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- We have the last four paits- 61-64 - oi Zelfs Popular Encyclopedia and Universal J)ictionary. These numbers carry the body of the work trom Tennessee (in supplement) to Zumbro - the latter being the name of a township in Minueaota. Among the more uoticeable tópica treateil nr; : Thermometer (under wlnoh is "a table giving the conversión ut Centigrade degreas into their Itoaiuur and Fabrenheit representativos, for temperaturas ranging between the freezing point of mercury and au appruuch to the meltiug point of tin"), Unitarian, United States of America, Uuiversalists, University, Utah, Uudulatory Theory of Light, Van Diemen's Land, Venezuela, Venice, Veruiont, Verdi, Vernet, Vessels (armored), Vic'or Emmanuel, Victoria, Vieuua, Vincent de Paul, Viuci Leonardo de, Virginia, Voice, Volcano, Voltaire, Velocity of Light, Vértigo, Walleusteiu, Washington (Ueorge, city, and territory), Watch, Water, Webster (Daniel unrt Noah), Weights and Mensures, Welliuglon, Wesley John, West Virginiu, Wheat, Wootl Kugraving, Wool, Wyounug, Westminster Abbey, Wind, Wine, Yale College, Yedo, Yellow Kever, Yoüow Stone National Park, Zluo, Zoology, and Zietrope. Zeil is what it claims to be, a cúmplete biographical and detiiiiug dictioiuuï aml goographical gazetteer, lts mapa are large and Une, mul accomxanied by convHiiii ut nidexes, and at the close is "a pronouuciUK vucabulury ot Kuglish and proper iiHine, etc, charactericii by orthoepic peculiarities or difüculties." No better investiuent ot $37. ;U eau be made thau by putting Zoll into your library. Kuch member of the tamily will liini occasion for alrnost daily refereuce to it. Other Cyclopedin give more elabórate articles on scieutific and hislorical subjects, aiid ruller biographical sketches, but "II givos the keruel and puts the aearcher on the track of fuller intormatiou. L. Colange, LL D., editor. Baker, Davis A Co, pubiishers, Philadelphia. - The May number of the American Agrtculturist is t'uEl of both good and sea-sonablo matter, for the farmer, gardener, horticulturist, or florist, practical aud amateur. The depurtroeuts blocking out the "Work for the Mouth" are very suggestive, the leadiug articles instructive, aud the iunumerable paragraphs just to the poiut. The text is illustrated by same 70 well executed eugrariugs. (1.60 a year. Orange Judd Company, New York. - We have No. 4 of the Vamphlet Mission, with a discourso by Rev. M. J. Savage on " Hovr was the world made 't " Kvolution solvea the mystery. Also No. 5, with a sermón by liev. James Freeuiau Clarke ou "One God4 the Father." Kch number has the usual pages of "Notes aud News," giving the reader a good idea of what the "Liberáis" are doiug au well as thinking. $1.50 a year, semi-mouthly. Francés L. Koberts, Chicago, business agent. We tailed to receive numbers 2 and 3. NEW ; ADVTISEMENTS Order your NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, &c. AT THE ARGUS OFFICE ! Yon can get them put up in Hodder's Blotter Tablet First-Class Papers AND BOTTOM PRICES. ICE ICE! ICËÏ Wc will furoish ice for the Beoson of 1878 at the ollowing prices : Tlireo linies a week, per month ? . Four " 2.3O Mx " " " " " 3.OÜ Ah wö hiivt uu oppmtunity to uell all the ice uot Ki'il.-d by tn customers in thia city, we will only eceive orden for ice until June 16, 1878. Conracting parties need uot oommence takine until be desiia to, but must uuntragt for it before the bove date. J. WM. IIA.;STKKFKU ie CO. itttwS A lot of (II HOMOS for sale for what they will bring! W1NSL0W & McMILLAN Plvtures, l'riiii, Brackets, Ac, VloHun, Uultara, and Siringa. Scroll bawiu;, turning, and general repairing one ou short notice. 30 East Huron 8t., Ann Arbor. iesètft 311?. M. GOLDMAX, Wbbes to state thai hefaoow located at. No. 170 Michigan Avenue, lti' rolt, wiu' re can Rlways b6 found a fu 11 and complete slo -k ot' HUMAN HAÏR 0001)8, of all Ofiuiriptioiis, to wbich ihe attent ton of the !n'iir 'm oepecially lUTltcd. #t Combine rooted and wrkM up in overy style, hy a ticw anü superior piofess, for 50 cents er ounrr. La'lies' and genta' wiga made to order on short notice. Orden by mail Bollclted inl will recelve prompt altentiou. Ladtea1 tod geDts1 cast off garmeata and weaxiog a p parel taken in exebaoge. MY Motto: Satisfactlon in prfceand quallty or no pny. M. COl.DMAX. 170 Michigan Avenue, Detroit N. lï. - [r. üoldniaD has hftd nnluniU-d expeiience ín the human lialr business lor over 1 jreatfl. (UVE HIM A TRIAL. 17VERYB0DY KNOWS THAT Cloekw, Wat ches, Jewelry, and Silver Wnre are enernliy bought on lonjr time, hut the cash buyer bus an advttnlngc over the long-tune purchanerof l'rotn 15 to 25 yer cent. Ah 1 of our L;oods ure boulit and Hold for oah, we give uur cutomers the bt'ni'tlt of it. AIhu beur in mind that good%in thia line Have fallen fully 25 per cent. during thn pHHt year, but as our croods are all of recent mirchaae you get uil Lhe beneflts of it. You would be uutoniehedto seehow chcap we me selHng Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, but tbe way to liml out is to cali in and tuke a look at them. Kemember we keep The Largeat Stock of Spectacles in the Count.y. Alao a large stock of Silver Plated Knivea sülling at burgains. BT Reptiiring, na uaunl, neatly nnd promptly done Htretuonable rats at the olu stand, No. 11 South Main Street. C. BLISS & SON. Agents. 1634m:i Estáte of Evlin Shepard. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Cooaty ofWashtouaw, ss. At a sesión of the Probate "ourt for the County of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. in the city of Anti AHor, on rhiirsiay, the seconc. day of May, in the yoar one tliousand eight hundrinl and scvonty-cibt. Preaent, Wllliam I. llaninian, Judoof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Evlin Shepurd, decea.sed. On rcading and til in-.; (lic petition, duly verifïcd, of Lovatus C. Allen, pn&ying that lic may hc {- oensod tiO seli th1 real etatc wheruof siiid dcceasitü died H-irti. ïhereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the first day of June QfiXt, at ten o'cloclc iu ihc assigned for theheariog of said DÓUtlon, and that tho devisees, leñatees, and hei rs at law of üaid deceasil, and all other perrons interested ín said estáte, are required to appear at a Hession of saiil COurt, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aod Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why the prayer of the petitioiter should not be i;rauted: And it is furthcr ordered, that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested ín said estáte, of the pendency oí said petition and the hearing thereoi, by eaofllng a copy of tbia order to bu published in the Michigan Aryus, ;i newspaper priuted and circulated Ín said county, four sucecssive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM V. HARRIMAN, [A truc copy .1 Judje of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 16S5td Estáte of Abram Davenport. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw, as. At a session of the Irobnte Conrt for the County of Wanhtenaw, holden at the 'róbate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twentyuinth duy of April, Ín the yetir one thousand eis'ht hundred and aeventy-eight. Present, Wtlliam I). Harriman, Jude of Probate. In the matter of the of Abram Davenport, deceased. Alfred DaTtnport, administrator. of aid estáte, comes into court and ropresents that he is now prepared to render )i is final account txs auch adminititrator. Tbereupon it U ordered ,that Saturday, the twentyfifth day of May uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he ISfllgaed for cxainining and allowing SU0 account, and that the heirs at law of iaid deceased, and all othcr persons lotorestod in sail estáte, are reouirciï to appear at a session of said Court, theu to be holden u.r the Probate OffiOfl in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show oauseifany there be, why the said account should not be alrwt'd : Am! it is furthcr ordered that said admfnistrator givn notice to the persons interested in said cstat, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereoi', by eausing a copy of this order to be publishetl in the Miciiia.v A&0U8, a newspaper printcd andcirculatingin said county, threo sucocssive veelcs provlous t saiil dav of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIM N (A true oopyO JiMÏgfl of Probate. Wh. G. Doty, ['róbate Register, 1685td Estáte í f John Avery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washteniiw, ïs. At a Hi-.iim ui the Pruimt" Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tliirtieth day of April, in the year one thouaaud eiffht hundrcd and Hoventy-eight. Present, WillUm I). Hairim;in, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the est'ite of John Avory, deoaased. On reading and filing the petition duly verified of George Avery, praying that partitioa ruay be made of the rèal estáte whereof Haid deceatted dicd !i:i.i''i, among the heirsat law of smd deceased. Thereupon it in ordered, that Tuenday, the tweuuty-eifílith day of May next, at ten o'clock in the iorcnoon, be aasirned lor the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs ut law of said deceased, and uil other persons intereated in Baid ostate, are required to appear at a stïsmon of aaid court, then to be holden at the Prohate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if aay there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ohould not be granted : And it ia lurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the perrons interested in said estáte, of the pcndenoy of said petition and the heArinfr thereof, by caueinc a copy of thiti order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in aaid county, tbrty successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D HAKR1MAN, fA true copy.) Jude of Probate Wx. O. Doty, Probate Register. lGSö Estáte of Sarah Iugalls. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waphtenuw sa. At a acBsion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtonaw, holden at the Probate Of nee in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Tueaday, the tbirtieth day of April, in the yoar one tlious and eight hundred and soventy-eight. Present, WitliaraD. H arriman, Judge of Probate In the matter ot the estáte of Sarah IngallH deceased. On readinp andflling the petition, duly verified of John .V. Üolt, iiu; in-j; that he mar be Hcenset tu si' 11 the real estáte wíicreof said deceased diei POllifl Thereupon it ia ordored, tliat Suturday, the firat day of June next, at tun o'cluck in the foren oon, be assigned for the hearing ot said petition, and that the de visees, legatees, and heirs as law of said deceaiied, and all other perons intereated in eaid eatüte, are required to ap pcar ut a cshídh of fond Cour!, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cau&e, il any there, why the prayor of the petitioncr shoutd not be granted: And it isfurther ordered that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons intereated in baid eetute, of the pendency ol aaid pctition, and the heanng thereof , by catisin? a copy of this order to be published in the Micu'gan Argu, a new-ipaper printed and circulated in suid eountyt four BUcooysive veeks previoua to said day 01 hearing. WILLIAM D HAKRIMAN, (A true copy.) Juige of Probate. William O", DOTT, Probate Registor. l(85td Estáte of Henry Do Pew.. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wab.te. 3 naw, bh. Notice is hereby given, Miatby uu order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtemw, made on the thirtieth day uf April, A [. 1878, aix montha from that date werü allowod 'or creditors to pieaent their olaimB against the estáte of Henry Ie Pew, late of snid county, leceaaed, and that all creditora of said deceanud ruquired to present their claims to said Proate Court, nt the Probate otfieo in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinution and allowunce, on or )efore the ihirtitth day of October next, and hat auch ctaimtt will be henrd befure auid Court, on Tueaday, the thirtieth day of July, and on Wednesday the thirtieth day of October next, at en o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 30, A. D. 1878 WILLIAM Ü, HAUltlMAN, I685w4 Judge of frobate. 0 COUGH, COLD, mJPnf! Or Sore Throat HpSÉÉf BvbT Fn-ii'intts CfJWÖ IMMEDIATEATTENTIOX A continuanoe for any Irntrili of line, cause irrttatlou of the F imiïv or lome clironic Throat affectiou ieglect .ott.ntiiot's reBults in .soine incurnblu I.unj,diacase. ' Brown'n Iliom liinl Troches lave provfld their etticncy, by a test of rnnny yern, nd will ulmost invHriHbly gire iminediate relief. Obtain only Ilruun'a 'Bronchiiil Troches, ftnd do nut tuke any of the worthleH imiationa tlnit muy be offered. H0Sra4 PEICF OF LIME REDUCED. Uliio lime will bereafter be uold ut wholesale at my lime room, in tliis city, at 35 (■nis, and Munoe lime at SOcente per bushul. Also for shIo & large stoelt of Grand Kapids Piaster, At prices to Buit the times. Aun Albor, February 20, 1878. J. HOLLAND. New Goods GRAND OPENING -OF- SPEII CLÖTHIf! - ATWm. Wagner's. SPRING STYLES IX CASSIMEIIES AND WÖRSTËDS to l)e made to order at 21 South Main Street. COA.TS and VESTS FOE LARGE MEN. JOE T. JACOBS. INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 187ü, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Loases Paid n 55 Yeare, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incliiding' Jio-Insurnnce Reserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 36. iet Surplus over Liabilities, including lto -Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Aeeótj Anti Arbor. D. 0RAMER, Attorncy and Counselor at'ill attend to eoilectiond and settloments of Cstatt'H. Makcs i u tpecialty to keep posted on il business uititterit. Will borrow or losin money t ttny time or biiy f?ood paper. Offico opposite ïivguiy House, Ana Arbor, Mich. 1ÖC7 6m COATS and VESTS F0R Y0UTHS. JOE T. JACOBS. TUo Uue-Prlcc Clotbier. A DOLLAR SAVED I IS A DOLLAR KARNKD ! o NEW GOODS! And prioes LOWER THAN SVER. I huve purchased in New York, for cash, and I ara now dnity receivins: one of the largest and laoat select stocks oí Orooeries iti Wnshletiaw Oounty, contíistiuij oí u full mui well selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of tlie new erop - including Suupowders, Imperial, Vouna " - NiuiN, Hysons, .1 apanu, Oolongs, lur■notan, Oon;oU8i s.uu lionas, l'v;tilK.ij s, Touether with a full line of COFFEK8, consistïng of the followinj branda: MOC1IA., OLD OOV'T JAVA.MAKACAIUO, LAGUAYKE.9ANTOS and RIO, both rnnsted and ground ; s full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinR in the line cf Pare 8piccB,Canned fruits. and Vegetables. We have a full aud complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a chotee nosortment of Ludies' and Oentlemen'a Underwear. Cali and examine Ooods and Priceti and we will insure aatüfaution. KDWARD DUFFY. " Muynard'e Bíock," cor.Miu and Ann strects Ann Arbor, Mich, K7"Hisrhest casli price paid for all farm produce, "ta FURNITURE! J. KECK & CO., toANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Are now OHitIm Great Indiiceiiiciilg to Pnrehft.sers. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FURNITURE Direct ir the Manufacturera Manufactory, corner of William and West Fourth Streets. Salesrooms, 52 Soutli Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. im RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CKNTKAI, líAIl.i;,),,, NOV. U, 1K77. aOIHO WKhT. w g . y. s HTATIONS. = J L■ - E _ . i_Ut_4)ïu A. M. A.M P.M. p ,, T ""- Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 5 4 46 ■] ,■?'.' G. T.Junction, T 15 9 55 5 00 i Sr.1! Wayne Junclion 7 4ö 10 17 5 32 !51 Ypsilanti, 8 10 10 35 6 00 ' jï '■ Geddes, 8 15 6 ir, -LU ' Uot Ann Arbor, 8 S0 10 53 (i SO ■ TT ""-- Ielhi, 8 44 6 43 __ '" H II Deiter, 8 5fi 6 58 5 rö Tí "" ClieUea, 9 17 - 7 ( su sÍ!- Grasa Lake, 9 51 7 3a s 34 9 1,', - ■ P.M , ' Jackson, i 10 20 12 15 8 00 c 30 o i Albion, 1104 12 53 0 ' 7 II in S B Marshall, 1150 1 36 - 7 0)11 S' ' M Biittle Crcok, 12 -21 1 5S ?■ g 18 11 .. UBle-burK, 12 55 L- 8 M !j Kalamazoo, 1 1 15 2 40 4 m 9 u i.;ï:. Lawton, 1 6G 4 4 "'H Uecutur, 1 2 15 5 00 1 ïï - Uowagiuc, 2 41 5 26 „ - Nile, I 3 11 4 (17 6 10 2BuchaDan, 1 3 23 1 6 25 ÍH t;l Three Uaks : 3 52 1 7 02 i New Buffalo, 4 08 4 57 7 20 5 '- Michigan Cily, 4 40 5 20 7 Mi . , ? - Lake, 5 2 6 02 8 40 o,'" Kensington, 6 03 6 50 9 10 sk 5' Chicago, arrive, I 6 66 7 40110 jk, OOI HO SAST. _?_ _LLËi!oa_ ( A.M. A. M. I'. M. f r Chicogo, leave, I 7 00 9 00 3 45 ,1 Kennington, 7 50 9 50 4 35 5 J Lake, 8 40 10 28 5 23 ' ,ÏÏ.JJ Michigan City, 9 28 11 10; 6 23, New Buffalo, 9 48 11 26! 6 481 -1_ Three Oaka, 10 03 7 07. Buchanan, 10 :J3 ' 7 40 'l Nilea, 10 45 12 10 8 14 uiT: DowBginc, 1116 8 42 -Z,5 Decatur, 11 S9l 9 08 5 Lawton, 11 57 9 24a. m ' Kalamazrjo, 12 35 104 10 00 7 00 lost Tí Galesburg, 12 55 ; . 7 J3 5" Battle Creek, 1 32 2 17 m m 8 o3 „ „ j Marshall, 2 25 j 3 00 = 8 40 11j;7 Albion, IOS S 2Í 7Z. 9 10 ?' 1, Jacknon, ■ 3 45 4 05 5 20 1(1 1; 1 Gras Lake, 4 08 5 48 10 38 Chelnea, 4 40 - 6 15 11 00 Dexter, 5 00 - - 6 30 11 15 Delhi, 6 10 ! 6 43 Aun Arbor, 5 20 5 10 7 ('0 11 35 in ., Geddes, 5 28 7 05 Ypsilanti. 6 38 S 24 7 15 11 55 JJ Wnyne June, ' 6 02 5 45 7 4(1 12 15 2 48 lu G. T. June, ! 6 33 6 15 8 25 12 45 S &) I; Detroit, Ar., i B 45 6 30. 8 40, 1 00 S 35 sl( Bundaya excepted. IHaturday and HundsTsi oepted. tDaily. H.B. LEDYARD, Gen'18upt..Dtwi' H. C. Wüntwoiith, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicigo. DETEOIT, HILLSÜALE AND SOUTHWE8TERN EAILROAD. To take effect Nov. 11, 1877. OOINO WEST. GOIMQ liR. STATIONS. Mali. Exp. 8TATIONB. ) u YpHilantl .... 8: 10 6:05 " I '■ . Saline 9:05 6:43 Bankers S:OS K Bridprewatcr.. 9:25 (:!M Uillsdale ... 6:i til Manchester. 10:05 7:20 Manchester., lítdi tí r. m. I Bridgewater 10:30 ):ï Hillsdale 12:55 9:95 i Saline 11:1 tü Bankers 1:07 9:35 Ypsilanti.... 11:15 H Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Tpáluti. , THE NEEDHAM Musical Catinet :íi;aíI ï il f ï TH IS new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether understanding music or not, to sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintivedirgeto the most lively dance music. It posscsses a mechanism of marvelous simpli' city, requiring but the intelügence oí a child to manipúlate, yetcapableof reproducing, without limitation, the musical compositions of the past, presen'T anil FUTURE. The execution is faultless, : Irict in melody, harmony and rhytta, and the instrument is emincntly adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revi meetings, home devotional excretes, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musiciari isat hand to perform. Address, B. V. NEEDHAItt & SOlt, MA.NUFACTURERS, 113, 115 & 147 E. 23a St., New Tori ' INSLRE TOUR PKOPERTÏ WITII TitE OLD Insurance Agency OF C. H. KILLEN. Home Insiirnnce Co. of A5setiX.V., 9C,000,OÖ Continenlal Ins. Co., N. Y., S.OM.WX1 Niágara Pire Ins. Co., 1 ,M0 tílrard, of Phila., 1,000,000 Orieai, oi Hartford, J0O,0W Hates as low as any rcliablc Insurance ComP1" Loases promptly and honornbly adjuatedl THE GItEAT ENGLISH REMEDÉ (JRAYS SPECIF1C MEDICISÏ TRADEMARK.lB e5pscift„T ,._ TRADÉ Mm, ._ TLunfnilingrurefor Mt J W' flpKMiNAi, Jppf 3[ fk?3p KItHEA, lMTOTEN "W iJL eaaes thni follow ijk, ,tí?SiC lls a seque nee on"Ss5 BeforeTaMngSUMMo-After TakingBI, Universal Iaksixüie, Pain inthe Bacé.-J" KEÜB OK VlSIOM, I'KKMATi:itE OLU AOE, H" " . ' otherdiwasesthat lendto Insanity, ConnainF" and a Prematnre Grnve, 11 of which as '""„„ firet cnused b OeviatinK from the pnth oí n' and over induiscncc. The Bpeciflc HdWi!ïï result of a lifd study and many years of CÏI ence in treating tlicse special discaaes. j,. Fuli particulur in our painpbleti, whien w sire to acnd fre by mail to cvcry onc. . . ,t The Speciflc Medicino in sold by all IruggJli( $1 per packngo, or six packa?es for '"f-Vju sent by mail on recsipt of the money t'V iore THE OKAY MEDICINE l. )- . K,74 No 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit j -8old in Ann Aibnr by Kborbach 4 son, by all druggists everywhere. MAa ■& Great chance to mnke wobW finT T] v„u can't git gold ym tionsfoTthelargest.cheapcst and beet '"'"'„j,. fiimily publicHtion in the world. Adv one.crfflv! come a aucceasful ajjent. The most t'eK"n' ■ of art sivcn free to subscribers. The ?rlMDt ow that almost everybody ubsoribes. ü ! w , reporta makinj; over $150 in ft week. A laoy f report taking over 400 suliscribers in ten w All who pngage mako money fant. You can "" ,e all your time to the businow, or only J" ,_ht. time. You need not be away from home ovei Yon can do it as well as other. Full P"!33 directions and terms frec. Kleeantand exp outflt free. If you want profltable work (] your address at once. It costs nothinü t st business. No one who en?aires fails to "'"'.„a, Say. Addrew, "The Peoplo's Journal,' lm"Mt [aine. OArk WUk Fimt-clasa, one-year-oW 'i, A)f3VW Pears, budded on blsti,iJry. tocks. Duches' d'Angouleme, L. B. " De Howell, BuSum, Vicar of vnküeld, "" 'suO. BouBnock, Beurre d'Aujou, Bartlett.Osbanii ,f nier, Lawrence, Bolodgood, Brandywine, Favorite, and other approved sorta. 1 riew, í hundred. Boxeo and packing snIi R. tí. HANFORD SOi,lbw. 1077 Nuraerv, Columbu, ""'


Old News
Michigan Argus