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- After tlio adjournmeut of th Repuuln.Mii conveution on Wednesday, Bro. Pattison, oi the Ypnilaiiti Commercial, solemnly assured us that Beal wiis evidently the tail of the Republican party, and that the Ypsilanti men were mad as March hares at the success of the ta.ll in waKii'S the party. Not his exact languuge. We ailvisod him that lie had better sa}' the "head, body, and heart of the party" - not exactly onr words, either, and cited him :o the shrewd manipulation of the committoe on organization by wliioh his protege, Dr. Rose, ïad been made Yice-Prosident ot the conveution wlieu not a delégate. We uiiderstand that he was oft'ered the positiou of President, )ut that his inodusty and sense of propriety exceeding that ot the committoe (of willing tools) he deolined. Dr. Kose was made a delogato aftor the conventiou was nearly through the ballotmg for delégate at Iarge,- aud his lommiasion probably "dated back to cover accidenta," on the principie of the Illinois ustice's marriage curtüioatc. Xow, Pattison, 10 moro taib about "talla - At the mncteenth anuual Commoncement of the Science umi Art Schools of the Gooper Jbiou, N. Y., Miss Myra Jones, sister of Prof. Elisha Jones, of this city, was awarded the titst pnze, $50, for "N'orrua! Drawing." The work of Miss Joues waB highly complimented - The Dexter (ireeubuck uouveution on Saturday lnst was not a big thing,- either mmbers or enthusi'asm being the test. Delegates were appointed to the Grand Rápida onventiou as fo'lows : Horatio Burch, Mauliester ; Thomas D. Lane, Salem ; Siimpsou 3arker, Lima: Bouben Brown, Superior; ieorge E{. Williams, Lima ; Willinm B. Osorn, Sharou ; ü-eorge A. Peters, Scio; liam F. llatch, Sylvan ; Joba Brokaw, Northfi Ki ; William Murray, Salera. The seutinieut of tho couvention was against any ooaHHdu with eiiher of tho old parties. Greenback caudidates will not be allowed to coquette either Demócrata or Republicana. - The Republican County Convention held on Wednesdav was a solemn and funereal soi't ol afhir. S. G. Ives of Chelsea was President, Dr. P. B. Rose, of thia city, VicePjesident ; and Frank Emerick, Secretar}-. A uew County Committee wis appointed as follows : A. J. S nvyer, E. 1. Allen, William Judson, Honry D Plutt, and Johu F. Lawrence,-the first nanied being made chairman anil the last namod secretary. Delegates to the State CoDventiou : At large, R. A. Beal. lst district, John D. ülcott, Heury D. Platt, Augustus Bond, Henry S. Boutell, John VV. Blakes'ee, and Charles R. Pattison. 2d district : H. lt. Hül, Goorge S. Wheeler, Christian Schmid, William Noble, JSmery E. Leiand aud W. II. Weston. 3d district : Dr. Alexander Ewing, Thomas Birkett, Dr. R. B. Gates, L. S. Wood, William E. Depew, aud Wilham Judsou. On motion of A. J. Sawyer the delegates were iiislructeii to vote lor the beat men in the State: which may uecessitate their gomg out of the party for candidates.

- Mrs. Gertrude Robison, wife of Hon. Andrew Robison and mother of Hon. John J. Robison, of Sharon, died June 1, aged 80 years on the 21st day of last January. Mrs. Robison attended the funeral of a grandchild on the Wednesday preceding - a child of David G. Rose - and on Friday evening went to bed in her usual haalth. About 2 o'clock a. m. her husband awoke and discovered her iu a sinking state and she soou died without a struggle. Mrs. Robison had hved with hor surviving husband öó years. Four chiidren drop thoir tears upon a mother's grave aud remember a mother's virtues, aud a wide circle of frienda sympathize with the bereaved tamily.

- We unintentiouiilly omitted last week to nutice the appearauce of ihe Detroit Post and Tribune in a new dress, - a ueat, tasteful, and attractive garb. We are also pleased to cali atteiition to ita continued aud able discuasiou of the financia] issues, and to commend the hard blows it is striking in behalf of honest nioney. The editorial in its issue of May 21 was an exhaustive statement of botb the bond and currency questions. and anyone who proposed to discuss the issues to be made prominent in the coming campaign will find it a valuable addition to their reserve store of faets. - Miss Anna Nichoh, of this city, daughter of Jnlm F. Xicbols, living on West Huion streef, took part in the teuth Conservatorv Concert of the Detroit Female Seminary ou Friday eveniug last, aud won the following commendatioH fiom the musical critic of the Free l'ress : " We are full of admiration for Miss Nichols' ïenderiug of the serenade aud Allegro Giojoso, by Mendelssohu. The serenade was played with great delicacy and finish, and with an evident appreciatiou of the uobility of the movement ; but iu the allegro she displaced a reck!e8s dash and brilliancy, coupled with snch absoluto certainty, as to cali forth the most enthusiastic demonstiatious of approval." - Congressman Willits having the appointment of a cadet to the Xaval Academy at Annapo'is, a coinpetifcive examination is to be held at Strong's Hotel, Monroe, June 10, at 10 o'clock a. m,. Gen. Spaulding, of Monroe ; Prof. McLouth, of Ypsilanti ; and Dr. Alvord, of Clinton, will examine the candidates. Has Ann Arbor any ambitious young men ? - The Courier made a mistake last week in aaying "Frank Robison, sou of John J., of Sharon, is stumpiug the State iu behalf of the Greenback party." Hauk Robison is the man who is engaged in that business,- the man who so loves nis kind that he would lino their pockets with irredeemable promises to pay, - at the expense of the government. - Neither Field nor Hoyt put in au appearauce at the Greeuback couventiou held at Dexter last Saturday. Hauk Robinsou was the chief performer and fed the greenbackera on dry husks seasoned with sophistry and false statements; - The Laii8ing Repttbhcan - in lts list of "doings" in the State- -makes June 28 the date of Commencement at the University. If it will change the date to Juue 27 its readers will not be misled and come to town "the day after the fair."