M. p. M. 'rV Ohlcugu, lav, 7 HO ! HO 343 ";l 1 KeQRiugton, 7 .'iO B SO i U , Luke, 8 40 10 28 .', Ui Michigan City, 9 Ï8 11 10 6 23 W-w Bnffuln, 9 I 1 1 .' ti 48 Tlirsv Ok. 1" 03 ' 7 1,7 Kuchimiin. 10 O 7 40 ll : Nile, 10 40 12 1Í 8 H Dowagiüc, 1 1 14 S 42 ."'I Uecatur. 1 1 S9 ft 08 :' Lawtoa, H 57; 'J Jl t „ " KalHmftziio, .lï5 1 'I in 11:1 7 I Galebrg, ■ TJ ó.'t . 7 02 ! Battle Cn-t-k. 1 32 S 17 m m J Marehal!, 2 26 3 00 p ! Albion, i W 8 21 ZZ ili'aï., Jackfon, 3 44 4 05 5 20 10 15 hS (irnis l.i, '„.■, I 08 5 is 1 C'hplHF.'l, (■- 6IÖH1.1 "" Deiter, 5 00 S30 11B " JMhi, ! 10 6 43 _ Ann Árbor, ñ 20 ■"■ lo ; co i; Gtddea, , 5 2S 705 " ViMJlniil:. , S 38 r, 24, 7 15 11 WuyneJun.-., r. K 6 46 7 40 12 G.T.Jnne., " 33 c, 1. 1, 45 1245 ! Detroit, Ar., . 4-i fi 00 í 40 loo. g 'Mundtive excepted. ïHaiurdfly ftnd Sncii-, oepted. JDaüy. H. B. LEDYABD, tíen'l Supt.,fe,.( H. O. Wbstwobth, Uen. li. AïL.Chiaji, niri'ROIT, HILLSDALEy SbÚU'H'wlSUTBRN IIA1LP.0AD. To tuke tffi-ot Nuv. U', 18;;. ooiso wpkt. ooaeuü IATIONB. Mui;. Bxp. -r. A. M. V. M. Ypgüanti.... Min 6:M '■■U SSfilinc. ... l:05 '■.:43 li,inli.,iv .;;. Bridgeirater.. 9;ii 6:68 HillstlHle ... ij s Uanoherter. l(:05 :2ü .Muchefl!M : f. m. Bridgev Sillaale 12:65 8:J6 Saline Kanker I:d7 ;i:;jj Vpnilunti.... ]Utt k) rrin run hy Chicago time. W. f. -PAKKER, Sop'l, T[iit , THE NEEDHAM Musical Gúlú w . ' I ■ ' ■ S TPIIIS new and wonderful Instrana 1 cnables any one, wliether tinfe standing music or not. to plavanrè sired raelody or harmoiiy, sacred ' secular, from the most plaintlvediigo ihe most lively dance nnisic. Itposseses n mechanism of marvelous siufcity, requiring but the intelligwice1 child to yet cíipableoítPducing, without Htnitítion, lio oWJ ompositions of the .l'TUKE. The cxecution is faulfe (riet n melody, haruiony and rhns uitl the instrument is eñunentlyswj for Sundaj Schools, prayer and B meetings, home devotional (MWW and in all cases wliere good, corrímusic is required, and no musicia" iit hand to peiforr.i. Addrcss, S. V. KEEDHAM SOS, MANUFACTtrRF.RS, ___.U4 145 U, 147 E. 33d 8t Jh 1NSIRK YOUR PROrKKTI U Tril THE OLD Insurance Agency (. Jf. MILLEN ll.niic 1 ii'-nraiK r . of x.v.. Mg Cotitlnenlal Ins. ( .... . V.. 1-W.' Klagara Pire Ins. f... JWJ (Jlrurd, or IMiila., ' "" J Oricm, ol Hartlonl, :i11 " üite a low as ny relinble Iusuvubm C'" Lo6a6 iH'oiuptly qJ houoriibly mljusi, THE GKKAT ENGLISH REM"1 GRAYS SPECIFIC EDIClW TRAOESK.,,,LriMy r"i jTaÍW oiUTütíiiJ'Hl as nu A Jtt '■■ -luntiliii(t'"refor &L# yflg. tfM. ('aöt'8 tlittt lolluw BijÉ Befbre TaldngE.IFSAfter Wg BX.ÜKivEEBAiLAaarttJUB, Pais I!íy"eB,íSiJr SjdSKiit Visws, I'Kf.MAri'iiK Ol.u A-t-"mt(:j otheriliH.'usest.lmt londtii Inwnltf, "fS, imd a frematun Orave, uil ol wbii'h "J „,■ I 6rètcatued l neviatiiiK trom i"" !?,■! and ovt-r iniluiu-tmi'ö. ri. S..H-itli' MMBult of a lite study and many yeam ' encc in tri'nting thcee iwial . . Jf I-ull particuluni inoar pmpblt, "" ir.' to -ml fre li nt;iil lo every one. jsi The Speciflc Medicine ia boW by ill „tC', $1 per lïiickatjf, or six packages fr v'.jifliï sent by mail on recflipt of the nioniT 'T Jfl THK (AtAY MKÜlCI.Myj,.i 11Í74 No 10 Mechnnies' Blwk, I''L,, iN -KS-Sold in Ann Arhor ly K'uerbaoC by uil (lrugjiatB everywbere. - - NAT S Gretchoetia'fl5S in everj' I""1 0Jrt .; tionit for tbe laiyet, cheapi'st nio „„e cöi1 faiuily publieation in the world. ADíM1tB mine ■ MooaaafDl ascont. Tlie "ltHtTi 7i)ri B , of art given iree to iibwrinerii. 1 " [„, ü low iliat ulmosi cvorybody , p n-iions inakiHg over 150 in a ' ,rreports takin over -100 subscribei '" jn jeni' A.11 who rngage make money " Mlir (I II roiir time to Ihc; buiineiw, or onlj _) ,„# [me. You need not be way from L"rl!ucuei, Votl cim do it n wdl as othP. V"' jipen-"' lirection and tenns free. Elegant vtt utflt free. If you want profltablo ' „j addrern t once. It oot ! J'k f'! lunlnem. Ko oue who cnfraire f'l l" ,'. rortli lay. Addresa, " The People'n Joiirn'. )5jS Maine. itö.Wnt Pears, buddcd o" g-SIa.Jti!; tocks. ' Duohco' d'Augouleme. J1: ,V pori; iowd!, Buffüm, Vicar of Hinkt tnJ'8 io.isrock, Beune d'Anjou, ""tlett,'U"iDe, C"P; ner, Lawrence, Bolodood, Brandy ,, j 'avorite, and otlier approved Mrw.


Old News
Michigan Argus