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- yevaral lmil-storms Inst Friday. - See the new ndvertiaemeni of Mark fe Schmid. --Thesalaiy ot the Marehal oi Doxter has hoen fixed at $ö() a yenr and fees. -Frank Whitiag, of Saliue, has removed tu Tecuüiseh : to run the Merchmits' Hotel. - Kev. C. H. BiiRhan: has )ilU hia rasignatiuii as meuilwi of the State B:nrd of Health. -The new Boanl oi' Healtli has organizad by electing Dr. Khj preaident and E. B. Gid!ey secretary. -Out of the wooiIb : I'ostmaster Clavk weut through the .Sonate ou Friday lust -oonlirmed without oppositio. - Tliat üre alatm on unuay inoiinujj was ou3wl by a burniiu' chimncy nt Ihe house of tjiwrenco Xobla ou State Btreet. -The puichasoi'H .■inmoiirr I tearing down the old Coint House early Tuesd&y moruiug. Tlio briok will go into the nv huildiug. -Supervisor Poster, of the towii of Ann Arbor, reporta tor 1877 : Births, 30; deatliH, 17. Also 130 dOfis owubd in town -Abe Hawkins suya tliut lie turob 1 the ball on the end of the staft' abovo tho olil Court Housü cupola on tho iirst day of September, 1834 -Supervisor Galpiu, of Superior, returns 26 birthn, 8 deaths, aud 218 militiamen, and enroll 118 dogs tor taxation. - George Hayler, of tho Stxth wurd, started tor bis old home in England ou Mouduy last,- to be absent auout three months. -James Kewtou aud Eiizabeth Streeter, both colored, have been arrested at. Ypsilauti no a charge of adnltery. Strseter made the cotnplaint. -Supervisor Sehuyier'a district- the l-'itth mi1 Sixth warde -didu't pan out fint rate, the liirths for 1877 beiug only S, aud the doaths .'■5. Kurolled uiilitia, 140. - A uew passeuget depot ia to ba built at Ubelsea; to be located on the southside of the track, about midway between Main and East. streets. So says the Hcralrf. - Thoae of our amateur gardeners whose corn and beans, etc, were Hot up on Monday morning last are as well off as tlieir neighbois. Jack Froet is a great equalizer. -Attention is invited to the advertisement of the " Crowuing ülory " Stove. The reputation of Jewett & Co. is sufficient to commend it to anyone in want of a good stove. -The County Clerk advertises in another column f12,000 of six per cent. Court House loan bonds tor sale, bids to be received up to noon of May 27. Who will take them 'i -At the maetiiifi of the State Pomological Society to be hld at Jackson, oommenciug June 18, Judge Lawrenoe, of this city, is to read a paper on " The Fruit Belt of Michigan.1' -The Coinmoa Councii 011 Monday evening pproved the bonds ot 4 druggists, of 19 dealere m spintuous and malt li[uors, aud of 13 dealers iu malt tlquoro. A (lacrease of saloons trom last year. -The Ninth anuual reuniou of the Soldier siid Sailors Association of this State will be held at Ka!ama2oo, Juuo 20. The address of the occasion will te giveii hy Capt. E. F. Allen, of Ypsilami. - Couuty Olt-rk Tuite ruoovered a brick irom the olu übort líouaa, with the naam " Marble " and " Capfc. Túdsto " on oue side, written ou the clay before burnfld. He pra"iilecl it to th i'ioneer Soeitty. - D'in't look into au old number of the AKOUb tu Bee wliat the train time ia : unies y.iu esu just att weil be lett u lint. A coi rected time tiihie will be fouud in thi issue Xote the chaugs. -A little boy 'e idea of the lirst excuraiou orer the T. aiul A A. R. lust evenin : was They are soíuo to iake áláag a lut oí boya t raar down the truok." Tliis to sitspestion that it would be " a nough riiie." -Th" north store in the oid Mavnanl Hlock on Main stroet - ueit door ki Uie store "t E Uaffy- has been rented ior the obunty, nd the Judge of Piolmfe, Treasurer, ana irnjriff have quartered thennelrae therein. -Under tbe new time-table on üif NL. :. K. 1Í. the mails close ut the postuflice ín ttiia city ssfollows: G-oing East at 10.15 a 61; md é.50 p. m. Going West at 10 40 a. m. .-111(1 I 5f) p. ia. Special Uhic-ñp;; mail at 6.30 p. m -A good day's work : on tho 9th inst. D. Craraer, Esq , drove to Howell ind back, iu 24 hours, diatance 36 nule?, attended to one suit, iworn a a witness in another, and collected f] 00. Lawyers do work when obliged to. - A new Manchester village ordiuance provide8 for ehargmg hawkers and peddlera a lítense not to exceed 2; a day, with uo limit in tl other direction, and imposes not exceediug WO for hawking or peddling without a license. -The baro of John Spaas, ia the northenBt corner of Freedom, was struck by lightnin; on the 7th inst. and burned, to geüier, with farm impleroents, a quantity of hay, and 150 bushels of wheat. Insured in the Germán Fnrmers' Mutual. -From May to Xoveinber tnilch cows are giren free ruu in Manchester streeta from 6 v m. to 8 p. m„ whüe other cattle, horses, mules. sheep, and swine must seek other pastures green. The Manchester law-iun kers favor a i milk diet. -John C. Shaw has sold his house iu the Siith ward and )iis drays, etc., aud has pur■hased a farm near Ithaca, Oratiot County i Ha has made au honest coal dealer aud faithI 'uldrayman, and will make a good and sucsstul farmer. - Luther Graham, of Salem, agecl 73 years, I nd who has resided iu that towu uearly half i century, died ou Saturday last from a dose ] of opium taken with suiculal inteut. He has I son - William Grabara - living on Miller avenue iu this city. -William G. Shipman, of Ypsilautí, has baaa drawu ou the grand jury tor the June ; term of the United State3 Courts, Detroit, and ohn J. Robiuon, of Sliaron, on the traverse y. ïh gntud jurura will be wanted Juno -.aud the traverse jurors Juno 'ó. -Heavy frost last Saturday morniog ; ilitto, 'ith thin sheets of ice ou Sunday morning ; third one ou Monday morning ; a i'ourth on Taesday morning; a fifth ou Weduesday niorn"g; and the sixth yesterday morning. la u't ie " early sprmg" business a little overdone ? - Beiug uuablo fco agroe upon the prices to to paid for the railroad right of way across frtaia lots in the aouth part of the city arbiritiou was agreed upou, aud awards have !ea made as follows : fo F. L. Parker, Ï38Ó; '"Fredk. Schmid, 17ó; to Mack & Schmíd, ?:50. - Tile Standard reporta the orauizatiou of Farmers' Club at the Furbes Sohool Huus, UM Saline Center, with the foilowing officer : l'resiaent, Ezra Saníord ; Vice-President, By'01 1'orbea ; Secretury, Irving Corbett ; Treaaurr, Mllton Beynolds ; Secreiary, Jame II. '''fison. -The worknjeu wbo wero eugaged iu tear'"gdown tbe oíd Court Houue on Tuesday a'ternoon louded the ceiliu over the court oía too heavy. It feil with a crash. Coo'faotor Sweeuey waa knocked down, cut on t;'i lace, aiid badly sijuoczed. He had a very "rrow escape. - The track-layers ou tho Toledo and Auu Afbor Railroad crossed State strset at noou !'sterday, and at uhit were insíde the city 'taita. To-day they will reuch Main street. ' ' 3 1-2 p. ni. yesterday they wer escorted 7 tha band and a proceesion of citizens to 9 Opera House, and a siipper aerved to them "ler the auapices of the Reform Club. In h pruoe8sion was a aix-horse wagon, with """' track-laying impletuents, etc. Flags and 'uutlng were throwo to the breeze from the lt5cs iong Main atreet. It was a gala day - The track oL the Tolodu and Anii Arbor Railroad crosses State straet just one mile and a halí Bouth of Hurón street, and one mile aouth of the southwest corner of the Umversity ground8. From this crossing to the crossiug of Main street the line meaaures one mile and a quarter. - John Dillon, the eolebrateil comedian, ia to play at the Opera House to-inorrow eveuïng, May 18, supported liy a cotnpany ïiom Wallack's, Xew York. Mr. Dillou hfta been playiug this week in tbo Detroit Opera House, aud his performances have been received with favor. We are not sdtiied wlmt play is to be brouglit out. -The Uounty J'reasuier is out of fuuds to meet contingent expende, auii a unecial aioii of the Board ot Supervisors will have to be held or payment ot orders lefused. Actiuii sh'iulil alsu be Uken on heatiug upparatua, i'uruiture, etc., ett;., for the uew Court House. May 27 ha been fixed as the date of tbe spocial session. - The Building Coimnitteu opened the blds tor the old Uourt House on Mouday afteruouu last. There were four offers as follows : W. Eiinger, 2-31 ; Win. Burke, 27ó ; McCormiok fc Sweoney, I32Ó aud remove tha safe in the ïreasurer-8 'office to any place desired ; Kitsou aud Imus, I327ÓO. The proposal of McCormick & Sneeuey was accepted. - All tha calves, sheep, and poultry luiesiug over ïu the vjcinity oL Deuiuth Lake, near Clinton, are now chared up against that big snake, and tariners iu the viciuity have irequently iound their uowa stripped dry. Gentle cows tliosc, or a cluirru-ing auake. Where is Bartium's agent r The "greatest show on earth " is nu;oniplete without, the Blidgewater snakt. - The followlug H9W buoka have baan raoeived at tlio L:uiies' Library : Their Wedtliiif; Journey, by Howells ; The Bride al the Ithiue, by Ö. E. Wariug ; What to Waar, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelpa ; What Career f by Edward Ererett Hale ; The Xabob, by Alphouse Daudet ; Lite of Thomas a Becket, by Fronde ; OJds aud Euda, by Heury Baars ; Sesanne aud lalien, by Ruskin ; and Gervinus Cüuuuentaries of Shakespeare. - l'hat "sea serpent'1 lias put iu his appeanmue ap;aiii, and this tima iu a little amkhole or lake oi' an unsouiuled depth, about 2 1-2 miles northeast trom Clinton, in the township ot Bridowuter. lt is estimated by the boys who saw ít to be from Ó0 to 60 feet loiif;, witii a head 12 inuhes across, and a body from G to 15 inches in diameter. Didn't somebody have " snakes iu their boots " about the time ot those estimates 't -The Young People's Club of the Unitarian Church will give an entertainment for the benefit of the Ladiea' Library, in the parlors of their church (this eveniug (May 17), commtmcing at 8 o'clock. It will consist of vocal and instrumental rausie, iuoluding songs by the Olee Club ; of rreading by Proi. Pettee ; and of " Mother Goose " dramatized. Admisiiou 6 centü. It is hoped there will be a larga attendance. Tickets can be obtained at the bookstores and at the door. - The house of John Sears 011 State si reet, aecoiul uorth of Lüwreuce, was bui'ned betvveeu the liours of ü aud 7 o'ciock oí Tuesduy motitiag. The liro oriiuated iiotn tlis kitohen stove pipe, Mra. Sears liavin made a lire at au eirly hour. It was well uudsr headway wtieu discoveied, but by the prompt autiou oï occupaiiU, ueighbors, aud fireraea the fumiture was mostiy saved, somo beddiug in the ujper sttjry beiug burued. A studeut boardor got I119 whiakers scorched. Insured for 1,600 in the Uarüord, aud l,000 ou fiiruitine, vvhich wiU tully cover the loe. Mr. Sean was ttbseut at the time.


Old News
Michigan Argus