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- R E. Frazer will aridrees tli Mawui Club npït, Suuday. -The Ypsilauti Club is to be addrcsssd uext Suuday ai'ternoon bj Jerome Mureay, ut' Tolado, and on Mooday eveiiing by Masou Loug, of Fort Wsyne, Ind. - A fius tiameJ picture waa received by Capt. Beaban ou Weilnesduy trom Juhu T. Sinclair, of Chicago. It lias been placed in the club reading room. - At the time of our goiiig to presa yoaterday afteruoon a large uurober of our oitizens were preparing to leave on n excursión to Milon, over the new railroad, to atteud a temperanco uiass meeting to l)e addressed by E. E. Frazer . - A vary largo audieiice assoinbleil iu Costellu'a Hall, Dexter, last Suuday evening, and was addressed by Jeroma Murray, of Toledo. About a dozen uew signaturas to the pledge were obtnined. Masón Long, oi Fort Wayne, Jnd., speaks at the same place to-morrow (Saturday) eveuing. -The meeting at the Opera House ueit Suuday aiternoou, nt 3 o'clock, will bo addressed by Masón Loug, oí Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Long is a reforuied gamblcr and ex-aaloon keeper. He has related the story of his Ufe in several places, aml always succeeds nt induciug large numbers to iigu the pledge. Go and bear him. - B. E. Fraxer, H. U. Waldron, aud the Glee Club went to Salem statiou ou Tuesday evening and held au immense temperance meuting. 160 signatures to the pledge weve obtained. Another meeting will be held at the same place next Tueaday eveuing, when the organir.ation of the club will be perfected. " See the mighty host advancing." -Last Sunday was a great day for the Clinton Club. Meetings were held both ntternoon and evening, and were addressed by R. E Frazer, Wra. Burke, aud John Schumacher, of this city. 107 uew members were obtained. Rev. E. B. Pope poke at the same place Taesdny evening, aud secured 65 new signatures. " See the glorious bauuor waviug." - The Club at Delhi Mills celebiated its tirst luiiivetsary last week, by lioldiug meetings each evening, i'ominencing Wednesday aud cloaing Suiulay. The meetings were nddiessod ïespectively by U. E. frater, Rey. K. B. Pope, II. C. Waldroi), Jerome iMurray of Toledo, and Chas. R. Wliituiau of Y[8ilanti. Several new members were eulieteJ at eacli meetiugthe largest uumber wa obtained on Suuday eveuiug by Mr. Whitmau, boing 2'1. - The good iDiprcgöion made upoo out citi üeus wheu here a weeks fiucs required hut a ïuere auuouuueuieut to draw tjguthei on imïuenee audieuce m tUe Opora Hoïise laBt Sudday afteruooD to bnar Jerotue Murruy, of Toloilo. 'Flie spneth wh a masterly effort, prodauing a visible eftev.t un i twarerá, imi comniauílud tbe olosest atteuttou of the uutire audioiice duriug its rlelivery - about au liour and ;i li.ilf. Mr. Murray retama tlie good opiuiou oí out citizena made by bis former visit aud has won new .auiuls by bis last nsit, Iiaiug reariiaU aa one ot the ablest, most senKible,,;ind L-tjiÉservauve lomporinictj speakers ín the lióla. vSevBtii! nrw 1181113 were iidded to the j!edfi.-. - The admiijisliatiou is now hard ut work tryiug to üud a satisfactoiy placo fot Simón Wulf, whoui it put out oí tiie positiou of Register of Deeds tor tiie District, of Coluinbia to inake a place for Ooorge A. Sheridau, oi Louisiana. The operatious of tho uew aud peculiar civil service iinpose veiy arduous duties on its manipulators. - Bujfalo - The Kopublicau of Ohio wotiM have uo reason to apprehend the redistricting of the State by the present Democratie Legislatura, if' the Republicana had not outriiged all decency in the apportiooment of Congressional districts they made af ter tbe census of 1870. They took very special pains to see what thsy oould do in the way of uiandering.


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