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NEW AD VERTISEMENTS Estáte of George S. Freer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimty of Wuhte naw, bb. At a session of the Probate Cour for the County of Watihtenaw, hulden at the Pro bate Office in tlio oilyof Aim Arbor, od Monda} the twentioth day of May, in the year ou thouautid eight Itundred aud seveuty-eight. Present, WUliatu D.Harrfinan, Judge of Probate la the ni;ttt,i-r ot' the estáte oí Gewrge S. Freer deceased. Jonas ircir uü James C. Kreer, administrator of aid estáte, comeinto tronrt and represent tha thcy are now pre pared to ronder their fl aal accouu as surh adniiulslratori. Thereupon it is ordered, that "Wed nesü'ay, th nineteeuth day of June next, at ten o'clock in th forenoou, be aasigned for examining and allowin such account, and that the heirtf at Uw o said deueased, and all other persons interested in said state, are required to appoar at r. ■cision o said court, tfaen to be holden at the Probat Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county and show cautie, if any there be, why th said account ahould not be alluwed . And it i further ordered, that said administratora giv Dotice to the persons interested in said ewtnte, o the pendency of said account, and the hearing t hereof. by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Abous, a ncwapape printed and circulating in said county, three suc cewive weeks previous to said day of hearing VlLLIAM D. HARRIMAN, {Atrnecopy.) Judge oí Probate. Wa. G. Dotï, Probate Register. 168S Eatate of George Walker. UT ATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw L ss. At a sesión of the Probate Court for th County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Of fice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, th t went jr -fint day of May, in the yer ou thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Pzesent, William D. H arriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Walker deceased. George C. Page, administrator with the will an nexed of said estáte, comen into court and rep resents that he íb uow prepared to render bis flnal account as such administra tor. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Wednesday, the nineteentn day of June next, at ten oo!ock in the forenoon, beassigned for extuuining and aïlowing auch account, and that the deviaeea, legatees, and heirs at law of tuiid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a nension of said court, then to be nolden at the Probate Ortice in the city of Ann Arbor in eaid county, and show cause, if any there be, why the aaid account hould notbe allowed : And it is further ordered thnt said administrator with the will annezed give notice to the persons interented in aaid estáte of the pendeney of said account and the hearing thereof, by causmg a oopy of thin order to be publiftlied in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in Baid county, three auccesBive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). HAHRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge oí Probate. Wm. Q. Dott, Probate Register. 1688 Estáte of Harrison W. Goodrich. ÜTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaBhtcnaw, m. At a Bestión of the Probate Court for tb County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the eightcenth day of May, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and scventy-eijfht. PreaentT William D. Harriman, Judgc of Probate. Tn the matter of the estáte of lïarrison W. Goodrich, deceased. Merchant H. Goodrich, executorof the laat will and testament of said deceased, haring been duly notiñed and required to render unto naid Judge of Probate an accurate account of all moneys and other property in his hands as such executor and the proceeds and expenditures thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the eighth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Probate O titeo in said county, be assigned Tor hearing auch account, and that the devirtes, legatce, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons iiitere.ited in said estáte, be notifled i sunh hearing by the publication of a copy of ;his order two weeks next precedinjr tnid day of learing in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper printed and circulatinp: in said county. [A true copy] WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dott, Probate Regitter. 1688 Estáte of John George Lehmann. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw as. Notice is hcreby giveo that by an order of he Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 2Oth day of May, A. D. 1878, i x months from that date were allowed for creditor to present their claims against the eatate of Föhn George Iehinann, late of said county, deceased, imi that all creditopof Baid doceasfd are required o present their claims to said Probate Court, at the irobatü Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for exarnnation and allowance, on or before the 2Oth day of November next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on Tuesday, he 20th day of August, and on Wednesday, the wth day of November nrxt, at ten o'clock in the orenoon of each of said days. OiAtcd, Anu Arbor, May 20, A. D. 1878. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 1688w4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of John William Schulte. OTATE OF MICittGAN, County of Washtenaw, J es. Notice is hereby given.that by au order of the Probate Court for the County of washteuaw, made ou the twentietb day of May. A. I. 1878, ix montbtt from that date were allowed for credturs U present their claims tgainst the entate of ohu William Schulte, late of aid county, deceased, and that all creditoni of Baid deceaiied are equired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oroce in the City of Anu Arbor, for examin&tion and allowance, on or btfore the twentieth day of November next, nd thatsoeh claims will be heard before Baid Jourt on Tuenday, the twentietb day of August, and on Wednesday, the twentieth day of íovember next, at ten oclock in the forenoon f eauh of aaid days. ïated, Ann Arbor, May 20, A. D. 1878. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 1688w4 Judge of Probate. Universlty Letter and Note Head, with and without Cnt, In Hoddor's Patent Blot ing Pad CoverH- 100 and 120 sheets in a book- for ale at the ARGITS Office. New Goods GRAND OPENING -OF- SPRIE CLÖTHII! - ATWm. Wagner's. SPRING STYLES IN AND W0R8TKD& to be made to order at 21 South Main Street. COATS andVESTS FOE LAEGE MEN. JOE T. JACOBS. INSURANCE OONPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losse Paid ia 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, iucluding Re-Insurauee ReHerve, $4,735,092.86. iet Surplus over Liabilities, iucluding Re-Insurance aud Capital Stook, $1,735,092.86. ('. M.Vf'K, Airciit, Atm Arfoor. D. CKAMEE, Allome and Counselor at l.u vWill alteiul to collectionB itnd Mcttleinenta of istnt. Makea it a npeuinlty to keep pusted on il business mattere, will borrow or Ioau money ; any time or buy food paper. Uffice opposite regory Huune, Au Arbor, Mich. 1657 6iu COATS and VBSTS FOE YOUTHS. JOE T. JACOBS. The One-Prlce Clotfaier. A DOLLAR SAVED I IS .4 OLLAR KAltNKD ! NEW GOODS ! And price LOWKK THAN EVER. i have purchased in X;w York, for 0114b, twd I am no daily recei vin? one of the largeai and most select stockn of Grocei-ieti in WnataÜDaW County, eonsistiug of a t n j itnd wcll eiected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new crup - noludibg iiuupowdera, linperinlw, lount IIsooih n 1 sous, JapaiM. Oolougs, I 'arIliosif.. ( üllSuM.. SolM llOIlJT. )KI 'I' viii U ; ) s, Togetlier with a full line ofCOFFEKS. oonoiBtinL' oí the followinii brand: MOCHA, (JU) OOV'TJAVA.MAKACAIRO, LAOUAYISE.SANT08 and IÍIO, buth roante'1 nd roiind ; full and well aelected Btock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLAS8ES, Toftether with everythinjt in the line cf Plu 3picea,C'anned fruita, and Vegeüibles. We have a full and completa line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hodiery. AIso, choice aasortment of IHdiea' andUentlenien'á Underwear 0ü and examine Oooda and Prices and we will iiiflurcaatisfftction. , EDWARD DUFFY. " Muynard'e Block,-' cor. Main and Ano street ' Ann Arbor, Mivh. ( ■a-Highesi cah price puid fur all farm produce. "O ' 1 FURNITURE! J. KECK&CO., j iiANUFACTUKEKS OF H l't FUKNITUKU OF ALL DESCRIPTI0N8, t Are nw Offrring (ireat Indiucnicnls s' fo I'iirchnsers. b: BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FÜKNITÜRE. ar Direct i)f Maniifnctiirers. , or hi Manufactory, corner ot' William and West Fourth Streets. - Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1665 RAILROADS. MK HUÍAN CBKTRAL ISAIMji, , MAY 12, 178. .IOINO WKST. ? ê rx S K SS Detroit, leavt, 7 0(1 9 35 tl.. ;i 1(l s j, ';".■ U.'f. Juncrion, 7 IS m nn 5 00 : -ij 6 36 in in WayneJunction 7 4( 10 2C 5 :v 3 gj 7 10 l Vpniianti, 8 10 ) 4.i 6 IM 4 15 ; ; !, ,T Am Arlwr, 8 30 11 00 (i M 4 si 8 10 n i Delhi, 9 U 6 i;; " Doxler, 8 66 ti 53 5 CO 8 Hl Chelee,. 9 15 7(8 5 14 8 4.5 OriMS I.uke, !' 47 7 83 ,ï 34. 9 0; I Jackson, 111 20 IS IS s 00, 6 201 9 40 w'ïr' Albion, 1104 12 18 7 OS 10 83 ?S .Marshall, UW I S0- 1 7 32 1103 Í- V. M. 5 Battl Creek, 13 19 1 bh t . 8 Os 11 ss o in Ualestiurg, 12 $■ ; s gg ij 07 ___; A.M. A.M Knlnranzvo, I IS '2 ::s 4 S0 ;i iwi u 05 , ., Lawtou, 1 61 3 l 5 03 1 ös " M Decutui. 2 11 b 20 1 ; . Dowagiae, 2 3fl 5 4ó 1 57 Nilee, .1 05 4 U7 li B0 2 38 4 , Huch)ili:ni, 3 ]!i .- G 43 2 54 Thrce ünks S 49 7 !.. 3 2& UT Xew Buffalo, 4 08 4 :7 7 2s 3 45 Mkhigau ('ily, 4 80 5 20 1 7 ;.:, 4 l6 , ., Lakc, JIJ 6 02 4') i 04 3 Ken8intou, 6 05, 6 50 'J 10 5 v, - f Chiciijio, urrive, 6 05; 7 411 111 Sb e 45 s kast. I H I J = i SL.tóÏj j ♦ S ft A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M TT Cbicngo, lenve, 7 0 il ik) 100 5 ij ï; Keosington, 7 50 9 S0 4 B0 ó as ti Lake, 8 4ü 111 80 ;, a 6 60 10 m Michigan City, 9 -'S 1 1 II) 1; X, 7 40 llu New Buffalo, 9 47 U S7 0 - ui Three Oaks, J0 V2 7 2 „ !J Buchanan, 10 32 7 43 fJí Niles, 10 45 12 ir. 8 12 9 112 Dowagiac, 11 15 8 40 ï ni DfCtur, 1139 9 05 1 oLawton, U 57 9 23 a. m. " Knlamazoo, 12 3". 1 4 10 00 (! 50 10 '2fi [j (inlebur:. 12 Ó2 . 7 ofl ■■- Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 m h 7 40 1 1 OS ó 15 Marshall, '2 25 : 00 f8 Hl .1 S7 Ttj A.M. Albiou, 2 62 3 21 a.m. 8 35 II 115 4 m Jacküon, 3 48 1 05 5 40 9 30 12 SO 4 5 G-raxs I,;,!;,., uw GW 'J 17 ■ . Obeteeai, 4 111 t; :: m ir, - ; , Dexter, 'i 00 - fi 47 10 18 Delhi, .'i 11) 7 00 Ann Arljoi-, 3 20 r 11) 7 10 IU 33 2 06 6 M Cieddes, 5 28 7 20 _ Ypsilanti. 5 88 r IA 7 27 10 45 2 20 6 45 Wayne June, fi 0Í 5 46 7 52 11 05 2 44 7 09 G, T. June., C 33 r u -", 11 30 3 iO 745 Detroit, Ar., 6 1" 6 30 8 10 1 4.0 3 35 8 00 Sundaysexcepted. IBnturday and hnndav ex. Cipted. tUaily. II. B. LKDYAKD, (7.;n'l Supt., Deïroii. H. C. Wentwohth, Oen. l'atw. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSÜALE AND SOUTHWKSTERN RAILEOAD. To take effect May 12, 1878. OOINO WEST. GOISO gigx. 8TATIOSB. MnÜ. Exp. 8TATIOS8. - . ) iil A. M. P. M. Ypnilanti.... 8:1.) 7:40 ! ■ M Saline J:25 8:10 ' Bankere 5:lï iM Bridgewatcr.. 9:47 8:28 HilUdule . :i:45 2:40 .Manchester. 10:22 8:4S Manchester.. S:3.ï 4:19 p. m. Bridgewater 9:M) 4:3! Hillsdale 1:00 10:30 Saline 9:.W 4:53 Bnnkere 1:10 10:40 . Ypsilanti.... 10:30 5:20 TraiuB run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, 8up't, Ypfulantip THE NEEDHAM Musical Cafrinet 10 I '■ il1, g m IBj 1 HIS ncw and wondcrfullirürument JL enablcs any one, whether undcrstanding music or not, to play any desired inelody or liarmony, sacred or secular, from the most piaintive dirge to the most lively dance music. It possesses a mcchanism of marvelous simple city, requiring but the intelligence of a child to manipúlate, yct c:pablcof reproducing, without limitation, the musical compositions of the past, present and lUTURE. The execution is faullless, strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, :ind the instrument is cmincntly adapted for Sunduy Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, S. 7. XVSEDHABC ÓL SON, MANUFACTURERS, 143, 115 li 147 2. 23d St., New York. INSLKE TOUR TROPEKTV WITll TIH. 01.1) Insurance Agency C. H. MILLEN. Home IiiMirunec ('o. of Assets. N. f., Sl,000,000 ['ontiiiPiiliil lus. (o., ". Y., 3,000,000 Slasara Pire lus. ('., i, 400,000 iirard, of Pliila., 1,000,000 iiicni, ot Hartford, 700,000 ?ates a low as any reliuble lusurnnce ComPnï'p jOsne.s promptly and honorably adjusted. 1' THE GREAT ENGLISH EEMEDY: iltAY'S SPECIFJC MEDICIXK rDEMARK.Is ei,1H.„iilily „, .. "ADEK Jui _i 1 unfailingc-iirffor ÊÊL J 'S Vr ■ 'M1N A1' ' VK" JBSfJk a a. m i 8eU A huso: tu "" . . öerore J.aMng[,0S ot Mi:Mo-fter Taking:y, rNivn:sM,T,."i rn:, PaiU in the Bacs,!)!! ES8 QF VisiüS, P REM Al i it J : ÖLD AOE, n manj thrclisouethlLt lead to Insanity, Conuamption nd u rremnture Grave, 11 oí" wbioh aa a ru'e I rat cauHtsd b íieviatinü trom the pnth ol' n8tV; nd over indtjgence. The Specific Medicine wtiie EJéoltof a liíc1 Btudy and many jwn of axP611" ncc in treHtiiiL thtrwe -special diae(?es. , l'ull partifiiilara ia our pamphlet-s, whieb weöre to !nd free hy mail to cvery one. , The Speciflc Medicine is sold by all Pnigí18,8, J l por package, oí ñx packages for $5, or wi ll. snt by mail on receipt of the money tT adarissiDg THE lillAY MEDICINÉ COi Iñ74 No 10 MeohunicH' Blook. Detroit Míen#8oïd in Aun Arbor by JIberbach & on, Dl1 y all diuggist evcvywheri.1. SCHOOL ST7XTS. JOE T. JACOBS. pA.RM FOR SALE. RARE CHANCE. 'l'he uudersiirned ha lor sule a frm o 3U4 a'! uil inipriwed, aud with 50 acres of the best or" ■ding 10 the county. Located within half a mv; ' a railrOHd depot, with another depot 8O0D t? " catad nem. Thelarmcan be easily divideu i"1 ie of W6 acres and anothcr of 118 ores, " ivinsr buildiuffs and orchards. A reasonahle p) ent down and balnace on loni time. Ann Arbor, February 7, 1878. .„n 1673 CHAS. H. RICHMONI'._ - t Chilclren's Suits, JOE T. JACOBS.


Old News
Michigan Argus