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Heap of raiu duritig the week. _-Tlie farmers want drj' weather. - C. A. Chapín is home trom Washington. - He wasn't appointed posr.master of thia city- And snys the President isn't better than a gooden m.m. - That is tho way disappointed candidatos jreapt to exp.iess tlieir feehngs. - The re-appoiutmeut of Postmaster Clark bas not yet heen otïioially niinoimced. - Was n't that supper at Hangsterfer's pre5 Hiaturely eaten '! It was significant, however. - Con rressman Willits iü expectod in town I o a day or '%vo' aII(' a .ïeiiuine love-feast is an(icipateil. „-That lot pony of Jude Cooley'a has been recovered. Wiilimn I'uul, of Lima, had t,keii her up - There me alilit irest in tlus vicinity on jlonJny mnriiinp;, hut we Iwar of ño injury to iniits or flowers. _örii:l JI tiT iftompsbn, of Plint, his [B„6 i a Sisp 'nsation for the estahüshment ot' jnOJd Ftíllovv'a LodgO at Mooreville. _ The Manchester Enterprise : "U is whispereii that there is talk of consolidation of ,he D. H. & S. W. and Fort VVayne Railroad.'-" --The traok-Iayers roached the Ypsilauti ,il Saline gravel road yesterday, and there is jgap of lesa thaa a mile at the State line near Toledo. - The barn of Fred Staebler, :tt the forks of West Iiuron street, was struck by lightning „i, YVednesday moniing. Dauiage from ïlO lo Í15. I- At Ypsilauti on Sunday afternoon last tde pólice made a raid on a gamblin house, ,nd gobbled up flfteen or twenty eolored men ,nd boys. - Clark Comwell, of Yp.silanti, was elected Treasurer of the State Firemen's Association, it the aimual meeting held last week at jackson. - Jerouie Murray, of Toledo, will address ihe Reform Club on Sunday áfternoou next, at the Opera House. He is a rattler. Go and keur liini. - Mr. Holdeu, of the Post and Tribune, has loen spenJing somo days ia this city : the guest of Prof. Tyler. H lef t on Wedneaday lor Chioago. - Joseph D. Marsh, landlord of the Barton House, Ypsilauti, has been convicted on a charge of selling liqnor on Sunday, and fined 25 and costs. -John Anderson, one of the earliest settlers jj this city aud brothor ot ex-Shenrï Anderson, died at Fentou on the Ttti inst, while at dinuer, igad 78 years. - A meeting ia to be held at Firemeu'e Hall nthe Fifth wavd to-morrow evening, to make ïrrangements for the observance of Decoralion Day,- May 00. - (ieorge Blisa, son oí VV. W. Bliss, went a íshiují on Jb'nday last aud caught a black bass lOiiuhss long, in wlnch a tape-worm about 0 {eet long was found. - United Stateá Commissioner Davison, ji Detioit. w.ts ii toivn on Monday. D:riu? jraduated from tlis Litfej-afy Department ot tbe Univeraity in 1801. - Supervisor Gregory of the Third and rourtli vvards irutkes i-eturn ot births and . fot the ye:il as tolluws : liirths, 46; deaths, 21. A healthy shonüljt. -James M. Fonytb, of Ypsilauti, fjr a loog torra deputy-sheriif, has liled his resigiiutiou. He is a júftioe of the peace huw and .viil sue iutead ot Sdrve processes. - The (Jommon Councii of Mancheetor has IiWed tilt; cousiileratioii tii the bouds ot' saloon s, druggista, mul other persous selling Utors, at f 1.U.H1, - u rcfluction ot oue-h;'!f. - To-monuvv, ut 10 oYlook a. m. A. J. Bach"Z, fid'uilúistrtt'or ut the entufe of the lile Louis R. Biichoz, uil! srll tiie prersonal yroaeity of the deceaiwd at m.itlon, ut tlie toraerot Detroit niii Xcitb sheets. -130: that is tlie nuuvtfer'of doga in the Fii9f and Set-oinl wmis. ;is asseseed bv Super(ir Krapf,- oiily ■'. of them neinij iemale to9. Mr. Krapf s.iys that the innocent are teiug ir-fiy sloughCerett to ave payiug the hl. Supervisor Krapf furnishes us the fnllowini; stttiafics ïor the First ml Sgik1 wurds: ffirths- males, :'l ; tamalea, 21; totiil, 56. Darhs- males, 14: ícnviles, IS: t"tU, 'M. Liikistodo military duty, ;;si - That soit ngüiiKt rboiim (Jarroll, whose Jog it was charjied killed several sheep betagiuí to Jamea J. l'arsliall, as heretofore etonioled ia the Aeous, resulted in a udgment in favor of Parshill for $28.40, costs iuladed. -Uu Weduesday, Maitm Clarlc, groeor and bker, at. the " Arcade," made an asaignneutto OeorgeW. Moore. Liabilities approach 12,000, assets not yet made public. Mr. Clark flis been in buainesa here some twenty yf'ars ormore and we refrrot the necesaity for chvoaliüng his misfortune. -Tho new Coinmon Cojlncil of Ypailauti ■leid its firat session on Monday eveniug and Hected the following officers : Clerk, Flank Joslin; Marshal, D. VT. Thompson ; Treasurer, Frank P. Bogardus ; Attorney, E lward P. illen; Physician, Eiward Batwell, M. D ; Su■irintendent of the Poor, Pnnce Bennett. -Hurón Fire Company (Fitth ward) has fte following new officers: Foreman, Martin H. Seabolt ; Ut Assistant, Aloazo Gretton ; üAsst, Thomas Bailey ; 3d Asst, Stephen ïoora; Secratary, N. D. Gates; Treasurer, 3i S. Manly ; Steward, Albert Williams ; i'ipemen, Messrs. Farmer, Millen and King. -We invite attentiou to the card of Gov. ishley in another column. The Governor does otdemand payment on auy note not due, l;it announces his williugness to receive. The 'ork has been pushed with such euergy that Heöovernor foels a right to liberal treatment, Specially where it wil! not incouvenience subribers. -This is how Bro. Woodraff, of tha Ypaii'i Sentinel, tries to steal our railroad : " In "ewdays tlie Toledo branoh ot the liillsdale "'i will be counecteii with the mam line, twoen hei-e and Saliue. It is expected that 'plugwiil be immediately added to tap Aun Anwr. Shall not something be doue to celesta the unction." -Gov. Ashley, President of the Toledo and Qn Arbor Railroad Company, was digposed "'lócate the car and repair shops m tlns city ""judging by the prices asked him tor the e unsecured right of way, he concludes Uhe uecessary land would cost too much N will prohably place them at Toledo. Are autour iaud-owners makmg a serious raistako Y At a meeting of the Building Committee lto un Monday last it was decided that the 'Court House must come immediately down "rl removed, aiul proposals have been ïn"'1 for the purchise oí the same, buis to be "iïed by E. Lawrence, chairroan, up to íuuday next. Messrs Lmvrence and Mead fe authorized to reut rooms for the J udge " "robate's and Treaaurer's offices, aad ar""gsments will have to be made for the ac''Omodatiou o[ tlie next two terms of the Cumt C,urt. "The followiiig appgiutmentB have beeu y& from the gvaduatmg claas of the High "Ooi, for the closing exercises of the curyear, Juue 21, at 10 o'clock a. m : E. L. e Au Arbor ; Mittie M. Curtís, Sagiuaw '■'"J' ; A. 41. Uelston, Aun ArDor ; E. F. Mack, " Arbor; J. J. A. Murphy, Lyous, III.; F. ■ rtridge, Flint ; T. W. Sargent, Piketon, ■i -Me Smith, Charlotte ; Almira Suttou, j lril'Beld ; Lcdorsca A. Swift, Alm Arbor ; nnie Sweetser, Port Huron ; A. N. Taylor, "! ; Mattie Tenny, Ann Arbor ; E. E. "". Miller's Corners, N. Y.; Erma Willson, W Huron ; F. L. Yort, Dentón.


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