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The Repealed Bankrupt Law Continues

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in tuii torce ana vigor unta öeptemoer i . Coxgress has adopted a joint resolution for a sine Lie adjouruuicnt June 17. The Bepublican State Convention will be held at Detroit on Thursday ueit. The Btjpreme Court opened in regular term on Tuesday laat, June 4, witli Vi 3 caaes on the calendar. The Democratie State Convention has been called to be held at Lansing on Wednesday, July 10. Tais county will be entitled to send twelve delégate. "FORCED LOAN MONEY :" that is what the Cincinnati Commercial calis the legal tender notes. We cali thein proinises to pay but never payable, - an irredeemable curreney. They are both. ■ . ■ - The Republicana don't relish the tes tiuiony given by Anderson before fhe Potter conimittee. To cali hlm a scoundrel don't dispuso of the agreenieut with Sherman or the correspondeuce with Stanlfiy Matthews. Buother Willard, of the Battle Greek Journal, has accepted the challenge of W. S. George of the Lansing liepubliean, for two joint discussiona oí financial issues, - one at Lansing and tli o other at Battle Creek. In THE House on Weduesday a inotion to strike out the enacting clauso of the Wood tariff bilí was carried by a vote of yeas, 134; nays, 121. A few Democrats are wedded to the anti-Democratic doctrine of protection, and so reren ue reform is indefinitely postponed. The antiquated Hamlin tried on Monday to get a vote of the Senate in favor of restoring the franking privilege, but failed : yeas, '29 ; nays, 29. Thu yea vote was divided 22 Bepublicans and 7 Democrats, and the uay vote, 21 Democrats and 8 Bepublicans. In the Senate on Wodnesday Senator Matthews rose to a question of privilege and closed bis personal reiuarks touching the testimony given by James E. Anderson before tho Potter coinmitteo, by a resolution providing fur a select committee to investígate bis oounection with the Louisiana election frands, which was unanimously adopted. The Oregon election on Monday resulted in a substautial Democratie victory, Whitaker, Deuiocrat, beiug elected to Congress by a small uiajority ; aleo a Democratie majority on joint ballot in the Legislature, aucuring a Democratie United States Senator in place of Hipplo-Mitchell whose term expires March 4, 1879. Both gains. The Hillsdalu Greenbacker-Nationals held a county conveutiou on Saturday last and elected delegates to the State Convention which convoned at Grand Rapids on tho.iifth inst., and also to the Congressional Convention to be held at Adrián, Juné 11, - Tuesday nezt. The latter delegates were instructed to vote for L. H. Thomas, of Beading. Is Mr. Thomas a farmer, and if so how man y acres of land has he gobbled ? These bloated landholders should read the signe of the times and make ready for a división. The lame and the lazy, the thriftless and improvident, are to be provided with farms at their expense. The repouï made to the Supervisors last week, by the special committee of which Mr. Bobison was chairman showed that the Board of 1876 allowed claims on which orders were draw on the treasury for $4,397,32 in excess of moneys provided to meet theui. In 1877 the excess of allowauces and orders above moneys appropriated and raised was $7,681.91, and at the same time no provisión seems to hava been made for the overdraft of 1876. Wero these deficiencies caused by the blundering of the committee on untínished business or apportiomnent, or designed to throw a burded upon an incomming Board, which it was supposed might bo Democratie 't Who ean crack this conundrum ? The Adrián Press cites ns to this reolution adopted at the recent Pennsylvania Democratie Convention, and which is a plank in that fearfully and wonderfully made platform to whicb we referred last week : " Resolved, That further contraction of the volume of Uoited States legal-tendei' notes is unwise aud unuecess&ry. ïhey should os received for customs duties, and reissued as f ast ns received." Aluo to this f rom an equally shaky Illinois platform : "It is the exclusive prerngative of the Uuited Stutus to issue its bilis to circuíate as nioney, and a nglit which ought uot to be exerciand by any State or Corporation. " No turther contraction of the volume of legal-teuder treasury notes ought bo be allowed, aud they should be recuived for customs, taxes, and public duea, as well as private debts, and reissuad as fust as receired." And then triumphantly exclaims for our individual benefit : " Now, Bro. Pond, cast your eyes upon the Indiaua Democratie platform, printed in another column, and see if you can express a hope that the Democratie parties of these great Sute shall be succesntul, and declare that they cut a ' sorry figure,' &c." A party may succeed and still cut n " sorry figure." It may win victory on a rotten platform, and run the government on principies inimical to the real interests of the people. We have had an illustration of that these many years. Tho protectire theories which have trolled the Republican party illustrate this point. The centralizaron sehemes of the Republican party - and the Pret, in advocating the right of Oongress to make treagnry notes, irredeemable and worthloss etoept its an evidence of debt, a legal tender, advocates the most corrupting and the must dangerousof those centralizing chornos - aflbrds nnother illustration. Defeat on a platform of soand principies, principies w)i oh are fundamental and have stood the test of time, is to be prefcrred to victory on a pledgod policy which will damn both the party and the 'ouutiy if carried out. We have had euough of the " anything to beat Graut " policy ; and for one we have no hesitation in aaying that Democratie defeat ou n honest money platform is preferable to succesa on a paper pulp platform. Perhaps there is nothing to choose botween eithor party in ühio Illinois, or Indiana. All may be alike, fascinated by the musio of the rag-baby. If so, it will not make tuuch difforence which wius,- if that is the only issue, as the Press and its co-workers seem to think. Tuk Adrián Prest remitías us that the Democratie platform of 18C8 " demanded the paymeut of bonds in greenbacks," declared in favor of "one curroncy for the government and the people, the laborer and the ofiice-holder, the peusioner and the soldier, the producer and thé bondholder," and also for the "' equal taxation of evory species of proporty, including government bonds and other public securities," and then asks : " Did you thon. Me. Aeous, when you so stoutly battled for the Deinocracy, not stand on a red hot greenbaclt rostrum with both feet and liowl for the people to go to sea upon the greenback rft, as they valued their financial safety 'i Now didn't you ? " It took about half the time of the Argus in the 1868 campaign to try and convince its readers that the houds were, by the law creating thom, payablo in greenbacks (but that was beforo the legislation of 1869 distinctly pledging payment in coin), and that there was no repudiation in the platform ; and the other half of the time to proclaim that greenbacks must he made just ns good as gold. And other Democratie papers throughout the country also had to take the dofoni vo against the legitimo to eonstruction of the rotten plank which the Ohio Uemocracy that year thrust into the platform. The ñnauce plank, with its odor of repudiation, and the heavy weight of Blair's candidacy and letter of acceptance, insured the defeat of the party from the very hour the campaign opeued. Tbe Prest agio asks : " And have you perused the Democrgtio Stato platforms of tha Ohio Democracy siucu 1864 ''. And have you read the platforms of the Indiana Uemocracy for the past eight years? And do you see loth these States Democratie ou thetr greenback, antir6Sump? tiou platforms We saw New York vote for Seymore in 1868, in fpite ot the rotten platform on which he was placed. We also saw New York vote for Tilden in 1876 on a sound mouey platform - depite the demagogical deuiand for a repual of " the date " of resumption. We didu't ee either Obio or Indiaua (or Illinois or Penneylvania, lauded by the Press in another article,) vote for the Democratie candidates in 1864, or 1868, or 1876' (Indiana excepted in the last named year). In a national election Ohio and Illinois and Ponusylvania have uniformly gone Republican whethcr the candidates or platforms suitnl their Democracy or not ; and Indiana with the single exception referred to. In altérnate or "off" years Ohio and Indiana have góne Democratie only to disappoint the National Democracy at the next trial of strength, and this alter dictating either platform or candidates. The Prest is certaiuly not fortúnate in its references. As to the taxation of tbe bonds, the Press advocates their payment in a new issue of irredeeuiahle greenbacks, which under the law and by the decisión of the Supremo Court are only evidences of debt and not taxable in the hands of their holders. It would algo substituto $330,000,000 or thereabouts of untaxable greenbacks for national bank notes which are taxable. This is the wisdom of the Indiana platform, the makers of which are held up to us as model financiers and demigods. We have frequently called the attention of the farmers and grangers of our county to the fact that in playing into the hands of the greenbackera or " irredeemables " they were giving aid anü comfort - to the communists, - that the short cut to communism is through a violation of the faith of the government and of sound financial principios, in the unlimited issue of an irredeeninble currenoy, whether known as groenbaoks, treasury notes, or " absolute money." That wo have not been on the wrong track wituess the follón - ing paragraph from a recent circular issued by the Secretary of the " National-Greenback " Executive Coiumittee of Ionia County : Our people muit demaud aud insist tliat nome certaiu number of acres of land must be the maximum number any one individual inay hold absolutely. Don't say the ovrners shall give it, but say what is riht, that all above n certain number of acres may be taken at a raluation determinad by any rule that shall -wrong ueither party on the principie known as "eminent doraain." Now, if you wiah, gentlemen, to iustruct your delegates in this way, or auy other way you cliooao, do so. A recent demonstration or parade of armad and drilled labor-nnionists, communists, greenbackers, etc, was held at St. Louis, Mo., and banners inscribed " down with the bondholder " alternated with othora declaring " 30 acres of land enough." How do Washtenaw farmers like the invitation to such a foast ? An attack upon capital, whether investe4 in real-estate mortgages, bank stocks, or bonda of the United States or of the Stato, is equally an attack upon the ' bloated land-holder." It is time for farmers to take an observation, to see whither their steps teud, to reflect that the road of the inflationiat and greenbacker, or of the damagogue who would pay the interest-bearing obligations of the government in an irredeemable currency, it the road to ruin - political and personal, governmental and sooial. At Flint on Saturday last, Thomas Taylor was sontenced to the State Prison for 10 years, and Edwin L. Hammond for 5 years. Each plead guilty to an information for robbery. The Field-IIoyt National Greenback State Conventions met at Grand Rapids on Wednesday, buriod tho hatchct which the leaders had throutoned to cover with goro, united in thu ttdópHon et' a platform, umi noininated tho following ticket : For Governor, flaury S. Smitli, of Knul ( S;ileratU8 " ijiniíh, a rifttOR man). For Lieutenant Govt mor, Ly&aii'ler Woodard, ot Oakland. i'or.Sumotirv of State, Goorge li. liruce, of Lena wee. For Aiiditor-Oenenil, Levi Sparfcs, of Berru-n (cx-Sen:itoil. For 'li'i asurer, liermnu K. Goeschcll, ot Saïnaw. For tSmmiuaioiier oï Lind Office, John . Eider, cjt Ingham. Por At torney-(í enera I, Frank Duinont, of MecííStíl. Fur Sujt:riiitoiiil( ut of I'nhlic Instrnction, David i'utson, ot Wane For ineinbor oï Board of E lucation. V. A. Saph, of St. Ctair. JloiH's V. Field mada chflirman of the State Comraittee, and announced by Dick Trevalleok as a future United States Senator. Platform nest weck.


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Michigan Argus