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- Manchester has 162 doga. _ Decoratiou day : next Thursday . --The third floor joist aro boiug laid iu tht 'ew Court House. --No frost since the 16th, but not settlec slimmer weather yet. - That Bower Col. Burleigh has liad in hi f.flice 18 now his let Bowar. - Kepublican Ward Caucuxes are to be hel next Fnday eveuing, Jau. 3. - A special session of the Board ol Super visors will be held next Monday. Muck &Schmid imike a " speMal " offer to good'8 buyera iu to-day's Akgus. I - Fruit was not dnmaged as severely by the recent froats as was at first supposed. - B. Frank Bower, of this city, has acceptec jposition on tlie staff of the Detroit Evmint Seifs- Justico Frueaufl reporta the case of the People vs. Jacob Stang settled and disconíiniied. - The creditors ol Citlvm and Gilbert Bliss are to meet June 20, to provo tlwir cluims uut cliooáe an assigiiee. - Tho High School graduating cías propose to hold class-dy exoroises at Whitinnrn Lake, Wediieaday, June 19. -The auuuül meeting of the Toledo and Anu Arbor Bailroad Gonipany was adjourned from May 22 to June 5. - The Peniusular Paper Corapany are to have an office and wave-house in the new freight depot at Ypsilauti. - Ou the 16th inat. Justice Beahau ticketed Jamos Camus to the Detroit House of Correction for 3ü days. Vagraucy. - Can't some libara! citizen contribute a first class weathor-vane to be put above the dome oí the new Court House. - The Register s.iys : " Mra. M. K. Foster exjiects to go to EuroDe uext nioiith' Tlie Paris Kxposition is the great attractiou. - The roof ia being put ou the new brick barn of Cook's Hotel. A. V. Itobisou & Son. will occupy it as soon as corapleted. - Edwari M. Sperry, formerly of this city and son of the late Joseph Sperry, died in Chicago May 1 6, aged uearly 34 years. - C. H. Millen & Sou show their faith in a tree use of printer's ink in our advertising columns. Business is what they mean. - A Kepublican County Convention has been called for June ü, to elect 19 delegates to the State Conventiou to be held June 13. - Jiulg Huntington Ims desiguated the County Clerk's ofhce as the place for holding the Circuit Court for tlie couaty until furthor orders. -The next regular meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society will be held at the M. E. Church in Duxter June ö, at 10 o'cloek a. m. - The $00,000 libel suit of Douglas vs. Beal has heen noticed for trial at the coming term of the Ualhoun Circuit. - -Monday, June Ö. Bv Jefendant Beul. - Henry Matthew has moved his market two doors east and is clearing away his o!d building. A two story brick, '21 x GO feet.will take its placo. - Alexis PackMrd, one of the oldeat residents of the towu oí Salem, dropped deud on Saturday last, while ïn the act of putting his horse in the atable. - At the recent meeting of thü State Medical Society Dr. W. F. lireakey, of this city, was olücted oue of th delegate3 to the Amencrii Medical A&souiation. - John tl. Wad, of Chelsea, has beu adjüdued a baukrupt, and his ureilttors have been notified to meet June 26, tu prove their claims and choose an assiueu. -The Dexter, Ypsilanti, and perhaps the Manchester bands are to take part in the State t'jumiiuent or band blow-out to be luid ut Ltnsing June 0 anti G. - Four locomotives d a number of pasBDger cars havo been putuhased for the T. & A. A. K. K., and it is givon out that the rDad will le open t'or tmainess about Juue 1. - Track-laycrs commence work ngain today on this eud of the T. & A. A. K., and will keep on to the aravel pit near the skating park. l'erhap.s the depot will be in that viciu'ty. -John G. (Jrossman and Fred. Schm'.d, Jr., have been elected delégate from the Germán Workingmen'a Assoeiation of the cvty to the Stare Conventirm to be heil at Kalamazoo, Jane 1. -At a meeting of the Arm Ar bor Medical and Sirgical Society held on Tuesday eveniug, Ure. Dunster, Frothingharn, Maclean, aud Palmer were eleeted delegates to the American Medical Society. - The crediturs of L. C. Kisuou, of this city, have been nolifiud to meet at No. 53 Seitz building, Detroit, on the llth day of June, at 10 a. m , to prove their cliiims and choose an assignee. - The Graphic of Juno 7 wi!l contain the illustrations ot Ann prepared under tlie direction of L. H. Hopkius, who recently visited our city for that purpose, accompanied by a sketch ot early history, etc. - Why can't the fish that from above the old Couit House so raany years signaled the many freaks of the wind be placed on the tower of firemen's hall ? No oue can keep track of the wind since that fish retiretl from the post of duty. - On Satiirday af teruoon last a derrick gave way on the uorth front of the new Court House, feil upon a window breaking a cap or cross-section and also the moulding of the atone base of the window. Damage about tlOO. Nobody hurt. - The City Marshal of Ypsilanti reports arreats duriug the fiscal year ending May 1, as iollows : Assault and battery, 52 ; larceny, 69; druulc and disorderly, 36 ; defrauding iunkeepers, 16 ; vagrancy, 12 ; wilful trespass, 12 ; uiiscellaneous, 44 ; total, 241. - One day last week Justice Frueauft' suspended sentence on a drunk and disorderly tninp, upon promiseof reform, buthe went itnuiediately on another diunk and on Friday was brought up aain umi the Detroit House of Correctiou will leed and clothe him lor 60 -Dr. W. B. Smith, of this city ; Dr. Post of Ypsilanti ; Dr. Taylor, of Manchester ; and Dr. Bessac, of Milan, are the chosen delegates tü represent the Washtenaw County Medical Society at the annual meeting of the AmenMa Medical Society to be held at Euffalo, June ö. -The Toledo and Anu Arbor Itailroad Compauy has purchased the pieceof railroad - abuut six miles - froni the State line to Toledo, payiiig f80,000 for ït, and ai soon as the articles at consolidatiou eau be perfected with the Uhio Company heretofore operatiug it, tbo two corporatioug will becom essentially one. -Mr. Mc Douia.ll, of Bridgewater, was in owu on Weduesday, and while here filed his tand for his ii lu th cousocutive term as justice ' the peaco. He was first elected iu 184G, nii bus been regularly re-elected every tourth yearsince. He maiutains his Uentocratic iu'ïrity aud don't follow after the rag-baby. -Ou Tuesduy a lodge of Odd Fellows was 'nstitued at Mooreville, uamed VictorylLodge, o. 313, by J. Sprague, 1'. G. M., of this city, wisted by P. B. Rose, also of this city, and %abroad and Clark, of Dundee. Theie were atout fitty members of the Order present, represeuting eight lodges. The ofticers elected 1 iastálled were : Jam s Gauntlett, X. G.; Marvin D.ivenport, V. G.; William Gauntlett, ""y.; ü. Joseuhans, Treas.; John Warner, P. The lodge has teu raembers. -The Mauche3tr Enterprise is counting un■atched chickens in this wise : " We shall eiPwt to have the population and business of ■aochester more than doublé the coming year. "by f Because the aaloum are uot cloaed by the red ribbon folks, as they ara in raauy plaoes. It has ot'ten been raid " close the saloons, stop the sale of liquor and beer, and you drive trade to other towns. Farmera will not go to a town to trnde unies lie can get his beer there." - Dexter Leader oí Muy 17 : " Oq ïueaday afternoon the mule-team irom Dover Mills, was standing uear the dopot, the load haviug been delivered at the freight house. A little daughter of Frank Einery's waa playiug around and eiideavoriiig to cliuib one of the wheels. When the drirer was ready, he atarted, not knowing that the child was there. The little oue was thrown to the ground and the heavy vvheel passed over her body, severely, but it is thought not dangeroualy injuring her.''


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