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A Chinese Tornado

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Correspondence of the Hong Kong Daily Press gives the following partioulars of the terrible tornado which visited Cantón and its suburbs: Passing over the Shameen settlenicnt the storm crossed the canal to the city, carrying away in its course the balustrading of the East bridge. A native pólice station was also completely destroyed. The storm leveled all the houses in its course, making a clean sweep of everything lor a width of about G00 feet. The mortality has been variously estimated at f rom 5,000 to 10,000, and probably the latter number is nearer the mark. Nine thousand houses (speaking in ronnd numbers) are known tohave been destroyed, and although many of the inmates 'had notice of the impending disaster by hearing the noise caused by other houses falling, and made their escape, there were other cases in ■which great numbers of people -were killed by the fall of a single house. For instance, there was an eating-house in which fifty-two assistants were engaged. In this house there were at the time over 100 peoplo tiking refreshment, and none, either assistants or guests, are known to have escaped. In anothei case twenty-four persons were killed by the destruction of a family house. There was also great destruction of boats and life on the water. Allowing, therefore, for there being no one in many of the houses at the time of their fall, and, on the other hand, allowing for there being great numbers in some of those that feil, it is probably below the average to estimato the loss of life at one to each house that feil, and 1,000 livos on the water. In most of the houses blown down, fire was probably being used, either for cooking or other purposes, and kerosene is now so universaHy burned and stored in Chinese houses that it would have been no cause for surprise had tho conflagvations been much more eitensive than they were. As to tho clearing away of the dead bodies, the Chinese authorities seem to have acted with most commendable promptitude. Al most immediately af ter the catastrophe, orders for 4,000 coffins were issued by the Oi Yuk Tung Hospital, and, up to the time the steamer left yesterday afternoon, 3,000 bodies had been recovered from the ruins and buried without delay. Tho work of clearing away the debris was proceeding rapidly. but the stench in some places was unmistakable evidence that there were dead bodies still to be extricated. The violence of tho wind for the few minutes ic lasted was as great as that of the severest typhoon. Granite blocks were lifted from their places and hurled a considerable distance; thick trees snapped in twain like twigs; roofs were lifted bodily, and boats carried far on to the shore. ín one case a small boat was actually blown on to the roof of a house in the Tcnth Ward. A row of houses - all brothels but one, forming one side of a short lane in the city - were the scène of ono notable catastrophe. The otlier side of the lane is formed by the side wU of the Naai Cheong temjle, which is some thirty f eet high. This wall gave way to the force of the tornado and feil crashing in upon the opposite houses, the inmates of which, about 100 in number, were all killed, most of them being crushed to death and the remainder suffocated. There'were no means of exit at the back, and no one attempted to dig the bodies out of the ruins. The narrow creek is still partially choked up with debris, consisting of broken boats and other wreckage, in which are numbers of dead bodies. Tu too many instances whole families have been crushed to death in one boat. The supply of coffins is nearly exhausted, and the unciertakers are now, I am told, ;harging doublé price. The villages of Pah Hin Hoek and Pah Hoci Tang, two or three miles to the north, outside tho walls, were caught in the storm and suft'ered great damage, many dwellirig houses and otlier buildings being destroyed, and numbers of lives lost. The village across the water opposite to Shameen came in for its share of the disaster also, being partially deetroyed. I hear that, though the whirlwind did not effect so much damage at Fatshan as in this port, it made severe havoc. It is stated by Chinese who have come from there that not less than 200 houses have been laid prostrate, whilo about half the boats in the river have been wrecked. The loss of life has been put down al several hundred. A passage boat ooming from Fatshan to this city wns, when a short distance off, caught in the tornado and instantly capsized. Aboui seventy of the passengersweredrowned. Milliouairo Livingston in Florence. Every afternoon there is a greal tramping of hoofs heard on the pavements of the principal streets. Every one stops and turns to look. Then comes a great open wagon (a " break" io the proper name), drawn somotimes by twelve, sometimos by fourteen beautifuily matched and superbly formfec bright bay horses, tapering in size from the gigantio wheelera to the leaders, lithe and light as Arabians, glittering ir gold-mounted harness, driven a)l in hanc by one old, gray-haired, melanchoh man, who sits alone on the loftybox anc handles the great mass of rein3 with skill, although I observe he never drives faster that a walk, perhaps, because the streets are so narrow, winding anc crowded. Two liveried servants sit behind and with folded arms, and jump down to hold the cavalcado whenevei the driver stops to ehastise unmercifully with a little riding-whipany unfortunate steed that does not go just to su't Mm No coiüpanion ever drives out with him He and nis team are one of the institu tions of Florence. He is an American named Livingston, of New York ; but he has lived in Florence nearly a score years, and prefors to spend nis mono? in this conspicuous manner. - Florence letter. Death from Hydrophobia. The death of Miss Maria Baldwin, o West Granville, who was bitten in tho face by a mad dog in April and las week gave bignsof bydrophobia, is peen liarly interesting as another and strong evidence that the disease is not alto gether one of tho imagination. Sho hac always iirmly held that no one need go mad from a dog bite, and since she wa bitten showcd no nervousness concern ing it, going about her duties us usual The dog liad also bitton two other dog and two sheep. One dog was killed a once, but tho other and tho sheep hav sinco gone mad and been killed.. More over, one of the shoep bit a hen, and th bird also went raad, showing its eontü tion by running about wildly nnd peok ing at its fellows until it' was killed But Miss Baldwin wa not told of this and tliought lightly af J i er own eang unti ast week Monday, wlien she suddenly bund herself unable to swallow water. Liater she was thrown into spasms and 'oamed at the mouth, when she gave up ïope, but would allow none of her riends lo come near her, lest the saliva houl'.l inocúlate them also with her liscase. The spasms became more freuent and severo through the weck, the octors being able to do nothing but administer opiates, and Miss Baldwin finaly died on Saturday. She was 80 years oíd, a woman of great kindness of heart nd m'uch beloved by all her friends, ndwas a relative of Mrs. John Kent, of bis city. - Springfleld {Mass.) Repubioan. An Irish Eviction Described. In my checkered life I have been a jrivato soldier, and, between 1840 and .850, I was in the county Cork, staioned at Ballancholy. Those of you who are Irishmen wilï want no descripion of that beautiful valley of the Lee which winds between the hills from Cork, and, in summer, seems a very )ara3ise, green grass growing on the vater's side, and burnished with gold in he morning, and ruddy to very crimson n the evening sunsct. I went there on a November day. I was one of a troop o protect the law officers, who had ome with the agent to make an eviction a few miles from Innisearra, where the riyer Bride joins the Lee. It was a miserable day - rain freezing into sleet as it feil, and the men beat down wretched dwelbng after wretched dweilng - sóme thirty or forty perhaps. They did not take much beating down ; there was no floor to be taken up ; the walls were more mud than aught elee, and ;here was but little trouble in the levelng of them (o the ground. We had got our work about threo parts done when one of them, a woman, ran and threw ïerself on the ground, wet as it was, bofore the Captain of the troop, and asked that her house might be spared - not for long, but for a little while. She said her husband had been bom in it, and that he was ill of the fever and could not live long, and she asked that ie might be permitted to die in it in eace. Our Captain liad no power ; the aw agent wantedto get back to Dublin; lis time was of iaiportance and he would not wait ; and that man was carried out while we were there, in front of us, while the sleet was coming down - carried out on a wretched thing - you could not cali it a bed - and he died there, while we were there ; and three nights afterward, while I was sentry on the ront gate at Ballaneholy barracks, we ïeard a ory, and when the guard was rurned out we found this poor woman ,here, a raving maniac, with one dead abe in one arm, and another in the other, clicging to the cold nipple of her ifeless breast. And if you had been jrothers to such a woman, sons of such a woman, father of suoh a woman, would not rebellion have seemed the holiest gospel you could have preached ? Two mudred and fifty thousand evictions ;ook place in the twenty years preceding 186C. Two huadred and fifty thousand ! Jan you multiply the misery of that 250,000? Brother separated from sis,er, husband separated from wife, the Jnion Workhouse taking one, and the other going out to find life if he can. - Charles Bradlauffh. Power of the Human Eyc. Some years ago an officer of high rank, a Colonel in the Blues, was visitng bis fïiend, Col. , of the Guards, who resided in Buckinghamshire. This gentleman had a very fine jloodhound, which he kept fastened in the yard. One. morning after the arrival of his visitor, Col. was much surprised at not seeing his friend as usual at the breakfast-table and he sent a servant to his room to ascertain what had beconie of him. The servant found the bedroom door ajar, and, on knocking, the gentleman cried, "Come in, and remove this beast out of my room," whereupon the servant entered, and was astonished to find the master's bloadhound in"the bedroom, a very large and fierce dog, who had braken his chain and escaped from the yard, and, having scented a stranger in the house, had slipped into the bedroom, as the door had been left unelosed by a servant, who had called the visitor in the morning. The dog was on his hind legs at the foot of the bed witli his forefeet resting on it, fixing his eyes intently and ferociously on the unfortunate gentleman, apparentiy waitiug for an opportunity to spring upon him, from which he was ocly restrained by his prisocer keeping his eyes steadily fixed upon tho animal, and the Colonel was detained in this most unenviable condition lor more than h.alf an hour. The dog must nave been very cunning, as he made his way up stairs tmobserved by the servante. This story (an authenticated one) reminds one of well-Jsnown aocounts of lions, which have in a similar way been kept from making the final spring by a resolute and detormined gaze, carried on to even utter Drostration of mind and body. There ïs one remarkablo anecdote of this nature, where a man was obliged to protract this mode of self-defense for such a length of time that he was disabled by the blistering of his feet on a scorching rock, where he was first assailed. Ornamental Ti'ees. Mr. Gco. Eilwangcr, at the late meeting of the Western New York Horticultural Society, gave the following as a list of deciduous ornamental trees possessing real merit for planting. For a email place he advocated : Birch, cut-leaved; yellow wood; thorn, Paui's doublé scarïet ; Judas tree; beech, Eiver's smoothleaved purple; alder, imperial cutleaved; Koireuterin magnolia soulangean; moiüitain ash, oak-leaveJ; willow, Kümarnock. For larger places to the above he would add : Elm, Camperdown weeping and Blanchford; linden, whiteleaved; oak, scarlet ; birch, Yonng's weeping; beech, weeping and cut-leaved; maple, Norway and Wier's cut-leaved ; horse chestnut, doublé flowering. A öirl's Iiiiluence. George Mitchell went on a frolio in Antioch, Gal., on tho ovening bef ore the day appointed for his wedding, and in the morning his convivía! companion was found mnrdered. Suspicion rested on Mitchell, and he was placed on trial. The girl to whom hü was to have been married sat at his side in the courtroom, and lier sympathy and grief were so attractively exhibited that the Judgc, in his charge, wamed the jurors not to permit themselves to bo influenced by her. They acquitted Mitchell, however, and it is impossiblo to determine by the meager reports wnether tho verdict was eauscd by the evidence or by the girl. Tlm pair wero married immediately in tlie court-room. Tui? rivers of North Mississippi are being gfcocked witLi white shad. Ijouisiaa&'n Rifeanw fire to be eímilarly treated,


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